Async calls with Apollo + Vue - vue.js

Currently, I am trying to fetch data from my server, but the problem that I am running into is that the data takes a little time to fetch(in postman though it is instantaneous), longer than it takes the DOM to get mounted/loaded, and hence I get errors(data not defined) and nothing will load to the DOM.
If I console.log the data after the DOM has finished mounting then I can see it in the console, but I haven't been able to find a workaround where the component waits to render until the data is fetched.
I tried using a v-if statement, and writing it in a few different ways, but I am still getting the errors of the data not being defined, and it does not load either after the query is done fetching. Currently I've set the data to first be equal to null, which in JS is actually an object and it does get filled with the data after the fetching is done. I can see this in the console. Before that I tried a simple v-if="GameWeek", and with GameWeek defined as both an empty object and an empty array, but none of these will work, and force the component to wait until the data is done fetching.
My question is, is there any way to do this asynchronously, or better yet, make the component wait until the data has been fetched and then correctly load it to the DOM?
This is what my component looks like:
<!-- Highest climber & longest fall -->
<v-card class="card-container mx-auto" v-if="GameWeek !== null" :v-for="player in GameWeek" :key="player.player_id">
<!-- Top part of card -->
<v-list-item three-line>
<div class="card_top_section">
<div class="ml-3">
<p class="cardText player_name">
{{ player.player_name }}
<p class="cardText team_name">
{{ player.team_name }}
<div class="card_divs mt-7">
<p class="cardText points">
Points this week {{ player.points }}
<!-- <p class="points_green points">
</p> -->
<!-- Second Row Card -->
<div class="card_divs bottom_line">
<p class="cardText points">
Total points {{ }}
<!-- <p class="points_green points">
</p> -->
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
export default {
name: 'PlayerCard',
data: () => {
return {
GameWeek: null
apollo: {
GameWeek: gql`query GameWeek {
GameWeek {
mounted() {
console.log('This is the gameweek', this.GameWeek)

Well, turns out this was easy to solve once I found the issue.
It was the : infront of the v-for statement. Once that was removed it all worked :)


Vue Component that Can Override What Child Renders Dynamically

I am working on a component (InfoCard) that should be able to render any number of fields passed into it with a 'fields' prop, as an array of json objects with a name, value, and some styling options. For certain fields, I want to be able to override what component is used to render, but do it from the parent (Table) rather than inside the InfoCard component, as it should be generic. My first thought was to use a <component :is='field.component'></component>, where it will render as plaintext if field.component is not defined, but to my understand it will be difficult to pass in any potential children necessary for the <component/>. My second thought is to use named slots from within the parent, but I don't think this is possible either in a good way. I'll show my current code.
In my example, I want to be able to detect if the field being rendered is 'status', and if it is, use a different rendering mechanism than displayValue(attribute), without hardcoding it inside InfoCard; I want the parent to be able to override this rendering conditionally. Is there a way to do this in Vue? Thanks
From Table, where data.records is an array of JSON objects:
v-for="(record,index) in data.records"
<div v-for="key in Object.keys(record)" :key="key">
<template v-if="'status'" v-slot:[`${}_value`]>
<p> Field is status !</p>
From InfoCard:
v-for="(attribute, index) in fields"
#click="$emit('fieldClicked', attribute)"
:class="`mid-gray f6 clipped fw5-ns m-b-10 ${attribute.nameClasses}`"
<div v-else>
{{ displayName(attribute) }}
:class="`mid-gray f6 clipped fw5-ns m-b-10 ${attribute.valueClasses}`"
<div v-else>
{{ displayValue(attribute) }}

Has anyone came across this problem? [vue/no-multiple-template-root] The template root disallows 'v-for' directives.eslint-plugin-vue

It is actually a three problems in one:
The template root disallows 'v-for' directives.eslint-plugin-vue
Parsing error: Expected to be an alias, but got empty.eslint-plugin-vue
Expected 'v-bind:key' directive to use the variables which are defined by the 'v-for' directive.eslint-plugin-vue
Can anyone help me please I am so fed with searching online for it everywhere
enter code
<div class="post" v-for="post" in posts >
export default{
{ id: 1, title: 'javascript', body: "the desctiption"},
{ id: 2, title: 'javascript2', body: "the desctiption"},
{ id: 3, title: 'javascript3', body: "the desctiption"},
Vue.js must have a single element at the root of the template. If you have av-for directive, when the DOM is populated there will be multiple <div> elements at the root, which Vue does not allow.
So you just need to add another <div> element to surround your v-for div.
Then, move the in posts within your quotes and add a :key
<div class="post" v-for="post in posts" :key="">
In vue two you should one root element, using v-for loop will render multiple elements in the template like :
<div class="post" >
<div class="post" >
to avoid this add an extra div and bind key to the post id :key="":
<div class="posts">
<div class="post" v-for="post in posts" :key="">

Vue: toggling between two instances of the same component doesn't update the view

I have a setup in a Vue-powered UI, where the user can toggle the contents of a certain div between several options, and two of those options happen to be instances of the same child component (with different properties passed in).
Everything works fine when displaying any given content page for the first time, or when toggling between two unrelated content pages. However when toggling between the two pages which both use the same child component, the div content doesn't get updated.
In code it looks (greatly simplified) like this:
Parent component
<!-- toggle buttons -->
<div class="page-button" #click="page=1">About</div>
<div class="page-button" #click="page=2">Dog List</div>
<div class="page-button" #click="page=3">Cat List</div>
<!-- page content -->
<div v-if="page===1">some plaintext here...</div>
<div v-if="page===2">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="dogs" />
<div v-if="page===3">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="cats" />
<!-- rest of file omitted -->
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<div>{{ index }}: {{ item.label }}</div>
<!-- etc.. -->
module.exports = {
props: ['state', 'listName'],
data: function () {
return {
items: this.state.lists[this.listName],
In the above, state is a global state object that all components have access to, with state.lists.dogs and state.lists.cats being regular arrays.
When the UI initializes with page set to 2 or 3, everything works correctly - the dog list shows for page 2, and the cat list shows for page 3. Likewise, when I click page 2, then page 1, then page 3, everything is fine. However when toggling back and forth between page 2/3, the vue doesn't re-render the child component.
I assume it's possible to work around this by changing the underlying data structure or by binding the child component differently. But is there a straightforward way to make Vue re-render the component as expected?
I guess what you see is Vue trying to optimize rendering by reusing existing component instance. Add key attribute on your childComponent with different values...
<!-- page content -->
<div v-if="page===1">some plaintext here...</div>
<div v-if="page===2">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="dogs" key="dogs" />
<div v-if="page===3">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="cats" key="cats" />
<!-- rest of file omitted -->
Other solution (and much better IMHO) is to make your component "reactive" to prop changes - instead of using props to initialize the data() (which is "one time" thing - data() is executed only once when component is created), use computed
module.exports = {
props: ['state', 'listName'],
computed: {
items() {
return this.state.lists[this.listName]
You can use v-show if you just want to render it before hand. Its more costly but it should work without any issues.
<!-- toggle buttons -->
<div class="page-button" #click="page=1">About</div>
<div class="page-button" #click="page=2">Dog List</div>
<div class="page-button" #click="page=3">Cat List</div>
<!-- page content -->
<div v-show="page===1">some plaintext here...</div>
<div v-show="page===2">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="dogs" />
<div v-show="page===3">
<childComponent :state="state" listName="cats" />
<!-- rest of file omitted -->

How to have a scoped toggle variable in VueJS

I'm coming from an AngularJS background where the ng-repeat has a scoped variables and I'm trying to figure out how to achieve a similar result without the need to create a new component which seems overkill for a lot of situations.
For example:
<div class="item" v-for="item in items">
<div class="title">{{item.title}}</div>
<a #click="showMore = !showMore">Show more</a>
<div class="more" v-if="showMore">
More stuff here
In AngularJS that code would work great, but in VueJS if you click on show more it causes the variable to update for every item in the items list, is there anyway to create a local scoped variable inside of the v-for without the need to make a new component?
I was able to get it to work by having the showMore variable be something like #click="showMore =" and then v-if=" =" but that also seems like too much extra complexity for something that should be much simpler? The other problem with that approach is you can only get one item to show more rather than allow for multiple items to be toggled shown at once.
I also tried changing the items model to include item.showMore but once again that adds more complexity and it causes a problem if you need to update an individual item since the model is changed.
Are there any simpler approaches to this?
What do you think about this: CODEPEN
<div v-for="item in items"
<button #click="">
Show More
<div v-if=" == show">
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
{id:1, name:"One", desc: "Details of One"},
{id:2, name:"Two", desc: "Details of Two"},
{id:3, name:"Three", desc: "Details of Three"}
show: null
padding: 5px;

How to use "v-for", for array in computed object

I am creating a website to list all of my projects. I am using Vuex and Firebase to store all my data.
I want each project to have its own "todo-list".
When I create a new project, I create an array witch is my todo-list. In Firebase it looks like this: Screenshot of Firebase
Now I want to display a list of my projects. First I get my projects as a computed prop like this:
export default {
computed: {
projects () {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
created () {
I can loop through projects and display the title for each project.
My question is: how do I loop through the todo-array inside the computed prop?
<div v-for="project in projects" :key="">
<p>{{ project.title }}</p>
<!-- Looping through todos (array) in an computed prop -->
<div v-for="(todo, index) in todos" :key="">
<p>{{ project.todos[index].title }} </p>
<p>{{ project.todos[index].completed }} </p>
Tried to use the computed prop inside v-for, but that does not work.
Not sure if I understand the meaning of computed properties. Could I just define projects () inside data () ? and link the getter to the data?
<div v-for="todo in {{project.todos}} :key=">
If the second loop is inside the first one, you could access it this way:
<div v-for="project in projects" :key="">
<p>{{ project.title }}</p>
<!-- Looping through todos (array) in an computed prop -->
<div v-for="todo in project.todos" :key="">
<p>{{ todo.title }} </p>
<p>{{ todo.completed }} </p>
When you create a loop, in this case, project is a single element of the array, so project.todos is the list of todos of that specific project.