How to detect environment during deserialization - protobuf-net.grpc

Is there a way how to find out, If the constructor is called during deserialization on client or during deserialization on server? I talk about constructor of class marked with DataContract atribute from Shared project.
Thank you Tom

Solved. Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("propertyName"). PropertyName should be placed in launchSettings.json for client and server.


Unity.wcf and InstanceContextMode.Single

I am using Unity.WCF to inject dependencies for WCF service. Problem occurs when I set my service to InstanceContextMode.Single.
I found on Google that when InstanceContextMode is set to Single, InstanceProvider is not called. There is also a workaround for this but I was wondering if there is some built-in support for this in Unity.WCF because apparently this is a well known problem.
I found the information here: Enabling InstanceProvider for singleton services.
I will cite Paul Hiles comment on the same question you asked:
Using InstanceContextMode.Single makes your service scale very badly so is best avoided in most cases, particularly if it is just being used to allow AppFabric auto-start. You can safely remove the ServiceBehavior attribute and do it another way.
With Unity.WCF, you can add your initialisation code to the ConfigureContainer method of the WcfServiceFactory class that is created when you add the Unity.WCF NuGet package. This will only be executed once for the lifetime of the service.
BTW, you should not be passing the Unity container into your service. Add any components that your service uses into the constructor (e.g. repositories, helpers etc.) and also register then with Unity using the ConfigureContainer method. When your service is instantiated, the dependencies will be injected automatically.
You may also find article from this MSDN series useful.

Wcf dependency injection

I have an IService.
It is implemented by Service1.
I bind IService to Service1 (im using ninject).
Can I have a .svc file that in the markup has...
And tell wcf to somehow resolve that service and use it?
No, the .svc file is bound to the service type. What you can have is a route (if you use the ASP.NET Routes integration) where you, in code, resolve the IService binding to Service1 and add the route accordingly.
in the .svc file you can set Factory= to the class that you want to resolve the service. I have not tried setting Service to an interface. If it does not work you can use an abstract base class for your IOC.

How do I get the generated proxy class of a WCF service to implement INotifyPropertyChanged

Is it possible to have the proxy classes that are generated when setting a service reference implement INotifyPropertyChanged?
In this case it's a silverlight app referencing a WCF service?
The SlSvcUtil.exe commandline utility is part of the silverlight SDK installed {Program Files}\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v4.0\Tools will generate the classes with an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation.
I'll leave this question up, as I live in hope that someone will say this is possible from Visual Studio without haing to launch an external tool.
Proxy classes do not implement that interface, only DataContracts do. If you open .svcmap file generated by adding service reference in XML viewer you can change EnableDataBinding element to true and update service reference from VS. I thought that true is default value and you have to manually changed it if you don't want to use INotifyPropertyChanged. What is so specific in your service?

WCF WinService with Plugins

I have a win32 application that uses client side plugins and uses a Win32 Service via TCP/IP. I would like to also dynamically load assemblies on the WCF service based on the addition of new plugins. Currently I have to add the the ServiceContract and OperationContract to the Services class and IService interface and then re-compile. Is there a way to dynamically load the WCF assemblies and not have to generate the class and interface references? Can these be moved out of the WCF Win32 service into external classes?
I was wondering about this as well, but came to the conclusion that this was not a question of whether or not its possible, but should you do it? Even if you could generate the contract definitions dynamically, you still need to notify the client of the change, they in turn would need to regenerate the proxy in order to interact with the new service definition, and then provide an implementation dynamically. A better approach is to redesign your service so it implements a particular strategy (read Strategy pattern). The contract remains static, but the implementation changes based on client input. That way your service can dynamically load modules without your client being aware of it.

WCF service exposed as ASMX won't accept parameters

I have a server/client application developed in Delphi 2006. The client is Win32 and the Server is a .net 1.1 webservice.
We are in the process of updateing this project, but it has to be done in small steps. I started with the server and created a WCF project in VS2010(C# .net 4.0). The first step is to get the server running in WCF without changing the client. So I used the facade pattern, created a similar interface to the old delphi Webservice added a reference to the old .net 1.1 dll and in my implementation I just called the old .net 1.1 code.
Next step updating the proxy class on the client. This failed. The WSDL importer didn't understand the basicHttpBinding correctly, so the proxy class that was genereated couldn't replace the existing proxy.
After a bit of research I found this blog post.
This worked, the ASMX WSDL was no different than the old .net 1.1 so everything appered ok.
But it wasn't. When testing the new service I discovered that all my parameters was blank/null on the server. I tried with Fiddler on the client and the parameters is present in the XML that is sent to the server.
So I'm stuck. Any thoughts on how to solve this would be much appreciated. Is there any code that could be interresting to see then let me know.
I ran into a similar problem with a web service asmx... certain data was losing their values. If you are using hierarchical data, you may need to declare the internal or inherited objects using an XmlInclude attribute. For example, if you have a User class that is used in your service and a Customer sub class, you may need to declare the Customer class to the service if it is not used directly in a web method. You would do this as follows.
public class Service : WebService
Of course, it may be nothing to do with this, so good luck if that's the case. :)
Confirm that the parameter names in the new service match the names in the old service. If you have changed the parameter names, they will not map from the XML so will be null in the executing code.
Add KnownType attribute to the sub classes