deleted URI but image still shows in react native - react-native

Im using react native in vs code and i had a link to a uri and i have remove this from my code entirely. When i refreshed my code the image remained and will not disappear from my screen (android emulator). It was originally in the imageBackground tag. I have tried clearing cache and looked in all my folders for any other link but it doesnt exist anywhere. Ive also rebuilt package, restarted machine etc
Any idea on how to remove this image as i can only presume its being cached somewhere?

Ignore me on this as its now randomly disappeared. Im not sure what happened but it seems to have resolved itself. I believe it was some sort of cache issue


React Native stuck on white screen IOS

My app is working fine on the web but stuck on the XCode Simulator upon running the initiating cmd expo start
List of files
Tried removing node_modules , package-lock etc but nothing seems to work
App has been reloaded numerous times but only works on web.
I found where the problem was, having expo-splash-screen was causing this issue. I was using this in a useEffect to load my project font but having removed this package resolved the issue.

Hot Reload only works with changes in App.js

Hot reload feature on expo only seems to work when I modify and save App.js.
If I save my changes on a different file, nothing happens. If a change a different file, save it, and then save App.js as well to hot reload the changes, the app refreshes but the changes to the external file aren't there.
I've already checked my network, ran under the tunnel configuration and nothing really seemed to work. I was wondering if anyone else is having a similar issue.
The only thing that made hot reload work was placing the file in the same directory as App.js. I've had the same issue and I couldn't find any other solutions either. Before I figured this out I always had to refresh the server with expo start -c --tunnel. Without the -c flag it didn't refresh my custom components.

Stuck on Downloading Javascript Bundle 100% - Expo

I guess that I've tried every solution that exists on the internet about this issue, and nothing works, and I don't even know where to look anymore. It started to happen from nowhere and I can't even open the app settings shaking the phone, it's completely stuck on this screen.
I cleaned up NPM, Yarn, Expo's caches and disabled the Remote Dev Tools.
I would be so much thankful for any help.
In my case it was due to the a remote debugger.
I left the remote debugging on, put the mac in sleep and when I turned it on again the iOS Simulator remained stuck at bundling 100%, irrespective of what I've tried (kill simulator, expo r -c, Reload app, etc.)
However, I could have realized the root cause earlier because on the physical device it was working the entire time.
Hope this saves someone some time.
You could try reverting to your last known working commit, then incrementally adding back the changes until this happens again. This often is a result of delaying hiding the splash screen (perhaps via AppLoading or SplashScreen) and then not hiding it because of some error in the app code preventing the code to hide it from being called.
Try Disable Debug Remote JS in the IOS Simulator
by clicking ctrl + cmd +Z on Mac
It works for me.
Seems like something is wrong with the dependencies, just close down the react-native environment ( android studio) and your IDE, just closing and restarting may work if not, check for updates or delete and reinstall your dependencies ( expo i )

FontFamily "Material Design Icons" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync

* I am just a student and I am new to expo, react-native and mobile developpement *
So here's what happens
I am building a react-native app using Expo and react-native-paper for my Icon and everything was going fine with my application until I woke up yesterday and Expo started telling me the same error.
I have not load any Font in my app so I really dont understand where this error came from.
What is very interesting is that when I control Save one files of the project on VScode while running, I can see my app like this without the Icon, and when I switch to a different page, the App is replace by the same screen error.
My friend is working on the exact same code and he does not see the error so I am lost ...
App.js look like this
I use my Icon like this
The problem is clearly the icon because my login page work just fine, so I know the problem have somethings with, what should I do ? delete all my icon and recreate them with react-native-elements?
Honestly I just don't get it and I have been stuck on this for several hours and I don't want to lose any more time so here I am asking for help
Thanks guys,
Have a blessed day and stay safe you all
So there is a bug right now using Expo with using custom fonts. Check your node_modules/expo/node_modules folder and delete expo-font if it is there. That has been working for me.
Make sure to delete the expo-font inside the node_modules/expo/node_modules NOT the one in node_modules.
I know you said you are not using custom fonts but maybe it is an issue regardless.
Note: if you run expo install or npm install it will come back so you'll have to delete again.

Infinite loop callbacks_poll React Native Debugger

I see this endless loop in the debugger network pane, both in Chrome and React Native Debugger using iOS Simulator and RN 0.49.5.
It basically shows and endlessly increasing number of network requests with the name callbacks_poll. I even see them when return null from my main App file. Tried clearing cache, resetting simulator, hard restart, etc. Any idea how to stop this?
I just came across to the same error, with a bit of search found that the reason was the realm library.
If you do use realm, you can follow up the github issue here: