How to pull list of all the customer with first_name as alphanumeric value [closed] - sql

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a table name clients, now I want to pull a list of all the customers having first_name as alphanumeric value as an example, jriqbal23, sam45del etc.
If I need to pull the details of single customer, I can run below SQL:
select customer_id,email,first_name,last_name,middle_name from clients
how to change this query for pulling the list of all the customer having first name in similar way ?
thanks in advance.

If you use Oracle database, you can query client data with regexp_like:
Alphanumeric case:
select *
from clients
where regexp_like(first_name, '\w+');
Digits case:
select *
from clients
where regexp_like(first_name, '\d+');


Find distinct from multiple columns [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have 2 columns called price and PID in database called seatinginfo.
Both columns will have multiple of the same values like
pid 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3
price 10,10,30,40,60,80,70,90,90,90,90 etc
I'm looking to make a query that will give me a list of all unique prices and pick just 1 or the max connected pid.
So example I only want one price,pid like 10,1 30,1 40,1 60,2 etc
This is probably as simple as basic aggregation. Something like this should work based on the pretty vague details.
select price
, max(pid)
from YourTable
group by price

Im trying to to figure out what I need to write on sql command oracle [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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For every customer that lives in Florida, list customer number, last name, first name,
and region.
I will assume that you are trying to get the information from a table called "table".
select customer_number,
from table
where city = 'Florida'

POSTGRESQL: Insert Data from another table [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In above table customer ids are listed what I want to do is to get those ids from this table,
create another table named PROMOTION CLASSES where PREMIUM, PLUS AND NORMAL are in columns and put first 100 ids under PREMIUM COLUMN and soon.
Please help.
This creates you table with classification
CREATE TABLE promotion_classes as
SELECT customer_id,
case when customer_id < 100 then

The difference between SELECT * and SELECT A.* [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to SQL can someone help me understand why do we use Select .* in sql server ? And why is it different from just select * from table name
In some cases we use statements like select .*, firstname , lastname from employee. Just a bit confused.
.* means, select all columns of a table
SELECT A.*,B.Id from A,B select all columns of A and only Id column of B.

Problems with SQL query finding three names with the most records [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a table and I want to display the 3 names (Ted, Ringo, Paul) that have the most records using an SQL query.
It's a primitive question, but please help me.
my table:
FROM YourTable