SQL Update on joined tables with calculated fields - sql

First of all, I know there are already questions and answers about it, this thread being the one that is closest to what I need:
SQL Update to the SUM of its joined values
However, I get a syntax error (operator missing) that seems to occur close to the FROM clause. However I can't see it. Does it not like the FROM itself ? I am not used to using FROM in an update statement but it seems like it's valid from the QA I just linked :|
Any idea why there would be a syntax error there ?
I am using Access 2007 SP3.
Wow, I forgot to post the query...
r.tempsmoy_requete_min = tmm.moy_mob_requete
rapports AS r INNER JOIN
Round(Sum(temps_requete_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_requete,
Round(Sum(temps_analyse_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_analyse,
Round(Sum(temps_maj_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_maj,
Round(Sum(temps_rap_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_rap,
Round(Sum(temps_ddc_min)/3,0) As moy_mob_ddc
FROM maintenances
periode In (10,9,8) And
GROUP BY id_fichier) AS tmm ON rapports.id_rapport = tmm.id_fichier
The WHERE 1=0 part is because I want to test further the subquery before running it.
Edit: This is some simpler query I am trying. I get a different error this time. It now tells me that tempsmoy_requete_min (and probably all other left operands) are not part of an aggregate function... which is the point of my query. Any idea ?
rapports INNER JOIN maintenances ON rapports.id_rapport = maintenances.id_fichier
rapports.tempsmoy_requete_min = Round(Sum(temps_requete_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_analyse_min = Round(Sum(temps_analyse_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_maj_min = Round(Sum(temps_maj_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_rap_min = Round(Sum(temps_rap_min)/3,0),
rapports.tempsmoy_ddc_min = Round(Sum(temps_ddc_min)/3,0)
maintenances.periode In (10,9,8) And
maintenances.annee=2011 AND

I tried adapting your first query sample, and was able to make your error go away. However then I encountered a different error ('Operation must use an updateable query').
It may be possible to overcome that error, too. However, I found it easier to use a domain function instead of a join to retrieve the replacement value.
UPDATE rapports
SET tempsmoy_requete_min = Round(DSum("temps_requete_min",
"periode In (10,9,8) AND annee=2011 "
& "AND id_fichier='" & id_rapport
& "'")/3, 0);
If this suggestion works for tempsmoy_requete_min with your data, you will have to extend it to the other fields you want to replace. That won't be pretty. You could make it less ugly with a saved query which you then use as the "Domain" parameter for DSum() ... that could allow you to use a simpler "Criteria" parameter.

should be
UPDATE rapports
You can't reliably use an alias in the update target.



I am trying to do an update in 2 tables, but i have this error:
Error SQL: ORA-00933: "SQL command not properly ended".
Could you help me please? The query is:
FROM jbpm_taskinstance AS a
INNER JOIN jbpm_log AS b
FROM jbpm_taskinstance
Welcome to the world of strange and misleading Oracle error messages!
With experience, you can spot the error by sight, as #a_horse_with_no_name has done.
If you don't see the error immediately, I'd recommend to make the query simpler step by step until the error disappears. In your case, I would remove the AND b.taskinstance_ IN () subquery and check if the same error comes up. Then I'd remove the SUBSTR with a simple constant, like SET a.ACTORID_ = 'a'. Then I'd remove the JOIN, updating only table A. This will run ok, so you need to read up Oracle's documentation on UPDATE.

Add conditions where with 2 field conditions do not run accurately

The data that appears does not match the conditions that have been applied
I implemented SQL code in the Navicat application, and have changed the structure of the code several times but it still doesn't work,
data that is not of ilart condition type
still appears
FROM swift_zab_iw39
WHERE ILART='OVH' OR ILART='TST' and SERMAT='024147-000:09052'
Use IN operator:
WHERE ILART IN('OVH','TST') AND SERMAT = '024147-000:09052'
Add parenthesis to the OR condition in the WHERE clause as:
WHERE (ILART = 'OVH' OR ILART = 'TST') AND SERMAT = '024147-000:09052'

Using JOIN in Query within MS Access 2016 for Fields in the Long Text Format

I have two queries which are almost identical. The only difference is the format of the fields being joined. One works, the other doesn't.
The query which JOINs two Integer fields works perfectly.
The query which JOINs two Long Text fields produces the following error:
"Cannot join on Memo, OLE, or Hyperlink Object (alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value]=ECLString.[Tag_Value])."
Functional Query:
SELECT alarmlogwithdescs.TableIndex, alarmlogwithdescs.Date_Stamp, alarmlogwithdescs.Time_Stamp, alarmlogwithdescs.Tag_Name, alarmlogwithdescs.Tag_Value, ErrorCodeLookup.ErrorDescription
FROM ErrorCodeLookup INNER JOIN alarmlogwithdescs ON ErrorCodeLookup.[Tag_Value] = alarmlogwithdescs.[Tag_Value]
ORDER BY alarmlogwithdescs.TableIndex;
Nonfunctional Query:
SELECT alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex, alarmlogwithstring2.Date_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Time_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Tag_Value, ECLString.ErrorDescription
FROM alarmlogwithstring2 INNER JOIN ECLString ON alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value] = ECLString.[Tag_Value]
ORDER BY alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex;
What I've Tried:
1.) I swapped the table following "FROM" to be ECLString with all necessary changes that should follow. (i.e. Then, after INNER JOIN I changed ECLString to be alarmlogwithstring2, etc...) This makes the two queries more identical, but shouldn't have an effect on the outcome. I did the same for the functional query just to be sure. The functional one still worked and the nonfunctional one still does not...
2.) I tried making my lookup table's Tag_Value field Short Text while keeping the actual data table's Tag_Value field Long Text. No effect.
3.) I tried changing the JOIN type when creating the relationship between the two tables. No effect.
4.) Changed alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value]=ECLString.[Tag_Value]
to CAST(alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value] AS varchar(max)) = CAST(ECLString.[Tag_Value] AS varchar(max)) and get the following error:
"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression CAST(alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value] AS varchar(max)) = CAST(ECLString.[Tag_Value] AS varchar(max))."
For whatever reason, after clicking "Ok" to close the error message the comma following SELECT alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex, is highlighted, suggesting the missing operator is there. Okay?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!
Got it! Works for my situation, at least. Any other method for doing this would still be appreciated.
This works for me because my Tag_Value field contains text such as "Error0, Error1, Error2," etc...
So, I used the following code:
SELECT alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex, alarmlogwithstring2.Date_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Time_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Tag_Value, ECLString.ErrorDescription
FROM alarmlogwithstring2 INNER JOIN ECLString ON Right( alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value] , 1) = Right(ECLString.[Tag_Value], 1)
ORDER BY alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex;
This works because of the integer on the end of my Tag_Value text. Using the Right(string,length) function causes only the integers within each value to be compared as they're all on the right-side of the value.
If your situation is similar to mine, then the code above is fine; however, if your number of error codes (or whatever) gets into the double digits, be sure to reflect this in the fields of both tables. (i.e. Make Error0 => Error00, make Error1 => Error01, etc...) within both tables and use Right(string,2) instead of Right(string,1). [Seems obvious, but may not be for everyone.]
However, this will NOT always be the case for me and everyone else. Someone may have pure text, for example. Thus, again, if you know of another, more general, solution, please, do let me know and I'll make your answer the answer for this question.
Got it. See below for general solution. It uses StrComp(string1,string2)=0 to match strings.
SELECT alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex, alarmlogwithstring2.Date_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Time_Stamp, alarmlogwithstring2.Tag_Name, alarmlogwithstring2.Tag_Value, ECLString.ErrorDescription
FROM alarmlogwithstring2 INNER JOIN ECLString ON StrComp(alarmlogwithstring2.[Tag_Value], ECLString.[Tag_Value]) = 0
ORDER BY alarmlogwithstring2.TableIndex;

UPDATE QUERY - Sum up a value from form with value from table

I've just started using microsoft access so I don't really know how to solve this. I would like to use an update query to add a value from a form to a value on a table.
I originally used the SUM expression which gave me an error saying it was an aggregate function.
I also tried to add the two values together (e.g [field1] + [field2]) which as a result gave me a value with both numbers together instead of adding them together.
The following is the SQL I'm using:
SET Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
WHERE (((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
AND ((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
I want to add a value [txtnumvotes] a form to a field [NumVotes] from the table [Votes].
Could someone please help me?
You can specify the expected data type with parameters:
[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes] Short,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combacts] Long,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum] Long;
Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
(((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
Without the specification, Access has to guess, and that sometimes fails.

SQL updating multiple cells with values from a subquery

The other day,I thought I found a very elegant way to update part of a set of cells. This is what I came up with :
Update mytable
Set ExternalLink = REPLACE (ExternalLink, R.UniqueID, R.ParentUniqueID)
From (
Select u.UniqueID, u.ParentUniqueID, RIGHT (mt.ExternalLink, 7) as EL
From uniqueidtable u
Join mytable mt
On EL = u.ParentUniqueID
Where mt.ExternalLink Like '%stringinurl%' ) R
I believe I got the idea from a stack question, but I can't find it in my history.
I can't seem to get more than one cell updated, even though the subquery returns several rows when tested alone. What's wrong with this and how can I tweak it to update multiple cells at a time?
Thank you for your help.
Okay, I came up with an answer. I'm not sure why a Table Expression did not work in this case, but here's what I came up with:
UPDATE mytable
SET ExternalLink = REPLACE(Ta.ExternalLink, T.ParentUniqueID, T.UniqueID)
FROM mytable Ta
JOIN UniqueIDtable
ON RIGHT(Ta.ExternalLink, 7) = T.ParentUniqueID
WHERE ExternalLink LIKE '%stringinurl%' AND ISNUMERIC(RIGHT(Ta.ExternalLink, 7)) = '1';
It seems I was just messing up the placement of the ID and parent ID in the replace. I also didn't count on the end of the URL string in the ExternalLink column to be anything but a numeric value, so that came up with some issues as well. It seems to be working for me now, so I've got that going for me.