Disable change wallpaper. MacOS - objective-c

I`m use CGDisplayStream for capture video from user screen. I want disable user wallpaper for optimize video size. I can change wallpaper or i can set background color, but user can change that. How i can disable change wallpaper? Or may be is can disable wallpaper?

Just create window with level
[window setLevel:CGWindowLevelForKey(kCGDesktopWindowLevelKey)];


How to create a NSWindow like iTunes mini player (always on top but get no focus!)

I have a borderless window with a webview in it, which is always on top.
I want to create a NSWindow which is:
Always on top
Does not take the focus from the current foreground app
Does enable user mouse interaction (without forcing the user to switch focus to it - aka "click on it twice")
The problem I have atm is that to interact with the window (e.g. see hover effect, or click a link in the webview), the user has to click the window (which gives it focus) and only then the hover effect shows.
How can I make a window like iTunes mini player which doesn't take the focus from the current app - but also interacts with mouse? (see screenshots below)
To receive mouseEntered:, mouseMoved: and mouseExited: events even when your app is not active, you must add a tracking area to some view in your window and set the tracking area's properties accordingly.
Take a look at NSTrackingArea.
You'll probably want to add a tracking area with the options NSTrackingActiveAlways and NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited.

disabling Windows phone map control

My quesiton is: i have a windows phone 8 app - it has a Map Control on a page that shows the user's position.
We want to allow the user to disable the map control so it looks greyed out and disbaled and doesnt update (to save bandwith etc)
What would be the best way of doing this?
I would simply draw a control with semitransparent background on top of the map. thus all touch events would be stuck in the control, but the map would be visible under it still.

What API can be used to hide OSX Dock when you drag a window towards it

Idea is simple(stolen from Ubuntu): autohide Dock when you drag window toward it and begin to overlap it. Turn autohiding off and show Dock when window is moved out of area when Dock is located.
What API can be used to achieve that ?
managing autohide possible from command line this way but it's horrible
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide -bool true
killall Dock
Well, when the Dock is configured to (always) stay visible, the Window Manager will simply refuse to position the window directly under the Dock. It prevents users from putting stuff to where they can't reach. (Not every user is a power user; not every user knows the Dock can be hidden and since the Dock has no click-throughs...)
The system will hide the Dock when the app goes fullscreen. But, again, the system takes care of it.
Aside from directly mucking around with the user's Dock preferences (never change a user's preference for a third-party app behind their back!) like you mentionned; it can't be done legitematly.
There's is no API to control the Dock... at best, you can only suggest a tile to represent your app when present on the Dock.

Programmatically disable all Notification Center banners on Mac

Can a Mac app temporarily disable Notification Center, for example while it is doing a full-screen presentation? Apple says alerts are "automatically disabled while you’re presenting in Keynote. They also won’t appear if your display is mirrored on an external monitor." Do third-party apps also have the ability to temporary disable notifications?
I don't think so, but my assumptions are base on iOS, where you can't turn off notification center at all.
You can enable Focus (aka Do Not Disturb) which will hide current notifications and prevent new ones from popping up. See https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/turn-a-focus-on-or-off-mchl999b7c1a/mac for how to enable/disable it.
I do not know if applications themselves have control over enabling/disabling Focus.
I use the Touch Bar and add the Focus button to quickly enable it if I need to present or share screen. I do not see a keyboard shortcut you can set in Monterrey like you could in Big Sur.

Hide app icon in dock when minimized

I am new at Mac OSx development.
The app that I am creating requires removing the app icon from the dock throughout the application. The app allows minimizing and closing of the app window. Relaunching or reopening of the closed or minimized app window is done by clicking the app's icon from the status bar.
I was able to set the dock icon to be disabled during app launching; however, when the app is minimized (clicking the minimize button), it captures the image of the app's current window and adds it to the dock. I don't want that to occur. The app should not add any item to the dock.
Does Apple allow removal of the app's re-launcher image from the dock when minimized?
If Apple allows this, how can I hide or remove the app from the dock?
Any help would be a big help! Thanks!
You cannot disable the display of a proxy tile when your window is minimized -- that's the primary way that users will restore a minimized window. If you'd rather that the window disappear entirely when it's not being used, disable minimization (in the window's flags) and have the user close the window instead.