PayPal Express Checkout: CHECKOUTSTATUS=PaymentActionNotInitiated when calling GetExpressCheckoutDetails - express-checkout

Testing in the sandbox.
Making the following calls:
2. GetExpressCheckoutDetails
When calling GetExpressCheckoutDetails, we are constantly receiving the following response:
Most of what I've read states that this indicates that the customer isn't returning to the return URL. That is not the case and has been tested thoroughly.
We do have a '?' contained in the return URL to keep from having to create additional pages and am wondering if that might be an issue.
Can a returnurl for PayPal Express Checkout contain any characters e.g "?"
as opposed to using

Ultimately testing proved that the primary issue was not including minimum required parameters for each of the three calls - 1. SetExpressCheckout 2. GetExpressCheckoutDetails
3. DoExpressCheckoutPayment - each is outlined at
'?' in the URL was not an issue.


Unable to POST NZ employee openingBalances to Xero?

I am attempting to create a single opening balances record against an existing employee but keep getting a 400 Bad Request response with this detail...
At least one NZ opening balance item is required in the request
I am following the instructions as per this documentation...
URL : {DestinationID} is properly replaced with the employee GUID{DestinationID}/openingBalances
JSON Body[{"periodEndDate":"2011-01-30T00:00:00","daysPaid":5.00,"unpaidWeeks":0.00,"grossEarnings":1442.31}]
The Xero forums and support is pretty unreliable so I'm posting here in the hopes for a better response.
After some trial and error using the API Explorer that Xero provides I was able to get it working using their example....
I eventually learned that daysPaid and unpaidWeeks must both be integer whole numbers or else it fails.... The error message provided is misleading but this resolves the problem.

Invoking GET statuses/user_timeline with user_id='' seems to invoke GET statuses/home_timeline. Why?

As I was trying to harvest the user_timelines for a list of user_ids, I noticed that my own home_timeline was also being harvested. In the end I discovered that whenever my list used a null string entry for user_id, executing the code below was the same as executing
twitter_api.statuses.home_timeline. That is ok, but I do not see such behavior Twitter- documented? What am I missing in the documentation?
twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
You're correct - if you invoke the Twitter API v1.1 user_timeline method without a user_id or screen_name parameter specified (or null), it will return the user_timeline for the authenticated user making the API call. This is undocumented behaviour.
Note that home_timeline is a different method, and will return Tweets from the users you follow, not your own Tweets. I think you're describing the former (user_timeline), not home_timeline.
I'll make a note to get this added to the official API documentation.

How to call multiple quotes from IEX Cloud API

I am trying to use IEX Cloud to get stock quotes for multiple stocks with one API call.
Here is my api call for Apple,Facebook, and Tesla. What am I doing wrong?,fb,tsla&types=quote?token=MY_TOKEN_HERE
The Error Message returned from the API is this:
"types" required with a valid value
I think the main problem was question mark between 'quote' and token. It should be '&' instead. I replicated your error with question mark, but with & it works just fine.
Here is what works for me:,fb,tsla&token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
if you want to retrieve just the latest price, you can use following call:,fb,tsla&token=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
You can learn more at this link: How do I query multiple symbols or data types in one API Call? (for production you use instead of sandbox)
as of 2nd-July-2022,
This is how I structured my URL for a batch request.
const tickerArray = ["AAPL", "META", "GOOGL", "TSLA"];

Astrid request returning empty

I'm trying to use the API, specifically to get data using the method under the "Request Format" section on this page -
The URL I built is:[MY APP ID]&time=1&user_id=[MY USER ID]&sig=[MY REQUEST SIGNATURE]
And it returns this:
Seems like it worked, but does anyone know why the "list" array might be returning empty? I've created a bunch of tasks in my profile so it should be showing those.
You need to sign in first with the method user_signin. If successful you get a token.
Then you need to call the task_list method providing the token.
You do not need to provide a user id with the task_list method. It is only used to select tasks that you share with this user.
Example for signing in:
Example for getting your tasks:

Flurry Event API not returning event parameter values

I have been trying to use the EventMerics API to return detailed event parameter data.
I have setup a test application and have uploaded event data with parameters, I can see the data in the web interface.
However the API doesn't seem to return the parameter data as stated by the documentation.
The following call
<eventMetrics type="Event" startDate="2012-08-27" eventName="heatmap - iPhone-Title-all" endDate="2012-08-27" version="1.0" generatedDate="8/27/12 10:45 PM">
<day uniqueUsers="2" totalSessions="12" totalCount="14" date="2012-08-27"/>
The parameters section is empty, I am expecting the following parameter values:
{touchXY : 299,465,2012-08-27 16:40:15 +0100}
{touchXY : 301,461,2012-08-27 16:29:03 +0100}
{touchXY : 192,312,2012-08-27 16:22:54 +0100}
{touchXY : 254,461,2012-08-27 16:23:04 +0100}
Has anyone got parameter values to return via the Flurry REST API?
the API call used by you is correct. I would recommend you to write to to investigate why this is not happening.
(Disclaimer: I work in the Support team at Flurry)
The event name in the request is case sensitive so you should check the way it's written on the site. I changed mine from "editor" to "Editor" and the problem resolved.