I want to make a function like this:
while True:
x = int(input("Please enter a number 1 - 5: "))
print (x)
except ValueError:
print "Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again..."
but how can I make sure that ‘x’ only will be printed if x is between 0 – 6.
If you want to keep the exception flow, you can raise an exception when the user inputs an invalid value.
while True:
x = int(input("Please enter a number 1 - 5: "))
if x < 1 or x > 5:
raise ValueError('Input not valid') # go to except block
print (x)
except ValueError:
print ("Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again...")
You can also write a loop without raising an exception:
while True:
x = int(input("Please enter a number 1 - 5: "))
if x < 1 or x > 5:
print ("Oops! That was not a valid number. Try again...")
continue # skip print
print (x)
number = ''
number = int(input("Please input a number and I will tell you if it is odd or even.\n"))
while True:
if (number % 2) != 0:
print("This is an odd number.")
print("This is an even number.")
#I tried this loop below
user_input = ""
while user_input != "exit":
user_input = int(input("Please input another number and I will tell you if it is odd or even.\n"))
number = user_input
This is only telling me if the first number is odd or even but not the following numbers
Practicing some stuff and I've been way beyond this simple of a concept but this loop won't close and I can't understand why.
ans = "Y"
while ans == "Y" or "y":
num = int(input("What's your number? "))
if num % 2 == 0:
print("That number is even!\n")
print("That number is odd!\n")
ans = str(input("Do you have another number, Y/y or N/n? "))
So I declare the variable first so I can enter the loop then ask for it again on the tail side to close it out...but no matter what I enter it continues.
I'm sure it's simple like I said i'm way past this kind of thing but it won't close and I'm not sure what the issue is?
The problem lies in the 'or "y"':
You should check if ans is Y or y which is correctly expressed as 'ans == "Y" or ans == "y"'
You as well needs to specify a starting condition for ans.
ans = "y"
while ans == "Y" or ans == "y":
num = int(input("What's your number? "))
if num % 2 == 0:
print("That number is even!\n")
print("That number is odd!\n")
ans = str(input("Do you have another number, Y/y or N/n? "))
Could you help me to solve the following problem,please ?
I did write a module in python . For the next module I need the following variables or values:
lastprice and lastpivotprice
What definition or script change is necessary, that this 2 variables are global variables)?
Actually if i try to call lastpivotprice outside the module i get the following error message:
nameError: name 'pivots' is not defined
Module Code: checkpivots.py
pivots =[]
dates = []
counter = 0
lastPivot = 0
Range = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
daterange = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
for i in df.index:
currentMax = max(Range , default=0)
if currentMax == max(Range , default=0):
counter = 0
if counter == 5:
dateloc =Range.index(lastPivot)
lastDate = daterange[dateloc]
except Exception:
lastpivotprice = pivots[-1]
lastprice=df.iloc[-1]['Close'] #read value in the last row in col 'close'
lastprice2 = df['Close'].values[-2] #read value in the last row minus2 in col 'close'
#print (lastprice)
# print (lastpivotprice)
# print (lastprice2)
If you want to take your variables in every module as globals, you have to set them as global variables. For example see this code below:
c = 0 # global variable
def add():
global c
c = c + 2 # increment by 2
print("Inside add():", c)
print("In main:", c)
If you delete global from c, the c remains 0 in MAIN.
I have a problem with this bit of code. Every time I try to run it it says that I have "Unexpected" end. For me everything is on point and I cant figure it out can someone help me find solution? Full error code and program code below.
function mbisekcji(f, a::Float64, b::Float64, delta::Float64, epsilon::Float64)
e = b-a
u = f(a)
v = f(b)
err = 0
iterator = 0
if sign(u) == sign(v)
err = 1
return err
while true
e = e/2
c = a+e
w = f(c)
if (norm(e) < delta) || (norm(w) < epsilon)
return w, f(w), iterator, err
if sign(w) == sign(u)
b = c
v = w
a = c
u = w
LoadError: [91msyntax: unexpected "end"[39m
while loading C:\Users\username\Desktop\Study\zad1.jl, in expression starting on line 60
include_string(::String, ::String) at loading.jl:522
include_string(::Module, ::String, ::String) at Compat.jl:84
(::Atom.##112#116{String,String})() at eval.jl:109
withpath(::Atom.##112#116{String,String}, ::String) at utils.jl:30
withpath(::Function, ::String) at eval.jl:38
hideprompt(::Atom.##111#115{String,String}) at repl.jl:67
macro expansion at eval.jl:106 [inlined]
(::Atom.##110#114{Dict{String,Any}})() at task.jl:80
Also, just to make thing easier, line 60 is second end from the back. The one closing while loop.
In order to increment a variable by 1 in Julia you have to write
iterator += 1
Julia does not support ++ to increment a variable.
But, for example, you could define a macro to do almost what you want:
julia> macro ++(x)
esc(:($x += 1))
#++ (macro with 1 method)
julia> x = 1
julia> #++x
julia> x
I am struggling with this exercise where I have to find a number (y) so that when counting the times (nr) the value "1" appears in a string (x) composed of all the consecutive numbers starting from 1 to y, the following conditions are met: nr=y and nr is divisible by 10.
x (string with consecutive from 1 to 12)= 123456789101112
y (the number) = 12
nr (times of "1" appearances) = 5
so i need to find the situation where nr=y and y mod 10 = 0
I've tried creating a vba sub to do this, but it takes forever and cannot seem to find a suitable result:
Sub abc2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim i As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim nr As Double
Dim x As String
x = 1
y = 1
For i = 1 To 500001
x = x & (y + 1)
y = y + 1
nr = Len(x) - Len(Replace(x, "1", ""))
If nr = y And nr Mod 10 = 0 Then
Range("E1") = y
GoTo out
End If
Next i
Range("A1") = x
Range("B1") = y
Range("C1") = nr
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
I'd really appreciate some suggestions. Maybe it can be solved in some other ingenious way.
Thank you!
x = ''
y = 0
#for iteration in range(100000):
# for index in range(10):
# y+=1
# x+=str(y)
# if (y == x.count('1')):
# print 'Found: ' + str(y) + ': ' + x
# More elegantly and efficiently, just track how many '1's we've added in each step
ones = 0
for iteration in range(100000):
x = ''
for index in range(10):
y += 1
x += str(y)
ones += x.count('1')
if (y == ones):
print 'Found: ' + str(y)
The commented-out solution takes about 2 minutes to execute. The second solution finishes in .46 seconds.