Why Set Different Variables to Different Processes after fork()? - process

I ran into a code that looks like this
int main(void){
pid_t pid;
char sharedVariable='P';
char *ptrSharedVariable=&sharedVariable;
pid = fork()
if(pid==0) {
sharedVariable = 'C';
print("Child Process\n");
printf("Address is %p\n", ptrSharedVariable);
printf("char value is %c\n", sharedVariable);
} else {
print("Parent Process\n");
printf("Address is %p\n", ptrSharedVariable);
printf("char value is %c\n", sharedVariable);
By what I learned on stack overflow, I can tell that the char value of the parent and child process will be different. The child's value is 'C' and the parent's is 'P'. I also can tell that the address in both parent and child should be the same, which is the address to 'sharedVariable'(&sharedVariable).
However here are my question.
What is the point of assigning different char values to different processses? Because for one thing, since we can already identify each process by pid==0 or >0, wouldn't this step be a redundancy? Another reason is I don't see a point in differentiating two processes that do the same job, can't they work without letting the programmers tell them apart?
Why let the addresses of parent and child stay the same? I can suggest that since they are assumed to proceed on similar tasks, it would be convenient to do so, because then we can just copy and paste code. I am hesitant and want to make sure.
if I replaced fork() with vfork(), would the result of the parent's char value then be 'C'?
Thanks a million in advance.

This question has been answered several times. For example here.
Even though I may repeat what has been already written in several answers, here are some precisions for your 3 points:
The naming of the char variable (sharedVariable) in the code that you shared is confusing because the variable is not shared between a parent process and a child process. The address space of the child is a copy of the address space of the parent. So, here there are two processes (father and child) running concurrently with their own stack where the above variable is located (one in the parent's stack and the other in the child's stack).
The address space of a process is virtual. In each process you will see the same virtual addresses but they run with their proper code and data (i.e. they "points" on different physical memory locations). Optimizations are done in the kernel to share as most resources as possible until they are modified by one of the processes (e.g. Copy On Write principle) but this is transparent from the user space programmer's point of view.
If you use vfork(), the variables are shared because the address spaces are shared between the parent and the child. You don't have a copy as it is done for fork(). The resulting child process is like a co-routine (it is lighter than a thread as even the stack is shared!). It is why the parent process is suspended until the child either exits or executes a new program. The manual warns about the risks of such an operation. Its goal is to execute a process immediately (fast fork()/exec() procedures). It is not dedicated to long living child processes as any call to the GLIBC or any other library service may either fail or trigger corruptions in the parent process. vfork() is a direct call to the system without any added value from the GLIBC. In the case of fork(), the user space libraries do lots of "housekeeping" to make the libraries usable in both parent and child processes (GLIBC's wrapper of fork() and pthread_atfork() callbacks). In the case of vfork(), this "housekeeping" is not done because the child process is supposed to be directly overwritten by another program through an execve() call. This is also the reason why a child spawn through vfork() must not call exit() but _exit() because the child would run any registered atexit() callbacks of the father process which could lead to unexpected crashes in both the child and the father processes.


Creation of A New Process in an OS

In the book 'Operating System Concepts' - 9th Edition - Chapter 3 - Page 117 - Page 120 it says:
Both processes (the parent and the child) continue execution at the instruction after the fork(), with one difference: the return code for the fork() is zero for the new (child) process, whereas the (nonzero) process identifier of the child is returned to the parent.
The only difference is that the value of pid (the process identifier) for the child process is zero, while that for the parent is an integer value greater than zero (in fact, it is the actual pid of the child process).
Please can someone explain this concept to me.
Whenever a processor(CPU) runs a program , it stores the line number of the code it is executing (more formally address pointing to that instruction).The computer stores it in a register (kind of variable) called as stack pointer. So the stack pointer(SP) will store the current instruction processor has to execute (or run). This way computer track which instruction should be executed .
When a program runs , it is allocated some small memory in the computer's main memory.Here's where all our code along with important registers(including SP) which help processor to keep track of program when it's running.Too a process is uniquely identified by Process ID(PID).
Now let me come to your question. Whenever we call fork , a copy of the program from which you called fork is created. This copy is called as the "child process" and our original process is known as parent process.
When the copy created , all the memory that your program has been allocated is copied to some other place in memory (which is now child process's memory).So an identical running program(process) is created.
Now this copied memory contains the SP of the parent process , so whenever processor runs the program it directly runs the program from the same fork call line (since SP will store this line as current instruction when the process is created).Since our fork call was successful , it has to return a non-negative value (denoting success of fork system call)So it return 0 to the child process and child process ID to the parent(since the current Process ID was pointing here too).
Returning Child Process ID to parent makes a good deal since it's better that parent can keep a track of child process created from it.Too returning child a 0 make the deal even better as we have to return a non-negative number and other positive number may be some process's PID.
Run cd /proc in your linux system . All the directories having some numeral name are pid of some process(which may be active/inactive).Read more about it to clear the concept.
Hope that clears your doubt :).
when you call fork in your code it returns two values in case call is success one for parent (the code run by parent) and zero for child (the code run by child)
int childparent;
childparent = fork();
if (childparent >=0)
if (childparent==0)
//child code
if (childparent>0)
//parent code
the pid 0 mention in your sentence is not the process id shown by shell command ps
Edit: yes the code running in the parent (if childparent>0) case is running in context of that specific child which is just created. so return value to parent is the child actual Process ID (PID). if you fork in your simple code and sleep for long time in code enough to run ps you can match the PIDs shown in PS and printf in parent the return value of the fork() (printf("%d",childparent))
fork() makes a complete copy of the current process by creating a new process and then filling it with the current process. It chooses one to be the parent and the other to be the child. It indicates the difference only by adjusting the return value of fork(). If the process(es) ignore the return value, they behave identically. (There are some rarely significant other differences between the processes related to signal handling and delivery, file descriptors opened with special attributes, memory maps, etc.)
When you think you begin to understand it, look at this to see if you do.
I had this doubt when I was reading the book too. The answer is as follows:
When the main program (parent) executes fork(), a copy of its address space, including the program and all data, is created. System call fork() returns the child process ID to the parent and returns 0 to the child process. Both the parent and the child process can now start their execution from the immediate next line after the fork system call.
Let me illustrate this with a simple example.
Consider this code:
if(pid == 0) // Condition to determine Parent/Child Process
void ChildProcess()
//Some Arbitrary Code
void ParentProcess()
//Some Arbitrary Code
This snippet explains that based on a condition, both the processes (parent and child) can now execute in their own pre-defined way.
In the above example, say the process id of the child is 3456, then the parent would get that id as the return value from fork. However, the child will always get the process-id as 0 and then the execution continues.
The design of the fork() call is such because the complete administration of the child process(es) can now be handled by the parent and the parent can always keep a note of which of the child processes terminates, normally or abnormally, by implicitly/explicitly invoking exit() system call. A parent may also simply wait for the child by making a wait() system call which then return the pid of the child and in this way, the parent can keep a note of which child has terminated.
This is how child process creation and termination is handled.
There is one more thing I would like to add here which is not completely relevant to the question but I think would be helpful.
You would also have noticed the description of the exec() system call immediately after this discussion in the book. In short, both the discussions explain this:
Forking provides a way for an existing process to start a new one, but
what about the case where the new process is not part of the same
program as parent process? This is the case in the shell; when a user
starts a command it needs to run in a new process, but it is unrelated
to the shell.
This is where the exec system call comes into play. exec will replace
the contents of the currently running process with the information
from a program binary.
Thus the process the shell follows when launching a new program is to
firstly fork, creating a new process, and then exec (i.e. load into
memory and execute) the program binary it is supposed to run.
If you would like to know more about the fork() system call then you should also know about its internal implementation, especially how the clone() system call works.
Reference Sites:
The fork() system call article by MTU
How Fork & Exec work together

How does gcc push local variables on to the stack?

int a[1];
int b;
int c;
int d[1];
I have found that these local variables, for this example, are not pushed on to the stack in order. b and c are pushed in the order of their declaration, but, a and d are grouped together. So the compiler is allocating arrays differently from any other built in type or object.
Is this a C/C++ requirement or gcc implementation detail?
The C standard says nothing about the order in which local variables are allocated. It doesn't even use the word "stack". It only requires that local variables have a lifetime that begins on entry to the nearest enclosing block (basically when execution reaches the {) and ends on exit from that block (reaching the }), and that each object has a unique address. It does acknowledge that two unrelated variables might happen to be adjacent in memory (for obscure technical reasons involving pointer arithmetic), but doesn't say when this might happen.
The order in which variables are allocated is entirely up to the whim of the compiler, and you should not write code that depends on any particular ordering. A compiler might lay out local variables in the order in which they're declared, or alphabetically by name, or it might group some variables together if that happens to result in faster code.
If you need to variables to be allocated in a particular order, you can wrap them in an array or a structure.
(If you were to look at the generated machine code, you'd most likely find that the variables are not "pushed onto the stack" one by one. Instead, the compiler will probably generate a single instruction to adjust the stack pointer by a certain number of bytes, effectively allocating a single chunk of memory to hold all the local variables for the function or block. Code that accesses a given variable will then use its offset within the stack frame.)
And since your function doesn't do anything with its local variables, the compiler might just not bother allocating space for them at all, particularly if you request optimization with -O3 or something similar.
The compiler can order the local variables however it wants. It may even choose to either not allocate them at all (for example, if they're not used, or are optimized away through propagation/ciscizing/keeping in register/etc) or allocate the same stack location for multiple locals that have disjoint live ranges.
There is no common implementation detail to outline how a particular compiler does it, as it may change at any time.
Typically, compilers will try to group similar sized variables (and/or alignments) together to minimize wasted space through "gaps", but there are so many other factors involved.
structs and arrays have slightly different requirements, but that's beyond the scope of this question I believe.

kernel: how to find all threads from a process's task_struct?

Given a task struct for a process or a thread, what's the idiom of iterating through all other threads belonging to the same process?
Linux does not distinguish between a process(task) and a thread. The library calls fork() and pthread_create() use the same system call clone(). The difference between fork() and pthread_create() is the bitmask passed to clone(). This bitmask describes which resources (memory, files, filesystems, signal handler,...). See man clone(2) for the details.
Anyway there is something called a thread group and a special flag to the clone() call which indicates that the new process belongs the the same thread group. This mechanism is normally used to keep together all tasks which are created with clone() specifying CLONE_THREAD in the bitmask.
For this threads there exists the macro while_each_thread in the linux/sched/signal.h include file. It is used like this:
struct task_struct *me = current;
struct task_struct *t = me;
do {
} while_each_thread(me, t);

Difference between State, ST, IORef, and MVar

I am working through Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours (I'm up to about 85hrs) and I've gotten to the part about Adding Variables and Assignments. There is a big conceptual jump in this chapter, and I wish it had been done in two steps with a good refactoring in between rather then jumping at straight to the final solution. Anyway…
I've gotten lost with a number of different classes that seem to serve the same purpose: State, ST, IORef, and MVar. The first three are mentioned in the text, while the last seems to be the favored answer to a lot of StackOverflow questions about the first three. They all seem to carry a state between consecutive invocations.
What are each of these and how do they differ from one another?
In particular these sentences don't make sense:
Instead, we use a feature called state threads, letting Haskell manage the aggregate state for us. This lets us treat mutable variables as we would in any other programming language, using functions to get or set variables.
The IORef module lets you use stateful variables within the IO monad.
All this makes the line type ENV = IORef [(String, IORef LispVal)] confusing - why the second IORef? What will break if I'll write type ENV = State [(String, LispVal)] instead?
The State Monad : a model of mutable state
The State monad is a purely functional environment for programs with state, with a simple API:
Documentation in the mtl package.
The State monad is commonly used when needing state in a single thread of control. It doesn't actually use mutable state in its implementation. Instead, the program is parameterized by the state value (i.e. the state is an additional parameter to all computations). The state only appears to be mutated in a single thread (and cannot be shared between threads).
The ST monad and STRefs
The ST monad is the restricted cousin of the IO monad.
It allows arbitrary mutable state, implemented as actual mutable memory on the machine. The API is made safe in side-effect-free programs, as the rank-2 type parameter prevents values that depend on mutable state from escaping local scope.
It thus allows for controlled mutability in otherwise pure programs.
Commonly used for mutable arrays and other data structures that are mutated, then frozen. It is also very efficient, since the mutable state is "hardware accelerated".
Primary API:
runST -- start a new memory-effect computation.
And STRefs: pointers to (local) mutable cells.
ST-based arrays (such as vector) are also common.
Think of it as the less dangerous sibling of the IO monad. Or IO, where you can only read and write to memory.
IORef : STRefs in IO
These are STRefs (see above) in the IO monad. They don't have the same safety guarantees as STRefs about locality.
MVars : IORefs with locks
Like STRefs or IORefs, but with a lock attached, for safe concurrent access from multiple threads. IORefs and STRefs are only safe in a multi-threaded setting when using atomicModifyIORef (a compare-and-swap atomic operation). MVars are a more general mechanism for safely sharing mutable state.
Generally, in Haskell, use MVars or TVars (STM-based mutable cells), over STRef or IORef.
Ok, I'll start with IORef. IORef provides a value which is mutable in the IO monad. It's just a reference to some data, and like any reference, there are functions which allow you to change the data it refers to. In Haskell, all of those functions operate in IO. You can think of it like a database, file, or other external data store - you can get and set the data in it, but doing so requires going through IO. The reason IO is necessary at all is because Haskell is pure; the compiler needs a way to know which data the reference points to at any given time (read sigfpe's "You could have invented monads" blogpost).
MVars are basically the same thing as an IORef, except for two very important differences. MVar is a concurrency primitive, so it's designed for access from multiple threads. The second difference is that an MVar is a box which can be full or empty. So where an IORef Int always has an Int (or is bottom), an MVar Int may have an Int or it may be empty. If a thread tries to read a value from an empty MVar, it will block until the MVar gets filled (by another thread). Basically an MVar a is equivalent to an IORef (Maybe a) with extra semantics that are useful for concurrency.
State is a monad which provides mutable state, not necessarily with IO. In fact, it's particularly useful for pure computations. If you have an algorithm that uses state but not IO, a State monad is often an elegant solution.
There is also a monad transformer version of State, StateT. This frequently gets used to hold program configuration data, or "game-world-state" types of state in applications.
ST is something slightly different. The main data structure in ST is the STRef, which is like an IORef but with a different monad. The ST monad uses type system trickery (the "state threads" the docs mention) to ensure that mutable data can't escape the monad; that is, when you run an ST computation you get a pure result. The reason ST is interesting is that it's a primitive monad like IO, allowing computations to perform low-level manipulations on bytearrays and pointers. This means that ST can provide a pure interface while using low-level operations on mutable data, meaning it's very fast. From the perspective of the program, it's as if the ST computation runs in a separate thread with thread-local storage.
Others have done the core things, but to answer the direct question:
All this makes the line type ENV =
IORef [(String, IORef LispVal)]
confusing. Why the second IORef? What
will break if I do type ENV = State
[(String, LispVal)] instead?
Lisp is a functional language with mutable state and lexical scope. Imagine you've closed over a mutable variable. Now you've got a reference to this variable hanging around inside some other function -- say (in haskell-style pseudocode) (printIt, setIt) = let x = 5 in (\ () -> print x, \y -> set x y). You now have two functions -- one prints x, and one sets its value. When you evaluate printIt, you want to lookup the name of x in the initial environment in which printIt was defined, but you want to lookup the value that name is bound to in the environment in which printIt is called (after setIt may have been called any number of times).
There are ways besids the two IORefs to do this, but you certainly need more than the latter type you've proposed, which doesn't allow you to alter the values that names are bound to in a lexically-scoped fashion. Google the "funargs problem" for a whole lot of interesting prehistory.

Void-returning functions in UML sequence diagrams

I have a problem with the sequence model seen in the diagram below, specifically where the System object is creating a new Number. In this case, there is no need for a return message since the function SaveInput(n), both in System and Number, is the end of the line for that portion of the program, but unless I include one, the modeller reshaped my diagram into the other one I've uploaded here, and I can't see how to arrange the messages so that my program will work the way I intend without including the return message (the one without a name) from Number to System, since the functions SaveInput() both return a void.
How should void-returning functions be handled in sequence diagrams so that they behave correctly? I have opened the message properties and explicitly defined it as returning a void, but that hasn't helped.
When A calls operation b in B, the "return" arrow from B to A indicates the end of the operation b has finished its execution. This doesn´t mean that as part of the return message you have to return a value, it only means that the execution is done and you can continue with the next messages. Visually, most tools also use these return messages to manage the life bar of the object.