Returning a getters in a computed create a loop - vue.js

I am calling inside the computed an action from the store to run it and after I am returning a getter, this will create a loop.
The computed
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects;
The store
import Vuex from "vuex";
import axios from "axios";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
loadedProjects: []
mutations: {
setProjects(state, projects) {
state.loadedProjects = projects
actions: {
getProjects(vuexContext) {
return axios.get("THE API URL")
.then(res => {
.catch(e => console.log(e));
getters: {
loadedProjects(state) {
return state.loadedProjects;
export default createStore;
I expect to call my action to populate my state and after to return my state to render my data.

What is the point of using the store action that makes an API call inside the computed property ... maybe you want to trigger loadedProjects change ? ....computed property is not asynchronous so either way the return line will be executed before the you get the response... you might try vue-async-computed plugin OR just use the call on the created hook like you have done which is the better way and you don't have to use a computed property you can just {{ $store.getters.loadedProjects }} on your template

Computed properties should not have side effects (e.g. calling a store action, changing data, and so on). Otherwise it can happen that the triggered side effect could lead to a re-rendering of the component and possible re-fetching of the computed property. Thus, an infinite loop

I changed the code like that:
created: function () {
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
It is working now but I would like to know but I have that problem working inside the computed and also I wonder if it's the best solution. Any help????


How to initialize data with computed value inside asyncData?

I am building a web app with nuxt.
here's simplified code:
data() {
return {
item: {name:'', department: '', testField: '',},
async asyncData() {
const result = call some API
const dataToInitialize = {
name: result.username,
department: result.department,
testField: //want to assign computed value
return {item: dataToInitialize}
Inside asyncData, I call API and assign value to dataToInitialize.
dataToInitialize has testField field, and I want to assign some computed value based on username and department.
(for example, 'a' if name starts with 'a' and department is 'management'..etc there's more complicated logic in real scenario)
I have tried to use computed property , but I realized that asyncData cannnot access computed.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Any help would be appreciated!
not sure if it's right way, but I solved the issue by setting 'testfield' inside created.
created() {
this.item.testField = this.someMethod(this.item);
Looking at the Nuxt lifecyle, you can see that asyncData is called before even a Vue instance is mounted on your page.
Meanwhile, fetch() hook is called after. This is non-blocking but more flexible in a lot of ways.
An alternative using fetch() would look like this
export default {
data() {
return {
staticVariable: 'google',
async fetch() {
await this.$axios(this.computedVariable)
computed: {
computedVariable() {
return `www.${this.staticVariable}.com`
Another alternative, would be to use URL query string or params, thanks to Vue-router and use those to build your API call (in an asyncData hook).
Here is an example on how to achieve this:
EDIT after comment question
You can totally use a computed inside of a fetch() hook indeed. Here is an example on how to achieve this
export default {
data() {
return {
test: 'test',
async fetch() {
const response = await fetch(`${this.nice}`)
console.log(await response.json())
computed: {
nice() {
return this.test + 'wow!'
I found that destructuring fetch({}) causes issues with accessing this inside fetch scope ->
async fetch({ store, $anyOtherGlobalVar }){
// destructuring approach changes the scope of the function and `this` does not have access to data, computed and e.t.c
If you want to access this scope for example, avoid destructuring and access everything through this.
async fetch() {

Updating getter value Vuex store when state changes

I'm trying to figure out how to properly update a getter value when some other variable from VueX changes/updates.
Currently I'm using this way in a component to update:
watch: {
dates () {
So my getter linedata should be updated with dates value whenever dates changes. dates is state variable from VueX store.
The thing is with this method the value won't be properly updated when I changed route/go to different components. So I think it's better to do this kind of thing using the VueX store.
dates is updated with an API call, so I use an action to update it.
So the question is how can I do such an update from the VueX store?
I tried moving this to VueX:
async loadData({ commit }) {
let response = await Api().get("/cpu");
commit("SET_DATA", {
SET_DATA(state, payload) {
state = Object.assign(state, payload);
But the above does not work, as I cannot set nested object in action this way...
Getters are generally for getting, not setting. They are like computed for Vuex, which return calculated data. They update automatically when reactive contents change. So it's probably best to rethink the design so that only state needs to be updated. Either way, Vuex should be updated only with actions/mutations
Given your example and the info from all your comments, using linedata as state, your action and mutation would look something like this:
actions: {
async loadData({ commit }) {
let response = await Api().get("/cpu");
mutations: {
SET_DATA(state, dates) {
Vue.set(state.linedata[0].chartOptions.xAxis, 'categories', dates[0]);
Vue.set(state.linedata[1].chartOptions.xAxis, 'categories', dates[1]);
Which you could call, in the component for example, like:
Using Vue.set is necessary for change detection in this case and requires the following import:
import Vue from 'vue';
Theoretically, there should be a better way to design your backend API so that you can just set state.linedata = payload in the mutation, but this will work with what you have.
Here is a simple example of a Vuex store for an user.
export const state = () => ({
user: {}
export const mutations = {
set(state, user) {
state.user = user
unset(state) {
state.user = {}
patch(state, user) {
state.user = Object.assign({}, state.user, user)
export const actions = {
async set({ commit }) {
// TODO: Get user...
commit('set', user)
unset({ commit }) {
patch({ commit }, user) {
commit('patch', user)
export const getters = {
get(state) {
return state.user
If you want to set the user data, you can call await this.$store.dispatch('user/set') in any Vue instance. For patching the data you could call this.$store.dispatch('user/patch', newUserData).
The getter is then reactively updated in any Vue instance where it is mapped. You should use the function mapGetters from Vuex in the computed properties. Here is an example.
computed: {
user: 'user/get'
The three dots ... before the function call is destructuring assignment, which will map all the properties that will the function return in an object to computed properties. Those will then be reactively updated whenever you call dispatch on the user store.
Take a look at Vuex documentation for a more in depth explanation.

Vuex state change on object does not trigger rerender

I have a variable in the vuex store called permissions. And i want my component to trigger a rerender when the getPermissions changes. In the vue devtools i clearly see that the state has changed in the store, but the component stil get the old state from getPermissions. In order for me to see changes, I have to do a refresh. Has it something to do with the way i mutate it? or the fact that it is an object?
It looks like this when populated:
permissions: {
KS1KD933KD: true,
KD9L22F732: false
I use this method to do mutations on it and a getter to get it:
const getters = {
getPermissions: state => state.permissions
const mutations = {
set_recording_permissions(state, data) {
let newList = state.permissions;
newList[data.key] = data.bool;
Vue.set(state, 'permissions', newList);
And in the component i use mapGetters to get access to it
computed: {
In order to update the permissions value i use this action (it does require a succesfull api request before updating the value) :
const actions = {
async setRecordingPermissions({ commit }, data) {
let body = {
agentId: data.userName,
callId: data.callId,
allowUseOfRecording: data.allowUseOfRecording
try {
await AgentInfoAPI.editRecordingPermissions(body).then(() => {
commit('set_recording_permissions', { key: data.callId, bool: data.allowUseOfRecording });
commit('set_agent_info_message', {
type: 'success',
text: `Endret opptaksrettigheter`
} catch (error) {
commit('set_agent_info_message', {
type: 'error',
text: `Request to ${} failed with ${error.response.status} ${}`
Since the getter only returns state variable you should use mapState, if you want to access it directly.
computed: mapState(['permissions'])
However, you can also use mapGetters, but then in your template, have to use getPermissions and not permissions.
Example template:
<ul id="permissions">
<li v-for="permission in getPermissions">
{{ permission }}
If you have done this it is probably an issue with the object reference. You use Vue.set, but you set the same object reference. You have to create a new object or set the key you want to update directly.
new object
let newList = { ...state.permissions };
Vue.set(state.permission, data.key, data.value);
I don't know what the rest of you code looks like, but you will need to use actions to correctly mutate you store.
For example:
const actions = {
setName({ commit }, name) {
commit('setName', name);

Computed property react to localstorage change

I'm saving an array into local storage
and adding/removing from the array like.
I want the count of the array to update in the component as and when new items get added to the array in localstorage
I am using a computed property:
numOfCodes: {
// getter
get: function() {
let storageItems = localStorage.getItem("items");
if (storageItems) {
var items = JSON.parse(storageItems);
return items.length;
return 0;
The count is not changing as expected. it remains the same.
I have tried using vuex, but still have the issue. the goal is having the value react to the localstorage change
I think a solution to this would be to use vuex, I've mocked up an example below:
On your component:
computed: {
itemsCount: 'mockLocalStorage/itemsCount'
created() {
methods: {
setItems: 'mockLocalStorage/setItems'
In vuex:
state = {
items: []
getters = {
itemsCount: state => state.items.length
actions: {
setItems({ commit }, items) {
localStorage.setItem('items', items);
commit('setItems', items);
this.itemsCount would then be reactive in your component, and you could create a few more actions to add and remove individual items.
The localStorage does not share the reactivity system of Vue. This whole process is handled by Vue itself. See also here. I think you should be able to manually trigger a re-render by forcing Vue to update all of its components using forceUpdate. However, keep in mind that you would have to trigger the re-render whenever you update the localStorage or whenever you expect it to be updated.
Use a watcher.
props: ['storageItems', 'itemsLength'],
watch: {
storageItems: function(newVal, oldVal) {
this.storageItems = newVal
this.itemsLength = newVal.length

vuejs 2 how to watch store values from vuex when params are used

How can I watch for store values changes when params are used? I normally would do that via a getter, but my getter accepts a param which makes it tricky as I've failed to find documentation on this scenario or a stack Q/A.
(code is minimized for demo reasons)
My store.js :
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
let report = {
results: [],
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
broken: Object.assign({}, report),
results: (state) => (scan) => {
return state[scan].results
vue-component.vue :
computed: {
watch: {
results(){ // How to pass the param ??
// my callback
So basically I would like to find out how to pass the param so my watch would work.
In my opinion, there is no direct solution for your question.
At first, for watch function, it only accept two parameters, newValue and oldValue, so there is no way to pass your scan parameter.
Also, your results property in computed, just return a function, if you watch the function, it will never be triggered.
I suggest you just change the getters from nested function to simple function.
But if you really want to do in this way, you should create a bridge computed properties
computed: {
scan() {
mutatedResults() {
return this.results(this.scan);
watch: {
mutatedResults() {