PostgreSQL: How to use -> and ->> to search SQL JSON? - sql

The below is the json in my 'details' column in a postgreSQL DB. I am trying to do a login check to return the username which matches the password.
"address":"Flat 7, 8 Clisssld Road, London, N16 9AB",
SELECT details -> 'username'
details -> 'password' = '$s0$e0801$M/lNYD/JsVN4FoOjs7BwBA==$+C3+A9lAYPMd1YM0FsSbaIzw0wFito4OSEvSrMM/34k=';

PostgreSQL provides two native operators -> and ->> to help you query JSON data.
The operator -> returns JSON object field as JSON.
The operator ->> returns JSON object field as text.
I think this link could be really helpful in your case.


Filter based on 2 JSON properties after using json_extract

Imported database tables :
id | JSON
Signed 32int | Raw JSON
It is easier to search via the properties of the JSON data than by id of the row itself. Each piece of JSON data contains (for this demo):
json: {
displayProperties: {},
hash: "foo"
itemType: "bar"
When I select I would like to matching hash, and then filter those results by a matching itemType.
My query :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
However this returns every item that has a matching hash value. From here, I would like to also filter by key: itemType and value: "19". So I tried :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND WHERE json_tree.key = 'itemType' AND json_tree.value = 19
But this isn't syntactically correct, let alone output what I am looking for. Error:
SQLITE_ERROR: near "WHERE": syntax error
The title of the question turned out to not be accurate to what I was looking for. I miss-understood what json_tree actually did. json_tree actually builds a new object with values that are filled in by the database.
What I was actually looking for was to filter by a specific value in the json column, which can be achieved by json_extract. json_extract('{column}', $.{filterValue}) will pull the raw json object out of the json column
This is the query that is working for me now:
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash'
AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$.itemType') = 19
This selects the json column from ItemDefinition
Creates a json_tree from the json column
Filters results by json tree key and value
Finally filters by the property itemType from the raw json column

Is it possible to add index values to the rows of a postgreSQL query when expanding JSON array with json_array_elements?

I have a database of resume data in json format which I am trying to transform.
One of the sections in each jsib is work_history, this is in the form of a json array i.e.
I am iterating over each resume (json file) and importing this data into a new table using dbt and postgreSQL with each element of the array being a new row with the associated metadata of the resume. Here is the code I used for this
json_array_elements(rjt.raw_json::json -> 'data' -> 'work_experience') as we,
json_array_elements(rjt.raw_json::json -> 'data' -> 'work_experience') -> 'job_title' as "name",
rjt.uuid as uuid
from raw_json_table rjt
The last thing that I need to do is add a column that lists the index that each job came from within its individual workexperience array i.e. if a job was the third element in the array it would have a 2 in the "source_location" column. How can I generate this index such that it starts at 0 for each new json file.
Move the function to the FROM clause (where set-returning functions should be used). Then you can use with ordinality which also returns a column that indicates the index inside the array
select w.experience as we,
w.experience ->> 'job_title' as "name",
w.experience ->> 'job_description' as "description",
w.idx as "index",
rjt.uuid as uuid
from raw_json_table rjt
left join json_array_elements(rjt.raw_json::json -> 'data' -> 'work_experience') with ordinality
as w(experience, idx) on true
The left join is necessary so that rows from raw_json_table that don't contain array elements are still included.

How to extract Strings from postgres in the following format {'x: 'data', 'old_x': 'Datax'}

I have the following type of data as in my rows
{'new_value_formatted': 'Committed/Test Transaction', 'old_value_formatted': 'Completed'}
I would like to have new_value_formatted & old_value_formatted as individual columns and data stored in columnar manner
Tried regex '(([A-Z/ ])\w+)'. Still can't isolate.
substring(b.additional_data ->> "old_value_formatted" FROM '[0-9a-zA-Z]+') as "Old Value",
substring(b.additional_data ->> "new_value_formatted" FROM '[0-9a-zA-Z]+') as "New from table a,b....
Old Value | New_Value
xxxxx . | xxxxx
The format presented here is not valid json. Json uses double quotes. If on postgresql 9.2+ I would do replace(data,'\'','"')::json to get valid json, taking care of quoting issues. Then you could do select new_data ->> 'new_value_formatted'
I used new_data as a placeholder for the valid json version.
If you need this for an older version, please come back to me.
P.s.: this is not tested, as I currently have no machine at hand.

Postgres: Loop through json array equivalent in SQL?

I am using postgres 9.6.3 and need to convert the following python code to a sql query:
data = response.json()
activities = data['Response']['data']['activities']
for activity in activities:
activityHash = int(activity['activityHash'])
if activityHash == 2659248071:
clears = int(activity['values']['activityCompletions']['basic']['value'])
The table has two columns: (membershipid integer primary key, data jsonb). I am not sure how to handle an array like this in sql. The array is variable length and might or might not include an entry where activityHash == the desired value.
The desired result from the query would be something like SELECT membershipid, clears FROM table.
I was looking for jsonb_array_elements(activities)
I recommend you check out this link that walks you through how to traverse JSONB in Postgres.
Try the following query and see if that works for you:
'data' -> 'activity' -> 'response' -> 'data' -> 'activities' ->> 'activityHash' AS activityHash,
'data' -> 'activity' -> 'response' -> 'data' -> 'activities' -> 'activityHash' -> 'values' -> 'activityCompletions' -> 'basic' ->> 'value' AS clears
FROM yourtablename
('data' -> 'activity' -> 'response' -> 'data' -> 'activities' ->> 'activityHash')::int = 2659248071;

Postgres SELECT * FROM Table where array has element

I am using Postgres 9.3.2 to make a database of contacts.
Example: If i have a row in my table that looks something like this.
firstName : "First name"
lastName : "Last name"
emails : ["", "", "]
PS: firstName, lastName and emails are columns in my db and the value associated is the value for that column for that specific row.
I want to be able to query the db so that if i query for the email "" the result is nothing but if i query for "" the result will be the above row entry.
I dont think the query
"Select * from contactTable where emails="""
will work. instead i want to do something like
"Select * from contactTable where emails contains """
any ideas on how to do this?
"Select * from contactTable where emails contains """
I think you want:
"Select * from contactTable where thejsonfield -> emails
Example setup, after fixing up your totally broken json:
"firstName" : "First name",
"lastName" : "Last name",
"emails" : ["", "", ""]
}'::json AS myjsonfield;
The following will work in PostgreSQL 9.4, but unfortunately does not in 9.3 due to the oversight of the missing json_array_elements_text function:
select *
from contacts,
lateral json_array_elements_text(myjsonfield -> 'emails') email
where email = '';
For 9.3, you have to use a clumsier method to scan the json array for matching values:
select *
from contacts,
lateral json_array_length(myjsonfield -> 'emails') numemails,
lateral generate_series(0, numemails) n
WHERE json_array_element_text(myjsonfield -> 'emails', n) = '';
You can't use the simple IN or = ANY constructs because (at this point) PostgreSQL doesn't understand that you might have a json array, so it'll fail with:
regress=> SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE '' = ANY (myjsonfield->'emails');
ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE '' = ANY (myjsonfi...
as it expects a PostgreSQL array, not a json array, and there's no convenient builtin to turn a json array into a PostgreSQL array yet.
Postgres has support for parsing JSON. Here is documentation: I can't give you more detailed answer since you didn't provide exact data and schema, but it's easy to find the right function in documentation.