Integrate SMSA Express with Shopify using SOAP Web Service - shopify

We have a Shopify Store that is almost on its way to complete. Now, we want to integrate shipping service (SMSA Express) with Shopify Store that we needed using a technology "SOAP-based web service". Can anyone please guide me regarding the following questions?
Which tool/software should we have to use for web service? Does it work with Visual Studio 2019 or need any other? Recommend language also (PHP, C#).
Please guide where the link of Shopify would be given to associate it?
Any step by step tutorial available for the Shopify integration via SOAP web service? If any, please provide the link as we are unable to find?
Any other suggestions to make it run successfully would be welcomed.


Generating documentation for a Datasnap RESTful API

I've been looking for a way to include an auto-generated documentation endpoint to an existing Delphi Datasnap RESTful API.
Can it be done? Are there annotations or external tools I can use?
Where would I begin, how would I proceed? If not from within Delphi itself, can I integrate with e.g. Swagger?
It seems somewhat anachronistic to build a RESTful API without offering a documentation endpoint these days...
Any and all information that could help me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Using Swagger, via YAML has just been added to Delphi through EMS, the latest RESTful API development option in Delphi.
Its based on Attributes that are added to the API end points as they are defined and that in turn creates the YAML to import into Swagger.

ASP.NET WEB API Authorization or User based Licensing

Have done a lot of search and reading over the WEB but could not come to any conclusion yet.
We are planning to develop a list of API's (planning to use ASP.NET WEB API). One of the business goals is to package the API and selling/licensing the Packages/API to end users.
Some thoughts that came to consideration:
Using Authorisation Filters to do check against database, if the user requesting the API has access to it or not. Not very sure of the implementation details yet even on this approach.
Are there any better suggestions or ideas or any open source libraries that we can go with?
What are the possible recommendation or best practices to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
Please take a look at the following links. Hopefully, they help.
Web API creating API keys
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API

Web API run VB6 COM components in STA mode

I've few past developed VB6 components that are heavily used in our most of the applications
Now, we want to consume same components for newly developing Web API project.
But, as per this post ,
We found strike on Web API it might due to we don't have any page in Web API project.
Please tell me correct workaround achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggesting looking into the StaTaskScheduler

Can you use JIRA's SOAP API in a VB.NET desktop application?

I tried using JIRA's REST API but the function that I needed wasn't there and found it at JIRA's SOAP API. A newbie like me wants to know if you can use JIRA's SOAP API in a VB.NET desktop application? Thanks!
Absolutely. The point of a SOAP service is to allow access to the data and functionality of application from another application regardless of the language it is written in. All you need is something in your program that understands how to talk to and work with a SOAP service.
I have no doubt that a VB.NET application can talk to a SOAP service without issue, but I am not a .NET programmer so I can not provide any specific guidance on how to do it.
What you will want to search for is "Consuming SOAP services with VB.NET". I did that myself and came up with some god looking tutorials.
Like I said, I think everything you need will be built into the .NET framework. I don't think you will need to download anything additional or include extra libraries.

Integrating First Data (previously YourPay and LinkPoint) payment gateway with custom ASP booking system

I’m trying to integrate a simple booking system (developed in ASP) with this payment gateway:
My site is hosted on a shared server and I was hoping to pass the transaction details to firstdata and have all the secure data entered and processed on their system (as in a Form Purchase token type model).
However, I'm having trouble ascertaining whether that's possible on Firstdata, the documentation is complicated and I'm not getting much response from their technical support. Ideally I'd like a test store integration example, but I can't find this on their site.
Does anyone have any experience of integrating this payment gateway using ASP, and if so any help they can offer?
Many thanks,
FirstData is the worst for support and integration.
I have experience w/ integrating them w/ perl, so that probably doesn't help much, sorry. But just letting you know its basically trial and error, there tech support is of no help.
I have done the LinkPoint and YourPay gateways. Both required a COM object, so a DLL must be installed on the server. Is your host willing to install that DLL and incur a possible reboot for your site, or do they already have it installed?
If they have it installed, there will be sample .asp integration examples from FirstData, but you have to sign up for a developer account. Once you get their example and if you have any further questions on how to do it, please update your question here and we will work through it.