SQL Combing the top 2 field values into 1 value - sql

I have a very simple query that returns the Notes field. Since there can be multiple notes, I only want the top 2. No problem. However, I'm going to be using the sql within another query. I really don't want 2 lines in my results. I would like to combine the results into 1 field value so I only have 1 result line in the results. Is this possible?
For example, I currently get the following:
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 1"
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 2"
What I would like to see is this:
12345 1001 500.00 "Note 1 AND Note 2"
Following is the sql:
select top 2 rcai.field_value
from rnt_agrs ra
inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
inner join RNT_CUST_ADDNL_INFO rcai on rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr=rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr and rain.bac_acc_id=rcai.bac_acct_id
where ra.rnt_agr_nbr=128260511
Thanks for your help. I appreciate this forum for help with these issues.....

Get the next row's value and filter all but the first row:
select ..., rcai.field_value || ' AND '
min(rcai.field_value) -- next row's value (same as LEAD in Standard SQL)
over (partition by ra.rnt_agr_nbr
order by rcai.field_value
rows between 1 following and 1 following) as next_field_value
from rnt_agrs ra
inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
inner join RNT_CUST_ADDNL_INFO rcai on rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr=rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr and rain.bac_acc_id=rcai.bac_acct_id
where ra.rnt_agr_nbr=128260511
row_number() -- only the first row
over (partition by ra.rnt_agr_nbr
order by rcai.field_value) = 1
If there might be only a single row you need to add a COALESCE(min...,'') to get rid of the NULL.
Both OLAP functions specify the same PARTITION and ORDER, so this is a single working step.

select *,(SELECT top 2 rcai.field_value + ' AND ' AS [text()]
WHERE rcai.rea_rnt_agr_nbr = rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
AND rcai.bac_acct_id=rain.bac_acc_id
FOR XML PATH('')) AS Notes
rnt_agrs ra inner join rnt_agr_inv_notes rain
on ra.rnt_agr_nbr=rain.rea_rnt_agr_nbr
I had something like this, where there was a 1 to many, and I wanted a semicolon delimited set of values in a single column with the main record.

You could use PIVOT to transform the two note rows into two note columns based on row number, then concatenate them. Here's an example:
SELECT pvt.[1] + ' and ' + pvt.[2]
( --the selection of your table data, including a row-number column
--sample data shown here, but this would be your real table
FROM (VALUES(1, 'Note 1'), (2, 'Note 2'), (3, 'Note 3')) Note(Id, Msg)
) Data (Msg, Row)
PIVOT (MAX(Msg) FOR Row IN ([1], [2])) pvt
Note that MAX is used for the aggregate in the PIVOT since an aggregate is required, but since ROW_NUMBER is unique, you're only aggregating a single value.
This could also be easily extended to the first N rows - just include the row numbers you want in the pivot and combine them as desired in the select statement.


How to check max from range in cursor?

I have a problem with transferring an Excel formula to SQL. My excel formula is: =IF(P2<(MAX($P$2:P2));"Move";"").
The P column in excel is a sequence of numbers.
a | b
You can find more example on this screenshot:
I created a cursor with a loop but I don't know how to check max from range.
For example when I iterate for fourth row, I have to check max from 1-4 row etc.
No need for a cursor and a loop. Assuming that you have a column that defines the ordering of the rows (say, id), you can use window functions:
select t.*,
case when a < max(a) over(order by id) then 'MOVE' end as b
from mytable t
One option would be using MAX() Analytic function . But in any case, you'd have an extra column such as id for ordering in order to determine the max value for the current row from the first row, since SQL statements represent unordered sets. If you have that id column with values ordered as in your sample data, then consider using
CURRENT ROW) AS max_upto_this_row,
SELECT a, CASE WHEN max_upto_this_row > a THEN 'Move' END AS b

Get 2nd from string in SQL

I have a requirement in SQL where I am getting a string and need to get the top 2nd row.
I am using SQL version 2014
I have a string which I am to spitting using the character 'M'
string is as follows: 3908K88513K1992K898593M
if I pass input: 88513 I need to get the output as 898593
Another example is
string: 24572K12345K10981K19809K
if the input is 19809 output should be: 12345
I have tried below code but it is failing at 2nd input example string:
FROM splitfunction((
SELECT number
FROM name
WHERE id = 100709
), 'K')
) AS T
As Jarlh mentioned in the comments, instead of using TOP, use OFFSET and FETCH:
SELECT ss.* --This should be your columns
FROM dbo.contact c
CROSS APPLY dbo.dba_splitstring(c.structureno,'M') ss
WHERE c.recno = 100719
ORDER BY {????} --Your ORDER BY was missing in your query
I've also reformulated your query, as all those subqueries weren't necessary.

DB2 concatenate unique column values into one row, comma seperated

Two tables:
Parts Table:
Part_Number Load_Date TQTY
m-123 19940102 32
1234Cf 20010809 3
wf9-2 20160421 14
Locations Table:
PartNo Condition Location QTY
m-123 U A02 2
1234Cf S A02 3
m-123 U B01 1
wf9-2 S A06 7
m-123 S A18 29
wf9-2 U F16 7
Part_Number Load_Date TQTY U_LOC UQTY S_LOC SQTY
m-123 19940102 32 A02,B01 3 A18 29
1234Cf 20010809 3 A02 3
wf9-2 20160421 14 F16 7 A06 7
I am having trouble finding a solution to this with my current DB2 version. I am not completely sure how to find the version, but it is running on an AS400 system, and it seems the version of DB2, is tied to the OS version. Which the box is using: Operating system: i5/OS Version: V5R4M0
(I tried some commands to get the DB2 version using these suggestions Here but none of them worked, like most stated).
In regards to concatenating multiple rows of column data into one row I have come across many articles stating to use XMLAGG or xmlserialize, Here and, Here but I get an error stating the command is not recognized.
Not sure where to go from here, as there seem to be solutions, but I can't get those already suggested functions to work.
Using the accepted answer and explanation, as well as the example
HERE to get a basic idea of recursion with a simple example, and it was
HERE using the "SELECT rownumber() over(partition by category)" statements that really helped pull it all together. Once I understood that statement of course.
I also learned to make sure the data used in the recursion is as narrowed down as possible and then joined up with extra data later. This makes for exponentially faster results. <-- This seems pretty obvious, but when trying to figure all of this out, it wasn't obvious and my query was pretty slow. Once I understood what was actually happening better it was easier to make adjustments for really fast results.
This is rather complicated, so I will show all my work:
Table definitions
create table parts
(part_number Varchar(64),
load_date Date,
total_qty Dec(5,0));
create table locations
(part_number Varchar(64),
condition Char(1),
location Char(3),
qty Dec(5,0));
insert into parts
values ('m-123', '1994-01-02', 32),
('1234Cf', '2001-08-09', 3),
('wf9-2', '2016-04-21', 14);
insert into locations
values ('m-123', 'U', 'A02', 2),
('1234Cf', 'S', 'A02', 3),
('m-123', 'U', 'B01', 1),
('wf9-2', 'S', 'A06', 7),
('m-123', 'S', 'A18', 29),
('wf9-2', 'U', 'F16', 7);
The query:
with -- CTE's
-- This collects locations into a comma seperated list
tmp (part_number, condition, location, csv, level) as (
select part_number, condition, min(location),
cast(min(location) as varchar(128)), 1
from locations
group by part_number, condition
union all
select a.part_number, a.condition, b.location,
a.csv || ',' || b.location, a.level + 1
from tmp a
join locations b using (part_number, condition)
where a.csv not like '%' || b.location || '%'
and b.location > a.location),
-- This chooses the correct csv list, and adds quantity for the condition
tmp2 (part_number, condition, csv, qty) as (
select t.part_number, t.condition, t.csv,
(select sum(qty) qty
from locations
where part_number = t.part_number
and condition = t.condition)
from tmp t
where level = (select max(level)
from tmp
where part_number = t.part_number
and condition = t.condition))
-- This is the final select that combines the parts file with
-- the second stage CTE and arranges things horizontally by condition
select p.part_number, p.load_date,
(select sum(qty)
from locations
where part_number = p.part_number) as total_qty,
coalesce(u.csv, '') as u_loc,
coalesce(u.qty, 0) as uqty,
coalesce(s.csv, '') as s_loc,
coalesce(s.qty, 0) as sqty
from parts p
left outer join tmp2 u
on u.part_number = p.part_number and u.condition = 'U'
left outer join tmp2 s
on s.part_number = p.part_number and s.condition = 'S'
order by p.load_date;
EDIT I have had to add some extra bits in here to support more than two locations for a part/condition, and I have made the column naming in the CTEs more consistent. Ok, so let me explain this a bit, there are 3 parts to this quety, 2 CTEs and the query, you can see the three parts are separated by comments. The first CTE is a recursive CTE. It's purpose is to produce the comma separated location list. You should be able to run the select by itself to see just what it does. tmp is the table name, part_number, condition, csv, and level are the column names. A recursive CTE needs a SELECT to prime the CTE and a UNION ALL with a SELECT that fills in the next details. In this case the priming SELECT retrieves a part number, a condition, and the first location (alphabetically) for that combination. level is set to 1. If you run just the priming select, you will get:
part_number condition location csv level
----------- --------- -------- --- -----
1234Cf S A01 A02 1
m-123 S A18 A18 1
m-123 U A02 A02 1
wf9-2 U F16 F16 1
wf9-2 S A06 A06 1
Note one line per part/condition. The remainder of the recursive CTE will fill in the remaining locations in csv, but it will actually add additional records so we need to filter the results here and later. So records are processed as they are added. The first rows listed above are joined with the location file
on part_number and condition. Note in the priming select I have a cast of the second min(location) to a varchar(128). This leaves room for the CSV column to expand. Without this, it will still expand, but not enough to hold more than 2 locations.
The second select in the recursive CTE concatenates a comma and the next location to the end of CSV. The specific bit that does this is a.csv || ',' || b.location. It also increments the level column. This helps us keep track of where we are in the query. Eventually, the row with the highest level is the one we want to use. We also have a way to end the recursion, and some filters to reduce the number of rows added to the temporary result set. If we have 2 locations, A02 and B02, left unchecked, we will get the following rows: A02, A02,A02, A02,B02, A02,A02,A02, A02,B02,A02, A02,A02,B02, A02,B02,B02, ... ad infinitum. The anti-duplication filter where a.csv not like '%' || b.location || '%' is sufficient for two locations to end the recursion, and minimize rows, like above, for locations A02 and B02, with the anti-duplication filter, we will get rows A02, and A02,B02. Note that none of the other results from the first example with duplicate locations are returned. Adding a third location C02 will yield, with anti-duplication filter, the following rows: A02, A02,B02, A02,C02, A02,B02,C02, A02,C02,B02. No duplicates here, but we do have redundant rows, and as you add locations, it gets worse. This is where we need a way to detect these redundant rows. Since we are starting with the lowest location number, we can always make sure that locations added to CSV are greater than the previously added location. To do that all we need to do is include a column in the result set that indicates which column was added (we could interrogate CSV, but that is harder). This is why we need the location column in tmp. Then we can write filter b.location > a.location. In the above 3 location example, this filter prevents row A02,C02,B02 leaving just a single row with all three locations. Adding more than three locations to the locations file will cause the number of rows to expand even more in TMP, but for each part and condition, there will only be one row with all locations, and it will contain all locations in ascending order.
The second CTE does two things. First, it filters TMP to drop all but the rows containing all locations for a given part/condition. Second, it accumulates the total quantity for each part/condition.
The bit that performs the filtering is in the where clause:
where level = (select max(level)
from tmp
where part_number = t.part_number
and condition = t.condition))
Pretty straight forward. The bit that accumulates the total quantity for a part/condition is also an easy to understand sub-query:
(select sum(qty) qty
from locations
where part_number = t.part_number
and condition = t.condition)
The final piece of this monster query is the main select. It joins the parts file with the results of the second CTE to form the ultimate result set:
select p.part_number, p.load_date,
(select sum(qty) from locations where part_number = p.part_number) as total_qty,
coalesce(u.csv, '') as u_loc, coalesce(u.qty, 0) as uqty,
coalesce(s.csv, '') as s_loc, coalesce(s.qty, 0) as sqty
from parts p
left outer join tmp2 u
on u.part_number = p.part_number and u.condition = 'U'
left outer join tmp2 s
on s.part_number = p.part_number and s.condition = 'S'
order by p.load_date
Bits of note are the subquery to retrieve the total quantity from the locations table. You could use the tqty field in parts, but that can get out of sync with the actual quantities in the locations table. In addition there are two left outer joins with tmp2, one for condition U, and another for condition S. These construct the horizontal array of Location/Quantity in the result row. The last thing is the coalesce functions. These give null values (when a result from an outer join is missing) a default value.
End of EDIT
The final result is:
part_number load_date tqty u_loc uqty s_loc sqty
----------- ---------- ---- ------- ---- ----- ----
m-123 1994-01-02 32 A02,B01 3 A18 29
1234Cf 2001-08-09 3 0 A02 3
wf9-2 2016-04-21 14 F16 7 A06 7
Note XMLAGG and XMLSERIALIZE became available at DB2 for i v7.1 and LISTAGG became available at DB2 for i v7.2. Most recent version as of 8/9/2017 is v7.3. As you are on v5r4, it is likely you will need not only a software, but also a hardware upgrade to get current.
No idea what the rules are for UQTY, S_LOC, SQTY but here is the column you asked about ---
FROM "Parts Table" AS P
LEFT JOIN "Locations Table" AS L ON P.Part_Number = L.Part_Number
GROUP BY P.Part_Number, P.Load_Date, P.TQTY

Find preceding and following rows for a matching row in BigQuery?

Is it possible to find rows preceding and following a matching rows in a BigQuery query? For example if I do:
select textPayload from logs.logs_20160709 where textPayload like "%something%"
and say that I get these results back:
something A
something B
How can I also show the 3 rows preceding and following the matching rows? Something like this:
some text 1
some text 2
some text 3
something A
some text 4
some text 5
some text 6
some text 90
some text 91
some text 92
something B
some text 93
some text 94
some text 95
Is this possible and if so how?
While on Zuma Beach - I was thinking of avoiding CROSS JOIN in my original answer.
Check below - should be much cheaper especially for big set
SELECT textPayload
SELECT textPayload,
SELECT textPayload, ts, IF(textPayload CONTAINS 'something', 1, 0) AS match
FROM YourTable
WHERE flag > 0
Of course another way to avoid cross join is to use BigQuery Standard SQL. But still - above solution with no joins at all is better than my original answer
I think, one piece is missing in your example - extra field that will define the order, so I added ts field for this in my answer. This mean I assume your table has two fields involved : textPayload and ts
Try below. Should give you exactly what you need
SELECT start, finish
SELECT textPayload,
FROM YourTable
WHERE textPayload CONTAINS 'something'
) AS matches
CROSS JOIN YourTable AS all
WHERE all.ts BETWEEN matches.start AND matches.finish
Please note: depends on type of your ts field - you might need to do some data casting in query for this field. hope not

SQL Select using distinct and Cast [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Let me try this one more time... I'm not a sql guy so please bear with me as I try to explain this... I have a table called t_recordkeepingleg with three columns of data. Column1 is named LEGTRIPNUMBER that happens to be a string that starts with the letter Q followed by 4 numbers. I need to strip off the Q and convert the remaining 4 characters (numbers) to an integer. Everyone with me so far? Column2 of this table is named LEGDATE. Column3 is named LEGGROUP.
Here's the input scenario
Q1001 08/12/12 0001
Q1001 09/15/12 0002
Q1002 09/01/12 0001
Q1002 09/08/12 0003
Q1002 09/09/12 0002
As you can see the input table has rows where LEGTRIPNUMBER occurs more than once. I only want the first occurrence.
This is my current select statement - it works but returns all rows.
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
I want to modify this so that it only selects ONE occurance of the Qnnnn. When the row gets selected I want to have LEGDATE and LEGGROUP available to me. How do I do this?
Thank you,
Can it be as simple as below? I've just added condiotion on leggroup being 0001
CAST(substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
and "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGGROUP"='0001'
If you have a unique primay key in your table you can do something like the below;
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID" In(
Select Min("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID")
From "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
Group By "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER"
Which values of LEGDATE & LEGGROUP do you want for the distinct LEGTRIPNUMBER? there are multiple non-distinct possibilities and the concept of "first occurrence" is only valid with an explicit order.
To get the values where LEGDATE is the earliest for example;
select Num_Trip_Num, LEGDATE, LEGGROUP from (
cast(substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num,
row_number() over (partition by substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) order by t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGDATE asc) as row,
from t_RecordkeepingLeg
where left (t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 1) = 'Q'
) T
where row = 1