CMake mulitple build projects in single tree - cmake

we use several git repos and our build system is cmake. We have several libraries with unit tests (seperate executables) and several applications (release) that we are going to build. In the moment we solve this by having multiple workspaces and a proper Top-Level CMakeLists.txt for the purpose of the current workspace (e.g. test of library A, test of library B, release for application X)
Now we would like to use a single tree (iso multiple workspaces) that includes all libraries, test code and applications, which means we are able to build everything from single tree.
In principle the core problem here is that we need to "merge" our multiple existing Top-Level-CMakeLists into this single tree.
This seems on first view rather easy, but the problem starts at the point that we want to build libraries with different flavours based on the same tree (e.g. using different compile flags, linker flags).
I will make a simplfiied example with a common cmake tree:
So lets say, my both applications are using libA, libB - but in case of AppA I would like to use different flags than in AppB.
Somehow I need to tell CMake to compile libA twice and to associate the right version of libA to my corresponding App.
Any ideas or is it in general not possible to have multiple projects in a single tree with CMake?


globbing files autogenerated by a sub_directory binary

I have the following problem, I have a separate cmake project that generates c++ files and I want to glob them into a library that uses them. Right now this is done in this manner
add_custom_target(run-generator ... byproduct GENERATED_FILES)
target_link_libraries(library ${GENERATED_FILES})
The include files.txt is actually a set(GENERATED_FILES all_autogen_files), right now they're fixed but in the future they might change. That is what I would want to have is something like
execute_process(generator_binary ... commands)
file(glob ${GENERATED_FILES} output_location_of_gen_files)
target_link_libraries(library ${GENERATED_FILES})
As I understood execute_process runs on the spot is read, so this would generate all the files before the file(glob) but I don't know how would I go about actually building the generator binary before the execute process, since right now what builds it before is that it is a dependency on the target_link_libraries
The only way this could possibly work is if you create a superbuild, i.e. a CMake project that builds everything with ExternalProjects. The reason is that you can't create new targets or add sources to existing targets during the build.
With a superbuild you need at least 3 separate CMake projects: One that builds the generator and then generates the files, one that globs the generated files and builds the rest of your build artifacts, and the superbuild project that adds both with ExternalProject_Add. By setting the dependencies correctly you can then ensure that the project that uses the generated files is configured after the generating project has been built.
However, globbing in CMake is discouraged anyway, so listing the files explicitly is the proper way to do it. If your code-generator starts generating new files then they should be added to the list manually in the same commit, as otherwise even with CONFIGURE_DEPENDS it is not guaranteed that the new files will be built when using globbing and the ExternalProject approach.

Using project() for dependent CMake subdirectories

I have several projects consisting of a few libraries, each living in its own subdirectory, knitted together by the topmost CMakeLists.txt file. I am in the habit of using project(<DIRNAME>) at the top of each CMakeLists.txt file and I try to structure the subprojects in such a way that they could be compiled separately from the top project. However, while this might make sense for standalone, core libraries, it cannot work for the libraries that depend on them because I need to do stuff like
target_link_libraries(gui core)
And core will nor be defined if I am trying to compile gui as a standalone project.
Is it wrong to use project() in this context, or am I missing something?
A Matter of Taste
This is in my opinion mainly a matter of taste. I don't think multiple project() commands itself are a problem, its more that projects I have seen using this approach tend to repeat itself in other parts and sometimes are running into problems with global cached variables.
Depending Libraries
The more relevant fact is, that the depending libraries will also add an include dependencies.
For standalone static library targets - not executable or shared library targets who really link the library - the simple target_link_libraries() command could be ignored with something like:
if (TARGET core)
target_link_libraries(gui core)
But the header files include dependency remains.
Standalone Projects in CMake
For me a (sub-)project to be really standalone needs not only the project() command, but it should also have a export(TARGETS ...) command. Then you could e.g. use find_package() commands to resolve any open dependencies with something like:
if (NOT TARGET core)
find_package(core REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(gui core)
Making cmake library accessible by other cmake packages automatically
CMake share library with multiple executables

CMake share library with multiple executables

My project contains several executables that share some common code. I would like to put the common code in a static library that the executables can link to. (The common code is pretty small and I prefer not to deal with shared libraries).
The source tree looks something like this:
app1 and app2 both depend on the code in common.
This common code is very application specific and will never need to be used by another project outside this directory tree. For that reason I would prefer not to install the library in any sort of global location.
The top-level CMakeLists.txt file just adds the subdirectories:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
The common library's CMakeLists.txt file creates the static library and sets include directories:
add_library(common STATIC common.cpp)
target_include_directories(common PUBLIC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include")
And the file for the executables looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} common)
Now for my question. If I run CMake from the top level project directory, I can build app1 and app2 and they build successfully. However, if I want to build a single one of these projects (by running CMake from app1, for example) instead of building from the top level directory, I get an error because common/include is not added to the header search path.
I can see why this happens. There is nothing in the CMakeLists.txt file for app1 or app2 that "pulls in" common. This is only done at the top level.
Is there a way around this, or is this behavior generally considered acceptable? Is something about my setup sub-optimal? I'm just thinking it would be nice to be able to build the projects individually instead of from the top level in the event that we start to develop more and more executables that use this common library, but perhaps this is something I shouldn't be concerned about.
When you setup your build environment, you should put some thought into the following three topics (beside others, but for this discussion/answer I reduced it to the three I feel are relevant here):
Dependecies / Coupling
"Strong Coupling"
I came to think of the add_subdirectory() command as supporting "strong coupling" and your current setup implicitly supports:
A frequently changing common library
A single deployment (process and timing) for all your apps
A single team working on the complete source base
An IDE would show it all in one solution
You generate one build environment for everything
"Loose Coupling"
If you want a more "loose coupling" you could make use of external scripts in other languages or the use of CMake's ExternalProject_Add() macro. So if you setup the common library (maybe even including "binary delivery") and each app as a separate project you do support:
A less often changing common library
Probably with its own release cycles
An independent development/deployment cycle for each app
A team of different developers working on each app
A Mixture of Both
So as you can see there a lot of things to consider and CMake can give you support for all kind of approaches. Considering that your project might be in the early stages, you probably go by a mixed approach (not right away de-coupling the common library):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add_subdirectory(../common common)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} common)
This will actually generate three build environments. One directly in your binary output directory and one each in app1 and app2 sub-directories.
And in such approaches you may want to think about common CMake toolchain files.
Use CMake-enabled libraries in your CMake project (II)
CMake: How to setup Source, Library and CMakeLists.txt dependencies?
You should use project() command in subdirectories only if this subproject is intended to be built both as standalone and as a part of toplevel project. This is the case for LLVM and Clang, for example: Clang can be compiled separately, but when LLVM build system detects Clang source, it includes its targets too.
In your case you don't need subprojects. To compile only app1 or app2 target issue make app1/make app2 in projects build dir.

Is it possible to build binaries for different targets using CMake?

I'm considering to use CMake for projects targeting a microcontroller. I found out how to create a toolchain file and invoke cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Path/To/Toolchain.cmake to make CMake do cross-compiling.
However most projects that I work on have also code that must be compiled for the host platform. These are often unit tests or other test tools, which share most part of their code with the binary that will run on the microcontroller. A rare case might be a project that even has two processors having a different instruction architectures, thus needing a host compiler and two different cross compilers.
I'd like to have one build that rules them all. Is it possible to have a construction that I only need to call cmake /path/to/source && make, or is the only solution having multiple 'root' CMakeList.txt files, each for every target?
Each cmake run will target one specific generator and thus one platform.
What you want can be achieved by having one hierarchy of CMakeLists files for each platform. You need to get to a point where doing a succession of cmake .. && make calls will build the whole project.
Then write a master CMakeLists that executes all of those separate build steps for you, e.g. through ExternalProject_Add or by using custom commands. Depending on the structure of your project it might make sense to have only the tools required for building being processed this way and add the sources for the actual project directly to the master CMakeLists instead.

CMake: automatically find target dependencies in other CMake projects

If we have a case of highly decentralized development environment, where there are many repositories and projects, is there an existing functionality in CMake that automatically finds dependencies between targets without a top level CMake file?
The workflow is something like this, you specify a directory and all targets are default-configured in the given tree. Then you can go and build any of the projects. I am looking for a behavior similar to that when you build the Android OS.
There is no build-time dependency tracking in CMake across different projects. For this case you need to have a project on the top-level which adds all the subdirectories, so that the target names are available inside a single CMake project.
I am aware of one helper script around CMake which provides the required inter-project dependencies:
I would say that is getting close to a mature code base. However, it requires additional descriptor files for each project. Might be worth to have a look at it.