postgres sql to extract year-month - sql

Have a table with a column like this:
Need to create a column like year-month,
Tried to_char(first_day_month, 'MM/YYYY') but got an error:
Error running query: INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT: Failed to tokenize string [M] at offset [0]
concat(extract(year from first_day_month),'-',extract(month from first_day_month) ) as month,
with an error:
Error running query: SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:1: Unexpected parameters (bigint, varchar(1), bigint) for function concat. Expected: concat(array(E), E) E, concat(E, array(E)) E, concat(array(E)) E, concat(varchar)
Also tried date_parse but didn't get it right, any idea?

You need to use TO_DATE first, to convert the column to a proper date. Then use TO_CHAR to format as you want:
SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(first_day_month, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'MM/YYYY') AS my
FROM yourTable;
Note that in this case since the text month year you want is actually just the right substring, you could also directly use RIGHT here:
SELECT RIGHT(first_day_month, 7)
FROM yourTable;
Finally, note that YYYY/MM would generally be a better format to use, as it sorts properly. So perhaps consider using this version:
SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(first_day_month, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY/MM') AS ym
FROM yourTable;

Your data doesn't seem to be of DATE type, might be string, then need to convert to DATE type first and format display style as desired pattern :
SELECT TO_CHAR(first_day_month::DATE,'MM/YYYY') AS first_day_month


How to get previous month from 'yyyy-MM' date format in Hive

I want to get previous month from 'yyyy-MM' format value in Hive. I tried with 'add_months' but couldn't able to get.
select add_months('2021-06', -1)
Eg: I have one string column having value '2021-06', now I want to display output as '2021-05'.
Please help on this.
Convert your string to date by concatenating with '-01', add_months, use date_format to get yyyy-MM:
select date_format(add_months(concat('2021-06','-01'), -1),'yyyy-MM')
Another method (using substr instead of date_format):
select substr(add_months(concat('2021-06','-01'), -1),1,7) --returns 2021-05

Eliminate hours, minutes and seconds from a date in SQL ORACLE

I'm trying to remove the hours, minutes and seconds from a date using the following code :
TRUNC(column_date, 'YY')
But I get this : 01JAN2008:00:00:00, while I want this : 01JAN2008.
What should I do?
TRUNC() works as expected, and returns the original date truncated to year, as a date datatype. You want to format this date before displaying it (this actually means converting it to a string). For this, you can use the TO_CHAR() function.
You probably want:
TO_CHAR(TRUNC(column_date, 'YY'), 'ddmonyyyy')
Please note that this expression could be simplified to avoid the use of TRUNC(), as follows:
'01JAN' || TO_CHAR(column_date, 'yyyy')
I think you want to_char:
Try using it in this way:
SELECT TO_CHAR(column_date, 'DD/MON/YYYY')
Where x is the table you are trying to query.
you only need to use
select to_char(column_date,'ddMONyyyy') FROM yourTable
Even you can invoke with
select to_char(column_date,'ddMONyyyy','nls_date_language=english') FROM yourTable
to guarantee to see the abbreviation JAN in the case your session/system date language value is different than english
to display as expected.

Error when using TO_DATE in SQL

I understand the basic TO_DATE usage in Oracle SQL. i google and found some guides to use TO_DATE which is to convert julien date to normal date.
the basic working code is :
However, i want to convert date that is in a column which has thousands of them.
What i did was :
The changes is PREVDT because all my julian date is in PREVDT column. However, im getting invalid identifier.....can anyone help me?
I also tried this but no luck:
You need to provide the table name in which your column PREVDT is present.
Oracle DUAL table does not have the column PREVDT. What you want to do is run the query against your table, the one with column PREVDT.
The PREVDT values should be in the specified date format otherwise you will get an error.
Read more about the DUAL table here.

SQL Convert String to Date

I am trying to find a way of extracting the first part of line of string and separating as a date. The following is an example of some of the data.
17/10/12 lskell Still waiting for one more signature on the
I have tried casting the whole field as a date, and converting to a date, but these fail?
Would anyone have any ideas?
Try this for MySql
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(columnname,' ',1), '%d/%m/%y'), '%Y-%m-%d')
If you know that
the first "word" in your string will always be a date
the date will always be separated from the rest of the string by a space
the date will have a consistent format
you are working in MySQL
then try this:
SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(myfield, ' ', 1) AS DATE) adate FROM mytable;
SELECT SUBSTRING('10/17/12 lskell Still waiting for one more signature on the', 1, 8)
(assuming date comes in this format)
SELECT Str_to_Date(Left(yourstring,8),'%d/%m/%y') from yourtable;
-- Oracle
SELECT TO_DATE(left(yourstring,8),'dd/mm/yy')
from your table;
--- sql server
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,left(yourstring,8),120) from your table;

Formatting date sql

I want to format existing dates in a column called mydate in a table called empl. However, I am going no where with this. I have tried
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), mydate,103) from empl
but get a missing expression error.
I want to change the current format in the column which is in the format
dd-mm-yy to mm/dd/yy
EDIT: im using oracle
Any suggestions?
If the datatype of the column is DATE, you can use the TO_CHAR() function:
SELECT to_char(mydate, 'mm/dd/yy')
FROM empl ;
Are you able to change the column type to date? Then you could use date_format
The Convert statement you show is for MS-SQL, and you would want code 3 not 103, the 100 series give 4 digit years.
select to_char(mydate,'MM/DD/YY') from empl
Assuming mydate is stored in date datatype, and using oracle, easy way to do that is:
select to_char(mydate, 'dd/mm/yy') from empl
In Oracle, convert is used to change character set with parameters
(char, destination_char_set, source_char_set)
select TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') CHRDATE from dual;