how to make row disabled with ag-grid? - vue.js

I work with ag-grid and i found how to make a column disabled in the doc (
but after reading doc i never find how can i make juste one row disabled.
i have already try editable: params => === true.
Maybe i didn't read right or that doesn't exist. Is someone here with some soluce track ?

There is no option in the library to make a single row disabled(both visually and keyboard event based), the only way we could make a single row disabled is by using a customCellRenderer for both header and subsequent cell checkboxes, this allows full control over the checkbox.
Besides this, there are three other ways where you can disable ag-grid checkbox based on value,
1)This is using checkBoxSelection param, it would empty the cell based on the condition.
checkboxSelection = function(params) {
if ( {
return true;
return false;
This would only disabled click events and style it accordingly,
cellStyle: params => return {'pointer-events': 'none', opacity: '0.4' } : '';
3)This would disable it completely, as you have control over the input, but you may have to use string literals,
cellRenderer: (params) => {
if (params.value) {
return `<input type="checkbox" checked/>`;
else {
return `<input type="checkbox" />`;
You could use customCellRenderer(customCellRendererParams for props), headerCellRenderer(headerCellRendererParams for props) which accepts a complete JSX component.
I think this would be the most helpful, it allows you to choose the cellRenderer component based on the row value for that column. Its very well described in the ag-grid documentation.

I think ag-grid has single row checkbox disablement available natively:


You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function using click event conditional rendering

I am rendering two texts based on a condition and be able to pass methods to the click event based on the condition. The default text is ADD TO COLLECTION because initially hasPaid property is false. Once payment has been made, I want to set that property to true
The function addToCollection first opens a modal, on the modal, the handlePayment function is implemented. I have been able to conditionally render the div to show either ADD TO COLLECTION or DOWNLOAD using v-on="". I also return hasPaid property from the handlePayment function.
<div class="float-right peexo-faded-text card-inner-text" :face="face" v-on="!hasPaid ? {click: addToCollection} : {click: handleDownload(face)}">
data: function () {
return {
hasPaid: false,
this.showcollectionModal = true;
this.showcollectionModal = false;
let accept = true;
this.showpaymentsuccessmodal = true;
//this.hasPaid = true;
return {
hasPaid: accept
I want to be able to set hasPaid property on the handlePayment function for the render function to pick it, so that the handleDownload function can then work.
The last section of this bit is going to be problematic:
v-on="!hasPaid ? {click: addToCollection} : {click: handleDownload(face)}"
When hasPaid is true it will invoke the method handleDownload immediately. That is, it will be called during render, not when the <div> is clicked.
You could fix it by 'wrapping' it in a function:
{click: () => handleDownload(face)}
I've used an arrow function in my example but you could use a normal function if you prefer.
Personally I wouldn't try to do this using the object form of v-on.
My first instinct is that you should consider just having two <div> elements and use v-if to decide which one is showing.
If you did want to use a single <div> I would put the click logic in a method. So:
<div class="..." :face="face" #click="onDivClick(face)">
Note that despite the apparent syntactic similarity to the way you defined your click listener this won't invoke the method immediately.
Then in the methods for the component:
methods: {
onDivClick (face) {
if (this.hasPaid) {
} else {

Vue-Native checkbox change value

I want to be able to change the value of a checkbox by clicking on it. recentContacts are loading just fine, and specifying initial checked values in the computed function works well. The :on-press seems to change the value but does not reflect in the UI.
Please Help
<nb-list-item v-for="contact in recentContacts" v-bind:key="contact.uid">
<nb-checkbox :on-press="() => contact.checked =! contact.checked" :checked="contact.checked"></nb-checkbox>
<nb-text>{{contact.firstName}} {{contact.lastName}}</nb-text>
export default {
computed: {
recentContacts() {
return => {
rc.checked = false;
return rc;
I am guessing because VUEX is imutable. I've got this to work by having recentContacts inside of the data attribute instead of computed just not how I want to do things.

How to prevent #change event when changing v-model value

I'm building an auto-complete menu in Vue.js backed by Firebase (using vue-fire). The aim is to start typing a user's display name and having match records show up in the list of divs below.
The template looks like this:
<b-form-input id="toUser"
<div v-on:click="selectToUser(user)" class="userSearchDropDownResult" v-for="user in searchResult" v-if="showSearcherDropdown">{{ }}</div>
Upon clicking a potential match the intention is to set the value of the field and clear away the list of matches.
Here is the code portion of the component:
computed: {
/* method borrowed from Reddit user imGnarly: */
searcher() {
let self = this;
let holder = [];
let rx = new RegExp(this.selectedTo, 'i');
this.users.forEach(function (val, key) {
if (rx.test( || rx.test( {
let obj = {}
obj = val;
} else {
self.searchResult = 'No matches found';
this.searchResult = holder;
return this.selectedTo;
showSearcherDropdown() {
if(this.searchResult == null) return false;
if(this.selectedTo === '') return false;
return true;
methods: {
selectToUser: function( user ) { = user['.key'];
this.selectedTo =;
this.searchResult = null;
Typeahead works well, on each change to the input field the searcher() function is called and populates the searchResult with the correct values. The v-for works and a list of divs is shown.
Upon clicking a div, I call selectToUser( user ). This correctly reports details from the user object to the console.
However, on first click I get an exception in the console and the divs don't clear away (I expect them to disappear because I'm setting searchResults to null).
[Vue warn]: Error in event handler for "change": "TypeError: fns.apply is not a function"
found in
---> <BFormInput>
TypeError: fns.apply is not a function
at VueComponent.invoker (vue.esm.js?efeb:2004)
at VueComponent.Vue.$emit (vue.esm.js?efeb:2515)
at VueComponent.onChange (form-input.js?1465:138)
at boundFn (vue.esm.js?efeb:190)
at invoker (vue.esm.js?efeb:2004)
at HTMLInputElement.fn._withTask.fn._withTask (vue.esm.js?efeb:1802)
If I click the div a second time then there's no error, the input value is set and the divs disappear.
So I suspect that writing a value to this.selectedTo (which is also the v-model object for the element is triggering a #change event. On the second click the value of doesn't actually change because it's already set, so no call to searcher() and no error.
I've noticed this also happens if the element loses focus.
Question: how to prevent an #change event when changing v-model value via a method?
(other info: according to package.json I'm on vue 2.5.2)
<b-form-input id="toUser"
The "searcher" should be a method. A method that will be called whenever that b-component issues a change event.
But looking at your code, it is not a method, but a computed:
computed: {
searcher() {
showSearcherDropdown() {
methods: {
selectToUser: function( user ) {
So when the change event happens, it tries to call something that is not a method (or, in other words, it tries to call a method that doesn't exist). That's why you get the error.
Now, since what you actually want is to update searcher whenever this.selectedTo changes, to get that, it is actually not needed to have that #change handler. This is due to the code of computed: { searcher() { already depending on this.selectedTo. Whenever this.selectedTo changes, Vue will calculate searcher again.
Solution: simply remove #change="searcher" from b-form. Everything else will work.
#acdcjunior, thanks for your answer.
Of course just removing the reference to searcher() just means no action is taken upon field value change so the field won’t work at all.
Moving the searcher() function into methods: {} instead of computed: {} means that it will be called on an input event and not a change even (another mystery but not one for today). A subtle difference that takes away the typeahead feature I’m aiming at.
However, it did make me remember that the result of computed: {} functions are cached and will be re-computed when any parameters change. In this case I realised that the searcher() function is dependent upon the this.selectedTo variable. So when the selectToUser() function sets this.selectedTo it triggers another call to searcher().
Fixed now. In case anyone has a similar problem in the future, I resolved this by turning to old fashioned semaphore by adding another variable.
var userMadeSelection: false
Now, searcher() begins with a check for this scenario:
computed: {
searcher() {
if(this.userMadeSelection) {
this.userMadeSelection = false;
return this.selectedTo;
and then in selectToUser():
this.userMadeSelection = true;

element not updated when data changes

I have a vaadin-checkbox:
<vaadin-checkbox id=[[]] disabled="true" checked="[[item.checked]]">[[item.description]]</vaadin-checkbox>
I defined my properties:
static get properties() {
return {
items: {
type: Array,
notify: true,
value: function() {
return [];
When I now change the data by pressing some button:
_selectItem(event) {
const item = event.model.item;
if (item.checked === true) {
} else {
item.checked = !item.checked;
The state of the checkbox is still checked="true". Why isnt the checkbox getting updated? The same thing when I change the description of the item:
_selectItem(event) {
event.model.item.description = 'test';
The test description is never appearing. The checkbox is never getting updated.
The reason why the checkbox does not get updated by the button click handler is in the Polymer 2 data system. Polymer does not detect the change and does not update the template accordingly.
In order to make the change in a way that Polymer would detect it you have two options:
Use this.set(`items.${event.model.index}.checked`, !item.checked) if you can reliably assume that the index used by dom-repeat always matches that elements's index in the items array (it is not the case if you use sorting or filtering features of dom-repeat). See an example here
If you do not know the index of the updated item in the items array, you can also use the Polymer.MutableData mixin and notify Polymer that something has changed inside the items array without specifying the index of the changed item. This is done by calling this.notifyPath('items') after making a change. However, this requires that your element extends the Polymer.MutableData mixin, and that dom-repeat has the mutable-data attribute set. See an example here:
More information on this in the Polymer 2 docs.

Knockout bindings getting lost in Durandal app

I have a SPA in which I am using Durandal / KnockoutJS with knockout.validation.js. Inside the {view}.js I have this set
ko.validation.configure ({
decorateElement: true,
registerExtenders: true,
messagesOnModified: true,
insertMessages: false,
messageTemplate: null,
parseInputAttributes: true,
and inside one of the views I have
<input class="input-member"
data-bind="value: memberno, validationOptions: { errorElementClass: 'input-validation-error' }"/>
When the view is first activated the element correctly has the style input-validation-error applied.
On subsequent loading of the view the css is not applied as I require. I can see in firebug that the input field now has this class applied input-member validationElement
I don't know where validationElement came from - but something got messed up with the knockout bindings. I have tried moving the validation config into the shell.js but the result is the same (and not a good idea anyway).
So far looks like errorElementClass: 'input-validation-error' is not being reapplied to the element after navigation. If the field is modified-focused-cleared , the validation fires normally. validationElement is the placeholder for the errorElementClass
Found this bit of info at the github site and seems to be what im after
in {view}.js
function activate() {
return true;
The above code seems to work for input fields but not for select fields. Another idea I'm looking at is adding a binding handler like so
ko.bindingHandlers.validationElement = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var valueIsValid = valueAccessor().isValid();
if (!valueIsValid) {
} else {
which works for all selects and inputs but is always on. If there's a way to deactivate this binding until the first form submit fires I think that will do it.
There needs to be a way to re-apply the binding or cause the binding to update. Try putting some code in the view model's activate function that forces validation.