Vuex: getter to dispatch action if no data is in the state - vuex

I use vuex for my state as well as fetching data and display it in my application.
But I wonder if I'm doing it right. At the moment I dispatch an fetchDataAsync action from the component mounted hook, and I have an getter to display my data. Below is a code example of how I do it currently.
I wonder if it's necessary. What I really want is a getter, that looks at the state, checks if the data is already there and if the data is not there it is able to dispatch an action to fetch the missing data.
The API of vuex does not allow it so I need to put more logic into my components. E.g. if the data is depended of a prop I need a watcher that looks at the prop and dispatches the fetchDataAsync action.
For me it just feels wrong and I wonder if there is a better way.
let store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
posts: {}
mutations: {
addPost(state, post) {
Vue.set(state.posts,, post);
actions: {
fetchPostAsync({ commit }, parameter) {
() =>
commit("addPost", { id: parameter, message: "got loaded asynchronous" }),
getters: {
// is it somehow possible to detect: ob boy, I don't have this id,
// I'd better dispatch an action trying to fetch it...?
getPostById: (state) => (id) => state.posts[id]
new Vue({
el: "#app",
template : "<div>{{ postToDisplay ? postToDisplay.message : 'loading...' }} </div>",
data() {
return {
parameter: "a"
computed: {
postToDisplay() {
return this.getPostById(this.parameter);
methods: {
mounted() {
I also created a codepen

Personally I think the solution you suggested (adding a watcher that dispatches fetchPostAsync if the post is not found) is the best one. As another commenter stated, getters should not have side effects.


Can not catch Vuex state change in my Vue component

I have a Vuex store where I have a getter which works correctly and I can see the changes on the state. But if I call this getter as computed property in component it does not work. The value is still the same.
The store code looks like:
mutations: {
UPDATE_SERVER_FILTERS(state, payload) {
this._vm.$set(state, 'serverFilters', payload);
//state.serverFilters = payload; // Both patterns work
getters: {
serverFilters(state) {
return state.serverFilters; // This works fine
The component code:
computed: {
serverFilters() {
return this.$store.getters[this.storeName + '/serverFilters'];
Here is JSFiddle example which works fine. And it is a problem cause in my project it does not work. I am prepared to die...
How can I solve it?
In the most bottom part:
new Vue({
el: '#example',
data() {
return {};
computed: {},
methods: {
changeFilters() {
this.$store.dispatch(this.storeName + '/updateFilters');
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ there is no storeName
The changeFilters method. You are using this.storeName, but there is no this.storeName! Just like the Child component, add storeName: 'a' to the data() then it should work.
Here is the debug process for your reference:
First open the Vue Devtools and switch to the timeline tab. And just click the button, you will see that there is no action is being fired. So the problem must be the one who dispatches the action. And then you will notice that the root component doesn't have a storeName.
So don't panic, just try to trace the code. It will only take a few minutes to find out the issue!
Computed properties might have problem to make an observer reference from returned value out of function. Instead of chaining getters and computed properties, why you don't use just getters or computed properties ? In my opinion, it's a bad practice to use them both, and I can't imagine a situation you need it. So if you need filter operations in many components, just make a getter and use getter in components instead of computed properties.
If you really want to chain them, try this:
new Vue({
el: '#example',
data() {
return {
storeName: 'a'
computed: {
filters() {
get() {
return this.$store.getters[`${this.storeName}/getFilters`];
set(newValue) {
this.$store.dispatch(this.storeName + '/updateFilters');
Comment please if someone check it. I don't know are it works.

Computed property “eleron” was assigned to but it has no setter

How to fix it?
computed: {
eleron: 'promoter/eleron',
GetInfo (call when press search button):
getInfo() {
this.loading = true;'/srt', {
.then((response) => {this.eleron =, console.log(, this.loading = false;});
You are mapping the getters from vuex. This means that you can only get the value from the store, you cannot write to it.
You need to also map a mutation.
Something like this should work, depending on the fact that you have a mutation defined on the store:
methods: {
And then call it in the promise callback
Note: vuex offers read only access to variables from outside the store. Writing to a variable needs to be done from inside a mutation or action.

Returning a getters in a computed create a loop

I am calling inside the computed an action from the store to run it and after I am returning a getter, this will create a loop.
The computed
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects;
The store
import Vuex from "vuex";
import axios from "axios";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
loadedProjects: []
mutations: {
setProjects(state, projects) {
state.loadedProjects = projects
actions: {
getProjects(vuexContext) {
return axios.get("THE API URL")
.then(res => {
.catch(e => console.log(e));
getters: {
loadedProjects(state) {
return state.loadedProjects;
export default createStore;
I expect to call my action to populate my state and after to return my state to render my data.
What is the point of using the store action that makes an API call inside the computed property ... maybe you want to trigger loadedProjects change ? ....computed property is not asynchronous so either way the return line will be executed before the you get the response... you might try vue-async-computed plugin OR just use the call on the created hook like you have done which is the better way and you don't have to use a computed property you can just {{ $store.getters.loadedProjects }} on your template
Computed properties should not have side effects (e.g. calling a store action, changing data, and so on). Otherwise it can happen that the triggered side effect could lead to a re-rendering of the component and possible re-fetching of the computed property. Thus, an infinite loop
I changed the code like that:
created: function () {
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
It is working now but I would like to know but I have that problem working inside the computed and also I wonder if it's the best solution. Any help????

vuejs2: how can i destroy a watcher?

How can i destroy this watcher? I need it only one time in my child component, when my async data has loaded from the parent component.
export default {
watch: {
data: function(){
gregor ;)
If you construct a watcher dynamically by calling vm.$watch function, it returns a function that may be called at a later point in time to disable (remove) that particular watcher.
Don't put the watcher statically in the component, as in your code, but do something like:
created() {
var unwatch = this.$watch(....)
// now the watcher is watching and you can disable it
// by calling unwatch() somewhere else;
// you can store the unwatch function to a variable in the data
// or whatever suits you best
More thorough explanation may be found from here:
Here is an example:
export default {
data() {
return {
employee: {
teams: []
employeeTeamsWatcher: null,
created() {
this.employeeTeamsWatcher = this.$watch('employee.teams', (newVal, oldVal) => {
methods: {
setActiveTeamTabName() {
if (this.employee.teams.length) {
// once you got your desired condition satisfied then unwatch by calling:
If you are using vue2 using the composition-api plugin or vue3, you can use WatchStopHandle which is returned by watch e.g.:
const x = ref(0);
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
const unwatch = watch(
() => x.value,
() => {
// stop watch:
if (x.value > 3) unwatch();
For this kind of stuff, you can investigate the type declaration of the API, which is very helpful, just hover the mouse on it, and it will show you a hint about what you can do:

vuex ajax call and several components

I'd like to know whats the best practice for an ajax call with vuex and multiple components sharing the data from this call.
Do I store a loading, success and error property for that call in the store so it populates all the way through to the components? I'm not sure whats the best way. I also don't want to call the ajax from all the components since that defeats the purpose of having it called once.
Right now I'm storing as I mentioned above:
new Vuex.Store({
state: {
persons: {
data: null,
loading: false,
error: null
I do this for EACH api call and then I store it there. Any better ways?
This article describes a few patterns for implementing ajax calls and updating vuex state. Personally I agree with the author that method 3 of moving your ajax calls to the vuex store as actions because, as the article points out, it decouples state and presentation logic. This is also helpful because you can return a promise from your action to know when the state can be mutated
Code example from the article:
store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
message: ''
mutations: {
updateMessage(state, payload) {
state.message = payload
actions: {
refreshMessage(context) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.$http.get('...').then((response) => {
Vue.component('my-component', {
template: '<div>{{ message }}</div>',
methods: {
refreshMessage() {
this.$store.dispatch('refeshMessage').then(() => {
// do stuff
computed: {
message: { return this.$store.state.message; }
So as you can see here, ajax calls are encapsulated as vuex actions. In a component that relies on data from an ajax call, the component can perform the action (this.$store.dispatch('refreshMessage').then...) which will make the ajax call and update the data in the store. Since your component already has a reactive property that depends on data from the store, it will update automatically once the store has new data.