Taking next steps in Vulkan, after tutorial [closed] - vulkan

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have gone through this tutorial for Vulkan: https://vulkan-tutorial.com/
Now I am trying to figure out what are the best steps to move forward with drawing multiple objects.
For simplicity, lets say I want to have a scene where I have 2 different static objects with different textures placed and 2 different dynamic ones with differend textures.
How would be a good way to setup the descriptor sets, descriptor pools, uniform buffers, vertex buffers etc?
Should I just have one for each? Or should they all share the same buffers with different offsets? Or should the static one share and the dynamic ones share? Should each object have its own descriptor set/pool? What are benefits/drawbacks from each one having its own uniform buffer for the MVP matrices and update each individually?
And would it be good to have a renderpass for the static objects and another renderpass for the dynamic ones or could they share the same?
Any clarifications are appreciated!


Why OO Combines Code And Data Together? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm almost new to programming and I came to this question that:
why should object carry code along with data? isn't packing data enough?
For example:
Instead of having 5 employee objects that each has a getDataOfBirth() method (consuming more memory), have a single method in global space and have 5 object with only attributes(smaller objects).
Am I getting something wrong? Is my question even considered general and possible to be occurred in every newbie's mind?
The linguistic aspect of it:
This is an idea that OOP skeptics have been talking about for a long time, but it's more of a matter of preference I would say. If you are new to programming and already are thinking about these things, then maybe functional programming would make a lot of sense to you.
The memory aspect of it:
The functions are typically not stored inside the objects, so OO objects that have a lot of functions do typically not carry those functions around. This is however an implementation detail but most OOP languages should be thought of like that.
Especially in the case of natively compiled languages like C++, the code and the data will be separated into different memory areas altogether and will not really mix. That is also a bit of an implementation detail but all mainstream operating systems, as far as I know, will allocate memory with code separated from data. The functions of a class will be allocated in one area and the data of the objects in another, and normally all objects of the same class will use the same functions.

Multiple programs on AVR atmega [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make my Atmega robot to operate multiple modes (line following, obstacle avoidance, direct guidance from PC ) How can I load these separated programs on flash and how to select one of them when restarting the robot?
The easiest way is to make one big program with all the functionality of all the modes. On startup, in main() check if certain buttons are pressed, then choose which mode you are going to operate in. Then only use the functions and control mechanisms for that mode from then on. The rest of the code just sits there unused, but it would anyway in any other scheme.
There isn't an easy way to break the code into several different complete programs. For example, the vector table is fixed to be where it is. You would have to have the interrupt handlers check to see which mode is active then call the appropriate function for that mode.

Counting Kernels of Corn [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guidance here. I primarily am a frontend developer. What I am trying to figure out is how an algorithm can be implemented to count kernels on an ear of corn.
From my initial research it seems there are a couple of different directions to go. Main ones I have seen are a SIRF type of implementation and others call for conversion to the HSV color space or LAB color space in order to then to normalizations and then counting.
For reference usually the corn that will be counted is "dent" corn. Here is an example:
This will be implemented in VB.net, but I can always translate the algorithm if needed.
Thank you for your help!

Documentation - Describing the Flow [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have various documents some are large some are small, we have to draw up some form of model that would describe how a user interacts with each document when following them for a build. For example, a user might.
Follow Document 1 to Section 10 then be pointed to Document 2 to complete then return back to Section 10 in document 1 etc.
Has anyone ever drawn up some sort of chart to demonstrate this kind of thing for documentation, it is fairly standard for systems but i have never done it regarding documentation and I am just wondering if there is a formal method of doing this for documentation and is there any examples or standard guides to follow.
I think I would use an Activity diagram with Swimlanes for each document.
An alternative would be an IDEF0 diagram(may be appropriate if there are instructions for completing each document, and/or different roles for different steps)

Direct screen pixel/framebuffer access [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to try and create a program playing a game. I.e. "a bot".
I want to be able to directly access the pixels on the screen. I.e. have my program "see" a game and then "make a move"(or at least draw a picture of what move it would make).
Both Windows and Linux advice is appreciated, though my guess is that it should be easier to do on Linux.
I'm guessing this could be done with some X/Gnome call?
I'm not afraid of C, even complex samples are welcome.
SDL is a cross-platform library that allows you to directly access framebuffer pixels. You can learn about accessing the pixels on screen through the pixel access example on the documentation wiki.
Generally speaking, bots don't see the game graphics but see the underlying data structure instead, unless you are trying to do something related to computer vision.