Convert number to float in bytes - serialization

I know that lua uses double precision number formats so I wonder if there is a way to convert number directly into string as float value (4 bytes) so that I could send it over udp socket

For Lua 5.3+
local function float32_binary_dump(value)
return ("<f"):pack(value)
For Lua 5.1+
local function float32_binary_dump(value)
local img, s, h, d = 2^32 - 2^22, "", 1
if value == value then
img = 2^31 - 2^23
if value < 0 or value == 0 and 1/value < 0 then
value, img = -value, 2^32 - 2^23
if value > 0.5 * 2^-149 and value < 2^128 then
-- rounding 64-bit double to 32-bit float
d = math.floor(math.log(value)/math.log(2) + 0.5)
d = value < 2^d and d - 1 or d
local e = 2^(d < -126 and -149 or d - 23)
value = value + 0.5 * e
local r = value % e
value = value - (r == 0 and value % (e + e) or r)
-- dumping 32-bit image of float
if value < 2^-149 then
img = img - (2^31 - 2^23)
elseif value <= 2^128 - 2^104 then
if d < -126 then
d, h = -126, 0
img = img + (value / 2^d + (d - (-126)) * h - 255) * 2^23
-- convert 32-bit image to little-endian string
while #s < 4 do
local b = img % 256
s = s..string.char(b)
img = (img - b) / 256
return s


Used MLESAC but got poor answer

MLESAC is better than RANSAC by calculating likelihood rather than counting numbers of inliers.
(Torr and Zisserman 2000)
So there is no reason to use RANSAC if we use MLESAC. But when I implied on the plane fitting problem, I got a worse result than RANSAC. It came out similar p_i when I substituted distance errors of each data in equation 19, leading wrong negative log likelihood.
% data
clc;clear; close all;
f = #(a_hat,b_hat,c_hat,x,y)a_hat.*x+b_hat.*y+c_hat; % z
a = 1;
b = 1;
c = 20;
width = 10;
range = (-width:0.01:width)'; % different from linespace
x = -width+(width-(-width))*rand(length(range),1); % r = a + (b-a).*rand(N,1)
y = -width+(width-(-width))*rand(length(range),1);
X = (-width:0.5:width)';
Y = (-width:0.5:width)';
[X,Y] = meshgrid(X,Y); % for drawing surf
Z = f(a/c,b/c,c/c,X,Y);
z_n = f(a/c,b/c,c/c,x,y); % z/c
% add noise
r = 0.3;
noise = r*randn(size(x));
z_n = z_n + noise;
% add outliers
out_rng = find(y>=8,200);
out_udel = 5;
z_n(out_rng) = z_n(out_rng) + out_udel;
plot3(x,y,z_n,'b.');hold on;
surf(X,Y,Z);hold on;grid on ;axis equal;
p_n = [x y z_n];
num_pt = size(p_n,1);
% compute sigma = median(dist (x - median (x)))
threshold = 0.3; %%%%%%%%% user-defined
medianx = median(p_n(:,1));
mediany = median(p_n(:,2));
medianz = median(p_n(:,3));
medianp = [medianx mediany medianz];
mediadist = median(sqrt(sum((p_n - medianp).*(p_n - medianp),2)));
sigma = mediadist * threshold;
% compute the bounding box diagonal
maxx = max(p_n(:,1));
maxy = max(p_n(:,2));
maxz = max(p_n(:,3));
minx = min(p_n(:,1));
miny = min(p_n(:,2));
minz = min(p_n(:,3));
bound = [maxx maxy maxz]-[minx miny minz];
v = sqrt(sum(bound.*bound,2));
%% iteration
iteration = 0;
num_inlier = 0;
max_iteration = 10000;
max_num_inlier = 0;
k = 1;
s = 5; % number of sample point
probability = 0.99;
d_best_penalty = 100000;
dist_scaling_factor = -1 / (2.0*sigma*sigma);
normalization_factor = 1 / (sqrt(2*pi)*sigma);
Gaussian = #(gamma,disterr,sig)gamma * normalization_factor * exp(disterr.^2*dist_scaling_factor);
Uniform = #(gamma,v)(1-gamma)/v;
while(iteration < k)
% get sample
rand_var = randi([1 length(x)],s,1);
% find coeff. & inlier
A_rand = [p_n(rand_var,1:2) ones(size(rand_var,1),1)];
y_est = p_n(rand_var,3);
Xopt = pinv(A_rand)*y_est;
disterr = abs(sum([p_n(:,1:2) ones(size(p_n,1),1)].*Xopt',2) - p_n(:,3))./sqrt(dot(Xopt',Xopt'));
inlier = find(disterr <= threshold);
outlier = find(disterr >= threshold);
num_inlier = size(inlier,1);
outlier_num = size(outlier,1);
% EM
gamma = 0.5;
iterations_EM = 3;
for i = 1:iterations_EM
% Likelihood of a datam given that it is an inlier
p_i = Gaussian(gamma,disterr,sigma);
% Likelihood of a datum given that it is an outlier
p_o = Uniform(gamma,v);
zi = p_i./(p_i + p_o);
gamma = sum(zi)/num_pt;
% Find the log likelihood of the mode -L
d_cur_pentnalty = -sum(log(p_i+p_o));
if(d_cur_pentnalty < d_best_penalty)
d_best_penalty = d_cur_pentnalty;
% record inlier
best_inlier = p_n(inlier,:);
max_num_inlier = num_inlier;
best_model = Xopt;
% Adapt k
w = max_num_inlier / num_pt;
p_no_outliers = 1 - w^s;
k = log(1-probability)/log(p_no_outliers);
% if (num_inlier > max_num_inlier)
% max_num_inlier = num_inlier;
% best_model = Xopt;
% % Adapt k
% w = max_num_inlier / num_pt;
% p_no_outliers = 1 - w^s;
% k = log(1-probability)/log(p_no_outliers);
% end
iteration = iteration + 1;
if iteration > max_iteration
a_est = best_model(1,:);
b_est = best_model(2,:);
c_est = best_model(3,:);
Z_opt = f(a_est,b_est,c_est,X,Y);
new_sur = mesh(X,Y,Z_opt,'edgecolor', 'r','FaceAlpha',0.5); % estimate
title('MLESAC',sprintf('original: a/c = %.2f, b/c = %.2f, c/c = %.2f\n new: a/c = %.2f, b/c = %.2f, c/c = %.2f',a/c,b/c,c/c,a_est,b_est,c_est));
The reference of my source code is from PCL(MLESAC), and I coded it in MATLAB.

Division by Zero error in calculating series

I am trying to compute a series, and I am running into an issue that I don't know why is occurring.
"RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars"
When I checked the code, it didn't seem to have any singularities, so I am confused. Here is the code currently(log stands for natural logarithm)(edit: extending code if that helps):
from numpy import pi, log
#Create functions to calculate the sums
def phi(z: int):
k = 0
phi = 0
#Loop through 1000 times to try to approximate the series value as if it went to infinity
while k <= 100:
phi += ((1/(k+1)) - (1/(k+(2*z))))
k += 1
return phi
def psi(z: int):
psi = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
psi += ((log(k))/( k**(2*z)))
k += 1
return psi
def sig(z: int):
sig = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
sig += ((log(k))**2)/(k^(2*z))
k += 1
return sig
def beta(z: int):
beta = 0
k = 1
while k <= 101:
beta += (1/(((2*z)+k)^2))
k += 1
return beta
#Create the formula to approximate the value. For higher accuracy, either calculate more derivatives of Bernoulli numbers or increase the boundry of k.
def Bern(z :int):
#Define Euler–Mascheroni constant
c = 0.577215664901532860606512
#Begin computations (only approximation)
B = (pi/6) * (phi(1) - c - 2 * log(2 * pi) - 1) - z * ((pi/6) * ((phi(1)- c - (2 * log(2 * pi)) - 1) * (phi(1) - c) + beta(1) - 2 * psi(1)) - 2 * (psi(1) * (phi(1) - c) + sig(1) + 2 * psi(1) * log(2 * pi)))
return B
A = int(input("Choose any value: "))
print("The answer is", Bern(A + 1))
Any help would be much appreciated.
are you sure you need a ^ bitwise exclusive or operator instead of **? I've tried to run your code with input parameter z = 1. And on a second iteration the result of k^(2*z) was equal to 0, so where is from zero division error come from (2^2*1 = 0).

algorithm to deal with series of values

With a series with a START, INCREMENT, and MAX:
START = 100
MAX = 315
e.g. 100, 130, 160, 190, 220, 250, 280, 310
Given an arbitrary number X return:
the values remaining in the series where the first value is >= X
the offset Y (catch up amount needed to get from X to first value of the series).
START = 100
MAX = 315
X = 210
Y = 10
S = 220, 250, 280, 310
UPDATE -- From MBo answer:
float max = 315.0;
float inc = 30.0;
float start = 100.0;
float x = 210.0;
float k0 = ceil( (x-start) / inc) ;
float k1 = floor( (max - start) / inc) ;
for (int i=k0; i<=k1; i++)
NSLog(#" output: %d: %f", i, start + i * inc);
output: 4: 220.000000
output: 5: 250.000000
output: 6: 280.000000
output: 7: 310.000000
MBo integer approach will be nicer.
School math:
Start + k0 * Inc >= X
k0 * Inc >= X - Start
k0 >= (X - Start) / Inc
Programming math:
k0 = Ceil(1.0 * (X - Start) / Inc)
k1 = Floor(1.0 * (Max - Start) / Inc)
for i = k0 to k1 (including both ends)
output Start + i * Inc
Integer math:
k0 = (X - Start + Inc - 1) / Inc //such integer division makes ceiling
k1 = (Max - Start) / Inc //integer division makes flooring
for i = k0 to k1 (including both ends)
output Start + i * Inc
START = 100
MAX = 315
X = 210
k0 = Ceil((210 - 100) / 30) = Ceil(3.7) = 4
k1 = Floor((315 - 100) / 30) = Floor(7.2) = 7
first 100 + 4 * 30 = 220
last 100 + 7 * 30 = 310
Solve the inequation
X <= S + K.I <= M
This is equivalent to
K0 = Ceil((X - S) / I) <= K <= Floor((M - S) / I) = K1
Y = X - (S + K0.I).
Note that it is possible to have K0 > K1, and there is no solution.

How is a local variable in another function affecting a variable in my main function?

So I have a "main" function (SolveSixODES) that calls a secondary function (AllODEs). And when it does this, the x value in the main function gets modified. I don't understand how this can be possible, seeing as it is not a global variable.
Here is the code, my inputs I used are as follows:
x=0, xmax=3, y=0-6, h=0.1, error=0.1
Public Function SolveSixODE(x As Double, xmax As Double, Y As Range, h As Double, error As Double) 'Weird bug: You must leave the first y4 value blank
Dim i As Integer, k(7, 7) As Double, j As Integer, m As Integer 'k(Order #, equation #)
Dim Y5(7) As Double, Y4(7) As Double, Y4Old(7) As Double
Dim delta0(7) As Double, delta1(7) As Double, delRatio(7) As Double, Rmin As Double
For i = 1 To 6 'Moving the input data so it can acutally be used
Y4(i) = Y(i)
Next i
While x < xmax
If x + h < xmax Then
x = x + h
h = xmax - x
x = xmax
End If
For j = 1 To 6 'j is the order i is equation number
For i = 1 To 6 'Calculating all of the k(1) values for eq 1 to 6
k(j, i) = AllODES(x, Y4, i, j, k, h) '!!!!!SOME HOW THIS LOOP MAKES X negative...!!!!!!!
Next i
Next j
For i = 1 To 6
Y4Old(i) = Y4(i) 'Saving old y4 value to calc delta0
Y4(i) = Y4(i) + h * (k(1, i) * (37 / 378) + k(3, i) * (250 / 621) + k(4, i) * (125 / 594) + k(6, i) * (512 / 1771))
Y5(i) = Y4(i) + h * (k(1, i) * (2825 / 27648) + k(3, i) * (18575 / 48384) + k(4, i) * (13525 / 55296) + k(5, i) * (277 / 14336) + k(6, i) * (0.25))
delta0(i) = error * (Abs(Y4Old(i)) + Abs(h * AllODES(x, Y4Old, i, 1, k, h))) 'First order because we don't want to use the k vals
delta1(i) = Abs(Y5(i) - Y4(i))
delRatio(i) = Abs(delta0(i) / delta1(i)) 'Ratio of errors
Next i
Rmin = delRatio(1)
For i = 2 To 6
If delRatio(i) < Rmin Then
Rmin = delRatio(i) 'Determine the smallest error ratio
End If
Next i
If Rmin < 1 Then 'If this is true then the step size was too big must repeat step
x = x - h 'Set x and y's back to previous values
For i = 1 To 6
Y4(i) = Y4Old(i)
Next i
h = 0.9 * h * Rmin ^ 0.25 'adjust h value; 0.9 is a safety factor
h = 0.9 * h * Rmin ^ 0.2 'Otherwise, we march on
End If
m = m + 1
SolveSixODE = Y4
End Function
Public Function AllODES(x As Double, Y() As Double, EqNumber As Integer, order As Integer, k() As Double, h As Double) As Double
Dim conc(7) As Double, i As Integer, j As Integer
If order = 1 Then
x = x - h
For i = 1 To 6 'Movin the data so I can use it
conc(i) = Y(i) 'also adjusting the x and y values for RK4 (Cash Karp values)
Next i
ElseIf order = 2 Then
x = x - h + h * 0.2
For i = 1 To 6
conc(i) = Y(i) + h * k(1, i) * 0.2
Next i
ElseIf order = 3 Then
x = x - h + 0.3 * h
For i = 1 To 6
conc(i) = Y(i) + h * (0.075 * k(1, i) + 0.225 * k(2, i))
Next i
ElseIf order = 4 Then
x = x - h + 0.6 * h
For i = 1 To 6
conc(i) = Y(i) + h * (0.3 * k(1, i) - 0.9 * k(2, i) + 1.2 * k(3, i))
Next i
ElseIf order = 5 Then
x = x - h + h
For i = 1 To 6
conc(i) = Y(i) + h * ((-11 / 54) * k(1, i) + 2.5 * k(2, i) - (70 / 27) * k(3, i) + (35 / 27) * k(4, i))
Next i
ElseIf order = 6 Then
x = x - h + 0.875 * h
For i = 1 To 6
conc(i) = Y(i) + h * ((1631 / 55296) * k(1, i) + (175 / 512) * k(2, i) + (575 / 13824) * k(3, i) + (44275 / (110592) * k(4, i) + (253 / 4096) * k(5, i)))
Next i
MsgBox ("error")
End If
If EqNumber = 1 Then 'These are the actual equations
AllODES = x + Y(1)
ElseIf EqNumber = 2 Then
AllODES = x
ElseIf EqNumber = 3 Then
AllODES = Y(3)
ElseIf EqNumber = 4 Then
AllODES = 2 * x
ElseIf EqNumber = 5 Then
AllODES = 2 * Y(2)
ElseIf EqNumber = 6 Then
AllODES = 3 * x
MsgBox ("You entered an Eq Number that was dumb")
End If
End Function
It's possible that it is something really trivial that I missed but this seems to contradict my knowledge of how variables work. So if you understand how the function is able to manipulate a variable from another function in this case, I would appreciate any advice and/or explanation!
Thanks in advance!
the x value in the main function gets modified. I don't understand how this can be possible, seeing as it is not a global variable
This is normal because you are passing x by reference to the function AllODES and you do change it there. When the keyword ByVal is not explicitly specified in the function/sub prototype, the default passing mechanism is ByRef, that is, by reference.
Public Function AllODES(x As Double, ...
Public Function AllODES(ByRef x As Double, ....
We observe that x is manipulated in this function, so the change will appear in the caller. If you want that the change of x does not report back in the caller's scope, pass x by value:
Public Function AllODES(ByVal x As Double, ....
' ^^^^^
Only in this case the x of the caller and the x of the callee will be two different variables.

The results of my functions when I call a spline function gives wrong values

I have a function that only call the spline function when something this case when a division is less than zero..the inputs for the function is the same that for the spline function(called CUBIC), the spline was tested and works well when I call it direct! someone can help me?...follows a party of the code
Function NDF6(T As Variant, dias As Variant, taxas As Variant)
If T <= dias(1) Then
NDF6 = taxas(1)
Exit Function
End If
If T >= dias(tam) Then
NDF6 = taxas(tam)
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To tam
If T <= dias(i) Then
If taxas(i) / taxas(i - 1) < 0 Then
Call CUBIC(T, dias, taxas)
i0 = ((taxas(i - 1) * dias(i - 1)) / 360) + 1
i1 = ((taxas(i - 1) * dias(i - 1)) / 360) + 1
irel = i1 / i0
i2 = irel ^ ((T - dias(i - 1)) / (dias(i) - dias(i - 1)))
i2rel = i2 * i0
i2real = i2rel - 1
NDF6 = i2real * (360 / T)
End If
Public Function CUBIC(x As Variant, input_column As Variant, output_column As Variant)
The function returns a zero value when I call the cubic function. The inputs are a cell with a value with a value equivalent a day and two arrays(DUONOFF and ONOFF) equivalent a days and rates, I call the function like:
follows the CUBIC function
Public Function CUBIC(x As Variant, input_column As Variant, output_column As Variant)
'Purpose: Given a data set consisting of a list of x values
' and y values, this function will smoothly interpolate
' a resulting output (y) value from a given input (x) value
' This counts how many points are in "input" and "output" set of data
Dim input_count As Integer
Dim output_count As Integer
input_count = input_column.Rows.Count
output_count = output_column.Rows.Count
Next check to be sure that "input" # points = "output" # points
If input_count <> output_count Then
CUBIC = "Something's messed up! The number of indeces number of output_columnues don't match!"
GoTo out
End If
ReDim xin(input_count) As Single
ReDim yin(input_count) As Single
Dim c As Integer
For c = 1 To input_count
xin(c) = input_column(c)
yin(c) = output_column(c)
Next c
values are populated
Dim N As Integer 'n=input_count
Dim i, k As Integer 'these are loop counting integers
Dim p, qn, sig, un As Single
ReDim u(input_count - 1) As Single
ReDim yt(input_count) As Single 'these are the 2nd deriv values
N = input_count
yt(1) = 0
u(1) = 0
For i = 2 To N - 1
sig = (xin(i) - xin(i - 1)) / (xin(i + 1) - xin(i - 1))
p = sig * yt(i - 1) + 2
yt(i) = (sig - 1) / p
u(i) = (yin(i + 1) - yin(i)) / (xin(i + 1) - xin(i)) - (yin(i) - yin(i - 1)) / (xin(i) - xin(i - _1))
u(i) = (6 * u(i) / (xin(i + 1) - xin(i - 1)) - sig * u(i - 1)) / p
Next i
qn = 0
un = 0
yt(N) = (un - qn * u(N - 1)) / (qn * yt(N - 1) + 1)
For k = N - 1 To 1 Step -1
yt(k) = yt(k) * yt(k + 1) + u(k)
Next k
now eval spline at one point
Dim klo, khi As Integer
Dim h, b, a As Single
first find correct interval
klo = 1
khi = N
k = khi - klo
If xin(k) > x Then
khi = k
klo = k
End If
k = khi - klo
Loop While k > 1
h = xin(khi) - xin(klo)
a = (xin(khi) - x) / h
b = (x - xin(klo)) / h
y = a * yin(klo) + b * yin(khi) + ((a ^ 3 - a) * yt(klo) + (b ^ 3 - b) * yt(khi)) * (h ^ 2) _/ 6
End Function