DB realm - how to access tables and records - react-native

sorry for the bad English.
I am developing a react native application and am using the realm database
I can save the records in the database. Is there client software to view the tables and records of a realm database? I installed realm studio on my machine, but I could not find the database to open it. I'm running the application directly on the mobile device.
The data is saved in the database. I used the command to find out the path of the database. I could not find the database inside the device.

Yes, you have realm studio.
First download it on Realm Studio
Than you can use adb (if android) to download file with:
adb pull /data/data/com.app/files/default.realm .
If you are using iOS simulator (i dont think so due to uri) just go to the next step.
After download just open realm studio and find the file to open it.
Or if you are a mac user type on console
open <path_to_downloaded_file>


QuickBooks Desktop SDK - Is it possible to always open a new company file when making a call with the QuickBooks SDK?

Is it possible to always open a new instance of QuickBooks when making a call to a specific company file using the desktop SDK?
I am trying to use a server that is shared by many people to interact with QuickBooks, so it typically has a number of qb32 processes open. When I make a connection using that server, it tries to use one of those to process the request (which I don't want).
Best case is that my SDK request opens a new primary QuickBooks instance in a specific user session on the server, or that it opens it in no user session, so that it can run like a windows service.
No you can't able to open company file without quick books instant (QB32.exe) installed in local machine. and also we cant able to open two instance on different company file at a time in same machine.

Export HTML5 Web SQL to live database

I'm looking at creating a HTML5 web app for use in offline data capture on an iPad. The idea is that someone would be able to take the iPad somewhere without an internet connection, have people fill out a registration form and save the data for later upload to a database.
I've created a proof-of-concept that works offline using appcache and stores data with web sql (was more structured than local storage).
The problem I'm facing is getting the data out of the web sql DB into a live server DB? Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
I'm aware that writing a native iOS app might be a better solution but I have neither the time to learn iOS development, the equipment to do it, nor a license from Apple.

Monitor changes made by a desktop app to a file created by my Windows Store app

I'm making a Windows Store app that gets files from a server and store it locally for quick access. I also want to make it sync the file with Dropbox and push changes to Dropbox if the user make any. I looked into CachedFileUpdater and it seems to work if I use another Windows Store app to edit the file. However I ran into a great trouble trying to monitor changes made by a desktop app. This matters a lot because many files are office documents and Office 2013 is available to Windows RT and I would also like the app to be available to Windows 8.
First I tried to use CachedFileUpdater on all files but when I open the file using a desktop app, it will be opened in read-only mode and I can't save it in desktop mode. If I dont use it if the user chooses to open it with desktop app, the change will be saved but later my app won't be able to access that file somehow. I guess it is because the owner changes to the desktop app. Now not only I seem to have no way to monitor the file changes, but also can't I access those changes once it is modified by a desktop app.\
Is there some trick that may help? Thank you very much!

IBM Worklight: Upload application to Worklight Server / App Store

With Direct Update, the mobile application can be automatically update with a new version of the web resources. In order to update the native resource, a new version of application must be uploaded to application store.
Consider the case that I have an update for my Worklight app with both native and web resources code update which has already been in application store.
Is the following a correct way to update the app?
Step 1. Package the app in .ipa / .apk (with native + web code) and submit to application store
Step 2. Deploy an updated .wlapp file (with web code) to Worklight Server.
In application store, I can specify the application version when uploading the application. Will the application version be incremented automatically once I deploy the .wlapp to Worklight Server?
If the user does not update his application in application store and open the application, since there is a new web resource update in Worklight Server, it means that there will be a direct update alert box to prompt the user to download the latest application and in this case only web resource will be downloaded. There are some problems when the native code and web code are correlated?
Thanks a lot.
This would essentially be the correct order of steps, yes.
However, since you say you're updating both the native and web resources, I would make sure that the existing app can work with just the web resources update (without updating the native), because once deploying the .wlapp to the Worklight Server, existing users will receive a Direct Update.
If this scenario is not one you want to support, then in application-descriptor.xml you should also up the value of the version=" " attribute in the environment's element. When building the app after doing so, this will create a new .wlapp (for example: myProjectNameMyAppName-1.1.wlapp instead of ...-1.0.wlapp).
This means that the existing 1.0 users will not receive any Direct Updates, unless you deploy an updated ...-1.0.wlapp to the Worklight Server.
In relation to the above, no, the application version is not incremented automatically, it is something you need to control manually.
Also, I don't think the version value is something you control in the application store interface...
IFAIK the application version is changeable in Xcode prior to creating the .ipa for iOS and in AndroidManifest.xml prior to generating the .apk for Android (and in similar fashion for other environments).
EDIT: Actually... I think that changing the version value in application-descriptor.xml will also up the application's version number. Need to look at the end result (in AndroidManifest.xml or the Xcode project, in Xcode).
This would really depend on the behavior of your application and how resilient you've written it to be in the face of updates. I have slightly covered this in #1 above.
Other than talking about it theoretically I would suggest taking the jump actually upload an app to an application store, and test it privately, of course. This would be the most convenient to do using Google Play where publishing an app is near-instant.

Accessing application's documents from device through USB?

I'm working with a Windows Phone 8 application that writes logs to a file on the device. Is there a way to get access to that file? If not, what are my alternatives to seeing log information outside of using Visual Studio?
Yes you can read the file from isolated storage as long as it's a developer app installed on a developer unlocked phone. I use the Windows Phone Power Tools to do this, and there is a command line tool that comes with the SDK itself as well called IseTool.exe.
For your own access you can just use the advice in Paul's answer. If you want to get the files from other users you can use the Email Task and attach the log file to the email and have it sent to you or use some form of server logging.