Get 2nd from string in SQL - sql

I have a requirement in SQL where I am getting a string and need to get the top 2nd row.
I am using SQL version 2014
I have a string which I am to spitting using the character 'M'
string is as follows: 3908K88513K1992K898593M
if I pass input: 88513 I need to get the output as 898593
Another example is
string: 24572K12345K10981K19809K
if the input is 19809 output should be: 12345
I have tried below code but it is failing at 2nd input example string:
FROM splitfunction((
SELECT number
FROM name
WHERE id = 100709
), 'K')
) AS T

As Jarlh mentioned in the comments, instead of using TOP, use OFFSET and FETCH:
SELECT ss.* --This should be your columns
CROSS APPLY dbo.dba_splitstring(c.structureno,'M') ss
WHERE c.recno = 100719
ORDER BY {????} --Your ORDER BY was missing in your query
I've also reformulated your query, as all those subqueries weren't necessary.


I want to find the longest varchar in a specific column of a SQL Server table

Here's an example:
ID | Desc
1 | a
2 | aaa
3 | aa
The SQL query here should return 3 and the word itself i.e., aaa? Since the longest value is aaa with 3 characters?
The output should be:
aaa 3
You can use order by and limit the results to one row:
select description, len(description)
from t
order by len(description) desc
offset 0 row fetch first 1 row only;
Or use:
select top (1) description, len(description)
from t
order by len(description) desc;
OFFSET is specifying how many rows from the top of the result set you will ignore ...
And then the FETCH is used to limit the result to the number of rows you specify.
The combination of this two will return the desired result because the result set is ordered by len(descr).
select descr, len(descr)
from test
order by len(descr) desc
fetch first 1 rows only;
With TOP:
TOP will limit the reultset to the number of rows you specify. In this example 1. Because it is ordered by the lenght of the column desc then the first row will be the one you are looking for.
select top 1 descr, len(descr)
from test
order by len(descr) desc
HERE IS A DEMO for both examples
Note for the end:
Use aliases (I will demonstrate on one of this two examples)
select descr as Description, len(descr) "Description length"
from test
order by len(descr) desc
fetch first 1 rows only;
You can put them between double quotes or not, use keyword as or not, it is up to you but the result looks better with them.
Both ROW and ROWS keyword is ok for OFFSET and FETCH clause. So what ever you want to use you can...
You can try TOP as shown below. Here is the official documentation of TOP (Transact-SQL).
top 1 Id, description, len(description) as MaxLength
from YourTable order by len(description) desc
Live Demo
This will do what you want on Oracle (one of the tags on the question):
SELECT descript,length(descript)
FROM t WHERE length(descript)=( SELECT max(length(descript)) FROM t);
Keep in mind that if there are two (or more) records with that length, you will get them all. You could add a AND rownum < 2 clause but that will give you which ever entry the database chooses to give.
If you want the first record of those with the longest field, a subquery will be required:
SELECT descript,length(descript) from (
select descript from t order by length(descript) desc, descript asc)
WHERE rownum < 2;
There is also the offset 0 row fetch... version listed earlier:
SQL> select descript, length(descript)
2 from t
3 order by length(descript) desc
4 offset 0 row fetch first 1 row only;
-------------------- ----------------
defg 4
Mind you, this only works on my "" Oracle. If I try the same thing on my "" Oracle, I get "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" with that last line. Apparently this is newer, maybe that is why I have never seen it before.

most effecient way to search SQL table using result from same table until final value is found

In the image above which represents an SQL table I would like to search 1111 and retrieve its last replaced number which should be 4444 where 1111 is just a single number replaced by a single number 4444. then i would like to search 5555 which should return (6666,9999,8888). NB 9999 had replaced 7777.
so 1111 was a single part number replaced multiple times and 5555 was a group number with multiple parts breakdown with one replaced number within(7777>>9999).
What would be the fastest and most efficient method?
if possible a solution using SQL for efficiency.
if unable within SQL then from within PHP.
What I have tried:
1) while loop. but need to access database 1000 times for 1000 replaced numbers. ##too inefficient.
left join TABLE B on A.RPLPART=B.PART#
left join TABLE C on B.RPLPART=C.PART#
WHERE A.PART#='1111' ##Unable to know when last number is reached.
A recursive Common Table Expression (CTE) would seem to be the ticket.
Something like so...
with rcte (lvl, topPart, part#, rplpart) as
(select 1 as lvl, part#, part#, rplpart
union all
select p.lvl + 1, p.topPart, c.part#, c.rplpart
from rcte p, MYTABLE c
where p.rplpart = c.part#
select topPart, rplpart
from rcte
where toppart = 1111
order by lvl desc
fetch first row only;
You can do this using a recursive CTE that generates a complete replacement chain for a given starting part id, and then limit the result to just those that don't exist in the parts# column:
WITH cte(part) AS
(SELECT replpart FROM parts WHERE part# = 1111
SELECT parts.replpart FROM parts, cte WHERE parts.part# = cte.part)
FROM cte
WHERE part NOT IN (SELECT part# FROM parts);
Fiddle example

SQL Server 'FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY' Invalid usage

I am trying to convert a Db2 query to SQL Server, I came across a construct I am not familiar with: FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY.
This is the query working on db2:
select * from products.series where state = 'xxx' order by id
and the error I am getting on SQL Server:
Invalid usage of the option FIRST in the FETCH statement.
I have tried replacing FIRST with NEXT which seems to be admitted in SQL Server, but with no success.
I am using SQL Sever 2014
Try with OFFSET clause
select * from products.series where state = 'xxx' order by id
use top:
select top 1 * from products.series where state = 'xxx' order by id
You can use top() finction'
select top 1 * from table
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM (select * from products.series where state = 'xxx') as tmp ORDER BY id

SQL Combing the top 2 field values into 1 value

I have a very simple query that returns the Notes field. Since there can be multiple notes, I only want the top 2. No problem. However, I'm going to be using the sql within another query. I really don't want 2 lines in my results. I would like to combine the results into 1 field value so I only have 1 result line in the results. Is this possible?
For example, I currently get the following:
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 1"
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 2"
What I would like to see is this:
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 1 AND Note 2"
Following is the sql:
select top 2 rcai.field_value
from rnt_agrs ra
inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
inner join RNT_CUST_ADDNL_INFO rcai on rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr=rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr and rain.bac_acc_id=rcai.bac_acct_id
where ra.rnt_agr_nbr=128260511
Thanks for your help. I appreciate this forum for help with these issues.....
Get the next row's value and filter all but the first row:
select ..., rcai.field_value || ' AND '
min(rcai.field_value) -- next row's value (same as LEAD in Standard SQL)
over (partition by ra.rnt_agr_nbr
order by rcai.field_value
rows between 1 following and 1 following) as next_field_value
from rnt_agrs ra
inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
inner join RNT_CUST_ADDNL_INFO rcai on rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr=rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr and rain.bac_acc_id=rcai.bac_acct_id
where ra.rnt_agr_nbr=128260511
row_number() -- only the first row
over (partition by ra.rnt_agr_nbr
order by rcai.field_value) = 1
If there might be only a single row you need to add a COALESCE(min...,'') to get rid of the NULL.
Both OLAP functions specify the same PARTITION and ORDER, so this is a single working step.
select *,(SELECT top 2 rcai.field_value + ' AND ' AS [text()]
WHERE rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr = rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
AND rcai.bac_acct_id=rain.bac_acc_id
FOR XML PATH('')) AS Notes
rnt_agrs ra inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain
on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
I had something like this, where there was a 1 to many, and I wanted a semicolon delimited set of values in a single column with the main record.
You could use PIVOT to transform the two note rows into two note columns based on row number, then concatenate them. Here's an example:
SELECT pvt.[1] + ' and ' + pvt.[2]
( --the selection of your table data, including a row-number column
--sample data shown here, but this would be your real table
FROM (VALUES(1, 'Note 1'), (2, 'Note 2'), (3, 'Note 3')) Note(Id, Msg)
) Data (Msg, Row)
PIVOT (MAX(Msg) FOR Row IN ([1], [2])) pvt
Note that MAX is used for the aggregate in the PIVOT since an aggregate is required, but since ROW_NUMBER is unique, you're only aggregating a single value.
This could also be easily extended to the first N rows - just include the row numbers you want in the pivot and combine them as desired in the select statement.

SQL Select using distinct and Cast [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Let me try this one more time... I'm not a sql guy so please bear with me as I try to explain this... I have a table called t_recordkeepingleg with three columns of data. Column1 is named LEGTRIPNUMBER that happens to be a string that starts with the letter Q followed by 4 numbers. I need to strip off the Q and convert the remaining 4 characters (numbers) to an integer. Everyone with me so far? Column2 of this table is named LEGDATE. Column3 is named LEGGROUP.
Here's the input scenario
Q1001 08/12/12 0001
Q1001 09/15/12 0002
Q1002 09/01/12 0001
Q1002 09/08/12 0003
Q1002 09/09/12 0002
As you can see the input table has rows where LEGTRIPNUMBER occurs more than once. I only want the first occurrence.
This is my current select statement - it works but returns all rows.
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
I want to modify this so that it only selects ONE occurance of the Qnnnn. When the row gets selected I want to have LEGDATE and LEGGROUP available to me. How do I do this?
Thank you,
Can it be as simple as below? I've just added condiotion on leggroup being 0001
CAST(substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
and "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGGROUP"='0001'
If you have a unique primay key in your table you can do something like the below;
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID" In(
Select Min("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID")
From "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
Group By "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER"
Which values of LEGDATE & LEGGROUP do you want for the distinct LEGTRIPNUMBER? there are multiple non-distinct possibilities and the concept of "first occurrence" is only valid with an explicit order.
To get the values where LEGDATE is the earliest for example;
select Num_Trip_Num, LEGDATE, LEGGROUP from (
cast(substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num,
row_number() over (partition by substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) order by t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGDATE asc) as row,
from t_RecordkeepingLeg
where left (t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 1) = 'Q'
) T
where row = 1