Skip block of text from adding to dictionary -

I want to know if there is a way to read a text file that lets say has content like so:
Store - 001P
Owner - Greg
Price - 45000
Employees - 30
Store - 002
Owner- Jen
Price - 34400
Now lets say I only want to work with the store information in the block where the store number contains a P. Is there a way to read the text file to check for the P after the delimiter, and then skip to the next instance of "store" in the text file? I tried to find which function is best as in different languages you can GoTo function, but I cannot find anything on this.
This is a snippet of my current code:
Dim columnV As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
Dim descriptionV As String
Dim quantityV As Integer
For Each totalLine As String In MyData
descriptionV = Split(totalLine, "-")(0)
quantityV = Split(totalLine, "-")(1)
If columnV.ContainsKey(descriptionV) Then
columnV(descriptionV) = colSums(descriptionV) + quantityV
columnV.Add(descriptionV, quantityV)
End If

Ok, if I read this correct, you only want to worry about and process stores that end in a "P". Did I get that right?
and your data is like this then:
Store - 001P \n Owner - Greg \n Price - 45000 \n Employees - 30 \n
Store - 002\n Owner- Jen \n Price - 34400 \n
So in code we could go:
dim store as string
dim Owner as string
dim Price as decimal
dim employees as integer
' your code to read the data
now we have the process loop
For Each totalLine As String In MyData
store = trim(split(split(totalLine,"\n)(0),"-")(1))
Owner = trim(split(split(totalLine,"\n)(1),"-")(1))
Price = trim(split(split(totalLine,"\n")(3),"-")(1))
Employees = trim(split(split(totalLine,"\n")(4),"-")(1))
if strings.right(store,1) = "P" then
' our process code
If columnV.ContainsKey(store) Then
end if
So you can use Strings.Right(some text,1) to get the right most character. You simply then have a if/then block around that code, and thus you skip anything that does not have a store with "P" as the last letter. The above is air code, but the simple concept here is to first:
Split out the line into the correct parts.
Check if store ends in "P" with the above if/then, and thus only stores ending in P will be processed.
However, your sample code and the variable names used really does not make a lot of sense.

It appears as if a record can be represented across multiple lines, but not a defined number of multiple lines (e.g. 001P is over 4 lines but 002 is over 3 lines).
It also appears as if the line represents the data in a {property} - {value} format.
The first thing that I would do is create a class to represent your record.
The second thing would be to get every line from your text file and iterate over them.
The third thing would be take the incoming information and convert it to your custom class which would be added to a List.
The last thing would be to then filter the List where Stores do not contain the letter "P".
Here is the code, in action:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Public Module Module1
Public Sub Main()
IO.File.WriteAllLines("test.txt", {
"Store - 001P",
"Owner - Greg",
"Price - 45000",
"Employees - 30",
"Store - 002",
"Owner - Jen",
"Price - 34400"
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("test.txt")
Dim stores As List(Of Store) = ConvertLinesToStores(lines)
Dim storesWithP() As Store = stores.Where(Function(s) s.StoreId.Contains("P")).ToArray()
Console.WriteLine("Stores with P: ")
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, storesWithP.Select(Function(s) s.StoreId).ToArray()))
End Sub
Private Function ConvertLinesToStores(ByVal lines() As String) As List(Of Store)
Dim stores As New List(Of Store)
Dim item As Store
For Each line As String In lines
Dim parts() As String = line.Split(" - ")
If (lines.Length < 3) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim propertyName As String = parts(0)
Dim propertyValue As String = parts(2)
Dim employeeCount As Integer
If (propertyName = "Store") Then
If (item IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
item = New Store() With {.StoreId = propertyValue}
ElseIf (propertyName = "Owner") Then
item.Owner = propertyValue
ElseIf (propertyName = "Price") Then
item.Price = propertyValue
ElseIf (propertyName = "Employees" AndAlso Integer.TryParse(propertyValue, employeeCount)) Then
item.EmployeeCount = employeeCount
End If
If (item IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
Return stores
End Function
End Module
Public Class Store
Public Property StoreId As String
Public Property Owner As String
Public Property Price As Integer
Public Property EmployeeCount As Integer
End Class
Fiddle: Live Demo

Assuming your text file has a consistent pattern the following will give you a list of your stores with all the properties.
My Stores.txt looks like this...
Store - 001P
Owner - Greg
Price - 45000
Employees - 30
Store - 002
Owner- Jen
Price - 34400
Employees - 20
Store - 03P
Owner - Mary
Price - 50000
Employees - 22
Store - 04P
Owner - Bill
Price - 42000
Employees - 90
I created a simple class to hold the store data.
Public Class Store
Public Property ID As String
Public Property Owner As String
Public Property Price As Decimal
Public Property Employees As Integer
End Class
First I read the file getting an array of lines. I loop through the lines of the file skipping ahead by 5 on each iteration (Step 5).This should hit the Store line (Store appears every 5 lines).
If it contains a P then I create a new Store and set it properties by moving down one line (the i + 1 etc.). After the properties are set, I add the Store to the list.
Now you have a List(Of Store) containing only the stores who's Id contains a P. You can access the items by index or in a For Each loop and have all the properties available.
Private StoreList As New List(Of Store)
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\maryo\Desktop\Stores.txt")
For i = 0 To lines.Length - 4 Step 5
Dim ID = lines(i).Split("-"c)(1).Trim
If ID.Contains("P") Then
Dim st As New Store
st.ID = ID
st.Owner = lines(i + 1).Split("-"c)(1).Trim
st.Price = CDec(lines(i + 2).Split("-"c)(1).Trim)
st.Employees = CInt(lines(i + 3).Split("-"c)(1).Trim)
End If
'Just to check if my list contains what I expected.
DataGridView1.DataSource = StoreList
End Sub


Read from text file, store data into corresponding structure every 6 element, and then form an array

The text file contains the following: inside the [], anything inside () was not in the text file, just for clarification
Jimmy(First name)
Paul (Last name)
78 (marks1)
80 (marks2)
92 (marks3)
I created a structure that holds student details including their name, id, marks in each subject.
Private Structure StudInfo
Public FName As String
Public LName As String
Public StudentId As Integer
Public ScMark As Integer
Public EnMark As Integer
Public MaMark As Integer
The program needs to read the first six elements in a row, storing each element into the corresponding structure type, then let it become the first element of an array"students()", and then next six elements, let it become the second element of that array. I have no idea how to use loops to do that.
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
'create an array that hold student details
Dim Students() As StudInfo
' read from text file
Dim FileNum As Integer = FreeFile()
Dim TempS As String = ""
Dim TempL As String
FileOpen(FileNum, "some.text", OpenMode.Input)
Do Until EOF(FileNum)
TempL = LineInput(FileNum)
TempS = TempL + vbCrLf
End Sub
Thank you.
You have to use a BinaryReader (which takes a IO.Stream as it's constructor), then you can read the data type you want, into the variable you want.
The problem you will have is the data will not be searchable (ie. you cannot read the 30th record, unless you physically read the first 29, because the strings are of variable length, and therefore the record is variable length), this also applies to modifying a record (you cant make it bigger, because it will overwrite the next record).
The answer is to work with fixed length records, or field offsets or fixed length strings. Then you will have a records of predictable size, and you can determine the amount of records by dividing the file length by the record size.
Hope this helps.
You could try something like this:
Public Class Form1
Private Students As New List(Of StudInfo)
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fileName = "c:\some folder\directory\someFile.txt"
Using sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(fileName)
Dim value As Integer
Dim strValue As String
While Not sr.EndOfStream
Dim student As New StudInfo
strValue = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
If Integer.TryParse(strValue, value) Then
student.StudentId = value
MessageBox.Show("Error Converting StudentID to Integer")
Exit Sub
End If
student.FName = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
student.LName = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
strValue = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
If Integer.TryParse(strValue, value) Then
student.ScMark = value
MessageBox.Show("Error Converting ScMark to Integer")
Exit Sub
End If
strValue = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
If Integer.TryParse(strValue, value) Then
student.EnMark = value
MessageBox.Show("Error Converting EnMark to Integer")
Exit Sub
End If
strValue = sr.ReadLine().Trim("[]")
If Integer.TryParse(strValue, value) Then
student.MaMark = value
MessageBox.Show("Error Converting MaMark to Integer")
Exit Sub
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error reading file. All records may not have been created.")
End Try
End While
End Using
End Sub
Private Class StudInfo
Public FName As String
Public LName As String
Public StudentId As Integer
Public ScMark As Integer
Public EnMark As Integer
Public MaMark As Integer
End Class
End Class
It depends a bit on the exact format of your text file.
If the file only contains the data for the two students (no brackets or blank lines), then all you need to do is to open the file and read 6 lines, add the data to your structure. and read the next 6 lines. If you have an undetermined number of students in the text file, then you would be better using a List. Other wise you're goiing to have to use extra processing time to Redim the array each time you want to add a student and keep track of the array size an all sorts of messing around.
However. Lets go with the most straightforward answer and assume your data has no brackets or blank lines and that there are only two students.
This code should work just fine. If you have a different definite number of students, then you will need to change the size of the Students array.
I'm also assuming that the data is correctly formatted and there are no non-numeric characters are in the lines where there shouldn't be.
Private Sub ReadStudentInfo()
'create an array that hold student details
Dim Students(2) As StudInfo
Dim index As Integer = 0
' read from text file
Dim datafile As New StreamReader("some.text")
Do Until datafile.EndOfStream
Dim tempStudent As StudInfo
With tempStudent
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .StudentId)
.FName = datafile.ReadLine
.LName = datafile.ReadLine
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .ScMark)
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .EnMark)
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .MaMark)
End With
Students(index) = tempStudent
index = index + 1
End Sub
If your text file does contain blank lines, just insert
between each line of data - like this
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .ScMark)
Integer.TryParse(datafile.ReadLine, .EnMark)
If you have the brackets in your text file, then you'll need to add extra code to remove them.

How to find the largest integer(s) between 3 integers

I would like to find the largest integer(s) between 3 integers.
I could do this by nesting If statements. Since I have further code to write however this would be long and untidy.
I was wondering if there was an easier way to find the largest integer(s) (including if let's say A and B are equal but both higher than C).
P.S Can you do this with 2-D arrays?
Use LINQ to do this:
Dim numbers() As Integer = {1, 3, 5}
Dim max As Integer = numbers.Max()
Debug.Write("Max number in numbers() is " & max.ToString())
Edited as per conversation with OP on wanting to know which genre was ranked the best.
When asked How do you get the data? OP responds with:
I have a text file containing movie|genre on every line. I read this and count which genre (out of 3) is the highest.
I have drafted up some code which reads from a text file and populates a class.
First let me show you the code:
Dim myFilms As New Films
Using sr As New IO.StreamReader("C:\films.txt")
Do Until sr.Peek = -1
Dim columns As String() = sr.ReadLine().Split(New Char() {"|"c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
'columns(0) = film name
'columns(1) = genre
myFilms.Add(New Film(columns(0), columns(1)))
End Using
If myFilms.Count > 0 Then
Dim bestGenre = myFilms.GetBestGenre()
'Go off and read the genre file based on bestGenre
End If
From the above code you can see the class Films being populated with a new Film. I then call a method from the Films class, but only if there are films to choose from. Let me show you the class structure for both these:
Public Class Film
Public Key As String
Public Sub New(ByVal filmName As String,
ByVal genre As String)
_filmName = filmName
_genre = genre
End Sub
Private _filmName As String
Public ReadOnly Property FilmName As String
Return _filmName
End Get
End Property
Private _genre As String
Public ReadOnly Property Genre As String
Return _genre
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class Films
Inherits KeyedCollection(Of String, Film)
Protected Overrides Function GetKeyForItem(ByVal item As Film) As String
Return item.Key
End Function
Public Function GetBestGenre() As String
Return Me.GroupBy(Function(r) r.Genre).OrderByDescending(Function(g) g.Count()).First().Key
End Function
End Class
I must note that although this code does work it may come unstuck if you have 2 or more genres which are joint top. The code still works however it only returns one of the genres. You may want to expand on the code to suit your needs based on that scenario.
Try something like this:
Dim max As Integer
max = integer1
If integer2 > max Then
max = integer2
End If
If integer3 > max Then
max = integer3
End If
Not many more ways that I can think of off the top of my head to do this.
Something along these lines will work for any number of integers.
Put the numbers into an array then use a For[...]Next statement to loop through the array comparing the current member with max. If max is lower, set it to the current member. When the loop terminates, max will contain the highest number:
Dim nums() As Integer = {1, 2, 3}
Dim max As Integer
For i = 0 To nums.Length - 1
If max < nums(i) Then
max = nums(i)
End If

Visual Basic: loaded parallel list boxes with text file substrings, but now items other than lstBox(0) "out of bounds"

The text file contains lines with the year followed by population like:
2016, 322690000
2015, 320220000
I separated the lines substrings to get all the years in a list box, and all the population amounts in a separate listbox, using the following code:
Dim strYearPop As String
Dim intYear As Integer
Dim intPop As Integer
strYearPop = popFile.ReadLine()
intYear = CInt(strYearPop.Substring(0, 4))
intPop = CInt(strYearPop.Substring(5))
Now I want to add the population amounts together, using the .Items to act as an array.
Dim intPop1 As Integer
intPop1 = lstPop.Items(0) + lstPop.Items(1)
But I get an error on lstPop.Items(1) and any item other than lstPop.Items(0), due to out of range. I understand the concept of out of range, but I thought that I create an index of several items (about 117 lines in the file, so the items indices should go up to 116) when I populated the list box.
How do i populate the list box in a way that creates an index of list box items (similar to an array)?
[I will treat this as an XY problem - please consider reading that after reading this answer.]
What you are missing is the separation of the data from the presentation of the data.
It is not a good idea to use controls to store data: they are meant to show the underlying data.
You could use two arrays for the data, one for the year and one for the population count, or you could use a Class which has properties of the year and the count. The latter is more sensible, as it ties the year and count together in one entity. You can then have a List of that Class to make a collection of the data, like this:
Option Infer On
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Public Class PopulationDatum
Property Year As Integer
Property Count As Integer
End Class
Function GetData(srcFile As String) As List(Of PopulationDatum)
Dim data As New List(Of PopulationDatum)
Using sr As New StreamReader(srcFile)
While Not sr.EndOfStream
Dim thisLine = sr.ReadLine
Dim parts = thisLine.Split(","c)
If parts.Count = 2 Then
data.Add(New PopulationDatum With {.Year = CInt(parts(0).Trim()), .Count = CInt(parts(1).Trim)})
End If
End While
End Using
Return data
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim srcFile = "C:\temp\PopulationData.txt"
Dim popData = GetData(srcFile)
Dim popTotal = 0
For Each p In popData
popTotal = popTotal + p.Count
' popTotal now has the value of the sum of the populations
End Sub
End Class
If using a List(Of T) is too much, then just use the idea of separating the data from the user interface. It makes processing the data much simpler.

Get extended file information details

How can one obtain the details of a windows file using
The type of details I mean are those found when I right click on a file, say an MS word doc, then click "Properties" and select the "Details" tab.
I know some can be obtained via FileInfo, but not all, such as "Tags" for example.
For that stuff you need to use Shell32. From the COM tab, find and add Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation. Here is code to create a list of property-values for a given file:
' class to hold the goodies
Friend Class ShellInfo
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Value As String
Public Sub New(n As String, v As String)
Name = n
Value = v
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Name
End Function
End Class
Then a function to fill it up
Private Function GetXtdShellInfo(filepath As String) As List(Of ShellInfo)
' ToDo: add error checking, maybe Try/Catch and
' surely check if the file exists before trying
Dim xtd As New List(Of ShellInfo)
Dim shell As New Shell32.Shell
Dim shFolder As Shell32.Folder
shFolder = shell.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath))
' its com so iterate to find what we want -
' or modify to return a dictionary of lists for all the items
Dim key As String
For Each s In shFolder.Items
' look for the one we are after
If shfolder.GetDetailsOf(s, 0).ToLowerInvariant = Path.GetFileName(file).ToLowerInvariant Then
Dim ndx As Int32 = 0
key = shfolder.GetDetailsOf(shfolder.Items, ndx)
' there are a varying number of entries depending on the OS
' 34 min, W7=290, W8=309 with some blanks
' this should get up to 310 non blank elements
Do Until String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) AndAlso ndx > 310
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) = False Then
xtd.Add(New ShellInfo(key,
shfolder.GetDetailsOf(s, ndx)))
End If
ndx += 1
key = shfolder.GetDetailsOf(shfolder.Items, ndx)
' we got what we came for
Exit For
End If
Return xtd
End Function
Using it is simple:
Dim xtd As List(Of ShellInfo) = GetXtdShellInfo("C:\Temp\Capri.jpg")
For Each s As ShellInfo In xtd
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", s.Name, s.Value)
The return should be a list of ShellInfo items where the Name is the property name such as Name, BitRate, Album and the associated Value will be that returned by Shell32. e.g
Name: Capri.jpg
Size: 15.2 KB
Item type: Image File
Date modified: 7/20/2014 12:19 PM
Date created: 7/20/2014 12:17 PM
Date accessed: 7/20/2014 12:17 PM
The actual number returned will vary depending on the OS ver
As noted in the comment Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation is renamed as Microsoft Shell Folder View Router (in Windows 8.1).
Also, the first 35 properties are fairly well known and more common, but with Win7 there are about 291. Under Windows 8, the max is 309 with some blank spots and deep into the list some property indices are changed.
See this answer related question How to read the bit rate information from a .mov video file header
Dim shellAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application")
Dim shellApp = Activator.CreateInstance(shellAppType)
Dim folder = shellApp.NameSpace("c:\users\frank")
Dim folderitem = folder.parsename("yourfile.jpg")
Dim value = folder.GetDetailsOf(folderitem, 24) 'eg. 24 retrieves File Comments.
Just use something like :
Dim MyFileInfos as System.IO.FileInfo = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(PathToYourFile)
Then get infos using MyFileInfo.* (whatever you need, use IntelliSense).
Have a nice day

Adding a variable to a listBox in Windows Form

I am making a dvd database system in windows form and trying to display the dvd's entered by a user. Then display the Title, Director and Genre in 3 separate listBoxes.
When the user enters the information through 3 separate text boxes, the information is stored in a structure I made called TDvd. This means I can call for example dvd.Title or dvd.Director. I also use the variable index to add this information to an array I made called Dvd(100) (just a random number I used to test).
Here is the code I currently have for adding the items to the ListBox:
For i = 1 To noOfAddedDvds
The variable NoOfDvdsAdded is just a way of keeping track of the number of dvd's the user has already entered.
I run this and enter the Title, Director and Genre, but when I try and display this information across the 3 listboxes, I get the error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Public Class Form1
Structure TDvd
Dim Title As String
Dim Director As String
Dim Genre As String
End Structure
Dim dvd(100) As TDvd
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim noOfAddedDvds As Integer
Private Sub btnAddToDatabase_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddToDatabase.Click
If txtDirector.Text <> "" Or txtGenre.Text <> "" Or txtTitle.Text <> "" Then
txtTitle.Text = dvd(index).Title
txtDirector.Text = dvd(index).Director
txtGenre.Text = dvd(index).Genre
index += 1
noOfAddedDvds += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDisplayDatabase_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayDatabase.Click
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To noOfAddedDvds
MessageBox.Show(index & ", " & i)
MessageBox.Show(index & ", " & i)
End Sub
End Class
According to the documentation, an ArgumentNullException is thrown by the Add() method if the argument passed to it is null. (Or Nothing in VB.) So one of these is Nothing at runtime:
You'll have to debug to determine which. It would seem that the error is because you're starting your iteration at 1 instead of 0, I would think it should be:
For i = 0 To noOfAddedDvds - 1
So when you get to the index of noOfAddedDvds in your collection, that element will be an uninitialized struct with Nothing strings.
You'll definitely want to fix the iteration (indexes start at 0). Additionally, you may also benefit from initializing the String properties in your struct to String.Empty internally. Depends on whether you want similar errors to manifest as an exception or as an empty record. Sometimes the latter makes the problem more obvious since at runtime you'd see that your output started on the second record.
Just a few pointers...
The Items collection on the ListBox is actually 0 indexed, by which I mean that instead of going "1,2,3", it actually goes (0,1,2).
That's what your problem is.
Hint - think about perhaps using a List instead of an array as well... (for dvd)
Your thing cries out for being rewritten in OO form:
Friend DVDGenres
End Enum
Friend Class DVD
Public Property Title As String
Public Property Director As String
Public Property Genre As DVDGenres
Public Sub New
Title = ""
Director = ""
Genre = DVDGenres.Undefined
' other stuff too
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString As String
Return Title
End Sub
End Class
Now something to store them in. Arrays went out with Rubik's Cubes, so a List:
Private myDVDs As New List(of DVD)
A list and a class can do what arrays and structures can without the headaches. Add a DVD:
Dim d As New DVD
d.Name = TextBoxName.Text
d.Director = TextBoxDir.Text
d.Genre = comboboxGenre.SelectedItem
' add to the container:
Display all the DVDs in a ListBox to pick from:
AllDVDsLB.DataSource = myDVDs
AllDVDsLB.DisplayMember = "Title"
This will set your list as the datasource for the listbox. Whatever is in the List is automatically displayed without copying data into the Items collection. Then, say from selectedindex changed event, display the selected item details to some labels:
Label1.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Title
Label2.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Director
Label3.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Genre.ToString
Iterate to do something like what is in the Question:
For Each d As DVD in myDVDs ' CANT run out of data
Or iterate and reference with an Int32:
For n As Integer = 0 To myDVDs.Count - 1
' etc
Next n