WCF service failing The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address is unavailable for the protocol of the address - wcf

The service is hosted in IIS it works fine but once a week it gives this issue. I checked the code all service calls from client are closed. Also we call these services from Biztalk daily which is net.tcp configured through WCF adapters.

Open a command prompt.
Navigate to c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework64\v4.0.30319.
Register the service model using the command "ServiceModelReg.exe -r".
You can also try to restart the Net.Tcp listener adapter service. This has a similar problem, you can refer to it.


Calling a net.tcp wcf service from Silverlight - in an external facing web site?

I have an external (public) website developed in Silverlight. The Silverlight app currently calls http based wcf services hosted in IIS.
I am now having to call a wcf service with net.tcp binding hosted in a different app server. I have the net.tcp wcf service hosted in a windows service on port range 4502-4530 and with an interface to expose clientaccesspolicy.xml file as part of the service. I am able to invoke this service from my Silverlight app in the web server. I want the SL app to make direct call to net.tcp, rather than routing the call to it from another http based service.
Question is will this work without any issues when exposed over internet.
Client browser --> IIS webserver with Silverlight website --> App Server with wcf service on net.tcp.
I am assuming in this case, from XAP SL would try to make direct call to the app server service using net.tcp ?
The communication between the web server and app server could be opened up for ports 4502-4535. But I am wondering what about the client. Does this setup require the ports to be available even in the clients machine (with browser)?
Any insight is much helpful.
Take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2425652; there is sample code included as well! If you setup clientaccesspolicy.xml correctly; it should work as long as clients can access your TCP server.
If your clients are behind some firewall which is blocking your server's ports; they may face connectivity issues!

Silverlight 4, WCF with net.tcp endpoint, proxy not requesting clientaccesspolicy.xml

I've been trying to have my Silverlight application work with a WCF net.tcp binding the whole day and couldn't make it, even though it seems to me I've done everything right, including after some googling...
I had a WCF service with a basicHttpBinding endpoint which worked perfectly, and as my WCF service and my Silverlight application are on the same network, told myself "why not trying something else than HTTP ?"
So I began googling to see what had to be done, and here's the list of what I did :
Checked that Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service was running
Enabled net.tcp binding on my website, with binding information set to "4502:*"
Added net.tcp protocol to the Application that hosts my WCF service
Added a policy in the clientaccesspolicy.xml file to allow socket connection on ports 4502-4536
WCF Service
Added a net.tcp binding with Security set to None
Added an endpoint with this binding for my service, keeping the regular HTTP one
After doing all this, I can use my WCF service with WcfTestClient, it sees the two endpoints (HTPP and net.tcp), and both of them work like a charm.
In my Silverlight application, I can update my service reference (which I added with the HTTP address of my service, not the TCP one), and it also sees the two endpoints because it added the TCP endpoint in the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig. As I saw when googling, netTcpBinding is not supported in Silverlight, thus it describes the binding as a custom binding with a and a element.
I saw on the different tutorials I followed that, as for the HTTP binding, Silverlight asks for a socket policy file to check if the client has access to the WCF service. In SL4 Beta, this file was requested by TCP on port 943. As of SL4 RC and RTM, it's requested by HTTP on port 80, as it is for the HTTP bindings.
The thing is, when I launch my application with the proxy set to use the net.tcp binding, I checked with Fiddler, the clientaccesspolicy.xml is NOT requested at any time, and I get the classic error when the socket policy file is not present : TCP error code 10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
After googling, I found out that SL looks for this file with the IP address of the server, not its name, but trying http://IP_OF_MY_SERVER/clientaccesspolicy.xml in a browser on my client machine serves the file as expected...
So I'm a bit lost here, I would really like to have it working to see something else than HTTP with WCF...
Someone has any bit of a clue to guess what happens ???
As the service works as expected with WcfTestCLient with the net.tcp binding, I'm guessing this has something to do specifically with SL...
Thanks for reading :-)

WCF Service in .NET 4.0 goes "to sleep" but ping wakes it back up

Good Morning, everyone.
I am somewhat new to WCF and we have created a new WCF service. This service uses net.msmq bindings to transfer and receive messages from another WCF service. This all works GREAT. However, when we deploy the service to our servers, this new WCF service "falls asleep". I'll explain.
I completely understand that the WCF Service doesn't run like a Windows service. What I mean is that, once we ping the service, it'll run fine for a few minutes. It monitors the MSMQ queues that it's supposed to and processes the messages just like it should. Send and receive work just fine. If there is a lull in the incoming data, the service just seems to stop listening. It will stay in this state until we ping the service by going to the URL exposed by the HTTP service that we had to put in place.
We didn't build this to be a RESTful service, so I wouldn't expect that to be the issue. Anyone have any ideas?
Jim Evans, MCAD
If the service runs under IIS it is subject to recycle timeout if there are no http requests to it. Its not clear how is the monitoring of the other service done, but without external request the IIS will put service to sleep, so perhaps change the monitored service so that it sends a notification to monitoring service.
If you have selfhosted WCF service, then please discard first paragraph, selfhosted WCF service is not affected by IIS and shouldnt go to sleep unless you turn it off.

I can't access wcf service using net.tcp://<servicename>

I'm using IE8 and can't connect to my WCF service using net.tcp. I'm able to access the same service with http binding just fine. I got two binding enabled in app.config (net.tcp, http). Can anyone tell me if there is a settings that I need to set/play with for viewing service using net.tcp in IE.
You cannot connect to a WCF service using the netTcpBinding through IE.
What you need is a "real" WCF client app, or something like WCF Test Client which is shipped with WCF in the box - just find it and start using it!
Make sure you have a HTTP base address, for your service and a mexTcpBinding endpoint.

How to start/stop windows service from a remote machine through WCF service?

I have created a WCF service which is deployed on my local machine. This service exposes one method which start/stop a windows service on my local machine.
On the remote machine I have created a client that consumes the WCF service. When I try to invoke the method which start/stop service exposed from a WCF service , I get InvalidOperationException . I found that this is the Security issue.
Also when I do the same operation (start/stop windows service) on the local machine it works!!
The WCF service is hosted on IIS 7.0 which is using basichttpBinding. Also Anonnymous access is checked. I have also added <identity Impersonate = true > under the web section in the web config file but still no success.
Please help!!
You set impersonation for ASP.NET. Impersonation in WCF uses its own infrastructure. Moreover in WCF client has to allow service to impersonate his identity. Check this simple example.