What is the proper way to handle `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` when using the Ninja Multi-Config cmake generator? - cmake

With the cmake generator "Ninja Multi-Config" what is the proper way to handle CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. For instance, if you do:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -G "Ninja Multi-Config" ..
$ cmake --build . --config Release --target install
And then afterwards do
$ cmake --build . --config Debug --target install
will the files in ../install be overwritten by the Debug install? What is the normal way to handle the install location in such cases?

By default they will be overwritten- Ie. with multi-config, the configurations' files install to the same locations.
Command-line "manual" approach
If you don't mind having to do this kind of thing manually on the command-line each time you install, you can just use the --prefix parameter for cmake --install <...>.
From the docs for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:
The CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX may be defined when configuring a build tree to set its installation prefix. Or, when using the cmake(1) command-line tool's --install mode, one may specify a different prefix using the --prefix option.
In that sense, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX can be seen as a default value set per-generated buildsystem that can be overridden on the commandline.
So you can do something like cmake --install <build_dir> --config <config> --prefix <install_dir_unique_to_config>.
defaults in CMakeLists.txt approach
See this CMake mailing thread for various workarounds. Summarized here:
You can (with some exceptions- see the docs) use the <CONFIG>_POSTFIX target property to append a postfix to an output name of a target.
set_target_properties(my_target <more targets can be listed here> PROPERTIES
# etc.
Workaround using install(DESTINATION) parameters:


Is it possible to determine whether CMake install(CODE) is called from the "install" or "package" stage?

I'm using CMake v3.21.0 to invoke Qt's windeployqt during the install stage by the means of the install(CODE) command as follows:
env PATH=\"${windeployqt_ROOT_DIR}\"
# TODO(2021-08-25 by wolters): This is a different path when CPack is`
# used. How to check for this case and obtain the correct output path?
--verbose 0
This works fine if installing the project:
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target install
But when creating a CPack package the files created by windeployqt are not part of the package (ZIP in this case):
cpack -G ZIP -C RelWithDebInfo -D CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL="runtime"
I know that the issue is the usage of ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} in the CODE.
For the install target this is correct.
For the package target this is not correct. Instead the build directory for the current CPack generator should be used, e.g. ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_CPack_Packages/win64/ZIP/${CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.
My questions are:
Is there a way to differentiate between install and package target in the CODE section? (pseudo-code: if(CMAKE_IS_PACKAGING))
If there is a way: Is it possible to obtain or dynamically build the directory path to the actual CPack temporary "install" directory?
If both problems can be solved the files generated by windeployqt should be part of the packages generated by CPack.
The variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should not be expanded in the CMakeLists.txt, as you are doing. Its actual value at invocation time is available inside the install(CODE) fragments.
Consider the following snippet:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
project(test NONE)
install(CODE [[message(STATUS "HERE: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")]])
Note that [[ ... ]] escapes variable expansions (you could also use backslashes). Now if you configure this project with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/install, you'll see the message print as you expect.
$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/install
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/alex/test/build
$ cmake --build build/ --target install
[0/1] Install the project...
-- Install configuration: ""
-- HERE: /tmp/install
If you now run the install script again without reconfiguring or rebuilding, it will still work:
$ cmake --install build/ --prefix /tmp/other-prefix
-- Install configuration: ""
-- HERE: /tmp/other-prefix
This is how CPack runs your install rules. It does not use the configuration-time value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. It expects your project to be relocatable (i.e. bug-free).

How to setup make options with cmake

I would like to setup commands like make debug, make test, etc... What is the best way to do this with cmake, so that I run cmake .. one time (it takes a while) and then be able to choose the build type with make?
I couldn't find any resources on this.
As #Tsyvarev has commented this needs a little extra work for single-configuration environments (respectively CMake's Makefile generators) since the build type is chosen during CMake's configuration and finalized during the build environment generation step.
So here is what I've done:
First you run - e.g. in a script - CMake for all configurations you want to support and choose respective sub-folders for the output:
> cmake -H"." -B"Debug" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
> cmake -H"." -B"Release" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Note: -H (for "home directory") and -B (for "binary output directory") are undocumented options, but very useful in those cases. And they work with all CMake releases so far. Just be careful not to put spaces between the option and the their values.
Then you can use again CMake to build from/in those sub-folders:
> cmake --build "Debug"
> cmake --build "Release"
And if you want to run the tests you can:
> cmake --build "Debug" --target "test"
> cmake --build "Release" --target "test"
Changing CMake files standard location
Does CMake always generate configurations for all possible project configurations?
cmake build multiple targets in different build directories
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE not being used in CMakeLists.txt

What is cmake_install.cmake

I wrote a very simple HelloWorld.c program and ran Cmake. It created a cmake_install.cmake file in my build directory. Can somebody explain to me why CMake generated the file cmake_install.cmake? What is it's purpose and how can I use it?
CMakelists.txt :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
add_executable(prog first.c)
You generally don't use cmake_install.cmake directly. From the v3.12 page it states:
The install() command generates a file, cmake_install.cmake, inside
the build directory, which is used internally by the generated install
target and by CPack.
With your current CMakeLists.txt, the generated file doesn't do much. To create a useful install you would need to add more INSTALL commands to your CMakeLists.txt using the syntax below.
INSTALL(TARGETS targets... [EXPORT <export-name>]
[PERMISSIONS permissions...]
[CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
[COMPONENT <component>]
] [...])
For further reading on this command, check out the documentation site and wiki.
If it's desired to manually execute the script as stated by Nic30g the 3.12 page states that cmake -P accepts the following variables:
Set this variable to install only a single CPack component as opposed to all of them. For example, if you only want to install the Development component, run
cmake -DCOMPONENT=Development -P cmake_install.cmake
Set this variable to change the build type if you are using a multi-config generator. For example, to install with the Debug configuration, run
cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake.
This is an environment variable rather than a CMake variable. It allows you to change the installation prefix on UNIX systems. See DESTDIR for details.
As previous answer tells, the cmake_install.cmake contains the commands generated by install command from your CMakeLists.txt.
You can execute it by cmake -P cmake_install.cmake and it performs the installation of your project even on windows.

the option "--build" of cmake

I want to use the cmake --build command to build my project.
This command has a --config option. I don't know how many different parameters I can assign to. And I found cmake doesn't check if the parameter of --config is correct or not
You can call cmake --build like this:
cmake --build . --target MyExe --config Debug
This would be run from your build root, since the directory is passed as ., and would build the target MyExe in Debug mode.
If your build tool is a multi-configuration one (like devenv on Windows), the --config argument matters. If you pass an invalid parameter as the config type here, the build tool should give an error.
If the build tool isn't multi-config (like gcc), then the --config argument is ignored. Instead the build type is set via the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CMake variable; i.e. it's set when running CMake, not when running the build tool.
You can pass further options to the build tool by adding them at the end after a --, e.g to pass -j4 if using gcc:
cmake --build . --target MyExe -- -j4

How do I use CMake ExternalProject_Add or alternatives in a cross-platform way?

I would like to build a third-party project that already has CMake as part of my project's CMake strips. ExternalProject_Add is for this purpose, but I have found it can only be made to work with a specific generator, and I wanted it to work on many platforms easily.
For example, here is my external project with an added script for zlib, which has its own CMakeLists.txt:
ExternalProject_Add_Step(ZLIB installInternally
COMMAND cd <BINARY_DIR> && make install
ExternalProject_Get_Property(ZLIB install_dir)
set(ZLIB_NAME libz)
set(ZLIB_NAME zlib)
add_library(zlib UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET zlib PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/lib/${ZLIB_NAME}.a)
set(ZLIB_DIR ${install_dir} CACHE INTERNAL "zlib ROOT dir")
set(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${install_dir}/include CACHE INTERNAL "zlib include dirs")
set(ZLIB_DEFINES "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse" CACHE INTERNAL "zlib defines")
The problem with this is that it works with make, but not with Xcode or Visual Studio. Perhaps there is some way to take the CMake build commands passed to my project and forward them to ExternalProject_Add.
How can I write ExternalProject_Add calls in a cross-platform way with minimal code complexity, or is there a better alternative?
This is enough for single-configuration projects. But for Xcode and Visual Studio, you need to set CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES plus call build . --config at the build stage. See my answer.
COMMAND cd <BINARY_DIR> && make install
This will work only for Makefile generators of course. To be cross-platform you can use:
--build . --target install --config inside INSTALL_COMMAND of ExternalProject_Add.
Take a look at this template file, and in particular the following lines:
# Not used, just avoid creating Install/<name> empty directory
# This command is empty because all necessary targets will
# be built on install stage
--build .
--target install
--config ${configuration}
or is there a better alternative?
Have you seen Hunter?
You can add zlib just like this:
target_link_libraries(... ZLIB::zlib)
This code works everywhere. Third party dependencies will be downloaded automatically in the configuration step. Example of building with different generator/toolchains (build.py is just a CMake wrapper that sets CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and -G/-B):
build.py --toolchain mingw --config Release # MinGW Makefiles
build.py --toolchain vs-12-2013 --config Debug # Visual Studio 12 2013
build.py --toolchain xcode --config Release # Xcode
build.py --toolchain libcxx --config Release # Makefile with -stdlib=libc++ toolchain
build.py --toolchain ios-8-2 --config Release # Xcode with iOS SDK 8.2 toolchain
You got full control what options, build types or number of jobs you want to have while building third-party packages. For instance, this is how you can build four types, Debug, Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDebInfo for zlib and link MinSizeRel to the current project:
> build.py --toolchain xcode --verbose --config MinSizeRel --fwd "HUNTER_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release;Debug;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo"
/.../clang /.../lib/libz-MinSizeRel.a ... -o /.../_builds/xcode/MinSizeRel/foo
> ls -la /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz*
99056 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz-MinSizeRel.a
307872 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz-RelWithDebInfo.a
109536 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libz.a
258904 /.../.hunter/_Base/d1232c0/326318e/37e4682/Install/lib/libzd.a
CMake ExternalProject_Add calls work cross-platform by default and will only fail to do so if one uses particular commands that are only available on a subset of operating systems.
Typically, CMAKE_ARGS is used to pass information to each superbuild unit within an external project build. The CMakeLists.txt files that control each miniature part of the overall build use CMake's declarative syntax (e.g., "add_library(library_name SHARED filename1.hpp filename1.cpp). CMake will convert such syntax to the commands that are specific to the particular build system you wish to use (e.g., make and Ninja).
The sample above re: zlib fails to be cross-platform in part because the ExternalProject_Add_Step contains "COMMAND cd && make install", which necessarily only works in situations where invoking "cd" is actually the correct way to change directories, and where invoking "make" is actually the correct way to build software.
CMake's -E option provides a way to invoke basic operations like changing/copying/making/removing directories without making such assumptions.
(By the way, if you're using IDEs such as Visual Studio or Xcode, you'll likely want to invoke one or more IDE generators when using CMake. For instance, setting
will cause Eclipse projects to be generated in each build area, and also in the source code area that is shared for all builds. Of course, if you are using Xcode or Visual Studio, you'll have to substitute the appropriate flag for those IDEs. Alternatively, you could consider using Eclipse with Ninja on all platforms, though at the time of writing, I am not completely certain that Ninja is ready for prime-time on non-Linux, non-Windows operating systems.)