I want to do ssh -ND 888 root# functionality in my macos app can someone please suggest any idea ?
I tried with libSSH but not helpful I want to do SOCKS5 Proxy
Swift or Objective-C both okay, just want something working... Thanks
I had resolved this with SwiftNioSSH
Its really good repo from Apple, right now in early stage but have really good feature
I recently bought a 3G dongle for a project I'm working on. I want my Raspberry Pi to be able to receive SMS messages and respond to them. I got a HSDPA 3g dongle with a 7.2mbps connection. I've set up the dongle on Windows with an A1 (not sure if you guys know this provider) sim and it works fine. I can connect to the internet just fine and also receive text messages (SMS)
However when I try connecting it to my Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian OS) then it doesn't work. It's always show as a "Mass Storage Device".
I tried my luck with usb_modeswitch and wvdial and with Sakis3g as well, but I can't get it to work. My problem with usb_modeswitch and wvdial was that even after I tried everything explained on these 2 blog posts (https://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-setup-usb-3g-modem-raspberry-pi-using-usbmodeswitch-and-wvdial ; https://nicovddussen.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/setting-up-your-raspberry-pi-to-work-with-a-3g-dongle/) it still didn't switch to the modem mode. It always stays at the "Mass Storage Mode". I saw an alternative and tried using Sakis3G, but with no luck as well. Seems like their website (sakis3g.org / sakis3g.com) is offline and you can't download certain .tar.gz folders/files anymore. I tried my luck with this blog post. (https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2012/07/3g-internet-on-raspberry-pi-success/)
And you guessed it, I couldn't get it to work either. It doesn't let me download the .gz folder/file because the website appears to be down.
It's a very big problem for my project and I would appreciate any help. It's really important. If anyone knows what I can do to fix this, please offer help. I'd really appreciate it.
Trying using tips supplied in this article
Unplug your modem
Open a terminal prompt
Install the usb-modeswitch package by typing in:
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch
Reboot Pi
Plug the modem in,
Give it a couple of seconds and then try commands to confirm it worked
ifconfig -a
You should see a new interface (Note the name of it - might be something like wwan0 )
To get this to acquire an IP address, edit the file /etc/network/interfaces and add the lines:
allow-hotplug wwan0
iface wwan0 inet dhcp
Also note that the full version of sakis3G has this usb-modeswitch embedded in it.
You can still download code and look at instructions at old site that's been archived at:
The app I am planning to develop involves sending SSH commands from the phone to a server that supports SSH. Is there a library that will help me connect and send commands to an SSH server?
Thanks! I looked at libssh, but a lot of the stuff it used was deprecated in iOS6.
NMSSH works great! I was able to successfully implement this into an iOS project, and get everything to work.
You can look at this: I expect you'd still need to do a non-trivial bit of work to make it fit into your app, but that should work.
I have a thinkpad laptop and I would like to send AT commands to my modem once it is connected to the network. The interface that is used is '/dev/ttyACM0'. What is the best way to send my commands there? I tried gnokii but wasn't able to connect to my modem :/ I also tried echo'ing commands to the device, this worked, but it is not easy to get the output of the command to proceed with the computation. Maybe one of you guys has a better way to do this. TIA
Have you tried minicom? (assuming from your interface that you are using Linux)
Introduction to minicom.
Entering "minicom" in www.alternativeto.net gives a link to another terminal emulator for Linux called Cutecom, but I have no personal experience of it.
I'm looking for some example code of a reverse port forward on iOS using libssh2. Here's a close example:
Example code of libssh2 being used for port forwarding
But I'd like it to be tailored to iOS and objective-C if possible. Straight C is fine too. I'm wary of the socket and FD code, and would rather have a robust solution than the one I'm hacking up. I've tried RTFMing libssh2 for a while, but it ends up being just RTF Code... and I'm not confident enough in my C code to do this networking part.
EDIT: bounty for a working implementation of ssh with port forwarding on iOS 4.3 (e.g. iphone4, ipad2), doesn't need to be libssh2 in specific.
As it turns out, it's fairly straightforward to migrate the putty source http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ to ios ...
I have installed Red5 Server 0.9.0 and red5phone sip_r53. When i make a call , am not able to hear caller voice but he can hear me clearly. can any one faced similar problem ? please help.
Thanks and Regards,
This can be many things! Need more info. From my experience the most likely reasons are fire-walled ports (check iptables rules, make sure you can send udp data to some random ports from remote machine to your host using netcat or something), then goes NAT. Are you behind NAT? If so, is your client NAT-aware, does it require STUN server, etc ?
Also it might be a good idea to check the speaker level on your machine and mic on the remote =)
When I search with keyword "Red5Phone" in Stackoverflow, and just 10 question appeared. :) I think our problems are same.
Hi, sunil. A moment ago, I successfully made a call using red5phone. I was using latest red5phone version from subversion, Red5 0.8.0, and Asterisk win32. I hope you also can make it.
Maybe like tuxxxedo says, it's about your Asterisk configuration.
don't forget put this in your extensions.conf
exten => 55,1,Playback(demo-echotest) ; Let them know what’s going on
exten => 55,2,Echo ; Do the echo test
exten => 55,3,Playback(demo-echodone) ; Let them know it’s over
try it.
I also experiencing this. I tried on Red5 0.9.1 and Chrome browser. I could not hear the voice both way even though dialer end up dialing. When i tried with firefox 5.0 and flash player 10 it worked on from red5phone remote phone but did does not work the other way. If the remote machine does to allow incomming udp as above reader suggest how do we fix this?