Send SSH commands from iOS? - objective-c

The app I am planning to develop involves sending SSH commands from the phone to a server that supports SSH. Is there a library that will help me connect and send commands to an SSH server?
Thanks! I looked at libssh, but a lot of the stuff it used was deprecated in iOS6.

NMSSH works great! I was able to successfully implement this into an iOS project, and get everything to work.

You can look at this: I expect you'd still need to do a non-trivial bit of work to make it fit into your app, but that should work.


webRTC example does not working after downloading source?

I am looking to use webRTC for my college project. The example( works nice (asks the permission to access the webcamera) whenever i access them from internet but after i download the source(even from github) it does not work, it does not even ask the permission for accessing the camera. any help? Thanks.
The WebRTC API does not work unless it is being hosted. Simply opening the html files and running the scripts will not work.
So, I bet if you host it(Apache, VisualStudio, etc), it will work just fine.

How to address Firebase from an Arduino?

Background: I've a sensor hooked up to an arduino printing readings through the serial monitor. I want to log these in firebase.
I've done a bit of digging on this, and my research has shown me that an arduino simply can't handle the SSL needed to talk to firebase properly.
Any suggestions for workarounds? Checking SO and google's only turned up "it can't be done", but I figured I'd ask anyway. Any lateral thinking is appreciated, thanks!
If you figure out a way, let us ( know. That would be an awesome hack!
Some thoughts:
You might want to look into the Spark Core (available for pre-order). They mention SSL support, though it's unclear to me what that means exactly.
You could proxy the requests through a server that can speak SSL. For instance, you could run a tiny node.js service on an Amazon EC2 box that just proxies REST requests to Firebase (e.g. using http-proxy).
If you're hardcore, you could try to get the Arduino talking to an external ethernet controller that has built-in SSL support (e.g. this one), but that's probably a big project. :-)
Longer-term, we might expose a non-SSL endpoint for Firebase requests that's specifically for this sort of low-end hardware use-case. Ping us at if you want to start a dialog.
Here's a php script I whipped together to solve for Arduino no https.
It's basically a form that GETs to the php script and then sends it off to your Firebase database.
*Make sure you add Heroku or your server to the whitelist of IPs that can post to Firebase
I know its an old question but visitors from google keep coming.
Have a look at this post:
These arduino libraries might help:
To install it:
Download the zip file, go to Sketch>Manage Libraries>add .zip file
Now you have access to
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
and can begin using it with
Firebase.begin("", "token_or_secret");
Follow the example at

iOS simulator calling bash system commands via objective-c?

Has anybody had any success calling a system bash command via objective-c from the simulator? I have considered doing this over a SSH connection but this is likely to be a quite laggy, so wondered if there was a more direct method. The idea behind this is to allow fast development of logging features in ruby... These calls would be stripped out of the live deployed app, therefor private calls would be fine for this.
You can do that, it works as you might expect on a UNIX platform.
int status = system("/usr/bin/say hello");
can be called from a simulator app, and will execute the correct binary.

Sending AT commands to my internal UMTS modem

I have a thinkpad laptop and I would like to send AT commands to my modem once it is connected to the network. The interface that is used is '/dev/ttyACM0'. What is the best way to send my commands there? I tried gnokii but wasn't able to connect to my modem :/ I also tried echo'ing commands to the device, this worked, but it is not easy to get the output of the command to proceed with the computation. Maybe one of you guys has a better way to do this. TIA
Have you tried minicom? (assuming from your interface that you are using Linux)
Introduction to minicom.
Entering "minicom" in gives a link to another terminal emulator for Linux called Cutecom, but I have no personal experience of it.

Android : c2md implementation

I am implementing the c2md, in phone android 2.2,
I have follow the all the steps from
and use the php code from C2DM implementation PHP code ,i get response id=0:1323075593128502%2fd4838f00000031 but i can not get the notification of phone.also i have try with command prompt.
Does anyone idea where i have made the mistake.
Also register the account on google.
Firewall issue, probably? Try when the device is on 3G, as opposed to WiFi.