Hot Reload only works with changes in App.js - react-native

Hot reload feature on expo only seems to work when I modify and save App.js.
If I save my changes on a different file, nothing happens. If a change a different file, save it, and then save App.js as well to hot reload the changes, the app refreshes but the changes to the external file aren't there.
I've already checked my network, ran under the tunnel configuration and nothing really seemed to work. I was wondering if anyone else is having a similar issue.

The only thing that made hot reload work was placing the file in the same directory as App.js. I've had the same issue and I couldn't find any other solutions either. Before I figured this out I always had to refresh the server with expo start -c --tunnel. Without the -c flag it didn't refresh my custom components.


deleted URI but image still shows in react native

Im using react native in vs code and i had a link to a uri and i have remove this from my code entirely. When i refreshed my code the image remained and will not disappear from my screen (android emulator). It was originally in the imageBackground tag. I have tried clearing cache and looked in all my folders for any other link but it doesnt exist anywhere. Ive also rebuilt package, restarted machine etc
Any idea on how to remove this image as i can only presume its being cached somewhere?
Ignore me on this as its now randomly disappeared. Im not sure what happened but it seems to have resolved itself. I believe it was some sort of cache issue

Why expo hot reload sometimes happend with no aparent reason?

Sometimes with no aparent reason the app gets refreshed, sometimes when i open a file. And when i add a library the expo development server crash, i think that maybe is something with watchman configuration that i don't know how to change. This is enoying.Any help?
PD: I'm using vscode
fast refresh will happen any time a file is changed in your project directory. if you have some other tools that run in that same directory and cause files to be changed then it could be happening seemingly randomly

React native chrome debugger not showing that console.log and default logs

i recently upgraded from RN 0.61.5 to 0.62.2.
However, chrome debugger won't work from some point on. This means that the debugger and simulator are well connected, but I don't see any of the basic logs that I use console.log, or that first pops up logs.
So, i try some solutions.
first, I reset the project. and run react-native init <my-project>. and copy & paste past source code(Except for system files or node_modules) that src, .gitignore etc
but, this situations keep goes on now.
second, git revert when it worked well before upgrade.
but this is same bad result like above. everything is good. project's Run or Build ยทยทยท.
what should i do ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Please look this picture
One of the Babel packages I'm using, the Babel-plugin-transform-remove-console, had eliminated all the logs even in development mode.
If you remove this from the project, it works normally.

FontFamily "Material Design Icons" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync

* I am just a student and I am new to expo, react-native and mobile developpement *
So here's what happens
I am building a react-native app using Expo and react-native-paper for my Icon and everything was going fine with my application until I woke up yesterday and Expo started telling me the same error.
I have not load any Font in my app so I really dont understand where this error came from.
What is very interesting is that when I control Save one files of the project on VScode while running, I can see my app like this without the Icon, and when I switch to a different page, the App is replace by the same screen error.
My friend is working on the exact same code and he does not see the error so I am lost ...
App.js look like this
I use my Icon like this
The problem is clearly the icon because my login page work just fine, so I know the problem have somethings with, what should I do ? delete all my icon and recreate them with react-native-elements?
Honestly I just don't get it and I have been stuck on this for several hours and I don't want to lose any more time so here I am asking for help
Thanks guys,
Have a blessed day and stay safe you all
So there is a bug right now using Expo with using custom fonts. Check your node_modules/expo/node_modules folder and delete expo-font if it is there. That has been working for me.
Make sure to delete the expo-font inside the node_modules/expo/node_modules NOT the one in node_modules.
I know you said you are not using custom fonts but maybe it is an issue regardless.
Note: if you run expo install or npm install it will come back so you'll have to delete again.

Need to restart computer when developping

I try to make apps in react native (not with expo, I created my code with react-native init and run with react-native run-android) and when I make changes in the code they are not always taken into account : to take them into account I have to restart computer.
I have to do it several times a day, it is time consuming. I have tested to remove to app tested from the device, to make yarn cache clean, but it doesn't work, the only thing that works is to restart (I am using a Mac if it makes a difference).
Is there a command I can make to reset a cache that I don't know and save previous state of my app ?
You may have a caching issue, try the cache clearing solutions in this link
How to clear react-native cache?
And also, you may want to try the Hot Reloading or Live Reloading options in the dev menu.
What is the difference between Hot Reloading and Live Reloading in React Native?