IntelliJ Editor Tabs: Last Recently Used - intellij-idea

in my new team we're using IntelliJ and there is one Eclipse feature I miss very dearly:
In a usual situation I have like 20-30 files open im my editor, but there is like 2-3 that I jump around most of the time. Eclipse supported this perfectly by always having the last recently used files in my tabs open and only the rarely used ones in the overflow. IntelliJ follows the exactly opposite paradigm: The last recently used files are always in the overflow and the tabs are useless.
Is there any way to make this more comfortable? I currently have them ordered alphabetically so I can at least find them in the overflow. Unchecking that makes it even more terriblester.

Feel free to vote for to see this option added to the IDE editor tab settings.
In the meantime, you can use the Recent Files (Ctrl+E) list, as well as the Recent Locations switcher (Ctrl+Shift+E).
More information on navigating between recent locations and changes:


How to maintain project tree state (collapsed and/or expanded items) after closing and reopening the IDE?

Every time I run Rider it shows the project tree completely collapsed or closed. I would like to keep the state of each node/item just as it was when I closed the IDE, similar to what happens in Visual Studio.
Is there any setting that allows this? I searched, but found nothing.
This is how Rider shows the "Solution" window every time I open it:
And that's how I want it:
Feel free to track the next issue in the JetBrains open issue tracker:

How to deal with annoyingly large tabs in IntelliJ IDEA?

Working with some project I'd really like to keep like 8-10 tabs (=files) open at the same time within IntelliJ IDEA as I have to switch between those very often. However the space on the screen is limited especially if the Project Browser and the Remote Host Browser are also open at the same time.
Usually its not that much of a problem but as soon as some remote files are open the labels become very long and therefore the space for tabs decreases even more. Look at the following picture:
A maximum of four tabs at the same time is visible - sometimes only three.
Its not like others have not found very elegant solutions for this - look at the "pinned tabs" feature of google Chrome for instance:
Is there some setting, extension or other possibility how to deal with this problem in IntelliJ? After some research I have only found out that you can switch recent files with Ctrl + E but in my opinion this still is a quite clumsy way to deal with it (especially as it does not work for remote files) 🤕
You can play with Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs settings. For example, if you untick Show tabs in one row, your extra tabs will be placed in several lines. Also you can untick Show file extension and Show directory for non-unique file names options.

WebStorm - How to focus on the most recent opened tab when closing file

I'm not sure if this is a bug or this is normal behaviour.
I'm using WebStorm on Mac (I think I remember having the same behaviour on Windows but I'm not sure).
I have always many files open. When I close a file, WebStorm is not doing what I want:
Expected behaviour:
The focus is on the most recently used tab, i.e. on the last file I had focus on before focusing on the file that I closed.
Actual behaviour:
The focus goes on the file where its name is the closest alphabetically. I'm not entirely sure that is the behaviour but it is definitely not on the Most recent used file.
Example with file names:
I have 5 tabs open, the most recent used tab list look like
So when I will close navbar.controller.js, I expect changeLanguage.controller.js to have the focus.
But instead when I closed it, the focus went on jwt.js
This is super confusing as in real work environment, I am used to have ~20tabs open and this confuses me a lot.
After looking a lot, it seems that the answer was already provided on this wonderful website: Change to most recently used tab when closing a tab in IntelliJ IDEA?

Intellij VIM mode, bookmarks across editors

I can use (ma) to bookmark the current position under (a). I can then jump back to us using ('a). However if I have two files open, I would have thought that when I have an upper case bookmark (mA), if I then in the other editor I jump to boomark (A) using ('A), that I would be taken to the editor that owns that bookmark, but it doesn't. In Eclipse it does this. Surely IDEA can be convinced to jump across editors using bookmarks?
It's a known issue that is likely to be fixed soon. Feel free to vote for VIM-523.

How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)?

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.
Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!