Division by Zero error in calculating series - numpy

I am trying to compute a series, and I am running into an issue that I don't know why is occurring.
"RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars"
When I checked the code, it didn't seem to have any singularities, so I am confused. Here is the code currently(log stands for natural logarithm)(edit: extending code if that helps):
from numpy import pi, log
#Create functions to calculate the sums
def phi(z: int):
k = 0
phi = 0
#Loop through 1000 times to try to approximate the series value as if it went to infinity
while k <= 100:
phi += ((1/(k+1)) - (1/(k+(2*z))))
k += 1
return phi
def psi(z: int):
psi = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
psi += ((log(k))/( k**(2*z)))
k += 1
return psi
def sig(z: int):
sig = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
sig += ((log(k))**2)/(k^(2*z))
k += 1
return sig
def beta(z: int):
beta = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
beta += (1/(((2*z)+k)^2))
k += 1
return beta
#Create the formula to approximate the value. For higher accuracy, either calculate more derivatives of Bernoulli numbers or increase the boundry of k.
def Bern(z :int):
#Define Euler–Mascheroni constant
c = 0.577215664901532860606512
#Begin computations (only approximation)
B = (pi/6) * (phi(1) - c - 2 * log(2 * pi) - 1) - z * ((pi/6) * ((phi(1)- c - (2 * log(2 * pi)) - 1) * (phi(1) - c) + beta(1) - 2 * psi(1)) - 2 * (psi(1) * (phi(1) - c) + sig(1) + 2 * psi(1) * log(2 * pi)))
return B
A = int(input("Choose any value: "))
print("The answer is", Bern(A + 1))
Any help would be much appreciated.

are you sure you need a ^ bitwise exclusive or operator instead of **? I've tried to run your code with input parameter z = 1. And on a second iteration the result of k^(2*z) was equal to 0, so where is from zero division error come from (2^2*1 = 0).


What is a time complexity of the following algorithm in Big Theta Notation?

res = 0
for i in range (1,n):
j = i
while j % 2 == 0:
j = j/2
res = res + j
I understand that upper bound is O(nlogn), however I'm wondering if it's possible to find a stronger constraint? I'm stuck with the analysis.
Some ideas that may be helpful:
Could create a function (g(n)) that annotates your function (f(n)) to include how many operations occur when running f(n)
def f(n):
res = 0
for i in range (1,n):
j = i
while j % 2 == 0:
j = j/2
res = res + j
return res
def g(n):
comparisons = 0
operations = 0
assignments = 0
assignments += 1
res = 0
assignments += 1. # i = 1
comparisons += 1. # i < n
for i in range (1,n):
assignments += 1
j = i
operations += 1
comparisons += 1
while j % 2 == 0:
operations += 1
assignments += 1
j = j/2
operations += 1
assignments += 1
res = res + j
operations += 1
comparisons += 1
operations += 1 # i + 1
assignments += 1 # assign to i
comparisons += 1 # i < n ?
return operations + comparisons + assignments
For n = 1, the code runs without hitting any loops: assigning the value of res; assigning i as 1; comparing i to n and skipping the loop as a result.
For n > 1, you get into the for loop, and the for statement is all that is changing the loop varaible, so the complexity of the rest of the code is at least O(n).
Once in the loop:
if i is odd, then you only assign j, perform the mod operation and compare to zero. That will be the case for half the values of i, so each run of the loop from 2 to n will (half the time) add a fixed number of a few operations (including the loop operations). So, that's still O(n), just with a larger constant.
if i is even, then we divide by 2 until it is odd. This is what we need to work out the impact of.
Based on my counting of the different operations, I get:
g_initial_setup = 3 (every time)
g_for_any_i = 6 (half the time, it is just this)
g_for_even_i = 6 for each time we divide by two (the other half of the time)
For a random even i between 2 and n, half the time we will only need to divide by two once, half the remaining time by two again, half the remaining time by two again, etc. So we have an infinite series as n goes to infinity of sum(1/2^i) for 1 < i < n, and multiply that by the 6 operations done for each halving of j.
I would expect from this:
g(n) = 3 + (n * 6) + (n * 6) * sum( 1 / pow(2,m) for m between 1 and n )
Given that the infinite series 1/2^n = 1, we simplify that to:
g(n) = 3 + 12n as n approaches infinity.
That implies that the algorithm is O(n). Huh. I did not expect that.
Let's try out the function g(n) from above, counting all the operations that are occurring as f(n) is computed.
g(1) = 3 operations
g(2) = 9
g(3) = 21
g(4) = 27
g(5) = 45
g(10) = 123
g(100) = 1167
g(1000) = 11943
g(10000) = 119943
g(100000) = 1199931
g(1000000) = 11999919
g(10000000) = 119999907
Okay, unless I've really made a serious error here, it's O(n).

Convert number to float in bytes

I know that lua uses double precision number formats so I wonder if there is a way to convert number directly into string as float value (4 bytes) so that I could send it over udp socket
For Lua 5.3+
local function float32_binary_dump(value)
return ("<f"):pack(value)
For Lua 5.1+
local function float32_binary_dump(value)
local img, s, h, d = 2^32 - 2^22, "", 1
if value == value then
img = 2^31 - 2^23
if value < 0 or value == 0 and 1/value < 0 then
value, img = -value, 2^32 - 2^23
if value > 0.5 * 2^-149 and value < 2^128 then
-- rounding 64-bit double to 32-bit float
d = math.floor(math.log(value)/math.log(2) + 0.5)
d = value < 2^d and d - 1 or d
local e = 2^(d < -126 and -149 or d - 23)
value = value + 0.5 * e
local r = value % e
value = value - (r == 0 and value % (e + e) or r)
-- dumping 32-bit image of float
if value < 2^-149 then
img = img - (2^31 - 2^23)
elseif value <= 2^128 - 2^104 then
if d < -126 then
d, h = -126, 0
img = img + (value / 2^d + (d - (-126)) * h - 255) * 2^23
-- convert 32-bit image to little-endian string
while #s < 4 do
local b = img % 256
s = s..string.char(b)
img = (img - b) / 256
return s

How to generate Im, Re octave filter

I have function, which convert result from FFT to octave band (or 1/n - octave):
Function OctaveFilter(LowFreq, HighFreq, Im, Re) 'For amplitude
Dim i, j, SortedData(), F_From(), F_To()
Redim SortedData(Bins * n), F_From(Bins * n), F_To(Bins * n)
Dim p
For i = 1 To Bins * n
F_To(i) = Int(HighFreq(i) / df)
F_From(i) = Int(LowFreq(i) / df)
if (F_From(i) = 0) Then F_From(i) = 1 ' We cannot start from index 0
For i = 1 To Bins * n
SortedData(i) = 0
For j = F_From(i) To F_To(i)
If (Length >= j) Then
SortedData(i) = SortedData(i) + Im(j)^2 + Re(j)^2
End If
SortInBins = sqrt(SortedData)
End Function
For example this FFT:
converts to this 1/3- octave bands:
1/3 - octave
But from FFT I also have Re and Im part. I want to convert these parts to octave band too. Is it the same function? How can I convert this Im part imaginary part to similar result (1/3 - octave) ?

How to vectorise an integration function?

I'm a beginner in numpy and I want to vectorise this function:
I don't quite understand what I need to do but this is what I've come up with:
n = 1000000
h = 1/n
x = np.arange(1,n,1)
def f(x):
return x ** 3
def rec(x):
result = np.zeros_like(x)
result[x < n] = f((x[x < n])*h)
return result
integral = 0.5*h + h*rec(x)
print integral
I end up with an array of 0's. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
def trap(f, a, b, n):
xs = np.linspace(a, b, n + 1)
ys = f(xs)
return (0.5 * ys[0] + 0.5 * ys[-1] + np.sum(ys[1:-1])) * (b - a) / n

Simulate data for repeated binary measures

I can generate a binary variable y as follows:
set more off
gen y =.
replace y = rbinomial(1, .5)
How can I generate n variables y_1, y_2, ..., y_n with a correlation of rho?
This is #pjs's solution in Stata for generating pairs of variables:
set obs 100
set seed 12345
generate x = rbinomial(1, 0.7)
generate y = rbinomial(1, 0.7 + 0.2 * (1 - 0.7)) if x == 1
replace y = rbinomial(1, 0.7 * (1 - 0.2)) if x != 1
summarize x y
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
x | 100 .72 .4512609 0 1
y | 100 .67 .4725816 0 1
correlate x y
| x y
x | 1.0000
y | 0.1781 1.0000
And a simulation:
set seed 12345
tempname sim1
tempfile mcresults
postfile `sim1' mu_x mu_y rho using `mcresults', replace
forvalues i = 1 / 100000 {
quietly {
set obs 100
generate x = rbinomial(1, 0.7)
generate y = rbinomial(1, 0.7 + 0.2 * (1 - 0.7)) if x == 1
replace y = rbinomial(1, 0.7 * (1 - 0.2)) if x != 1
summarize x, meanonly
scalar mean_x = r(mean)
summarize y, meanonly
scalar mean_y = r(mean)
corr x y
scalar rho = r(rho)
post `sim1' (mean_x) (mean_y) (rho)
postclose `sim1'
use `mcresults', clear
summarize *
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mu_x | 100,000 .7000379 .0459078 .47 .89
mu_y | 100,000 .6999094 .0456385 .49 .88
rho | 100,000 .1993097 .1042207 -.2578483 .6294388
Note that in this example I use p = 0.7 and rho = 0.2 instead.
This is #pjs's solution in Stata for generating a time-series:
set seed 12345
set obs 1
local p = 0.7
local rho = 0.5
generate y = runiform()
if y <= `p' replace y = 1
else replace y = 0
forvalues i = 1 / 99999 {
set obs `= _N + 1'
local rnd = runiform()
if y[`i'] == 1 {
if `rnd' <= `p' + `rho' * (1 - `p') replace y = 1 in `= `i' + 1'
else replace y = 0 in `= `i' + 1'
else {
if `rnd' <= `p' * (1 - `rho') replace y = 1 in `= `i' + 1'
else replace y = 0 in `= `i' + 1'
summarize y
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
y | 100,000 .70078 .4579186 0 1
generate id = _n
tsset id
corrgram y, lags(5)
-1 0 1 -1 0 1
LAG AC PAC Q Prob>Q [Autocorrelation] [Partial Autocor]
1 0.5036 0.5036 25366 0.0000 |---- |----
2 0.2567 0.0041 31955 0.0000 |-- |
3 0.1273 -0.0047 33576 0.0000 |- |
4 0.0572 -0.0080 33903 0.0000 | |
5 0.0277 0.0032 33980 0.0000 | |
Correlation is a pairwise measure, so I'm assuming that when you talk about binary (Bernoulli) values Y1,...,Yn having a correlation of rho you're viewing them as a time series Yi: i = 1,...,n, of Bernoulli values having a common mean p, variance p*(1-p), and a lag 1 correlation of rho.
I was able to work it out using the definition of correlation and conditional probability. Given it was a bunch of tedious algebra and stackoverflow doesn't do math gracefully, I'm jumping straight to the result, expressed in pseudocode:
if Y[i] == 1:
generate Y[i+1] as Bernoulli(p + rho * (1 - p))
generate Y[i+1] as Bernoulli(p * (1 - rho))
As a sanity check you can see that if rho = 0 it just generates Bernoulli(p)'s, regardless of the prior value. As you already noted in your question, Bernoulli RVs are binomials with n = 1.
This works for all 0 <= rho, p <= 1. For negative correlations, there are constraints on the relative magnitudes of p and rho so that the parameters of the Bernoullis are always between 0 and 1.
You can analytically check the conditional probabilities to confirm correctness. I don't use Stata, but I tested this pretty thoroughly in the JMP statistical software and it works like a charm.
import random
def Bernoulli(p):
return 1 if random.random() <= p else 0 # yields 1 w/ prob p, 0 otherwise
N = 100000
p = 0.7
rho = 0.5
last_y = Bernoulli(p)
for _ in range(N):
if last_y == 1:
last_y = Bernoulli(p + rho * (1 - p))
last_y = Bernoulli(p * (1 - rho))
I ran this and redirected the results to a file, then imported the file into JMP. Analyzing it as a time series produced:
The sample mean was 0.69834, with a standard deviation of 0.4589785 [upper right of the figure]. The lag-1 estimates for autocorrelation and partial correlation are 0.5011 [bottom left and right, respectively]. These estimated values are all excellent matches to a Bernoulli(0.7) with rho = 0.5, as specified in the demo program.
If the goal is instead to produce (X,Y) pairs with the specified correlation, revise the loop to:
for _ in range(N):
x = Bernoulli(p)
if x == 1:
y = Bernoulli(p + rho * (1 - p))
y = Bernoulli(p * (1 - rho))
print(x, y)