Hash 'hashcat': Token length exception - cryptography

hashcat64.exe hashcat -m0 -a0 crackme.txt password.txt
Device #1: Intel's OpenCL runtime(GPU only) is currently broken. We
are waiting for updated OpenCL drivers from Intel
Hash 'hashcat': Token length exception No hashes loaded.
I'm getting this message. I've attached a snapshot of my CL.
I've looked for any spaces in the hash directory and its format.
I've also tried changing all the Unicode formats of the .txt file.
Nothing seems to work. I've also updated the intel drivers.\
Can anyone help please. Thanks in advance.

I think you should look end of each line in your hash password containing files. If spaces are at there end of lines then you will get an error "token length exception" or "No hashes loaded". Just remove those spaces and then try.

For anyone looking into this : I used two rules, you can use many of others to increase the efficiency.
hashcat64.exe hashcat -m0 -a0 crackme.txt password.txt -r rules/best64.rule
hashcat64.exe hashcat -m0 -a0 crackme.txt password.txt -r rules/d3ad0ne.rule

This error can also occur if the hash file is not found. Note that the restore file effectively encodes the absolute path to the hash file, so this error can occur if it has moved when attempting to resume. (technically it saves the potentially relative path as specified when originally run, but it also saves the original working directory and cds there first)


dbt Error : Encountered an error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 441: invalid start byte

I have upgraded my dbt version to 1.0.0 yesterday night and ran few connection test. It went well . Now when i am running the my first dbt example model , i am getting below error , even though i have not changed any code in this default example model.
Same error i am getting while running dbt seed command also for a csv dataset . The csv is utf-8 encoded and no special character in it .
I am using python 3.9
Could anyone suggest what is the issue ?
Below is my first dbt model sql
After lots of back and forth, I figured out the issue. This is more like fundamental concept issue.
Every time we execute dbt run, dbt will scan through the entire project directory ( including seeds directory even though it is not materializing the seed ) [Attached screenshot below].
If it finds any csv it also parsed it .
In case of above error, I had a csv file which looks follows :
If we see the highlighted line it contains some symbol character which dbt (i.e python) was not able to parse it causing above error.
This symbol was not visible earlier in excel or notepad++.
It could be the issue with Snowflake python connector that #PeterH has pointed out .
As temporary solution , for now we are manually removing these character from Data file.
I’d leave this as a comment but I don’t have the rep yet…
This appears to be related to a recently-opened issue.
Apparently it’s something to do with the snowflake python adapter.
Since you’re seeing the error from a different context, it might be helpful for you to post in that issue that you’re seeing this outside of query preview.

How to fix 'File name too long' errors when using Snakemake

When using Snakemake, I store the values for my variables as part of the filenames (ex. "processed/count_{project}.tsv"). Recently, I've started using R formulas with many covariates as a variable. Now I get an error because the the filename is too long for the operating system. Has anyone else run into this issue and have any suggestions? Is there a canonical Snakemake approach for this problem?
Personally, I don't think it is a good idea to store information into the filename.
Rather, I would create a temp file in tabular or yaml format linking the file in question to covariates or other data. Then read this file in R or else to extract the relevant information.
One idea is to use paths instead since paths allowed to be longer.

doxygen latex make fails for input encoding error

I have a git repo project in eclipse which I have been documenting using doxygen (v1.8.4).
If I run the latex make ion a fresh clone of the project it runs fine and the PDF is made.
However, if I then run a doxy build, which completes OK, then attempt to run the latex make, it fails for
! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
(inputenc) in inputencoding `utf8'.
See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
I have tried switching the encoding of the doxyfile by setting DOXYFILE_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 with no change in the result... How can I fix this?? Thanks.
EDIT: I have used no non-UTF-8 chars as far as I know in my files, the file referenced before the error is very short and definitely doesn't have non-UTF-8 chars in it. I've even tried clearing my latex output dir and building from scratch with no luck...
EDIT: Irealised that the doxy build only appears to run correctly. It doesnt show any errors, but it should, for example run DOT and build about 10 graphs. The console output says Running dot, but it doesn't say generating graph (n/x) like it should when it actually makes the graphs...
Short answer: So by a slow process of elimination I found that this was caused by a single apostrophe in a file that had appeared to be already built and made without error!!
Long answer: Firstly I used used the project properties to flip the encoding from the default Cp1252 to UTF-8. Then I started removing files one-by-one until rebuilding and remaking after each removal, until the make ran successfully. I re-added all files, but deleted the content in the most recently removed file and tested the make - to confirm it was this file and only this file that caused the issue. the make ran fine. So I pasted the content back into the empty file, and started deleting smaller and smaller sections of the file, again rebuilding and remaking each time until I was left with a good make without the apostrophe and a bad one with it... I simply retyped the apostrophe (as this would then force it to be a UTF-8 char) and success!! Such an annoying bug!
Dude you made it a hard way. Why not use python to do the work for you:
f = open(fn,"rb")
data = f.read()
for i in range(len(data)):
ch = data[i]
if(ch > 0x7F): # non ASCII character
print("char: %c, idx: %d, file: %s"%(ch,i,fn))
str2 = str(data[i-30:i+30])#.decode("utf-8")
print("txt: %s" % (str2))

Inconsistent Behavior In A Batch File's For Statement

I've done very little with batch files but I'm trying to track down a strange bug I've been encountering on a legacy system.
I have a number of .exe files in particular folder. This script is supposed to duplicate them with a different file name.
Code From Batch File
for %%i in (*.exe) do copy \\networkpath\folder\%%i \\networkpath\folder\%%i.backup.exe
(Note: The source and destination folders are THE SAME)
Example Of Desired Behavior:
File1.exe --> Becomes --> File1.exe.backup.exe
File2.exe --> Becomes --> File2.exe.backup.exe
Now first, let me say that this is not the approach I would take. I know there are other (potentially more straight forward) ways to do this. I also know that you might wonder WHY on earth we care about creating a FileX.exe.backup.exe. But this script has been running for years and I'm told the problem only started recently. I'm trying to pinpoint the problem, not rewrite the code (even if it would be trivial).
Example Buggy Output:
Not knowing anything about batch files, I looked at this and figured that the condition of the for statement was being re-evaluated after each iteration - creating a (near) infinite loop of copying (I can see that, eventually, the copy will fail when the names get too long).
This would explain the behaviour I'm seeing. And when cleaned the directory in question so that it had only the original File1.exe file and ran the script it produced the bug code. The problem is that I CANNOT replicate the behaviour anywhere else!?!
When I create a folder locally with a few .exe files and run the script - I get the expected output. And yes, if I run it again, I get one instance of 'File1.exe.backup.exe.backup.exe' (and each time I run it again, it increases in length by one). But I cannot get it to enter the near-infinite loop case.
It's been driving me crazy.
The bug is occurring on a networked location - so I've tried to recreate it on one - but again, no success. Because it's a shared network location, I wondered if it could have something to do with other people accessing or modifying files in the folder and even introduced delays and wrote a tiny program to perform actions in the same folder - but without any success.
The documentation I can find on the 'for' statement doesn't really help, but all of the tests I've run seem to suggest that the in (*.exe) section is only evaluated once at the beginning of execution.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be going on here?
I agree with Andriy M's comment - it looks to be related to Windows 7 Batch Script 'For' Command Error/Bug
The following change should fix the problem:
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.exe') do copy \\networkpath\folder\%%i \\networkpath\folder\%%i.backup.exe
Any file that starts with a semicolon (highly unlikely, but it can happen) would be skipped with the default EOL of semicolon. To be safe you should set EOL to some character that could never start a file name (or any path). That is why I chose the colon - it cannot appear in a folder or file name, and can only appear after a drive letter. So it should always be safe.
Copy supports wildcard characters also in target path. You can use
copy \\networkpath\folder\*.exe \\networkpath\folder\*.backup.exe

How to copy file to a new location having path length more than 260 characters in vista?

in my previous question as follows:
"How to create a copy of a file having length more than 260 characters."
I have asked almost same qustion and I got a solution to rename the directory name and then copy to a new location. But as per the client's requirement we can't rename the directory in any case.
So now my problem is when we try to copy a file having path length (including file name) more than 260 characters, (say 267 characters), it allows us to copy manually but throws an exception programmetically in vista OS.
Please let me know if any one has a solution.
Prepend \\?\ to your path to enable path lengths up to 32767 characters long. E.g:
copy \\?\C:\big\dir\hierarchy\myfile.txt \\?\C:\tohere.txt
This page has more details.
I've only tested this with DIR in WinXP, but that seems to work.
If the problem is just with the length of the file (not the preceding path), then you can use the short name version of the file (probabaly Outloo~1.xls ).
However, the only real viable solution is to use network redirection or SUBST command to shorten the path. I can imagine that you'd have to be keeping track of the path length in your program, and spawn a SUBST drive letter when the length is exceeded... dropping the drive letter when it's no longer needed. Ugly programming, but no hope.
I know some unicode version of windows api functions (copyfileex..? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363852(VS.85).aspx) can handle to 32,767 chars.
Try to name it with a \\?\ prefix, for example, \\?\D:\. I'm not sure if CLR uses this kind of naming style, but you can give it a try.
You could check if compression tools like 7zip are limited by the length of the path in Vista.
If not, that means a "copy by program" would by:
compressed the tree of directories/file you want to copy
copy the .zip/.rar to the destination