Web API run VB6 COM components in STA mode - com

I've few past developed VB6 components that are heavily used in our most of the applications
Now, we want to consume same components for newly developing Web API project.
But, as per this post ,
We found strike on Asp.net Web API it might due to we don't have any page in Web API project.
Please tell me correct workaround achieve this.
Thanks in advance.

I would suggesting looking into the StaTaskScheduler http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2010/04/07/9990421.aspx


How can I expose my ASP.NET Core web api to be used without http?

I know this sound strange, but please bear with me. We have a legacy desktop app (DataFlex), and we are developing a new web app. Both apps share the same business logic. We are in the process of moving the business logic to a centralized project that is exposed as an asp.net-core web api, to be used both by the desktop app and the web app.
So far, we have been able to access the new business logic project from the legacy desktop app via COM, but because maintaining interfaces and DataFlex wrapper classes is a pain, we are hoping to find an easier way.
We could access the business logic using the web api via http. But many users are still only using the desktop app, and setting up web servers for all of them is not something that can be done anytime soon. So we want to call the asp.net-core project in a way that resembles the way a web app does it, passing method calls as strings (JSON?)
Is this feasible? If so, how?

Can I use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in my MVC4 Application?

I've spent a fair amount of time researching this, as I would rather not find out through trial and error.
Can I use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in my MVC4 Application? Is there Microsft documentation that gives definitive information?
Yes, I know that MVC4 does not have VIEWSTATE. I am using the Razor view engine.
The documentation for the toolkit states specifically that it is for web forms, not mvc.
If there is a specific piece of functionality you required, then you might want to see if there is a plugin available for jquery to replicate it.

Write File to Sharepoint Online WinRT

I have recently been working on developing a winRT app that will allow someone to enter information on to a form. I am trying to then upload that form to SharePoint online as part of the Office 365 suite. I have been unable to find any examples or real documentation on how to do this. Has anyone found anything close to this online? Any help would be much appreciated.
You should be able to do an HTTP put from your WinRT app to your SharePoint online web services. Here is a list of the Web Services and interfaces. Here is a sample of how to call RESTful web services from a Windows Store style app.

Is the WCF Web.API safe for production applications?

The WCF Web.API hasn't been incorporated into the .NET Framework as of the date of this post. Is it safe to use this library in production code or is it's only usefulness for testing at the moment ?
I'm using it in production.
Albeit it is not allowed at the moment to use it in production at your customers site.
But your customer can get the dependencies using Nuget...
And btw: Web API will be out of band release like ASP.NET MVC is.
While I personally have not implemented a production application with WCF web API, I know several people who have. I have not heard them report any issues that would cause me to question it's production readiness. That being said, WCF Web API is an open source project, so you can browse the code yourself to get a feeling for how sound the code is.

Tutorial on Consuming a WCF service in ASP.Net web site?

I'm attempting to create my first WCF service.
I've created the service and now I'm trying to call it from a asp.net (vb) web site and I've tried adding a web reference to it and using the scvutil.exe to consume the service.
So far neither have worked. It's not letting me declare the service in my code. If someone could point me to a good tutorial on how to consume a WCF service in an ASP.Net web site that would be great.
I've found numerous on how to use them with AJAX or silverlight or windows apps but nothing on using it in just a plain old website.
Please see Beginner's Guide to Windows Communication Foundation. It's part of the WCF Developer Center on MSDN, which is full of good resources.
The link above is broken. Some other links I've found while searching for it:
Developing Service-Oriented Applications
Windows Communication Foundation
Conceptual Overview
Getting Started Tutorial
How to: Create a Windows Communication Foundation Client
Basic WCF Programming
Just add service reference, use the service reference as using "reference1.xxxx" and then use the client code.
That's all after the initialization. It works for me. Let me know if you require any help.