Currency Formatting In Sencha - sencha-touch

I just started working on Sencha couple of hours ago. What I want is to format currency values on my app.
For example, wherever something appears like 20000 I want it to look like 20,000
I tried looking up on internet and came to know about Ext.util.Format.number
So I tried to use it like Ext.util.Format.number(total_value, “0,000.00”); wherever I was using ${total_value}. But that didn't work.
Do I have to include any external files or am I missing anything?

This is what I used in my project after realising Ext.util.Format.number() is not part of Sencha Touch, a small JS function which can be used anywhere in my app:
* Given a number this will format it to have comma separated readable number(Rounded off)
* with currency symbol(Rs.) prefix
* #example
* Helper.formatCurrency(123456.78) = "Rs. 123,456"
* #param {Number} num
* #return {Number}
formatCurrency : function(num) {
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, '');
if (isNaN(num))
num = "0";
sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
num = Math.floor(num * 100 + 0.50000000001);
num = Math.floor(num / 100).toString();
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++)
num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ','
+ num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3));
return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + 'Rs. ' + num /*+ '.' + cents*/);
Feel free to copy, change and improvise

Try using Ext.util.Format.currency(“0,000.00”);

currencyConvertion : function (value){
return Number(value).toFixed(0).replace(/./g, function(c, i, a) {
return i > 0 && c !== "." && (a.length - i) % 3 === 0 ? "," + c : c;


How variable work inside while function in JavaScript?

Question :- why it is need to introduce same dice function inside while function because if not introduced while function goes on till the infinity?
let dice = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
while (dice !== 6) {
console.log(`Dice value is ${dice}`);
dice = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
if (dice === 6) console.log(`Here comes your value`);
If you do not set the value again then dice will never change and you will have the same random number as first defined in the program!

Can an integer in Kotlin be equal to an math expression?

I am making a program that solves a math expression, for example, 2+2. Can I set an integer equal to something like this:
val input = "2+2"
Kotlin doesn't have any built in ways for evaluating arbitrary expressions. The toInt function can only parse a String containing a single whole number (it's just a wrapper for Integer.parseInt).
If you need this functionality, you'll have to parse and evaluate the expression yourself. This problem is no different than having to do it in Java, for which you can find discussion and multiple solutions (including hacks, code samples, and libraries) here.
No you cannot convert directly a String Mathematical Expression to Integer.
But you can try following approach to convert String Mathematical Expression to Integer ->>
var exp: String = "2+3-1*6/4"
var num: String = ""
var symbol: Char = '+'
var result: Int = 0
for(i in exp)
if(i in '0'..'9')
num += i
if(symbol == '+')
result += Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '-')
result -= Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '*')
result *= Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '/')
result /= Integer.parseInt(num)
symbol = i
//To calculate the divide by 4 ( result/4 ) in this case
if(symbol == '+')
result += Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '-')
result -= Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '*')
result *= Integer.parseInt(num)
else if(symbol == '/')
result /= Integer.parseInt(num)
println("result is $result") //Output=> result is 6
No you can't.
You can like this:
val a = "2"
val b = "2"
val c = a.toInt() + b.toInt()
val input = "2+2"
val s = input.split("+")
val result = s[0].toInt() + s[1].toInt()
This can be done with the kotlin script engine. For details see Dynamically evaluating templated Strings in Kotlin
But in a nutshell it's like this:
val engine = ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("kts")!!
engine.eval("val x = 3")
val res = engine.eval("x + 2")
Assert.assertEquals(5, res)
No, Integer cannot be equal to math expression.
You may use String Templates
Strings may contain template expressions, i.e. pieces of code that are evaluated and whose results are concatenated into the
A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($) and consists of either a simple name:
val i = 10
val s = "i = $i" // evaluates to "i = 10"

How to get the round number if use the given rule

I have a requirement:
I want there is a function, like this, if the number is:323.01 I want return 500.
If the number is 678.60, I want to get the 1000.
If the number is 20.0, I want get 50.
If the number is 8, I want get 10.
like this: if the first number of the number, if less than 5, I want get 5, if more than 5, I want 10.
How to realize this function in Objective-C?
I just think about the this, I only know use % to get the last number of given number, I don't know how to get the first number of the given number.
First I would get number of digits (e.g. for 456 it is 3):
var originalNumber = 456
var counter = 0
var number = originalNumber
while(number != 0){
counter = counter + 1
number = number / 10
From there, you can test it for 5 or 10 with exponent of counter.
if (originalNumber < pow(10, counter - 1) * 5){
number = pow(10, counter - 1) * 5
else {
number = pow(10, counter)
I reused number variable, you can either return it or assign to other variable.
EDIT: just noticed that flag is Objective - C, same applies
Double originalNumber = 456;
int counter = 0;
int number = (int) originalNumber;
while(number != 0) {
counter = counter + 1;
number = number / 10;
if(originalNumber < pow(10,counter - 1) * 5){
number = pow(10, counter -1) * 5;
else {
number = pow(10, counter)

Round outcome Fraction Apache Math Common

Is it possible to round the fraction, e.g., 3/2 becomes 1+1/2 and 11/2 becomes 5+1/2 that is produced using Apache Common Math?
Fraction f = new Fraction(3, 2);
FractionFormat format = new FractionFormat();
String s = format.format(f);
results in:
3 / 2
3 / 2
It looks like what you are looking for is a Mixed Number.
Since I don't think Apache Fractions has this built in, you can use the following custom formatter:
public static String formatAsMixedNumber(Fraction frac) {
int sign = Integer.signum(frac.getNumerator())
* Integer.signum(frac.getDenominator());
frac = frac.abs();
int wholePart = frac.intValue();
Fraction fracPart = frac.subtract(new Fraction(wholePart));
return (sign == -1 ? "-" : "")
+ wholePart
+ (fracPart.equals(Fraction.ZERO) ? ("") : ("+" + fracPart));

Calculating Center of mass of body being tracked using kinect?

I am working on Kinect for my research project . I have worked previously to calculate the joint angle of kinect and the joint coordinates. I would like to calculate the center of mass of the body which is being tracked.
Any idea would be appreciated and code snippets would be immensely helpful.
I owe a lot to stack overflow without the community help it would had not been possible to do such a thing.
Thanks in Advance
Please find the code where i want to include this center of mass function. This function tracks the skeleton.
Skeleton GetFirstSkeleton(AllFramesReadyEventArgs e)
using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrameData = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
if (skeletonFrameData == null)
return null;
//get the first tracked skeleton
Skeleton first = (from s in allSkeletons
where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
select s).FirstOrDefault();
return first;
I have tried using this code in my code but its not getting accustomed , can any one please help me include the center of mass code.
oreach (SkeletonData data in skeletonFrame.Skeletons) {
SkeletonFrame allskeleton = e.SkeletonFrame;
// Count passive and active person up to six in the group
int numberOfSkeletonsT = (from s in allskeleton.Skeletons
where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked select s).Count();
int numberOfSkeletonsP = (from s in allskeleton.Skeletons
where s.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly select s).Count();
// Count passive and active person up to six in the group
int totalSkeletons = numberOfSkeletonsP + numberOfSkeletonsT;
//Console.WriteLine("TotalSkeletons = " + totalSkeletons);
if (data.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
foreach (Joint joint in data.Joints)
if (joint.Position.Z != 0)
double centerofmassX = com.Position.X;
double centerofmassY = com.Position.Y;
double centerofmassZ = com.Position.Z;
Console.WriteLine( centerofmassX + centerofmassY + centerofmassZ );
See a couple of resources here:
Basically no matter what, you are going to need to find the mass of your user. This can be a simple input, then you can determine how much weight the person puts on each foot and use the equations described at all of these sources. Another option may be to use plumb lines on a planar shape representation of the user in 2D, However that won't be the actually accurate 3D center of mass.
Here is an example of how to find what amount of mass is on each foot. using the equation found on
Vector3 v = new Vector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.X, skeleton.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.Y, skeleton.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.Z);
double mass;
double leftM, rightM;
double A = sFrame.FloorClipPlane.X,
B = sFrame.FloorClipPlane.Y,
C = sFrame.FloorClipPlane.Z;
//find angle
double angle = Math.ASin(Math.Abs(A * v.X + B * v.Y * C * v.Z)/(Math.Sqrt(A * A + B * B + C * C) * Math.Sqrt(v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y + v.Z * v.Z)));
if (angle == 90.0)
leftM = mass / 2.0;
rightM = mass / 2.0;
double distanceFrom90 = 90.0 - angle;
if (distanceFrom90 > 0)
double leftMultiple = distanceFrom90 / 90.0;
leftM = mass * leftMultiple;
rightM = mass - leftM;
double rightMultiple = distanceFrom90 / 90.0;
rightM = rightMultiple * mass;
leftM = mass - rightMultiple;
This is of course assuming that the user is on both feet, but you could modify the code to create a new plane based off the users feet instead of the automatic one generated by Kinect.
The code to then find the center of mass you have to choose a datum. I would choose the head as that is the top of the person, and you can measure down from it easily. Using the steps found here:
double distanceFromDatumLeft = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(headX - footLeftX, 2) + Math.Pow(headY - footLeftY, 2) + Math.Pow(headZ - footLeftZ, 2));
double distanceFromDatumLeft = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(headX - footRightX, 2) + Math.Pow(headY - footRightY, 2) + Math.Pow(headZ - footRightZ, 2));
double momentLeft = distanceFromDatumLeft * leftM;
double momentRight = distanceFromDatumRight * rightM;
double momentSum = momentLeft + momentRight;
//measured in units from the datum
double centerOfGravity = momentSum / mass;
You then can of course show this on the screen by passing a point to plot that is centerOfGravity points below the head.