NPM instagram-web-api checkpoint required - npm

I have configured the NPM instagram-web-api package. I have instantiated the Instagram object and passed the correct credentials:
const Instagram = require('instagram-web-api');
const { igUsername, igPassword } = process.env
const ig = new Instagram({ username: igUsername, password: igPassword });
(async () => {
try {
await ig.login()
} catch (err) {
if (err.error && err.error.message === 'checkpoint_required') {
const challengeUrl = err.error.checkpoint_url
await ig.updateChallenge({ challengeUrl, securityCode: 670381 })
const profile = await ig.getProfile()
I am getting a 'checkpoint_required' error message and each time I start the server a Instagram verification code is sent to my email. I don't know where to enter that code or how to resolve this issue.

Having the same issue. I thing we need to call an extra api for the OTP validation in order to login.
Check this out - for the solution or reference.


OAuth 2Client: Invalid token signature

I wanted to handle my user auth by google.
async verify(token) {
try {
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
audience: '',
const payload = ticket.getPayload();
return payload
} catch (error) {
this code works fine, only for first time to create user in DB. And i save this token to localstorage and retrieve it every time to validate that user is authentificated. Here is my code:
async isAuth(token) {
if (!token) {
const userData = tokenService.verify(token);
const tokenFromDb = await tokenService.findToken(token);
if (!userData || !tokenFromDb) {
throw ApiError.UnAuthorizedError();
const user = await User.findOne({where: {email:}});
await tokenService.saveToken(token);
return true;
I did google, and i supposed to define jwk key for google auth api? But I can't find real solution. So, hope you guys can help me. I never used before google auth. For now I have this solution by making request to this api and getting from there my user email

React Native Google Sign In User Birthday Access Problem

I am trying to get user birthday when user is registered with Google Sign In and want to display his/her info in the profile page.
Google Sign In was implemented via firebase.
And then, I went to google developer console and made
Added People Apis and then go to OAuth consent screen
Select External
Added App domain, Authorized domains, Developer contact information
Added birthday scope
Added test users
Save and Back to Dashboard
Birthday info is set as public
The problem is still my test users cannot login to Google. It says "Access Denied. your app did not complete the google verification process. The app is currently being tested. Only approved test users can access the app."
I can only login with my developer account.
And when I logged in, in the console, I can see the birthday scope is added in scopes array. However the birthday info is still not in my user object.
I use "#react-native-google-signin/google-signin": "^6.0.1" package.
Can someone help me please ?
Do I need to verify the domain/owner to be able to see birthday info ?
Or the package does not support this info ?
Why my test users cannot login even though I added them ?
My code is below
export const auth = {
initGoogleSignIn: function () {
scopes: [
// scopes: [''],
webClientId: Config.GOOGLE_WEB_CLIENT_ID,
offlineAccess: false,
import auth from '#react-native-firebase/auth';
export const googleLogin = () => {
return async dispatch => {
try {
await GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices({showPlayServicesUpdateDialog: true});
const isSignedIn = await GoogleSignin.isSignedIn();
if (isSignedIn && Platform.OS === 'android') {
await GoogleSignin.revokeAccess();
const {idToken} = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
const token = await GoogleSignin.getTokens();
dispatch(handleSocialSignup(COMMON.GOOGLE, token?.accessToken));
// Create a Google credential with the token
const googleCredential = auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(idToken);
// Sign-in the user with the credential
const userSignIn = auth().signInWithCredential(googleCredential);
userSignIn.then(user => Alert.alert(user)).catch(err => console.log(err));
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === statusCodes.SIGN_IN_CANCELLED) {
console.log('Cancelled by user');
} else if (error.code === statusCodes.IN_PROGRESS) {
// operation (e.g. sign in) is in progress already
} else if (error.code === statusCodes.PLAY_SERVICES_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
// play services not available or outdated
} else {
console.log('some other error happened', error);
return false;
const [googleUserName, setGoogleUserName] = useState('');
const getGoogleUserName = async () => {
const currentUser = await GoogleSignin.getCurrentUser();
console.log('currentUser', currentUser);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
console.log('googleUserName', googleUserName);

How can I verify token google recaptcha 3 on adonis js?

I using vue as my front end. I send token from my front end like this :
let payload = {
token: tokenCaptcha
}``, payload)
.then(response => {
error => {
The token will used to verify on the backend. My backend using adonis.js
The script of controller like this :
'use strict'
class CategoryController {
async store ({ request, response }) {
return request.input('token')
module.exports = CategoryController
My routes like this :>{'category', '')
How can I verify the token on adonis.js(backend)?
I had search reference. But I don't find it
You need to use axios. Something like:
const axios = use('axios')
const Env = use('Env')
const querystring = use('querystring')
async store({ request, response }) {
const data = request.only(['token'])
try {
const data_request = await'', querystring.stringify({ secret: Env.get('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY'), response: data['token'], remoteip: '' }))
if (! {
//If the recaptcha check fails
} catch (error) {
Google documentation - Verifying the user's response
This code is made for v2. But the verification is the same :

React-native axios with ColdFusion component

I'm trying to send a get request from react native, using axios, to my coldfusion component.
My coldfusion component:
component displayName="react" {
remote any function ajaxLogin(data) returnformat="JSON"{
data = deserializeJSON(;
return serializeJSON(login(data));
private any function login(data){
loginQuery = new query();
loginQuery.addParam(name="UserEmail", value="", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
loginQuery.addParam(name="UserPW", value="", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
result = loginQuery.execute(sql="SELECT * FROM Users Where UserEmail = :UserEmail AND UserPW = :UserPW");
rs = result.getResult();
if(rs.recordCount == 0){
return 0;
} else {
return rs.UserID;
My react-native dispatch action:
export const loginUser = ({ email, password }) => {
// login
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: 'TEST' });
axios.get('', {
params: {
userEmail: email,
userPassword: password
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
It is returning an error from the catch:
Error: Request failed with status code 500
I am new with axios and react-native. Am I using axios wrong?
Status code 500 is a server-side error so you're likely getting a Coldfusion error, check your ColdFusion logs.
Also as you're calling this as a GETrequest you can just open the URL in a browser tab and see if you get any errors dumped to the page (in a development environment)
If this is production then you should see errors in your error logs (somewhere like /var/www/opt/coldfusion_11/cfusion/logs on linux)

How use the #c8y/client library

I am testing the new #c8y/client library for typescript.
I have a very simple code :
import {
} from '#c8y/client';
//const baseUrl = '';
const baseUrl = '';
const tenant = 'bismark1';
const user = '...';
const password = '.....';
(async() => {
console.log('authentication to c8y server')
const client = await Client.authenticate({
}, baseUrl);
console.log('result from authetication', client)
const {
} = await client.inventory.list();
console.log('result from inventory ', data)
// data = first page of inventory
const nextPage = await;
// = second page of inventory
const managedObjId: number = 1;
(async() => {
const {
} = await client.inventory.detail(managedObjId);
When I run the .js compiled form the .ts file I get the response below :
authentication to c8y server
And then the execution stops.
The line
console.log('result from authetication', client)
is never called. Seems like something fails in the authentication process and not error is showed.
What I'm doing wrong ?
The first problem might be CORS. You need to enable it if you want to request from a different domain. Here is a guide how to do that in Cumulocity:
Under "Access control", administrators can enable cross-origin
resource sharing or "CORS" on the Cumulocity API.
The second problem could be that you are not running it from a local development server. I mostly use this http-server from npm to quickly test scripts. You can use it the following way:
$ npm install http-server -g
$ http-server
If that all is not helping you might try catch the client to see the error it is throwing:
try {
const client = await Client.authenticate({
}, baseUrl);
} catch(ex) {
The exeption might tell you more about what is wrong with your code or if there is a bug in the client.