Horizontal stack of legends in xmgrace figure - legend

Is it possible to have a horizontal stack of legends in xmgrace, e.g., two rows and 3 columns?

No, as far as I know it's not possible. However, as it always happens with xmgrace, you can use some hacks to solve the issue. Let's say you have 6 datasets and you want to split the legend in 3 columns. In this case you can
prepare your plot
duplicate the graph 3 times
in each graph you add the legend to 2 datasets
arrange the 3 legends to your liking
You'll end up with something like this:


How to organize facet_grid with too many panels

I am trying to plot gene expression values in a clinical trial. I have come to an scalar, represeting relative quantification, and I have 3 groups of intervention.I am trying to plot it in a bar graph (I am open to alternatives). My database is made up 55 genes to study in 151 samples.
The plot design is not pretty fancy, I would like to discriminate the groups by colours
ggplot(genes[time = 3], aes(grup_int, RQ)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom='point') +
stat_summary(fun.data = 'mean_cl_boot', geom='errorbar', width=.25) +
As you see the resolution is low. I was wondering if there is other approach, maybe rearrange the plots or even divide the plot in 2 plots...
Thanks in advance!

Prevent numbers on the x axis from merging together in SSRS stacked bar chart?

One question to pretty this graph up:
How to prevent numbers on the x axis from merging together in SSRS stacked bar chart?
Try to play around with the SmartLabels under the properties pane of each series.

2 category axis in Column chart in Webi Reports

Is it possible to have 2 category axis(x -axis) values one with bar and other with line and one measure for both? If possible please let me know how to achieve it.
Multiple Y-axis are possible, but you can only have one X-axis per chart. That said, you can have an X-axis with multiple dimensions on it (e.g. City and State).
Each measure will be plotted (aggregated) according to the dimensions added to the X-axis.
You cannot have different visualisations for the same measure on the same chart (e.g. a column and a line for the same measure), unless you have a chart with 2 Y-axis. Whether this would be a good visualisation of your data is a different matter.

Combine Multiple Splines into One

The above image is a sample of my project. Am creating a road map using Rectangular Splines.
There are approximately 2000 such rectangular spline.
As seen in the above image Stage 1 is the initial Structure and stage 3 is the final Outcome
I have used Attach to combine all the splines.
The thing I am trying to achieve is I want to convert The spline in one and Remove the inner edges to Optimize the Game Performance.
Is there any way to do that. Doing manually is very tough and there are nearly 30 level each containing 2000 splines
OK. Seems like this "Rectangular Spline" is just a spline that shapes like a rectangle. What you want to do can be achieved in the following ways:
1) Break up all the rectangular splines into straight lines. Your rectangular splines most likely are just degree 1 B-splines, so it should be quite easy to break them up.
2) Find identical straight line segments. If you found two identical line segments, delete both of them.
3) You will be left with many straight line segments that form the outside perimeter of those 3 regions as shown in your picture stage 3. You will need to sort all these line segments into 3 loops and join the line segments in each loop back to a degree 1 B-spline.

Core Plot Graph Label steps

I'm using Core Plot to draw graphs in my app.
I just encountered a problem:
I have dates on the X-Axis and I use a custom labeling policy.
If I only have a few records everything works fine
If I have many records all the labels are near and not useful :-(
So the question is: How can I decide which values display and which not to always have 10 labels, separated one from the other.
Divide the number of points by the number of labels you want and round up. For example, if you have 25 data points and want roughly 10 labels, label every third data point. You'll end up with 9 evenly spaced labels.