ASP.NET Core MVC Group by query with LINQ -

I am trying to query the country column from one of my table and trying to group them so that one country name appears only once.
The controller code is
ViewBag.Countries = (from pT in _context.InfoProducts
group pT by new { pT.Country } into g
select new
Country = g.Key.Country
In my view I am trying to show this list of countries in a dropdown like this
<div class=" form-group">
<div class="col-md-12 ">
#Html.DropDownList("Country", new SelectList(ViewBag.Countries, "Country"), "Select Country", new { #class = "col-form-label col-md-12 label-align" })
The problem I am facing is though it is returning the expected names of the countries, the result is generating as a key, value pair something like
{Country = USA}
{Country = Canada}
The HTML generated copied from inspect element is given below
<select class="col-form-label col-md-12 label-align" id="Country" name="Country">
<option value="">Select Country</option>
<option>{ Country = USA}</option>
<option>{ Country = Canada}</option>
How can I get only the country name in the dropdown instead of the result I am currently getting.

Rather than using group by, it sounds like distinct would be a better fit:
_context.InfoProducts.Select(x => x.Country).Distinct().ToList();
This will give you back a list of strings to use, which won't give you the key-value pair problem you're currently having.
One more thing, when you use new SelectList(ViewBag.Countries, "Country") this overload of SelectList's constructor will try to set the value of Country as the selected item, but this doesn't exist in your list, so Select Country will always appear as selected. If you want that to select an actual country, then it would have to look something like:
new SelectList(ViewBag.Countries, "Canada")
where you would fetch Canada from the data for the current product.


Laravel Query depend on Multiple HTML Select tags

I've multiple Select tags in HTML form i.e 'Gender', 'District' etc where the default selection is All. The eloquent query is dependent on these tags. I can retrieve data from DB if user select an option like Male or Female but don't know how to use `All'.
here is html code of Gender Select tag.
<div class="col-md-2">
<label for="gender">Gender</label>
<select wire:model="byGender" class="custom-select form-control" name="gender" id="gender">
<option selected>All</option>
<option value="male">Male</option>
<option value="female">Female</option>
<option value="combine">Combine</option>
and here is Laravel Code
public function mount()
$this->rows = DutySheet::where('gender', $this->byGender)->get()->toArray();
Note: this is Livewire function and byGender will be updated as the user select an option.
My question is what to use as value of All option in Select tag to retrieve all data from DB, "" is not working.
Your All options are represented by empty values (empty strings). You can leverage this by using the when() method on the query-builder, which effectively is an if-statement - the closure is only applied to the querybuilder if the first parameter is true.
$this->rows = DutySheet::when($this->byGender !== '', function($query) {
return $query->where('gender', $this->byGender)
You can chain these and add as many when() as you want to your query, to compute a more complex query with conditional conditionals.
You can add some logic to only apply the where condition when the select menu is set to any value other than "All".
If the user selects male, female or combine then the where condition will be run against that value, otherwise the query will return every record.
public function mount()
$dutySheets = DutySheet::query();
if ($this->byGender !== 'All') {
$dutySheets->where('gender', $this->byGender);
$this->rows = $dutySheets->get()->toArray();

Default value pre-selected in select box with ng-options

I am trying to get default value selected (from database) in my select box using ng-options.
My view
<select class="form-control samlength modalinput"
ng-options="p.procid as p.procname for p in processes track by p.procid"
<option value="">-- choose an option --</option>
where p.procid is a value received from the database.
My data
procid procname time
1 MyProcess 2018-05-30 13:34:54.097 3003162
3 Testing 2018-05-31 18:31:32.467 3003162
If selected procid is 3, how can I get it to be selected by default?
FYI - I have tried multiple answers given in other threads. I have also tried ng-init but nothing helped.
You can keep your HTML as:
<select class="form-control samlength modalinput"
ng-options="p.procid as p.procname for p in processes track by p.procid"
<option value="">-- choose an option --</option>
Now if we have a requirement to select a particular object in the array. We can do that by iterating through the array and comparing value at the given key:
function functiontofindIndexByKeyValue(arraytosearch, key, valuetosearch) {
for (var i = 0; i < arraytosearch.length; i++) {
if (arraytosearch[i][key] == valuetosearch) {
return i;
return null;
Call this function as:
var index = functiontofindIndexByKeyValue($scope.processes, "procid", procid);
$scope.selectedProcess = $scope.processes[index];
Hope it works!
Update your html code to this:
<select ng-model="processSelected"
ng-options="p.procname for p in processes track by p.procid">
Then in controller initialise your model value as:
$scope.processSelected = $scope.processes[1];
Where $scope.processes is an array of process objects.
Plunker Example

Laravel Display a record details while grouped by year or month

I just moved to the laravel framework and am starting to migrate some legacy sites and I have hit a problem with SQL or blade - dunno which.
I have to display a load of rows 'sports classes' which are grouped by year and then month. each needs to show attendance etc.
I am unsure which way to proceed.
I am able to display all rows and sort by date - easy squeezy
I am able to groupBy year AND month - fiddly but sorted it.
These are all displayed in an accordian.
Click the month - the individual rows drop down - you get the idea
I can get a number of rows per month/year
What I am unable to figure out is how to actually display the rows.
The groupBy is this:
$LinkClasses = DB::table('classes_lists')
->select('id, class, teacher, size')
->select(DB::raw('YEAR(date) AS year, MONTH(date) AS month, MONTHNAME(date) AS month_name, COUNT(*) post_count'))
->orderBy('year', 'desc')
->orderBy('month', 'desc')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
If the code you provided is within your controller, then you can append ->get() after your last ->orderBy(). This will return a Collection. You can then do whatever you want with the Collection (, including conversion to an array using ->toArray(), but I think it would be best to utilize the Eloquent ORM if possible.
Anyway, once you have it in the format you want, just pass it to the view like so:
return view('your.view', compact('LinkClasses'));
Then, inside the your.view blade template, you can access this by using the following:
#foreach ($LinkClasses as $currentRow)
<td>{{ $currentRow['id'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $currentRow['class'] }}</td>
<td> ... </td>
Best guess I can offer without seeing the blade template to get a better idea of what you're doing. Hope that helps!
Since you are only receiving a single record, it seems as though the issue lies in your query. I suggest you simplify your query to fetch all records and then do your sorting within an array. Something like this in your controller:
$allClasses = DB::table('classes_lists')->all();
foreach ($allClasses as $currentClass) {
$yearMonth = date('Y-m', $currentClass['date']);
$classesByYearMonth[$yearMonth][] = $currentClass;
/* now you have an array of all classes sorted by year-month like this:
// $classesByYearMonth[2014-01] = array(
// [0] => array(1, 'class name', 'teacher name', 23),
// [1] => array(2, 'another class', 'different teacher', 25),
// ...
// );
// $classesByYearMonth[2014-02] = ...
return view('your.view', compact('classesByYearMonth'));
Then, inside your blade template:
#foreach ($classesByYearMonth as $yearMonth => $classListArray)
Found {{ sizeof($classListArray) }} classes for {{ $yearMonth }}
#foreach ($classListArray as $currentClass)
<div>ID: {{ $currentClass['id'] }}</div>
<div>Class: {{ $currentClass['class'] }}</div>
<div>Teacher: {{ $currentClass['teacher'] }}</div>
<div>Size: {{ $currentClass['size'] }}</div>
I will leave it to you to fix the formatting to make your accordion work. But hopefully that will get you on the right path.
DNoe - thank you so much.
Your reply put me on exactly the right track.
I had to mod some bits due to laravel ambiguities and add the strtotime but the logic was all there.
foreach ($allClasses as $currentClass) {
$ym = $currentClass['date'];
$yearMonth = date("Y-m",strtotime($ym));
$classesByYearMonth[$yearMonth][] = $currentClass;
return View::make('classes.index', compact('classesByYearMonth'));
The css is simple from here.
I owe you some beers. And thanks for helping me take my head from my butt!
Send me a pm and i would be very very happy to forward beer donation :o
Great work and thank you again. :)
Also, part of the problem was that the results were throwing an stdObject rather than an array.
Being able to compare your code with my own has enabled me to create a dbquery with multiple joins from which meaningfull data is selected and then converted to an array.
$classes = DB::table('table2')
->join('table1', '', '=', 'table1.id2' )
->join('table3', 'table1.id3', '=', '' )
->get(array('', 'teacher', 'date', 'size', 'students', 'fname', 'classname', 'table1.notes'));
$cfr = count($classes);
foreach($classes as $object)
$arrays[] = (array) $object;
foreach ($arrays as $currentClass){
$ym = $currentClass['date'];
$yearMonth = date("Y-m",strtotime($ym));
$clazByYearMonth[$yearMonth][] = $currentClass;
This was the output into blade:
Not formatted :
#foreach ($clazByYearMonth as $yearMonth => $classListArray)
Found {{ sizeof($classListArray) }} classes for {{ $yearMonth }}
#foreach ($classListArray as $currentClass)
date: {{ $currentClass['date'] }} | class: {{ $currentClass['classname'] }} | Size: {{ $currentClass['size'] }} Teacher: {{ $currentClass['fname'] }} |

Laravel 4 and Eloquent: retrieving all records and all related records

I have two classes: Artist and Instrument. Each Artist can play one or more Instruments. And each Instrument can be assigned to one or more Artists. So, I've set up the following Classes:
public function instruments() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Instrument');
public function artists() {
return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Models\Artist');
Then I have three database tables:
artists: id, firstname, lastname, (timestamps)
instruments: id, name
artist_instrument: id, artist_id, instrument_id
I'm able to successfully retrieve a one artist and their associated instruments like so:
$artist = Artist::find($artist_id);
$instruments = $artist->instruments()->get();
return \View::make('artists')->with('artists', $artists)->with('instruments', $instruments);
I have 3 questions:
In my view, I can output the $artist like:
{{ $artist->firstname }}
and I can iterate through $instruments like:
#foreach ($instruments as $instrument)
<h2>{{ $instrument->name }}</h2>
but is it possible to iterate over $artist (I know there's only one — see #2) and for each $artist iterate over their $instruments?
In my controller, how would I get all artists and for each of those their associated instruments with the end goal of iterating through them in my view as described in #1.
Is it possible to only retrieve specific columns in the above example of ArtistController.php? I've tried this:
$artist = Artist::where('id', $artist_id)->get('firstname');
$instruments = $artist->instruments()->get();
return \View::make('artists')->with('artists', $artists)->with('instruments', $instruments);
but I get an error saying Collection::instruments() is undefined.
I'm assuming there's something not right in my model relationships. I've also tried defining my relationship in Artist.php with a hasMany (I think it makes more sense to say "Each Artist hasMany Instruments", but that gives me an error because it's expecting a table named artists_instruments and it's also trying to retrieve columns that wouldn't exists in that table (like name).
Your model relationships are fine.
$artists = Artist::with('instruments')->get();
return \View::make('artists')->withArtists($artists);
#foreach ($artists as $artist)
<h1>{{ $artist->firstname }}</h1>
#foreach ($artist->instruments as $instrument)
<h2>{{ $instrument->name }}</h2>

select a record from a list-box using text in Protractor

I want to select the record from the list box using text. how can i use the filter function to select the particular record. I will be having many options but i want to select the value which i want by checking the text (e.g Spanish). I dont want to select value by index becoz if i do that i wont be able to verify test, moreover list gets updated. kindly help. below r my html code.
<ul class="addList">
<li ng-repeat="skill in availableSkills" ng-click="addSkillFunc(skill, $index)" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Mandarin</li>
<li ng-repeat="skill in availableSkills" ng-click="addSkillFunc(skill, $index)" class="ng-binding ng-scope">English</li>
<li ng-repeat="skill in availableSkills" ng-click="addSkillFunc(skill, $index)" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Spanish</li>
Yea i can select the record by index. but i want something like selectbyvisibleText which is available in Selenium.
Finally got the solution. created a function SelectRowByCellValue and used to call it where ever i want by
SelectRowByCellValue(AGP.SkillList, Data.SkillSelect);
SkillList = element.all(by.css('Ul.addList li'));
SkillSelect = Value that u want to select. (Spanish)
this.SelectRowByCellValue = function (Elem, Texts) {
Elem.filter(function (element) {
return element.getText().then(function (text) {
if (text == Texts) {;
return false;
}).then(function (filteredElements) {