Correct Use of the SQL String_Split and Substring function - sql

I have the SQL code below, where the #Province input parameter is in this form: "[""Central District","Central Region","Delaware","Drenthe","Eastern Cape","Free State","Gauteng","Hardap Region","Haryana","Karas Region","KwaZulu Natal","KwaZulu-Natal","Limpopo","Lorestan Province","Mpumalanga","North West","Northern Cape","Pennsylvania","Qarku i Tiranës","State of Rio de Janeiro","Toscana","Wes-Kaap","Western Cape""]" However when I test my SQL I get no rows returned. Please assist.
WITH ProvinceList as (
SELECT CAST (value AS nvarchar) name FROM STRING_SPLIT(SUBSTRING(#Provinces, 3, LEN(#Provinces)-3), ',')
SELECT {Site}.*
FROM {Site}
WHERE ({Site}.[Province] IN -- Get all Province names in list sent
(SELECT name
FROM ProvinceList))
ORDER BY {Site}.[Name] ASC

After the STRING_SPLIT your list will consist of names like "Eastern Cape" and "Free State" with the quotation mark. Most likely you do not have quotation marks in your table, so you need to remove those characters from the input.
SET #Provinces = REPLACE(#Provinces, '"', '')
WITH ProvinceList as (
SELECT CAST (value AS nvarchar) name FROM STRING_SPLIT(SUBSTRING(#Provinces, 2, LEN(#Provinces)-2), ',')


Remove items in a delimited list that are non numeric in SQL for Redshift

I am working with a field called codes that is a delimited list of values, separated by commas. Within each item there is a title ending in a colon and then a code number following the colon. I want a list of only the code numbers after each colon.
Example Value:
Desired Output:
The title does always start with a letter and the end with a colon so I can see how REGEXP_REPLACE might work to replace any string between starting with a letter and ending with a colon with '' might work but I am not good at REGEXP_REPLACE patterns. Chat GPT is down fml.
Side note, if anyone knows of a good guide for understanding pattern notation for regular expressions it would be much appreciated!
I tried this and it is not working REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(codes,':', ' '), ',', ' ') ,' [^0-9]+ ', ' ')
This solution assumes a few things:
No colons anywhere else except immediately before the numbers
No number at the very start
At a high level, this query finds how many colons there are, splits the entire string into that many parts, and then only keeps the number up to the comma immediately after the number, and then aggregates the numbers into a comma-delimited list.
Assuming a table like this:
create temp table tbl_string (id int, strval varchar(1000));
insert into tbl_string
(1, 'name-form-na-stage0:3278648990379886572,rules-na-unwanted-sdfle2:6886328308933282817,us-disdg-order-stage1:1273671130817907765');
with recursive cte_num_of_delims AS (
select max(regexp_count(strval, ':')) AS num_of_delims
from tbl_string
), cte_nums(nums) AS (
select 1 as nums
union all
select nums + 1
from cte_nums
where nums <= (select num_of_delims from cte_num_of_delims)
), cte_strings_nums_combined as (
select id,
nums as index
from cte_nums
cross join tbl_string
), prefinal as (
select *,
split_part(strval, ':', index) as parsed_vals
from cte_strings_nums_combined
where parsed_vals != ''
and index != 1
), final as (
select *,
when charindex(',', parsed_vals) = 0
then parsed_vals
else left(parsed_vals, charindex(',', parsed_vals) - 1)
end as final_vals
from prefinal
select listagg(final_vals, ',')
from final

How to fetch only a part of string

I have a column which has inconsistent data. The column named ID and it can have values such as
test only
The SQL query should fetch only Ids which are of 10 digit in length, should begin with a 08 , should be not null and should not contain all characters. And for those values, which have both digits and characters such as ABC,XYZ,0873647773, it should only fetch the 0873647773 . In these kind of values, nothing is fixed, in place of ABC, XYZ , it can be anything and can be of any length.
The column Id is of varchar type.
My try: I tried the following query
select id
from table
where id is not null
and id not like '%[^0-9]%'
and id like '[08]%[0-9]'
and len(id)=10
I am still not sure how should I deal with values like ABC,XYZ,0873647773
P.S - I have no control over the database. I can't change its values.
SQL Server generally has poor support regular expressions, but in this case a judicious use of PATINDEX is viable:
SELECT SUBSTRING(id, PATINDEX('%,08[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],%', ',' + id + ','), 10) AS number
FROM yourTable
WHERE ',' + id + ',' LIKE '%,08[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],%';
If you normalise your data, and split the delimited data into parts, you can achieve this some what more easily:
FROM dbo.YourTable YT
WHERE LEN(SS.value) = 10
AND SS.value NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%';
If you're on an older version of SQL Server, you'll have to use an alternative String Splitter method (such as a XML splitter or user defined inline table-value function); there are plenty of examples on these already on Stack Overflow.

Using string methods in a SELECT query to select up to the second space?

In an MS-Access database I'm working with, one of the tables has a field called "Name". The format of this field will generally be along the lines of "firstname surname integer", but sometimes may just be "firstname surname".
I need to select just the first name and the surname from the name field.
I've looked at using the Left function
However since names are different lengths, this isn't going to work since there is no constant integer to use as the second parameter. Nor can it be used with
SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(InStr([Name], " "), x)
for the above reason, but also because because that would split the field at the first space.
Is there a way using LEFT, TRIM, SPLIT or any other string manipulation that I can create a query to select just the first two parts of the name? I need the space included.
You can try this.
SELECT DISTINCT IIf( ( InStr( InStr([Name],' ') + 1 , [Name], ' ') > 0 ), Left( [Name], InStr(InStr([Name],' ') + 1 , [Name], ' ') ), [Name])
FROM MyTable;

Use of substring in SQL

My query is the following:
SELECT id, category FROM table1
This returns the following rows:
1 |{IN, SP}
2 |
3 |{VO}
Does anyone know how i can remove the first char and last char of the string in PostgreSQL, so it removes: {}?
Not sure, what you mean with "foreign column", but as the column is an array, the best way to deal with that is to use array_to_string()
SELECT id, array_to_string(category, ',') as category
FROM table1;
The curly braces are not part of the stored value. This is just the string representation of an array that is used to display it.
Either using multiple REPLACE functions.
SELECT id, REPLACE(REPLACE(category, '{', ''), '}', '')
FROM table1
Or using a combination of the SUBSTRING, LEFT & LENGTH functions
SELECT id, LEFT(SUBSTRING(category, 2, 999),LENGTH(SUBSTRING(category, 2, 999)) - 1)
FROM table1
SELECT id, SUBSTRING(category, 2, LENGTH(category)-2)
FROM table1
You could replace the {} with an empty string
SELECT id, replace(replace(category, '{', ''), '}', '') FROM table1
select id,
from table1;
select id
,left(right(category,length(category)-1),length(category)-2) category
from boo
select id
,trim(both '{}' from category)
from boo
Remove the longest string containing only the characters (a space by
default) from the start/end/both ends of the string
The syntax for the replace function in PostgreSQL is:
replace( string, from_substring, to_substring )
Parameters or Arguments
The source string.
The substring to find. All occurrences of from_substring found within string are replaced with to_substring.
The replacement substring. All occurrences of from_substring found within string are replaced with to_substring.
UPDATE dbo.table1
SET category = REPLACE(category, '{', '')
UPDATE dbo.table1
SET category = REPLACE(category, '}', '')

How to find repeating numbers in a column in SQL server . Eg 11111, 33333333, 5555555555,7777777 etc

I need to identify repeated numbers( Eg: 1111, 33333333, 5555555555,777777777 etc.) in a column.
How can I do this in sql server without having to hard code every scenario. The max length is 10 of the column. Any help is appreciated.
This will check if the column has all the same value in it.
FROM tablename
WHERE columnname = REPLICATE(LEFT(columnname,1),LEN(columnname))
As Nicholas Cary notes, if the column is numbers you'd need to cast as varchar first:
FROM tablename
WHERE CAST(columnname AS VARCHAR(10)) = REPLICATE(LEFT(CAST(columnname AS VARCHAR(10)),1),LEN(CAST(columnname AS VARCHAR(10))))
Riffing on #Dave.Gugg's excellent answer, here's another way, using patindex() to look for a character different than the first.
select *
from some_table t
where 0 = patindex( '[^' + left(t.some_column,1) + ']' , t.some_column )
Again, this only works for string types (char,varchar, etc.). Numeric types such as int will need to be converted first.