Is there a way to group rankings in SQL Teradata? - sql

I am trying to get the ranking or grouping to count like in the custom_ranking column:
I want it to count the rank like in the row custom_ranking, but everything I keep trying is counting it in the current_ranking row.
I am currently using this:
,row_number() OVER (partition by custID, propID ORDER BY trans_type desc, record_date desc) AS RANKING

Based on your sample data, this would be:
dense_rank() over (partition by custid order by propid)


sql query to get the data with respect to max and min dates group by

How can we achieve to get the data based on the max/min processed dates and get the corresponding values
from the example below
and the desired output is
Oracle supports the keep syntax for this purse:
select id,
min(qty) keep (dense_rank first order by processed_dt asc) as qty_first_date,
min(qty) keep (dense_rank first order by processed_dt desc) as qty_last_date
from t
group by id;
Use FIRST_VALUE() window function:
FIRST_VALUE(start_qty) OVER (PARTITION BY Emp_id ORDER BY Processed_at) min_date_start_qty,
FIRST_VALUE(end_qty) OVER (PARTITION BY Emp_id ORDER BY Processed_at DESC) max_date_end_qty
FROM tablename

Generate custom group ranking in sql

As posted, I am trying to generate group ranking based on Is_True_Mod column. Here Until next 1 comes, I want 1 group to be there. Please find expected output in SQL. Here in expected output, rows grouped based on Is_True_Mode column. Regular ranking showing for reference ( order by ranking should be their )
You can identify the groups using a cumulative sum. Then you can you row_number() to enumerate the rows:
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by grp order by regularranking) as expected_output
from (select t.*,
sum(is_true_mode) over (order by regularranking) as grp
from t
) t;

Select the max timestamp in hive

I have a table-customer with two records in the different timestamp. I want to select the max timestamp records: 2014-08-15 15:54:07.379.
Select Customer_ID, Account_ID, max(ProcessTimeStamp)
from Customer
group by Customer_ID, Account_ID
I should get one record, but the actual result is two records.
How can I get the max ProcessTimeStamp records?
You can use windows function here.
Either you can use dense_rank() or row_num().
select customer_id,account_id,processTimeStamp
from (select *
,dense_rank() over(partition by customer_id order by processTimeStamp desc) as rank
from "your table"
) temp
where rank=1
select customer_id,account_id,processTimeStamp
from (select *
,row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by processTimeStamp desc) as rank
from "your table"
) temp
where rank=1
BUT with row_number() each row will get a unique number and if there are duplicate records than row_number will give only the row where row number=1(in above mentioned case).

MS SQL add max()-1 to qyery

how to add to the query max(o.Acct)-1 rows. I need to visualize the last two o.Acct rows. My query is currently showing only the max(o.Acct)
SELECT Max(o.Acct) AS [MaxAcct],o.ObjectID,o.Opertype
FROM Operations o
GROUP By o.ObjectID,o.Opertype
If you want to see the last two rows (per group), you're better off using ROW_NUMBER() rather than GROUP BY.
AS sequence_id
sequence_id <= 2
If you want the last two of something, I'm thinking order by and top. Something like this:
select top (2) o.*
from Operations o
order by o.acct desc;

Limit result set in sql window function

Assume I would like to rewrite the following aggregate query
select id, max(hittime)
from status
group by id
using an aggregate windowing function like
select id, max(hittime) over(partition by id order by hittime desc) from status
How can I specify, that I am only interested in the first result within the partition?
EDIT: I was thinking that there might be a solution with [ RANGE | ROWS ] BETWEEN frame_start AND frame_end. What to get not only max(hittime) but also the second, third ...
I think what you need is a ranking function, either ROW_NUMBER or DENSE_RANK depending on how you want to handle ties.
select id, hittime
from (
select id, hittime,
dense_rank() over(partition by id order by hittime desc) as ranking
from status
) as x
where ranking = 1; --to get max hittime
--where ranking <=2; --max and second largest
Use distinct statement.
select DISTINCT id, max(hittime) over(partition by id order by hittime desc) from status