Saving data into session or localstorage - vue.js

So probably every e-commerce site has a feature like if you add products to your cart it will be existed everywhere weather its in your phone or computer or tab.I know how to store data in session but when I jump into another device I can't see my cart products available though I use the same account.So please can anyone tell me how to store data in session or local storage that won't be removed by jumping device and will be changed when the user's state changes.I am trying to do that by using vuejs.I will be very glad if you give a solution based on vuejs.Thanks..


Extend Spartacus NGRX Store with additional data

For our Spartacus project, we need to introduce additional Data properties in the checkout:
We have the case, that the user needs to select a delivery mode per product.
In an ideal world, upon selection, the selected delivery mode would be saved in the NGRX Store and also in the Backend to stay within the principle of the data binding defined here:
Expected Data / User flow:
User goes to Checkout and to Delivery Mode Step
Custom OCC Call is made to load the supported delivery modes for each product (depends on product type and further customer specific logic)
The cart items are displayed, enhanced with a dropdown containing the available delivery modes
The user selects a delivery mode
The selected delivery mode is stored on the cart entry within the NGRX Store and saved in the backend
The new Cart totals is calculated based on the costs of the selected delivery mode
The new Cart totals is stored on the cart within the NGRX Store and saved in the backend
The user clicks on continue to get to the Review Order Step
The cart items are listed with the previously selected delivery mode
After some analysis of the existing code, we found a property deliveryMode on the orderEntry. This does not seem to be used anywhere in spartacus, but could be used to make Step 9 work by following this stackoverflow answer and this one.
Questions regarding this flow:
How can we extend the NGRX Store? We assume, it would be possible to just extend the facade (Active Cart Service), bypass the store and save the information in the backend (Described here) and afterwards refresh the store from the backend. Is that Assumption correct? If yes, that feels awkward though, as we need to reload the whole store just to contain the new property deliveryMode on the orderEntry
How can we hook into the price calculation of the cart totals to update the total based on the selected delivery mode? And again, how can we bring the new total sum into the store?
There seem to be several Answers within the Slack Channel without very few usable answers around extending the ngrx store, even though for us, it seems to be a quit normal task.. :-/
Any thoughts, inputs or support would be very appreciated. :-)
This seems like a difficult thing to accomplish seeing as delivery modes per product aren't supported as-is in spartacus. But some ideas:
You can extend core CartEntry classes (adapter, connecter, facade, etc.) to include the delivery mode for entries added to the cart. You will probably need to change all to include the delivery mode setting(s). All of these are exposed so you can modify them as needed including the store.
Utilizing multiple carts to have a product per cart and set delivery mode that way. But this would be cumbersome in my opinion.
As far as price calculation goes, I'm assuming OCC calls return total prices. Does the call for the cart entries include delivery mode costs per entry?
We have implemented the following work around and it works so far:
Enhance the Cart Model in the backend
Add new Endpoints to load the available delivery Modes per Product (by bypassing the NGRX Store)
Add new Endpoints to save the selected Delivery Mode (by bypassing the NGRX Store)
After Save Endpoint, a cart Reload is triggered, which loads the new cart totals having a custom property on the order entry (via type augmentation) into the store from the backend
It's already a lot of years past since Spartacus project started, but looks like it's still really raw projects. Spartacus is not ready to deal with real word customer's requirement and complexity of customize it quickly grow at real project(so you start to think do we really need it, as it's so unflexible at some dimentions). Some parts is really hard or not possible to customize, so you begin to search a workarounds(This question is one common case).
I think NGRX Store is one of the biggest pain in the ass to customize something at Spartacus. 2 years past and nothing changed by Spartacus team...

How do I extract user details for Bloomberg Desktop API connection?

If you type IAM <GO> in the terminal you'll be shown the UserID, UUID, CLID etc.
Is it possible to extract this information through blpapi when using the Desktop API to connect via BBComm? I've seen references to Identity and populating that by sending an AuthorizationRequest but it appears that's only relevant for SAPI/B-PIPE.
To the best of my knowledge and after asking a couple of Bloomberg reps - this isn't possible. The best work around which I've found is: each user creates an EQS screen called their UUID. Add some filtering which causes this screening to return nothing. Then the application, upon start up, requests all possible UUIDs as EQS screens and stops when it doesn't get back an error - that's the UUID.
This is a dirty, dirty hack and, granted, this only works if you have few distinct users using your system. You don't want to ask may users to create such a screen and probably don't want to iterate over thousands of EQS screen names.
There is a "SID report" which is provide together with monthly invoices from Bloomberg which contains the UUIDs for users - this can be used to look up existing users but when setting up a brand new account you have to manually copy this information out of the terminal.

Big commerce Pay in store option

I created a dummy store using Big Commerce.
It has a Pay In store option, i just wanted to know whether i can let users to check for stores first after choosing the Pay in Store option on the Check Out page and then click the checkout button? I could not find any way to achieve this.
There isn't out of the box functionality in Bigcommerce that allows a customer to choose what store they are going to pay at. You can use an app like Store Finder so your customers could find the store locations closest to them. You can do a workaround like creating shipping zones based on zip codes that are assigned to specific stores or ask customers to specify the pickup store in the order notes.

QuickBooks API - Retrieve only data that has changed

I am building an app that accesses the QuickBooks API v2.
I am looking for a way to retrieve only data that has changed.
For example, from time to time want to be able to check to see if there have been any changes to the chart of accounts in the QB data. Is there a quick way to do this without parsing a large response body? Maybe something like requesting and comparing just a checksum, and then requesting the whole chart of accounts to compare and update if there is a change? Or even just requesting the changes that occurred after a certain date?
This need is not just limited to the chart of accounts. For example, I may want to update historic transaction data, but only with the changes (e.g., a change to an old transaction), not the entire db which can be quite large.
In further reading the API docs, I should be able to filter the response using the created_at and updated_at metadata.
The filter is called Change Data Capture (CDC)
<ItemReceiptQuery xmlns=''>

Address Book contacts in Core Data

What’s considered ‘best practice’ when saving Address Book contacts in Core Data?
I’m writing an iPhone App, based on Core Data, where I need to save and recall Address Book contacts as part of the data model.
In the UI I plan to present a screen where the user can pick a contact from the current Address Book, create a new contact to store in the Address Book, or just create a ‘one-off’ contact with no saved record, local to the App only. These contacts are tracked in the context of the orders they have made, and not all contacts will require saving outside the App itself.
It feels ‘wrong’ to copy the data from the Address Book if using an existing entry, but not sure what to do if an Address Book record is edited or deleted.
I only need to track name and photo for the purposes of the App, so gut-reaction is to store the ABRecordID, and—because these can apparently change(!)—the first and last name, and only update local record if it’s updated (how to track that?).
Or can you store a ABRecordRef directly? (I imagine they aren’t persistent?)
I’ve done some searching on Google, and here, but can’t find any code samples or discussion on the integration of Core Data and Address Book in this manner; just lots of stuff on each in isolation.
Any one with some experience/gotchas on this subject point them out, or point me in the direction of some more reading?
Andy W
I would store the ABRecordID and then handle the situation for when they change although I have not personally seen a case where they change except when the user deletes all data and restores it from another source (moving from MobileMe to Google for example).
See Apples online Documentation on how to handle changing ids and what to store.