How to open a database encrypted with SQLCipher? - react-native

I created and encrypted a database with the package.(react-native-sqlcipher) I want to open this database with "DB Browser for SQLite" or "SQLite Studio". However, it doesn't open even though I enter the correct key. Is salt being added while encrypting the database? If so, where is salt stored?
Note: There is no problem with the Android application.

The problem is that Ubuntu does not support it. I tried it on windows and it works fine.

You also have to check the version of your Sqlite database. The current version of DB Browser for SQLite will not open sqlCypher encrypted Sqlite database version 3.x, only 4.x. If you want to open old encrypted files you have to download an older version of DB Browser for SQLite, such as 3.10.1, check here:
For more information :


ssms upgrade without losing DB credentials

I have to upgrade SSMS for an end-user. The problem is that she saves a lot of users and passwords saved with the option of "remember password". I scanned over the internet and couldn't find a solution. Another thing I wish to know is - When the wizard installs the new SSMS - Does it override the old one?
Can 2 versions of SSMS live separately on the same server and can be used by need?

DB realm - how to access tables and records

sorry for the bad English.
I am developing a react native application and am using the realm database
I can save the records in the database. Is there client software to view the tables and records of a realm database? I installed realm studio on my machine, but I could not find the database to open it. I'm running the application directly on the mobile device.
The data is saved in the database. I used the command to find out the path of the database. I could not find the database inside the device.
Yes, you have realm studio.
First download it on Realm Studio
Than you can use adb (if android) to download file with:
adb pull /data/data/ .
If you are using iOS simulator (i dont think so due to uri) just go to the next step.
After download just open realm studio and find the file to open it.
Or if you are a mac user type on console
open <path_to_downloaded_file>

OSX System Integrity Protection (SIP) remove app

I am on OSX 10.14, XCode 10, objective-c
I am currently developing a workflow for explaining the user why he needs to accept automation for my app, explaining how to manually activate it and so on.
For testing reasons it would be great to remove my listed app in the system preferences so i can test this process multiple times.
E.g. in the picture: How can i completely remove Google Chrome for example?
Im not able to open the TCC database where this information is stored:
These permissions are stored in the TCC database, for your current user:
~/Library/Application Support/
This is a SQLite database, so you can edit them with the editor of your choice.
The table is called access.
Applications listed in Automation will have kTCCServiceAppleEvents as service.
You can simply remove them and save the database.
This is not the global TCC database stored in /Library, which is protected by SIP.
Note the ~, meaning it's in your user's folder: /Users/xxx/Library/...
This one is editable even with SIP enabled.
So looks like the local TCC database is also protected.
Filesystem protection is only affective for apps built against the macOS 10.14 SDK - that's why I was able to edit it with some third party client.
So I guess the only solution is to disable SIP unfortunately.
I can confirm that the database can be edited if SIP is removed, both with sqlite3 as well as UI tools like SQLiteManager.

SQL Workbench: Migration of Ms Access RDBMS to SQL; Operation Cancelled

I have an RDBM which needs to be converted to MySQL. I would like to open the database with Workbench and get a file to someone. However every time I run the migration wizard for a Microsoft Access RDBM, ODBC data source parameter, and then find the data source to migrate, it simply just blocks the process on the test, saying:
"Test Source DBMS Connection:
Operation Cancelled"
The RDBM is either type .mdf, .accd or 5.3 ANSI. None allow a connection. I have searched Oracle and other sources online with very few hints or clues as to why this happens to my database. The only other alternative is buy some expensive conversion software. Please help! I have not a clue what information might be of use to me to solve this problem. I have used the standard Oracle/MySQL tutorial:
Also to note I have tried disabling all firewalls. And the general ODBC connections I make just quit working, saying in various ways they cannot connect. Any resources to point me to that might be helpful with some more basics on this?
I also found this resource which explains why certain pipe connections are not working for ODBC: It lists some command prompts which I am uncertain how to use or where to enter. I tried running these as admin on a standard cmd but they just say command not recognized.
I've just encountered the same issue while testing out the MySQL workbench software.
I had installed the 64-bit version of MySQL Workbench. However, I only had 32-bit Access, and so the ODBC drivers were all 32-bit. Uninstalling and installing 32-bit version of MySQL solved this issue and let me connect to my local Access database for migration. (download 32-bit installer from here:
I know you found a work-around, but if you wanted to go back to Workbench, checking that you are using all 32-bit (or all 64-bit) software & drivers might help.
On "System DSN" (32 bit) press Add select Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb,.accdb), press Finish, On setup page press 'select' and map to the database you want to connect to and click on the database on left pan click ok. add database name and press OK. close the window. now you can use ODBC for access in MYSQL(32 bit).

System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7

I have a web site that I developed on Vista using Vb.net9. It makes a connection to Oracle. for the connection I use System.Data.OracleClient. It works fine on my machine, and our test server, but it does not work on the production server. We installed the Oracle Client 11 on the server. The error is System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7
We've tried, making a console app that opens the connection, connection runs fine, opens, displays a message and all is well there.
Then we make a simple web form, put it in the directory of the program, just a button, opens the connection, try..catch, grabs error, same error.
The console app was running under an Administrator, web site running under iwam. Is it possible that iwam has a different path?
I've run into this error dozens of times:
Security permissions were not properly set when the Oracle client was installed on Windows with NTFS. The result of this is that content of the ORACLE_HOME directory is not visible to Authenticated Users on the machine; this causes an error while the System.Data.OracleClient is communicating with the Oracle Connectivity software from ASP.NET using Authenticated User privileges.
To fix the problem you have to give the Authenticated Users group privilege to the Oracle Home directory.
Log on to Windows as a user with Administrator privileges.
Start Windows Explorer and navigate to the ORACLE_HOME folder.
Choose properties on the ORACLE_HOME folder.
Click the Security tab of the Properties window.
Click on Authenticated Users item in the Name list.
Un-check the Read and Execute box in the Permissions list under the Allow column.
Re-check the Read and Execute box under the Allow column.
Click the Advanced button and in the Permission Entries verify that Authenticated Users are listed with permission: Read & Execute, and Apply To: This folder, subfolders and files. If not, edit that line and make sure that Apply To drop-down box is set to This folder, subfolders and files. This should already be set properly but it is important that you verify it.
Click the OK button until you close out all of the security properties windows. The cursor may present the hour glass for a few seconds as it applies the permissions you just changed to all subfolders and files.
Reboot, to assure that the changes have taken effect.
Try your application again.
The author of this post (now deleted post) suggests checking your C:\Windows\System32 folder to make sure that the oci.dll exists there. Copying in the file from the Oracle home directory solved this problem for me.
Update 1: It is possible for different users to have different path. But its not the likely problem here. There is more chance that the user that the iwam user doesn't have permission to the oracle client directory.
Update 0: Its suppose to work. Check for environment variable ( That are needed to find the oracle client and tnsnames.ora ). Also, Maybe you have a 32/64 bit issues. Also, consider using the Oracle Data Provider for .NET ( search for
Oracle Client version 11 cannot connect to 8i databases. You will need a client in version 10 at most.
When we first moved over to Vista with Oracle 10g, we experienced this issue when we installed the Oracle client on our Vista boxes, even when we were running with admin privileges during install.
Oracle brought out a new version of the 10g client ( that was Vista compatible.
I do believe that this was after 11g was released, so it is possible that there is a 'Vista compatible' version for 11g also.
Why not use this: dotConnect for Oracle (formerly known as OraDirect .NET)?
It can be configured to not require an Oracle Client at all.
We have been using this in both Windows Services and ASP.NET Web Services and it works like a charm.
For me, the issue was some plugin in my Visual Studio started forcing my application into x64 64bit mode, so the Oracle driver wasn't being found as I had Oracle 32bit installed.
So if you are having this issue, try running Visual Studio in safemode (devenv /safemode).
I could find that it was looking in SYSWOW64 for the ic.dll file by using the ProcMon app by SysInternals/Microsoft.
Update: For me it was the Telerik JustTrace product that was causing the issue, it was probably hooking in and affecting the runtime version somehow to do tracing.
Update2: It's not just JustTrace causing an issue, JustMock is causing the same processor mode issue. JustMock is easier to fix though: Click JustMock-> Disable Profiler and then my web app's oracle driver runs in the correct CPU mode. This might be fixed by Telerik in the future.