Why iPhone safari breaks shadows on elements in PDF? - pdf

I have this css rule. And I generate PDF from html via puppeteer or jsreports.
div {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.1rem #f1f2f9;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.1rem #f1f2f9;
And for some elements box-shadow not seen correct.
How can I solve this?

When you add filter opacity 1, it fixes that problem.
div {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.1rem #f1f2f9;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.1rem #f1f2f9;
-webkit-filter: opacity(1);
if it hides your inner elements, add filter opacity 1 to them too.


less function to generate css class

I try to do any less function which will be called to create some classes.
Here is the way I tried :
.makeCssColor{#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
background-color: fade(~"#{couleur}, 'Fonce'", 15%);
&.open, &:hover {
background-color: ~"#{couleur}, 'Fonce'";
.btMod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{couleur}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
And I try to call it to create the classes :
But it generate an error. I don't find the good way to do it... And it bothers me to repeat all these code for each color (there is more than these line code and more thant two colors !).
Can anyone give me a little help ? :)
ok, thanks to your help, this code does not generate an error, but there is a mistake in the CSS file :
#marronFonce = #9d5a1e;
.makeCssColor(#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
.top {
background-color: #couleur, 'Fonce';
.mod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{couleur}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
Generate this into the css file :
.coul_marron .top{background-color:marron,'Fonce'}
.coul_marron background : url('/img/btModEvt_marron.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
So the background color isn't good :
.coul_marron .top{background-color:#9d5a1e}
.coul_marron background : url('/img/btModEvt_marron.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
I need to evaluate #couleur, 'Fonce' : #marronFonce => #9d5a1e.
I tried #{#couleur, 'Fonce'} but it doesn't works...
Fade function takes a colour and a fade percentage, in your case you are passing 2 colours. Pass them one at a time. I also made some adjustments on #couleur since i some cases they don't need to be escaped
.makeCssColor{#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
background-color: fade(#couleur, 15%), fade(Fonce, 15%);
&.open, &:hover {
background-color: #couleur, 'Fonce';
.btMod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#couleur.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
when you call the mixin use the below, no need to use quotes
UPDATE - just pass it in
.makeCssColor(#couleur, #name) {
.coul_#{name} {
.top {
background-color: #couleur;
.mod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{name}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
then when you call it
.makeCssColor(#marronFonce, marron);
other option is you can make a loop, it's more complicated but you can try it. I am using an example I already have on my computer
first define a variable with the colour and names
~"0070" '#ebebe7',
~"08x2" '#00247a',
~"01k0" '#92918e';
then loops thru it
.sample-loop ( #l ) when ( #l > 0 ) {
#item: extract( #sample #l );
#code: extract( #item, 1 );
#colour: color(extract( #item, 2 ));
.ext-#{code} {
background-color: #colour;
.sample-loop( #l - 1 );
and finally call the loop to generate your classes
.sample-loop( 3 );
depending on which version of less you have, the 3 can coded so it is dynamic. If you have older version of less then you have to hard code the length of the variable, or assign the length to a variable so you can use it anywhere

Smart margin mixin for LESS

I've created a .smartMargin() mixin for LESS CSS to be used in responsive design LESS.
I'm sharing it here for the benefit of others and also because I'm curious if there's any way to make it more efficient.
The mixin is designed to be called from within another mixin that represents a responsive design breakpoint. The idea is that you may want to override top, left, bottom, right margins individually by overriding one or more margins in each successive breakpoint.
In main mixin I just want one parameter for #videoMargin as opposed to #videoMarginLeft, #videoMarginRight etc so that's why I've called it 'smartMargin'.
In my main file I define a breakpoint like this, and then call this mixin several times:
.breakpoint(#width, #color, #labelsSize, #videoMargin)
.breakPoint(10em, red, 3em, 1em auto 1em auto);
.breakPoint(10em, green, 3em, 2em unset unset unset);
.breakPoint(20em, blue, 3em, unset 3em unset unset);
Output css
So for a given value of #videoMargin here's the output css generated
generated css
.smartMargin(3em); margin: 3em;
.smartMargin(3em 1em 2em 4em); margin: 3em 1em 2em 4em;
.smartMargin(3em unset unset unset); margin-top: 3em;
.smartMargin(3em unset unset 4em); margin-top: 3em;
margin-right: 3em;
The mixin is as follows. It works well but it just seems a little clumsy in places and you need to provide either 4 or 1 parameters. If anybody can optimize this I'd be very interested to see.
.smartMargin(#margin) when (length(#margin) = 4)
._smartMargin() when (extract(#margin, 4) = unset), (extract(#margin, 3) = unset), (extract(#margin, 2) = unset), (extract(#margin, 1) = unset)
.marginComponent(#name, #value)
& when not (#value = unset)
#{name}: #value;
.marginComponent(margin-top, extract(#margin, 1));
.marginComponent(margin-right, extract(#margin, 2));
.marginComponent(margin-bottom, extract(#margin, 3));
.marginComponent(margin-left, extract(#margin, 4));
._smartMargin() when (default())
margin: #margin;
.smartMargin(#margin) when (default())
& when not (#margin = ~'') and not (#margin = unset)
margin: #margin;
You could possibly rewrite it to something like:
.smartMargin(#margin) when (isem(#margin)),(isem(extract(#margin,1))) and (isem(extract(#margin,2))) and (isem(extract(#margin,3))) and (isem(extract(#margin,4))) {
margin: #margin;
.smartMargin(#margin) when (default()) and (4 = length(#margin)) {
#positions: top, right, bottom, left;
.setmargin(#position,#margin) when (isem(#margin)){
margin-#{position}: #margin;
.setmargins(#i:1) when (#i <= 4){
.setmargins((#i + 1));
But in the first place i don't think there is something wrong with your code. Personally is should consider the use of unset. I think you should use the initial keyword or even 0 in stead of unset. This enables you to do the following:
margin: #margin;
.smartMargin(3em 1em 2em 4em);
.smartMargin(3em 0 0 0);
.smartMargin(3em 0 0 4em);
Or consider to use Passing Rulesets to Mixins, than you can use something like that shown below:
.breakPoint(#width, #color, #labelsSize, #videoMargin)
.breakPoint(10em, red, 3em, {margin: 1em auto 1em auto;});
.breakPoint(10em, red, 3em, {margin: 1em auto;});
.breakPoint(10em, green, 3em, {margin: 2em 0 0 0;});
.breakPoint(10em, green, 3em, {margin: 2em 0 0;});
.breakPoint(10em, green, 3em, {margin-top: 2em;});
.breakPoint(20em, blue, 3em, {margin: 0 3em 0 0;});
.breakPoint(20em, blue, 3em, {margin-right: 3em;});

Tilde in front of .box-shadow value

I was looking at bootsrap mixins.less and noticed a tilde in front of box-shadow value. What purpose does it serve? If my website supports IE9 and higher should I be using it?
.box-shadow(~"inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px #{color-rgba}");
That is the tilde-quote CSS escaping.
In LESS, a tilde ~ before a string "" literal outputs the string
as-is, because it may be a syntax error in pure LESS.
In this particular instance, it's used in order to escape the comma , character at the string which belongs to the multiple values of box-shadow property.
Because the comma is used to separate the arguments of less mixins. So they did:
.foo {
.box-shadow(~"inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px #{color-rgba}");
Alternatively, they could pass a list of values into the .box-shadow() mixin.
From the doc:
if the compiler sees at least one semicolon inside mixin call or
declaration, it assumes that arguments are separated by semicolons and
all commas belong to css lists
use dummy semicolon to create mixin call with one argument containing
comma separated css list: .name(1, 2, 3;)
Hence, they could just use a semicolon at the end of the value to make the compiler treat that as a list:
.bar {
inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px #color-rgba;
// They could append a semicolon here ^
Which is as the same as:
.bar {
#list: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px #color-rgba;
Here is an example of the above approaches.

CSS Less -ms-filter mixin

I have the following CSS LESS mixin:
.transparency (#amount, #tranc) {
background: rgba(red(#amount), green(#amount), blue(#amount), #tranc);
and the way i use it is:
.transparency (#FFFFFF, 0.2);
but i need to find some way of including -ms-filter in the mixin... but i am not quiet sure, i used on online generator and it gave me this result:
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#B224417C,endColorstr=#B224417C)"; /* IE8 */
how would i include this? I mean the startColorstr and the endColorstr...
Any help Greatly Apreciated
Updated the function with the following:
.transparency (#colour, #alpha) {
#alphaColour: hsla(hue(#colour), saturation(#colour), lightness(#colour), #alpha);
#ieAlphaColour: argb(#alphaColour);
background-color: #colour; // Fallback for older browsers
background-color: #alphaColour;
// IE hacks
zoom: 1; // hasLayout
background-color: transparent\9;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour}, endColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour})"; // IE 8+
filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour}, endColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour})"; // IE 6 & 7

Fallback background for browsers not supporting border-image

I'm trying to use CSS3 border-image for a simple button design: the left slice of the image should be the left border of the text, the right slice the right border, and the middle slice should be repeated (or stretched - it does not matter) as background. I need a fallback for browsers not supporting border-image - just using the middle slice as a background, without edges would be acceptable. The problem is, if I do this:
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
border-size: 0 5px;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
/* repeat for other vendor prefixes */
the image from the background property will overlap the borders and mess up the button for browsers which support border-image.
Is there a lightweight way of solving this problem (whithout introducing modernizr or similar javascript checks)?
change the border-image 0 5 0 5 to 1 1 5 1 :
border-image: url('button.png') 1 1 5 1 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 1 1 5 1;
border-image generator online
border-image is tricky for fallbacks. Doing...
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
border-size: 0 5px;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
/* repeat for other vendor prefixes */
Should work for all browsers except IE9.
Since you only have a left and right border, I would suggest using pseudo-elements...
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
position: relative;
.button:before, .button:after {
content: '';
width: 5px;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
background: transparent url('button.png') 0 0 no-repeat;
top: 0;
.button:before {left: -5px;}
.button:after {right: -5px;}
This technique should show nice buttons in all modern browsers plus IE8. Older browsers fallback without the edges.
It seems that new versions of FF support both border-image parameters and one override another.
Try reversing the order of those lines as so:
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
In this way, browsers that support both parameters and override one with the later will take the version with the fill.