Documentation - Describing the Flow [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have various documents some are large some are small, we have to draw up some form of model that would describe how a user interacts with each document when following them for a build. For example, a user might.
Follow Document 1 to Section 10 then be pointed to Document 2 to complete then return back to Section 10 in document 1 etc.
Has anyone ever drawn up some sort of chart to demonstrate this kind of thing for documentation, it is fairly standard for systems but i have never done it regarding documentation and I am just wondering if there is a formal method of doing this for documentation and is there any examples or standard guides to follow.

I think I would use an Activity diagram with Swimlanes for each document.
An alternative would be an IDEF0 diagram(may be appropriate if there are instructions for completing each document, and/or different roles for different steps)


which is the better convention for REST API URL [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I am new to REST API, and I am designing my own REST API for my web project.
Which of the followings is the better convention?
I want to access to the article that user ID 3 wrote.
Which of the followings is the better convention?
They are both fine.
/article?user_id=3 may prove more convenient if you are expecting to use HTML forms as a way of finding resources.
/user/3/article may prove more convenient if you expecting to use dot segments to describe other resource identifiers in the hierarchy.
What if I want to access to the fourth article that User ID3 wrote? /user/3/article/4 is appropriate? I think this hierarchy is unnecessarily deep.
Deep hierarchies are fine. Not using deep hierarchies are also fine.
In some designs, we'll use resource identifiers for items that are not part of the same hierarchy as the collection itself
context="/user/3/article" rel="item" href="/articles/4"
context="/user/3/article" rel="item" href="/articles/9"
context="/user/3/article" rel="item" href="/articles/16"
Think "web page with links"; if you can follow a link, you don't need a formula to compute the URI yourself.

Labview good practice and computation time [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have two question for labview users. I'm quite new to this language, I would like to know if design like in the picture attached (extensive use of disable diagram structure) are:
a good practice to separate part of code (I like the structure input/computation/output)
does not imply extra computation time
labview disable structure
Thanks in advance!
PS: sorry I had to hide some code not my will...(licensed)
No, the code is compiled and disable structures are ignored. But the best practise is to use subVIs (with proper connector pane and icon) to structure input/computation/output.
Everything that is connected to the left of your subVI connector pane is input.
What you have in subVI is computation.
Everything that is connected to the right of your subVI connector pane is output.
Please have a look below:

How to write SRS for a particular task/enhancement in an application [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to prepare a Software Requirements Specification Document for a small enhancement within an JAVA application.
I have tried goggling for the same but found the samples for whole application whereas I am preparing SRS for a small enhancement within an application.
Can anybody suggest the links or suggestions for preparing the SRS.
As you realized by yourself what you're asked isn't a Requirements Specification, which usually covers the whole set of requirements for a software.
What you've been asked is a Change Request, and it must be merged in the existing SRS. However something tells me that there's no SRS for the software you're dealing with, as your management doesn't know the difference between both...

Adaptive vs Non Adaptive System [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Assume there is a website that generates pages using dynamic technologies: ASP, JSP, etc.
In a non-adaptive website, I may have a code like if condition 1, then generate page A. If condition 2, generate page B and so on.
In an adaptive system, what is the similar logic? is it correct to say if by evaluating context, user request, etc (in a sense if condition 1), the solution is adaptation policy should generate page A to ensure goal of serving the right page is consistent?
I'd be grateful if you could help me understand the difference / similarities.
P.S. I am reading about self adaptive systems and just needed to point out that this is not a homework question :)
You can read more about self-adaptive system in the IBM site about autonomic computing.
The Vision: Systems manage themselves according to an administrator's
goals. New components integrate as effortlessly as a new cell
establishes itself in the human body. These ideas are not science
fiction, but elements of the grand challenge to create self-managing
computing systems.

While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In software developement project..
While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care?
A very vague question, kind of like "What is the meaning of life?".
Things that occur to me:
Knowing what you will build
the order in which things have to be build,
resources required,
when things have to be finished,
who will have to check the build items,
when are people and resources available.
The WBS 100% rule (see this)
Where relevant, use abstract time units in the chart and scale to meet a fixed release date.
Don't overuse. Use it for what it's good for. For example, avoid showing too many dependencies: Draw out a separate dependency tree
If you have several tasks which are proving difficult to estimate then try to have them run in parallel. That way you reduce the overall risk should one or more of them overrun.