Access - "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" with VBA function - vba

I get error Data type mismatch in criteria expression when running this query.
See below what I tried. Question is how can I investigate further to find the error?
SELECT qCalls.Senso, qCalls.Data, qCalls.Ora, qCalls.NumeroPulito, qCalls.Durata, qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION.Azienda, IIf(Count([NOME])=1,First([NOME]),"**nomi multipli**") AS Nome2
FROM qCalls INNER JOIN qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION ON qCalls.NumeroPulito = qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION.Numero
GROUP BY qCalls.Senso, qCalls.Data, qCalls.Ora, qCalls.NumeroPulito, qCalls.Durata, qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION.Azienda
ORDER BY qCalls.Data DESC;
Both qCalls and qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION run correctly when called separately.
There is no criteria expression (= WHERE clause, as I understand it) in my SQL. I then think the data type issue is on the INNER JOIN part but:
qCalls.NumeroPulito is a string, comes from: CStr(Replace([Number],"+39","")) AS NumeroPulito
qContactsOutlookPerCallsUNION.Numero is a string, it comes from: IIf(IsNull([Phone]),Null,PulisciTelPerCalls([Phone])) AS Fisso where PulisciTelPerCalls() is a VBA function which returns a string

Without being too sure, I believe the error is caused by the inline if statement IIF() since it checks both conditions anyway, thus could be sending a null value to the function.
I think you should scrap the IIF and handle null values in the function.
Public Function PulisciTelPerCalls(ByVal Phone As Variant) As String
If IsNull(Phone) Then
PulisciTelPerCalls = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
'rest of method
End Function
Then just call the method directly:
PulisciTelPerCalls([Phone]) AS Fisso

CStr on a string doesn't make sense. Try removing it and use Nz:
Replace([Number],"+39","") AS NumeroPulito
PulisciTelPerCalls(Nz([Phone])) AS Fisso
IIf(IsNull([Phone]),"",PulisciTelPerCalls([Phone])) AS Fisso


Error message when try to run a function in function

I create two functions that worked well as a stand alone functions.
But when I try to run one of them inside the second one I got an error:
'SQL compilation error: Unsupported subquery type cannot be evaluated'
Can you advise?
Adding code bellow:
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'drives_removed":\\[]') = 'drives_removed":[]') THEN **priceperitem(1998, returnitem_add_item(ARGUMENTS_JSON))**
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'drives_added":\\[\\]') = 'drives_added":[]') THEN 1
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'from_flavor') = 'from_flavor') THEN 1
WHEN (regexp_substr(ARGUMENTS_JSON,'{}') = '{}') THEN 1
ELSE 'Other'
END as Price_List,
The problem happened when with function 'priceperitem'
If I replace returnitem_add_item with a string then it will work fine.
Function 1 : priceperitem get customer number and a item return pricing per the item from customer pricing list
Function 2 : returnitem_add_item parsing string and return a string
As an alternative, you may try processing udf within a udf in the following way :
create function x()
returns integer
select 1+2
set q=x();
create function pi_udf(q integer)
returns integer
select q*3
select pi_udf($q);
If this does not work out as well, the issue might be data specific. Try executing the function with one record, and then add more records to see the difference in the behavior. There are certain limitations on using SQL UDF's in Snowflake and hence the 'Unsupported Subquery' Error.

Linq : Nullable object must have a value

i have this query as linq:
Dim result = (From c In query _
Where Not bannedCCList.Contains(c.num_reserv) _
Group c By c.code_operation, c.code_type _
Into nbr = Count(CInt(c.Code_bien)), acmp = Sum(CDec(c.TotalAcomp)) _
Select nbr, acmp).ToList
but i get the error:
An object that allows Null must have a value
how i can put acmp=0 if c.TotalAcomp is nothing
i that my query look like:
acmp =IIF(Sum(CDec(c.TotalAcomp)) is nothing,0, Sum(CDec(c.TotalAcomp)) _
but it doesn't work.
try this:
acmp =IIF(Sum(CDec(c.TotalAcomp)) is DBNull.Value,0, Sum(CDec(c.TotalAcomp))
Don´t use IIF. It´s old VB6 garbage, e.g. it evaluates always both sides even if the true-part returns true. Use If instead.
Your check if the variable is Nothing happens at the wrong place. You have to check it inside the Sum function not afterwards.
Also use HasValue and Value properties of nullable types.
In this case you don´t have to cast any of your expression (besides you casted to the wrong type. If your variable is of type Double don´t cast to Decimal).
The following code worked for me:
acmp = Sum(If(Not c.TotalAcomp.HasValue, 0, c.TotalAcomp.Value))

Apex parse error when creating SQL query with sql function

I have the following function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calc_a(BIDoctor number) RETURN number
num_a number;
select count(NAppoint)
into num_a
from Appointment a
where BIDoctor = a.BIDoctor;
RETURN num_a;
END calc_a;
What we want is adding a column to a report that shows us the number of appointments that doc have.
select a.BIdoctor "NUM_ALUNO",
a.NameP "Nome",
a.Address "Local",
a.Salary "salary",
a.Phone "phone",
a.NumberService "Curso",
c.BIdoctor "bi",
calc_media(a.BIdoctor) "consultas"
FROM "#OWNER#"."v_Doctor" a, "#OWNER#"."Appointment" c
WHERE a.BIdoctor = c.BIdoctor;
and we got this when we are writing the region source on apex.
But it shows a parse error, I was looking for this about 2 hours and nothing.
Apex shows me this:
This is probably because of all your double quotes, you seem to have randomly cased everything. Double quotes indicate that you're using quoted identifiers, i.e. the object/column must be created with that exact name - "Hi" is not the same as "hi". Judging by your function get rid of all the double quotes - you don't seem to need them.
More generally don't use quoted identifiers. Ever. They cause far more trouble then they're worth. You'll know when you want to use them in the future, if it ever becomes necessary.
There are a few more problems with your SELECT statement.
You're using implicit joins. Explicit joins were added in SQL-92; it's time to start using them - for your future career where you might interact with other RDBMS if nothing else.
There's absolutely no need for your function; you can use the analytic function, COUNT() instead.
Your aliases are a bit wonky - why does a refer to doctors and c to appointments?
Putting all of this together you get:
select d.bidoctor as num_aluno
, d.namep as nome
, d.address as local
, d.salary as salary
, as phone
, d.numberservice as curso
, a.bidoctor as bi
, count(nappoint) over (partition by a.bidoctor) as consultas
from #owner#.v_doctor a
join #owner#.appointment c
on d.bidoctor = a.bidoctor;
I'm guessing at what the primary keys of APPOINTMENT and V_DOCTOR are but I'm hoping they're NAPPOINT and BIDOCTOR respectively.
Incidentally, your function will never have returned the correct result because you haven't limited the scope of the parameter in your query; you would have just counted the number of records in APPOINTMENT. When you're naming parameters the same as columns in a table you have to explicitly limit the scope to the parameter in any queries you write, for instance:
select count(nappoint) into num_a
from appointment a
where calc_a.bidoctor = a.bidoctor; -- HERE

SQL Update on joined tables with calculated fields

First of all, I know there are already questions and answers about it, this thread being the one that is closest to what I need:
SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values
However, I get a syntax error (operator missing) that seems to occur close to the FROM clause. However I can't see it. Does it not like the FROM itself ? I am not used to using FROM in an update statement but it seems like it's valid from the QA I just linked :|
Any idea why there would be a syntax error there ?
I am using Access 2007 SP3.
Wow, I forgot to post the query...
r.tempsmoy_requete_min = tmm.moy_mob_requete
rapports AS r INNER JOIN
Round(Sum(temps_requete_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_requete,
Round(Sum(temps_analyse_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_analyse,
Round(Sum(temps_maj_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_maj,
Round(Sum(temps_rap_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_rap,
Round(Sum(temps_ddc_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_ddc
FROM maintenances
periode In (10,9,8) And
GROUP BY id_fichier) AS tmm ON rapports.id_rapport = tmm.id_fichier
The WHERE 1=0 part is because I want to test further the subquery before running it.
Edit: This is some simpler query I am trying. I get a different error this time. It now tells me that tempsmoy_requete_min (and probably all other left operands) are not part of an aggregate function... which is the point of my query. Any idea ?
rapports INNER JOIN maintenances ON rapports.id_rapport = maintenances.id_fichier
rapports.tempsmoy_requete_min = Round(Sum(temps_requete_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_analyse_min = Round(Sum(temps_analyse_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_maj_min = Round(Sum(temps_maj_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_rap_min = Round(Sum(temps_rap_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_ddc_min = Round(Sum(temps_ddc_min)/3,0)
maintenances.periode In (10,9,8) And
maintenances.annee=2011 AND
I tried adapting your first query sample, and was able to make your error go away. However then I encountered a different error ('Operation must use an updateable query').
It may be possible to overcome that error, too. However, I found it easier to use a domain function instead of a join to retrieve the replacement value.
UPDATE rapports
SET tempsmoy_requete_min = Round(DSum("temps_requete_min",
"periode In (10,9,8) AND annee=2011 "
& "AND id_fichier='" & id_rapport
& "'")/3, 0);
If this suggestion works for tempsmoy_requete_min with your data, you will have to extend it to the other fields you want to replace. That won't be pretty. You could make it less ugly with a saved query which you then use as the "Domain" parameter for DSum() ... that could allow you to use a simpler "Criteria" parameter.
should be
UPDATE rapports
You can't reliably use an alias in the update target.

Operator '=' is not defined for types 'Integer' and 'IQueryable(Of Integer)'

This is giving me a headache. I have this link query here that grabs an ID
Dim mclassID = From x In db.SchoolClasses Where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID Select x.ClassID
And then later on I have this linq query
ViewData("Staff") = From t In db.Staffs Where t.ClassID = mclassID Select t
Any help would be much appreciated. I've tried quite a few things but to no avail. I've attempted casting, converting, Is operand, etc.
The problem is that myClassID is an anonymous IQueryable. You need to force it into another type (List is my favorite), and then pull it out of that type. So if you were to select it into a List(Of Integer) you could then extract the First() one since it would be the only. You could try something like this:
Dim myClassIDList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)( _
From x In db.SchoolClasses Where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID Select x.ClassID)
Dim myClassID as Integer = myClassIDList.First()
Just a guess, but would it help to wrap the right-side of the equation in parenthesis? I.e.:
ViewData("Staff") = (From t In db.Staffs Where t.ClassID = mclassID Select t)
Using the Select operator, you can have multiple results returned. If you are only expecting one result (i.e. you are selecting by a primary key), then you can use Single or SingleOrDefault (depending on whether there is guaranteed to be a result) to get just that one.
Dim mclassID = (From x In db.SchoolClasses _
Where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID _
Select x.ClassID).SingleOrDefault()
You should change this
Dim mclassID = From x In db.SchoolClasses Where x.VisitDateID = _visitdateID Select x.ClassID
to select a single instance or the first instance, otherwise it does as its reporting, returning an IEnumerable, which causes your error later.
Or you could change your second statement to something like
ViewData("Staff") = From t In db.Staffs Where mclassID.Contains(t.ClassID) Select t
taking advantage of the mclassID as an IEnumerable of int.
You can see the errors in Output if you set appropriate options: -
Navigate VS2010 menus to Tools/Options/Projects and solutions/Build and Run/
Set MSBuild Project build output verbosity to "Detailed"
I had a similar error that wasn't showing in the Error list, but with this options setting I saw: -
error BC30452: Operator '=' is not defined for types 'System.Nullable(Of Integer)' and 'Integer'.
from this statement: -
If tqGDBChart.UserIsGroupAdmin(Userid, Groupid) = 0 Then 'User is not a group admin for this group
Easily fixed it with an intermediate variable.
Dim GroupAdminCount As Integer = tqGDBChart.UserIsGroupAdmin(Userid, Groupid)
If GroupAdminCount = 0 Then 'User is not a group admin for this group
have you tried:
ViewData("Staff") = From t In db.Staffs Where t.ClassID.equals(mclassID) Select t