CMake: automatically find target dependencies in other CMake projects - cmake

If we have a case of highly decentralized development environment, where there are many repositories and projects, is there an existing functionality in CMake that automatically finds dependencies between targets without a top level CMake file?
The workflow is something like this, you specify a directory and all targets are default-configured in the given tree. Then you can go and build any of the projects. I am looking for a behavior similar to that when you build the Android OS.

There is no build-time dependency tracking in CMake across different projects. For this case you need to have a project on the top-level which adds all the subdirectories, so that the target names are available inside a single CMake project.
I am aware of one helper script around CMake which provides the required inter-project dependencies:
I would say that is getting close to a mature code base. However, it requires additional descriptor files for each project. Might be worth to have a look at it.


Maintaining multiple projects which consume conan packages

I have a Visual Studio solution(s) with multiple (50+) projects (libraries static/dynamic and final executables). There is internal Visual Studio reference mechanism used to comsume required libraries for particular executables. Of course each project uses external packages, there are "duplicates" like boost, gtest, there are also some "unique" references for only one or few projects.
What's more, libraries are used in other solutions (project sharing) to deploy other executables.
This is my general project structure:
- DebugDlls (build output)
- Debug64Dlls (build output)
- ReleaseDlls (build output)
- Release64Dlls (build output)
- Libraries
- lib1
- lib2
- ...
- Executables
- exe1
- exe2
I'm about to migrate from NuGet to conan as a dependency manager for external libraries since there are more ready to use conan packages that NuGet one and it's cross-platform. I'd like to do it project by project, dependency by dependency.
One global conan file to rule them all is not an option since each library has to be as standalone as possible so I'm able to simply grab one and use for new executable. What's more it would be impossible to track dependencies of particular library or executable.
My idea is to put a separate conanfile in each project and define dependencies.
Here is the first issue: I need some global/automatic management of common libraries like boost to not mix versions/variants and spare some time on version updates.
this one may be handled by a global file which defines reusable depndencies
is there something ready to use in conan, like template?
Second issue is to copy dlls from dependencies into proper build output so I'm able to execute the binaries.
this one should be fixable also by some global file with proper defines.
Third one is to execute conan install in each project
once again, a hand crafted script will do the job.
I was digging across the conan documentation but it's not very well organized and I was unable to find proper solution in my case. Maybe I missed something?
What would be the best approach here? Is there any build in conan mechanism for that (like CMake add_subdirectory). I would not like to reinvent the well if one already exists :)
I'm about to use conan 1.x

How to make a CMake package?

I'm attempting to make a CMake package for Crypto++ inclusion in CMake projects, this will end up in the noloader/cryptopp-cmake repo if it gets done.
The ultimate goal is to come up with a working cross-platform FindCryptoPP.cmake file which can be dropped in the Crypto++ source directory to do things like:
find_package(CryptoPP REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(libbiocoin cryptopp-static)
find_package(CryptoPP REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(libbiocoin cryptopp-shared)
In a finished application and have it "just work."
My current best solution within a CMake application is to build Crypto++ for the platform, stick the resulting archive or library in a lib directory, reference that within the CMakeLists.txt and pull it in that way, but of course that requires packaging a binary distribution of the compiled Crypto++ for every platform targeted by the application, which would be nasty to maintain and generally bad even if it weren't crypto code.
It's better to provide a CMake configuration file. find_package will look for a configuration file if no FindFoo.cmake find script is provided. One advantage over a find script is that you won't end with different, maybe conflicting versions of the find script.
See, especially the section Create Layout.

Automatic recompilation: if a CMake client project depends on a separate CMake library, how to have the client project re build its dependency?

With a growing codebase, it makes sense to organize it between separate repositories, each repo being a separate CMake-managed project.
Because of modularity, this usually means you end up in a situation where a CMake-managed project Application depends on another CMake-managed project Library, while both are internal code (i.e., code owned and maintained by your structure).
The automatic dependency recompilation issue
Then, if some sources in Library are modified, it needs to be recompiled in order to build Application. The question being:
Is it possible to have the "build Application" command (a button in an IDE, or a call to make on the command line) to first rebuild Library if Library files changed ?
I'd suggest to use the ExternalProject_Add command.
The documentation has slightly changed for the different versions:
CMake v2.8.9 ExternalProject
CMake v3.0. ExternalProject
CMake v3.3 ExternalProject
In case you encounter problems with getting the dependencies right, this thread might help you.
By looking at how the OpenChemistry parent-project does it, and with the confirmation by normanius's answer, it turns out this can be achieved with relatively few CMake script code.
It turns out that CMake CLI is offering an abstraction over the "build" action of the targeted build systems. See --build option.
ExternalProject_Add can be seen as a wrapper to use this CLI interface directly from CMake scripts.
Imagine there is a CMake-managed repository, building libuseful, and a separate CMake-managed repo, building appawesome with a dependency on libuseful.
find_package(libuseful CONFIG) # The usual way to find a dependency
# appawesome is the executable we are building, it depends on libuseful
add_executable(appawesome main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(appawesome libuseful)
 Adding automatic rebuild
Then it is possible to make building appawesome systematically first try to rebuild libuseful with some code looking like:
SOURCE_DIR <libuseful_sourcedir> # containing libuseful's root CMakeLists.txt
BINARY_DIR <libuseful_binarydir> # containing libuseful's CMakeCache.txt
BUILD_ALWAYS 1 # Always rebuild libuseful
add_dependencies(libuseful EP_libuseful)
The last line is quite important: find_package() in config mode should make a libuseful imported targed available. The call to ExternalProject_Add made a build target EP_libuseful available (which is a custom build step, building libuseful). The last line just makes sure that libuseful depends on its build step.

Cmake: Override subdirectory link mode to LINK_PRIVATE

I have a pretty big 3rd party cmake directory as a part of my project that some of my projects depend on. I import this directory into my dependent projects using add_subdirectory(). Unfortunately, this also imports the libraries that the 3rd party project links to into my projects.
I was able to manually fix this by specifying LINK_PRIVATE in the cmakelists.txt file of the 3rd party directory for the target_link_libraries() command. I would much prefer to do it remotely from within cmakelists using set_property or similar.
Is this possible?
In general, when using add_subdirectory such effects are hard to contain. Apart from the build targets, you may also get similar pollution effects on global and cache variables, tests and other places, which is why I would not recommend this approach for third library dependencies.
A cleaner approach is provided by the ExternalProject module. This gives you a command ExternalProject_Add that can be used to configure and build a third party library with CMake (or other build systems). The advantage here is that the library's CMake run is completely independent of your own, so there are no pollution effects. The disadvantage is that no targets from that library get imported automatically into your own project, so you might need some additional glue code to get them back in. Still, overall this should be a much cleaner approach.

Is it possible to build binaries for different targets using CMake?

I'm considering to use CMake for projects targeting a microcontroller. I found out how to create a toolchain file and invoke cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=Path/To/Toolchain.cmake to make CMake do cross-compiling.
However most projects that I work on have also code that must be compiled for the host platform. These are often unit tests or other test tools, which share most part of their code with the binary that will run on the microcontroller. A rare case might be a project that even has two processors having a different instruction architectures, thus needing a host compiler and two different cross compilers.
I'd like to have one build that rules them all. Is it possible to have a construction that I only need to call cmake /path/to/source && make, or is the only solution having multiple 'root' CMakeList.txt files, each for every target?
Each cmake run will target one specific generator and thus one platform.
What you want can be achieved by having one hierarchy of CMakeLists files for each platform. You need to get to a point where doing a succession of cmake .. && make calls will build the whole project.
Then write a master CMakeLists that executes all of those separate build steps for you, e.g. through ExternalProject_Add or by using custom commands. Depending on the structure of your project it might make sense to have only the tools required for building being processed this way and add the sources for the actual project directly to the master CMakeLists instead.