Where are the passhash9 algorithm from? - passwords

I am using the Botan library which contains an algorithm named Passhash9.
It is a Password Hashing. Now, I want to know where it is from.
who can give me some papers or links about it?
Passhash9: https://botan.randombit.net/doxygen/dir_2f2a81ce70eadda327392ced4f630ceb.html

Proverbially too late to answer. I had the same question too until I looked into the source code. I don't know why they named it that way. But apparently passhash9 is PBKDF2 (source).


Where can I find documentation on NumPy's delineation of its directories?

This may be a stupid question, but...
Where can I find a simple explanation of what goes under 'lib,' vs 'core'? How do I know whether a function goes under fromnumeric.py, or function_base.py? Some of the .py files have explanation strings at the beginning, but others do not.
You may double check the numpy/reference and numpy/user guides.

Is there any good tutoria or reference for writing code with Magma?

Currently I am trying to use Magma to do matrix operation on GPU, however, I found few documents about it. The only thing I can refer to is its testing program and the online generated document(here), which is not convenient to use. And the user guide seems outdated.
If you look here, getri and potri are supported.

Difference between (plain) Classworlds and Plexus Classworlds?

Can anyone please explain the difference between plexus-classworlds and (plain) classworlds?
These two are confusing and can't see the difference. Plexus classworlds contains almost no description. Apparently, a maven-based Java project uses both, I don't understand why.
Is it possible to replace classworlds with plexus-classworlds without much hassle?
I'm gonna answer that, even though the question is so old...
classworlds was migrated to plexus-classworlds, but the documentation on the site doesn't seem to keep up with that... the best docs I've seen was on classworlds 1.1-SNAPSHOT, although the current is plexus-classworlds 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT, and there is hardly any doc there.
if you look at plexus-classworlds, you can also see the original org.codehaus.classworlds package, with class comments like this:
A compatibility wrapper for org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher provided for legacy code
which means that they thought about migration, but of course nothing replaces a thorough test.

Weird function names in Quartz Core: what gives?

Out of curiosity, what may the rationale behind these function names (found in Apple's Quartz Core framework) be?
Do you think the developers somehow encoded argument types in function names? How do you find yourself putting "EP19" in there in the course of day-to-day coding? In what circumstances do such barely readable function names actually help you read code and otherwise be more productive?
Thanks in advance for any hints, and Merry Christmas!
These 'mangled' names are automatically generated by the C++ compiler and indeed encode type information.

How to pass password to decode LZMA (7zip) encrypted archive in C / Objective-C?

Does anyone know how to pass password to decode function in LZMA SDK?
Looking at the sources and another thread here, I'm guessing it will be good to start looking at where and how the sha256* functions are defined and used. The documentation appears minimal to nothing, so the code should be your major guide along with your knowledge of cryptography.