Fill vuetify combobox with data from function - vue.js

I have a Vuetiy combobox that's part of a form in which the user can search voor data by email and it returns a object (a visitor):
(v) => !!v || $t('error.emailRequired'),
(v) => /.+#.+\..+/.test(v) || $t('error.emailInvalid'),
#input="$emit('input', $event)"
(v) => !!v || $t('error.emailRequired'),
#input="$emit('input', $event)"
<template v-slot:selection="data">
{{ || data.item }}
<template v-slot:item="data">
{{ }} - {{ }}
export default {
props: {
required: Boolean,
items: Array,
autocomplete: Boolean,
computed: {
label() {
if (this.required === true) {
return this.$i18n.t('labels.emailReq');
return this.$i18n.t('');
If an existing visitor is found, the other form fields are filled, otherwise just the email is sent to the newVisitor object.
selectedVisitor(val) {
if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) {
this.newAppointment.visitorId =;
this.existingVisitor = true; // we don't have to write it to the db
Object.assign(this.newVisitor, val); // for displaying the data only, object assign because db array was edited too when data was modified or deleted
} else if (val === null || val === '') {
this.newAppointment.visitorId = '';
this.newVisitor = {};
} else { = val;
The user then clicks a button and the data gets sent to the multipleVisitors array.
The problem is with the function that repopulates these form fields if the user wants to edit the data:
editVisitor(email) {
// get the visitor that needs to be edited
const visitorArray = this.multipleVisitors.filter((el) => === email);
const visitor = visitorArray[0];
// set the visitor to the form
this.newVisitor = visitor;
// variable set to combobox
this.selectedVisitor =;
// remove the visitor from the visitor array
this.multipleVisitors = this.multipleVisitors.filter((el) => !== email);
The form is filled in except for the combobox which stays empty. If I look at vue dev tools the variable assigned to the v-model does contain the email address.
I've tried assigning the whole object to selectedVisitor but that does not change anything.

this could maybe help
<v-combobox :items="MyFillFuntion()"></v-combobox>
<v-combobox :items="MyFillFuntion(scopeData)" # optional></v-combobox>
and don't forget
export default {
data: () => ({
MyFillFuntion() {
let array_i_need_to_fill = [];
// your process ... ...
// and finally
return array_i_need_to_fill;
props: {
required: Boolean,
items: Array,
autocomplete: Boolean,
computed: {
label() {
if (this.required === true) {
return this.$i18n.t('labels.emailReq');
return this.$i18n.t('');


VueJS toggle password visibilty without mutating the "type" property

I have a basic input component I am working with that has type as a property and up until now has been working very well. However, trying to use it for passwords and implementing obfuscation has been sort of tricky.
How can I toggle hide/show of the password without mutating the prop? I figured making it type = 'password' to type = 'text was the best way, but clearly not.
I've made a Codesandbox to replicate that part of the component, but any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated!
<input :type="type" />
<button #click="obfuscateToggle" class="ml-auto pl-sm _eye">
<img :src="`/${eyeSvg}.svg`" alt="" />
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
passwordVisible: false,
eyeSvg: "eye-closed",
props: {
type: { type: String, default: "text" },
methods: {
obfuscateToggle() {
if (this.eyeSvg === "eye-closed") {
this.eyeSvg = "eye";
} else this.eyeSvg = "eye-closed";
// this.eyeSvg = "eye-closed" ? "" : (this.eyeSvg = "eye");
if ((this.type = "password")) {
this.type = "text";
} else this.type = "password";
<div id="app">
<PasswordInput type="password" />
The only way to do it is by mutating the type attribute. As that is how the browser decides the render it as either just a textbox or as a password. Therefore you are doing this the right way.
The one issue that you will encounter is that you will have errors thrown in your console because you are attempting to mutate a prop.
This is quick and easy to fix. First, you will create a new data property, and assign it to the default of type
Then you will use the on mounted lifecycle hook, and update your data property to match your prop's value`
this.fieldType = this.type;
If you know the type prop will change from the parent component you can also use a watcher for changes and assign type
this.fieldType = val;
You will then update your obfuscateToggle method to use the fieldtype variable:
obfuscateToggle() {
if (this.eyeSvg === "eye-closed") {
this.eyeSvg = "eye";
} else this.eyeSvg = "eye-closed";
//You can simplify this by using this.fieldType = this.fieldType == "text" ? "password" : "text"
if (this.fieldType == "password") {
this.fieldType = "text";
} else this.fieldType = "password";
Finally, in your template, you will want to change type to fieldType
<input :type="fieldType" />
<button #click="obfuscateToggle" class="ml-auto pl-sm _eye">
<img :src="`/${eyeSvg}.svg`" alt="" />
Putting it all together
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
passwordVisible: false,
eyeSvg: "eye-closed",
fieldType: "text"
props: {
type: { type: String, default: "text" },
methods: {
obfuscateToggle() {
if (this.eyeSvg === "eye-closed") {
this.eyeSvg = "eye";
} else this.eyeSvg = "eye-closed";
//You can simplify this by using this.fieldType = this.fieldType == "text" ? "password" : "text"
if (this.fieldType == "password") {
this.fieldType = "text";
} else this.fieldType = "password";
this.fieldType = val;
this.fieldType = this.type;
Here is an example on CodeSandBox
Also, you had a small typo in your obfuscateToggle method.
if(this.type = 'password')
this was assigning type instead of comparing it against a literal :)

(vuetify in nuxt js) autocomplete isnt update relative to items prop

Every input in search i update the items prop but the v-autocomplete become empty
although the data in my component changed
i tried to add the no-filter prop it didnt help i guess something with the reactivity destroyed
i allso tried with computed property as an items but still same result
Every input in search i update the items prop but the v-autocomplete become empty
although the data in my component changed
i tried to add the no-filter prop it didnt help i guess something with the reactivity destroyed
i allso tried with computed property as an items but still same result
import ProductCartCard from "~/components/cart/ProductCartCard";
export default {
name: "search-app",
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
loading: false,
filteredItems: [],
search: null,
select: null
watch: {
search(val) {
if (!val || val.length == 0) {
this.filteredItems.splice(0, this.filteredItems.length);
} else {
val !== && this.querySelections(val);
methods: {
querySelections(v) {
this.loading = true;
// Simulated ajax query
setTimeout(() => {
...this.items.filter(i => {
return (i.externalName || "").toLowerCase().includes((v || "").toLowerCase());
this.loading = false;
}, 500);
<div class="search-app-container">
<template v-slot:item="data">
<ProductCartCard :regularProduct="data" />
One of the caveat of the v-autocomplete as described in the documentation:
When using objects for the items prop, you must associate item-text and item-value with existing properties on your objects. These values are defaulted to text and value and can be changed.
That may fix your issue

Quasar custom input component field validation

I am trying to create Quasar custom select component with autocomplete. Everything works fine except the validation error, the validation error is showing only when I click the input box and leave without adding any value. But, the form is submitting even there are any errors.
Component code
<template v-slot:prepend>
<q-icon :name="icon" />
export default {
props: {
value: Array,
rules: Array,
icon: String,
label: String,
optionValue: String,
optionLabel: String,
options: Array,
multiple: Boolean,
useChips: Boolean
data () {
return {
filteredOptions: this.options,
sModel: this.value,
methods: {
filterFn (val, update) {
if (val === '') {
update(() => {
this.filteredOptions = this.options
// with Quasar v1.7.4+
// here you have access to "ref" which
// is the Vue reference of the QSelect
update(() => {
const needle = val.toLowerCase()
const optionLabel = this.optionLabel
this.filteredOptions = this.options.filter(function(v){
// optionLabel
return v[optionLabel].toLowerCase().indexOf(needle) > -1
handleInput (e) {
this.$emit('input', this.sModel)
In the parent component, this is how I am implementing it,
label="Team Members *"
:rules="[ val => val && val.length && !validationErrors.members > 0 || validationErrors.members ? validationErrors.members : 'Please enter Team members' ]">
Try adding this method on select component methods:
validate(...args) {
return this.$refs.members.validate(...args);
It worked for me, apparently it sends the validation of the input to the parent
Source consulted:
add ref to the form and try to validate the form.
you can give give props "greedy" to the form.

Vue.js: #input for <input> not working with v-for

I am creating my own custom <input> Vue component. What I am doing is that the user can never enter the wrong type of input. For that I am using regex.test() at each input.
This is my code for my Vue component for taking an integer element or an integer array:
<label>{{ label }}
<template v-if="isArray">
v-model="arr[i - 1]"
v-for="i in arraySize"
<template v-else>
export default {
props: {
label: String,
nonNegative: Boolean,
disableWhen: Boolean,
isArray: Boolean,
arraySize: Number
data() {
return {
num: '',
arr: []
methods: {
filterInput() {
if (this.nonNegative) {
if (!/^[0-9]*$/.test(this.num)) {
this.num = '';
} else if (!/^(-)?[0-9]*$/.test(this.num)) {
this.num = '';
confirm() {
if (this.isArray) {
let validArrayInput = true;
for (let i = 0; i < this.arraySize; i++) {
if (!this.validInput(this.arr[i])) {
validArrayInput = false;
if (validArrayInput) {
this.$emit('confirm', this.arr);
} else if (this.validInput(this.num)) {
this.$emit('confirm', this.num);
validInput(x) {
return (x !== '' && x !== '-' && typeof x !== "undefined");
The code is working correctly when isArray = false, that is, for integer elements. But the method filterInput is never being called when isArray = true, and there is no restriction for the wrong input. What is the problem?
filterInput is being called fine for both types of input but it only attempts to manipulate num, it doesn't change arr.
Here's my attempt at implementing this:
const MyInput = {
template: `
<label>{{ label }}
<template v-if="isArray">
v-for="i in arraySize"
v-model="arr[i - 1]"
<template v-else>
props: {
label: String,
nonNegative: Boolean,
disableWhen: Boolean,
isArray: Boolean,
arraySize: Number
data() {
return {
arr: []
computed: {
num: {
get () {
return this.arr[0]
set (num) {
this.arr[0] = num
methods: {
filterInput() {
const arr = this.arr
const re = this.nonNegative ? /^\d*$/ : /^-?\d*$/
for (let index = 0; index < arr.length; ++index) {
if (!re.test(arr[index])) {
this.$set(arr, index, '')
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-input label="Single"></my-input>
<my-input label="Multiple" is-array :array-size="3"></my-input>
A few notes:
I've changed num to be a computed property backed by arr[0]. This simplifies the filtering logic as it only has to consider arr for both types of input. It could be simplified further, e.g. the template doesn't really need to handle two cases, it could treat single-valued just the same as multi-valued but with array-size of 1. Only the value that's emitted (not included in my code) really needs to have different behaviour for the single-valued case. With a little refactoring num could probably be removed altogether.
The implementation is painfully stateful. You're going to run into difficulties if you ever want to pass in values from the outside.
Rather than setting the values to '' I would suggest just stripping out the disallowed characters using replace. I have not made this change in my code, I wanted to retain the behaviour from the original example.
Closing </input> tags are invalid and I have removed them.
There was a lot of duplication in your filterInput method that I've tried to remove. It now checks all the entries in the arr array. There didn't seem to be any need to target the specific input that had changed.
this.$set is used as it's updating an array by index, which otherwise would not be detected by the reactivity system (the standard caveat for manipulating arrays).

Browser was freeze when i update array items in v-for block

I use v-autocomplete component and updating items list after http request. But browser was freeze when i set items. What's wrong?
mixins: [search_field_block],
data: function () {
return {
item_component: {
props: ['item'],
template: '<div v-html="item.full_name"></div>'
methods: {
search: function (text) {
this.search_text = text.trim();
if (this.search_text) {
this.doGET('/api-method/search_place/', {'query': this.search_text}, this.update_items);
update_items: function (data) {
this.items = data;
I use a mixin for other components. It contained universal template with v-autocomplete:
<field-block :label="label" :error="field_error" :description="item_description">
<v-autocomplete slot="input"
class="page-form__field required"
:class="{ focused: focused, 'not-empty': not_empty, error: field_error != null, 'list-open': is_list_open }"
:inputAttrs="{ref: 'input', autocomplete: 'off'}"
I was find v-autocomplete on the github. It contain a v-for block for rendering search results
I found the problem. I have "computed" property and set value to parent app:
computed: {
is_list_open: function () {
this.$parent.list_opened = this.focused && this.items.length > 0 || (this.$refs.autocomplete ? this.$ : false);
return this.$parent.list_opened;
This is incorrect behavior.