Is it possible to define a new operator in Raku and control its precedence? - operators

Consider this new operator:
sub infix:<*++>(\num1, \num2) {
num1 * num2 + 1
say (2 + 1 *++ 3);
This code prints:
However, is it possible to control the precedence? Such it behaves like this:
say (2 + (1 *++ 3))
without needing to use parentheses

It is possible by is tighter
sub infix:<*++> (\num1, \num2) is tighter(&[+]) {
num1 * num2 + 1


How to build lazy lists with defined generators and is there a "takeWhile" alternative?

I am reading through perl6intro on lazy lists and it leaves me confused about certain things.
Take this example:
sub foo($x) {
my $alist = (1,2, &foo ... ^ * > 100);
will give me (1 2 4 16 256), it will square the same number until it exceeds 100. I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. ), so instead of squaring the same number, to advance a number x by 1 (or another given "step"), foo x, and so on.
Is it possible to achieve this in this specific case?
Another question I have on lazy lists is the following:
In Haskell, there is a takeWhile function, does something similar exist in Perl6?
I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. )
The easiest way to get that sequence, would be:
my #a = (1..*).map(* ** 2); # using a Whatever-expression
my #a = (1..*).map(&foo); # using your `foo` function
...or if you prefer to write it in a way that resembles a Haskell/Python list comprehension:
my #a = ($_ ** 2 for 1..*); # using an in-line expression
my #a = (foo $_ for 1..*); # using your `foo` function
While it is possible to go out of one's way to express this sequence via the ... operator (as Brad Gilbert's answer and raiph's answer demonstrate), it doesn't really make sense, as the purpose of that operator is to generate sequences where each element is derived from the previous element(s) using a consistent rule.
Use the best tool for each job:
If a sequence is easiest to express iteratively (e.g. Fibonacci sequence):
Use the ... operator.
If a sequence is easiest to express as a closed formula (e.g. sequence of squares):
Use map or for.
Here is how you could write a Perl 6 equivalent of Haskell's takewhile.
sub take-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my \generator = gather loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
last if value =:= IterationEnd or !condition(value);
take value;
# should propagate the laziness of the sequence
?? generator.lazy
!! generator
I should probably also show an implementation of dropwhile.
sub drop-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
GATHER: my \generator = gather {
# drop initial values
loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
# if the iterator is out of values, stop everything
last GATHER if value =:= IterationEnd;
unless condition(value) {
# need to take this so it doesn't get lost
take value;
# continue onto next loop
# take everything else
loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
last if value =:= IterationEnd;
take value
?? generator.lazy
!! generator
These are only just-get-it-working examples.
It could be argued that these are worth adding as methods to lists/iterables.
You could (but probably shouldn't) implement these with the sequence generator syntax.
sub take-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my \generator = { iterator.pull-one } …^ { !condition $_ } ?? generator.lazy !! generator
sub drop-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \end-condition = ?? * !! { False };
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my $first;
loop {
$first := iterator.pull-one;
last if $first =:= IterationEnd;
last unless condition($first);
# I could have shoved the loop above into a do block
# and placed it where 「$first」 is below
$first, { iterator.pull-one } … end-condition
If they were added to Perl 6/Rakudo, they would likely be implemented with Iterator classes.
( I might just go and add them. )
A direct implementation of what you are asking for is something like:
do {
my $x = 0;
{ (++$x)² } …^ * > 100
Which can be done with state variables:
{ ( ++(state $x = 0) )² } …^ * > 100
And a state variable that isn't used outside of declaring it doesn't need a name.
( A scalar variable starts out as an undefined Any, which becomes 0 in a numeric context )
{ (++( $ ))² } …^ * > 100
{ (++$)² } …^ * > 100
If you need to initialize the anonymous state variable, you can use the defined-or operator // combined with the equal meta-operator =.
{ (++( $ //= 5))² } …^ * > 100
In some simple cases you don't have to tell the sequence generator how to calculate the next values.
In such cases the ending condition can also be simplified.
say 1,2,4 ...^ 100
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64)
The only other time you can safely simplify the ending condition is if you know that it will stop on the value.
say 1, { $_ * 2 } ... 64;
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64)
say 1, { $_ * 2 } ... 3;
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 ...)
I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. )
my #alist = {(++$)²} ... Inf;
say #alist[^10]; # (1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)
The {…} is an arbitrary block of code. It is invoked for each value of a sequence when used as the LHS of the ... sequence operator.
The (…)² evaluates to the square of the expression inside the parens. (I could have written (…) ** 2 to mean the same thing.)
The ++$ returns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 … by combining a pre-increment ++ (add one) with a $ variable.
In Haskell, there is a takeWhile function, does something similar exist in Perl6?
Replace the Inf from the above sequence with the desired end condition:
my #alist = {(++$)²} ... * > 70; # stop at step that goes past 70
say #alist; # [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81]
my #alist = {(++$)²} ...^ * > 70; # stop at step before step past 70
say #alist; # [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64]
Note how the ... and ...^ variants of the sequence operator provide the two variations on the stop condition. I note in your original question you have ... ^ * > 70, not ...^ * > 70. Because the ^ in the latter is detached from the ... it has a different meaning. See Brad's comment.

Generate a random double between 1 and max in c++/cli

How would i generate a random double between 1 and a defined max in c++/cli, ive use random_number_distribution and mersenne twister in the random header before but never in cli, will this work in cli with random or system::random, or are there any similar alternatives? Thanks.
Here's how
double randDouble(double fMin, double fMax)
double f = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
return fMin + f * (fMax - fMin);
The System::Random class, with its NextDouble method is what you want. NextDouble will return a double >= 0.0 and < 1.0. So, to return a value between 1 and a max:
double RandOneToMax(double max)
Random^ r = ...;
return (r->NextDouble() * (max - 1)) + 1;

Round outcome Fraction Apache Math Common

Is it possible to round the fraction, e.g., 3/2 becomes 1+1/2 and 11/2 becomes 5+1/2 that is produced using Apache Common Math?
Fraction f = new Fraction(3, 2);
FractionFormat format = new FractionFormat();
String s = format.format(f);
results in:
3 / 2
3 / 2
It looks like what you are looking for is a Mixed Number.
Since I don't think Apache Fractions has this built in, you can use the following custom formatter:
public static String formatAsMixedNumber(Fraction frac) {
int sign = Integer.signum(frac.getNumerator())
* Integer.signum(frac.getDenominator());
frac = frac.abs();
int wholePart = frac.intValue();
Fraction fracPart = frac.subtract(new Fraction(wholePart));
return (sign == -1 ? "-" : "")
+ wholePart
+ (fracPart.equals(Fraction.ZERO) ? ("") : ("+" + fracPart));

Currency Formatting In Sencha

I just started working on Sencha couple of hours ago. What I want is to format currency values on my app.
For example, wherever something appears like 20000 I want it to look like 20,000
I tried looking up on internet and came to know about Ext.util.Format.number
So I tried to use it like Ext.util.Format.number(total_value, “0,000.00”); wherever I was using ${total_value}. But that didn't work.
Do I have to include any external files or am I missing anything?
This is what I used in my project after realising Ext.util.Format.number() is not part of Sencha Touch, a small JS function which can be used anywhere in my app:
* Given a number this will format it to have comma separated readable number(Rounded off)
* with currency symbol(Rs.) prefix
* #example
* Helper.formatCurrency(123456.78) = "Rs. 123,456"
* #param {Number} num
* #return {Number}
formatCurrency : function(num) {
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, '');
if (isNaN(num))
num = "0";
sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
num = Math.floor(num * 100 + 0.50000000001);
num = Math.floor(num / 100).toString();
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++)
num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ','
+ num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3));
return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + 'Rs. ' + num /*+ '.' + cents*/);
Feel free to copy, change and improvise
Try using Ext.util.Format.currency(“0,000.00”);
currencyConvertion : function (value){
return Number(value).toFixed(0).replace(/./g, function(c, i, a) {
return i > 0 && c !== "." && (a.length - i) % 3 === 0 ? "," + c : c;

Optimizing division/exponential calculation

I've inherited a Visual Studio/VB.Net numerical simulation project that has a likely inefficient calculation. Profiling indicates that the function is called a lot (1 million times plus) and spends about 50% of the overall calculation within this function. Here is the problematic portion
Result = (A * (E ^ C)) / (D ^ C * B) (where A-C are local double variables and D & E global double variables)
Result is then compared to a threshold which might have additional improvements as well, but I'll leave them another day
any thoughts or help would be appreciated
The exponent operator (Math.Pow) isn't very fast, there is no dedicated CPU instruction for calculating it. You mentioned that D and E are global variables. That offers a glimmer of hope to get it faster, if you can isolate their changes. Rewriting the equation using logarithms:
log(r) = log((a x e^c) / (b x d^c))
= log(a x e^c) - log (b x d^c)
= log(a) + log(e^c) - log(b) - log(d^c)
= log(a) + c*log(e) - log(b) - c*log(d)
= log(a) - log(b) + c x (log(e) - log(d))
result = exp(r)
Which provides this function to calculate the result:
Function calculate(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal c As Double, ByVal d As Double, ByVal e As Double) As Double
Dim logRes = Math.Log(a) - Math.Log(b) + c * (Math.Log(e) - Math.Log(d))
Return Math.Exp(logRes)
End Function
I timed it with the StopWatch class, it is exactly as fast as your original expression. Not a coincidence of course. You'll get ahead by somehow being able to pre-calculate the Math.Log(e) - Math.Log(d) term.
One easy speed up is that
Result = (A/B) * (E/D)^C
At least you are doing one less exponent.
Depending on what C is, there might be faster ways. Like if C is a small integer.
adding proof to show this is faster
public static void main(String[] args) {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
float e = 1.123F;
float d = 4.456F;
float c = 453;
int max = 5000;
double result = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < max; a++) {
for (float b = 1; b < max; b++) {
result = (a * (Math.pow(e, c))) / (Math.pow(d, c) * b);
System.out.println("slow: " + sw.getSplitTime() + " result: " + result);
result = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < max; a++) {
for (float b = 1; b < max; b++) {
result = a / b * Math.pow(e/d, c);
System.out.println("fast: " + sw.getSplitTime() + " result: " + result);
This is the output
slow: 26062 result: 7.077390271736578E-272
fast: 12661 result: 7.077392136525382E-272
There is some skew in the numbers. I would think that the faster version is more exact (but that's just a feeling since i can't think of exactly why).
Well done for profiling. I would also check that A-C are different on every call. In other words, is it possible the caller is actually calculating the same value over and over again? If so, change it so it caches the answer.
For Math.Floor() function, visit:
All functions of math library in is available at: