Cannot call an API with Form params using JAX-RS Invocation Builder, returns a 400 status code - jax-rs

Trying an example to hit a rest API , but seeing a 400 status code. Is this the correct way to call an API using form params?
import javax.json.JsonObject;
public JsonObject getUserProfile() throws Exception {
Form userform = new Form();
userform.param("grant_type", "password")
.param("client_id", "cexxx")
.param("username", "theuser")
.param("password", "password")
.param("scope", " openid profile offline_access");
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
String serverUrl = "";
WebTarget target =;
final Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request();
invocationBuilder.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
final Response response = invocationBuilder.method(
Entity.entity(userform, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED),
System.out.println("r.getStatus()=" + response.getStatus());
The same works on Postman:

Thanks Giorgi for the hint.
Actually, the code we have above to programmatically make an API call works. The issue is that we are seeing error from server side.
Using this, we are able to see the error message from server:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50034: The user account sx does not exist in the 547..b32 directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory.\r\nTrace ID: 4616...3c00\r\nCorrelation ID: 617...a01\r\nTimestamp: 2020-09-29 22:25:41Z","error_codes":[50034],"timestamp":"2020-09-29 22:25:41Z","trace_id":"461...c00","correlation_id":"617..a01","error_uri":""}


How to transfert From Kraken to Poloniex by API

i would like to know can you transfert some currencies from Kraken to Poloniex using API functions ?
Didn't see anything talking about that.
Thank a lot
create new API key with "Withdraw funds" right on kraken
Go to account settings then click on "api" to go to settings api page, then click on "generate new key"
Fill all field and tick the box "Withdraw Funds", then validate.
add the poloniex deposit address in kraken (assuming deposit address already created)
Go to funding deposit page
then click on "withdraw" to go to funding withdraw page
Select the currency on the left side
(here we assume that you want withdraw BTC)
so you have to click on "Bitcoin (XBT)" on the left panel
Then click on "add address" then
fill both "Description" & "Bitcoin address" field.
Write down "Description" field because it will be required later when you will send API request to withdraw from Kraken to Poloniex.
Create the API request which will be sent to Kraken
Use the following code (re-use this example python library):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import time
import requests
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import hashlib
import httplib
import hmac
import random
import string
import base64
def _query( urlpath, req = {}, conn = None, headers = {}):
"""Low-level query handling.
urlpath -- API URL path sans host (string, no default)
req -- additional API request parameters (default: {})
conn -- kraken.Connection object (default: None)
headers -- HTTPS headers (default: {})
uri = ''
url = uri + urlpath
if conn is None:
conn = Connection()
ret = conn._request(url, req, headers)
return json.loads(ret)
def query_private( method, req={}, conn = None):
#secret data
key = "123456789_my_api_key"
secret = "123456798_my_api_secret"
urlpath = '/' + apiversion + '/private/' + method
req['nonce'] = int(1000*time.time())
postdata = urllib.urlencode(req)
message = urlpath + hashlib.sha256(str(req['nonce']) +
signature =,
message, hashlib.sha512)
headers = {
'API-Key': key,
'API-Sign': base64.b64encode(signature.digest())
return _query(urlpath, req, conn, headers)
'asset': 'xbt',
'key': "Withdrawal address Description",
'amount': 0.25,
res=query_private('Withdraw', withdraw_params)
You'll need the withdrawFunds method from the Kraken API (
Using the Poloniex API, you'll need to get your deposit address using returnDepositAddresses. If you don't have a deposit address for the given cryptocurrency, use generateNewAddress.
Kraken API Documentation:
Poloniex API Documentation:

Having trouble with authentication when doing rest api to retrieve Bigquery job information

I am trying to do http request to get information for a job that was submitted by another script. This script has the job id and the project. I read on Oauth20 and saw that using Application Default Credentials is the recommended way.
I have exported the default auth:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= /test/proj-service-key-file.json
Here is my code:
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
from import bigquery
import requests
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
import google.auth
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
session = google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession(credentials)
job_url="" + self.project + "/jobs/" + job_id + "?maxResults=1"
job_query_results = session.request('GET',job_url)
I am getting the following error:
AttributeError: '_JWTAccessCredentials' object has no attribute 'before_request'
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Try deleting the space in your export statement:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/test/proj-service-key-file.json
I got it to work. I had to set up the scopes explicity and that did the trick:
scopes = ['',
credentials = credentials.create_scoped(scopes)
http = httplib2.Http()
if credentials.access_token_expired:
http = credentials.authorize(http)
response, content = http.request(job_url)

HttpResponseRedirect' object has no attribute 'client'

Django 1.9.6
I'd like to write some unit test for checking redirection.
Could you help me understand what am I doing wrongly here.
Thank you in advance.
The test:
from django.test import TestCase
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http.request import HttpRequest
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class GeneralTest(TestCase):
def test_anonymous_user_redirected_to_login_page(self):
user = User(username='anonymous', email='', password='ttrrttrr')
user.is_active = False
request = HttpRequest()
request.user = user
hpv = HomePageView()
response = hpv.get(request)
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("auth_login"))
The result:
ERROR: test_anonymous_user_redirected_to_login_page (general.tests.GeneralTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/michael/workspace/photoarchive/photoarchive/general/", line 44, in test_anonymous_user_redirected_to_login_page
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("auth_login"))
File "/home/michael/workspace/venvs/photoarchive/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/test/", line 326, in assertRedirects
redirect_response = response.client.get(path, QueryDict(query),
AttributeError: 'HttpResponseRedirect' object has no attribute 'client'
Ran 3 tests in 0.953s
What pdb says:
-> self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("auth_login"))
(Pdb) response
<HttpResponseRedirect status_code=302, "text/html; charset=utf-8", url="/accounts/login/">
You need to add a client to the response object. See the updated code below.
from django.test import TestCase, Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http.request import HttpRequest
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class GeneralTest(TestCase):
def test_anonymous_user_redirected_to_login_page(self):
user = User(username='anonymous', email='', password='ttrrttrr')
user.is_active = False
request = HttpRequest()
request.user = user
hpv = HomePageView()
response = hpv.get(request)
response.client = Client()
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("auth_login"))
Looks like you are directly calling your view's get directly rather than using the built-in Client. When you use the test client, you get your client instance back in the response, presumably for cases such as this where you want to check/fetch a redirect.
One solution would be to use the client to fetch the response from your view. Another is to stick a client in the response as mentioned above.
A third option is tell assertRedirects not to fetch the redirect. There is no need for client if you don't ask the assertion to fetch the redirect. That's done by adding fetch_redirect_response=False to your assertion.

GET API code request failure

I just started learning how to use API and I found some really usefull websites and apps like Postman and yet I'm having problems finishing it without help.
I started my little project by getting a working api from (It reads a website and can give you a working API that finds the info in the website)
My REST API looks like this:[apiKey]&
To test and make sure it's working I used postman app and then found a neat feature - code generation.
The app generated this code:
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'cache-control': "no-cache",
'postman-token': "2087cc79-77b5-0cb9-aa06-adc642978287"
conn.request("GET", "/query/runtime/1ac40e3e-f3eb-4290-88c0-e2651b8194a5?_apikey=[apiKey]&", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
however the result is:
"message" : "Your extraction request has failed.",
"code" : 1003
What am I doing wrong?
The code that has been generated has double escaped the "http://"
it should be http%3A%2F%2F not http%253A%252F%252F
Try this corrected code:
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'cache-control': "no-cache",
'postman-token': "2087cc79-77b5-0cb9-aa06-adc642978287"
conn.request("GET", "/query/runtime/1ac40e3e-f3eb-4290-88c0-e2651b8194a5?_apikey=[apiKey]&", headers=headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =

Using latestSuccessfulBuild number in Jenkins groovy job configuration

I have a jenkins job and I want to use it's lastSuccessfulBuild number in my Build Flow groovy script.
I can get the last successful build number from Jenkins api at:
I tried using groovy's RESTClient in my Build Flow groovy script but when importing the library I get syntax error.
Does any one know away of getting around this error or getting the api result in some other way?
maybe this will help you:
import hudson.model.Build;
for example we have simple build flow groovy script building only one item "JobA". If we want check and print its last successful build we can write such script:
import hudson.model.Build;
def buildA = build("jobA")
Possibly a little overkill, but you can use HttpClient, as all you need is a get request on the url.
Here's one I knocked up from some code I had lying around
Tested it on our own Jenkins instance which has basic auth over ssl.
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse
import org.apache.http.HttpVersion
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
import org.apache.http.client.params.ClientPNames
import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams
import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams
class LastSuccessfulBuild {
def static main(args) {
println new LastSuccessfulBuild().connect("", "443", "/path/to/job/YourJob/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildNumber", "your.user:your-password")
def connect(host, port, path, auth) {
def url = new URL("https", host, Integer.parseInt(port), path)
HttpClient client = createClient()
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url.toURI())
get.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic ${auth.getBytes().encodeBase64().toString()}")
HttpResponse response = client.execute(get)
def status = response.statusLine.statusCode
if (status != 200) {
throw new IOException("Failed to get page, status: $response.statusLine")
return response.entity.content.text
def createClient() {
HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams()
HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1)
HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, "UTF-8")
params.setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, true)
SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry()
registry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80))
registry.register(new Scheme("https",SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(),443))
ClientConnectionManager ccm = new PoolingClientConnectionManager(registry)
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, 8000)
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, 5400000)
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params)
return client