How to change selected row labels area in vue-good-table - vuejs2

I'm using vue-good-table and I'm trying to change the labels area in the selected row box. Looking at the documentation the only slot available is the selected-row-actions.
Is there a way/slot to edit the left side with the labels and 'clear' action? (not just their text)

As mentioned earlier there isn't any direct configuration from library to achieve what you want to achieve. CSS only solution will look like following, take a look at this codesandbox:
.vgt-selection-info-row {
font-size: 0 !important;
.vgt-selection-info-row__actions.vgt-pull-right {
visibility: visible;
float: none !important;
Original answer:
There isn't any thing like that supported from the library out of the box. You can use table-actions slots to display table level actions on top right or can use selected-row-actions slot to display actions for selected row on the selection info bar like:
<div slot="selected-row-actions">
<button #click="countSelected()">Sected Row Action</button>
<div slot="table-actions">
Table Actions
That being said, its HTML we are talking about (yay!) so nothing is preventing you from overriding default styles of the library.
You can use following style to use selected-row-actions slot and move slot next to clear button:
<div slot="selected-row-actions">
<label>Label 1</label>
<button #click="countSelected()">Action 1</button>
<label>Label 1</label>
<button #click="countSelected()">Action 2</button>
.vgt-selection-info-row__actions.vgt-pull-right {
float: none !important;
margin-left: 5px;
display: inline;
.vgt-selection-info-row__actions.vgt-pull-right div {
display: inline-block;
PS: There is already a closed issue BUG 519 for the library if you like to reopen it and track.


Animated tree navigation using Vue & Nuxt

I'm starting to learn a few basics with nuxt & vue.
I'm basically building a little list of elements that you can click and will expand with an image or some other content.
What I made so far
is an homepage with the list (like the first image)
and 3 other pages : /about, /projects, /contact
Here is the demo with images :
As soon as I click the first link, an image appears, and everything is moved down to the bottom. The URL is updated with the corresponding url (here, /about)
What I would like to achieve:
So far it's working fine and I can naviguate on my website.
But as the images suggests, I would like the differents elements of the menu to move with an animation to the bottom on the page transition to the different pages, it would take them (let's say) 2 seconds to go their next position in the next page.
It would look something like that :
when you click a dropdown menu like first videothe menu expends and everything is moved down.
The issue with that is that the url is not updated and considered to move to another page (in the case it should be
<div class="container">
<transition-group name="list">
<nuxt-link to="about" key="about">First item - about</nuxt-link>
<img src="../assets/ours.png" alt="">
//these two remaining items should have an animation when they move to the bottom of the image
<nuxt-link to="projects" key="projects">Second item - projects</nuxt-link>
<nuxt-link to="contact" key="contact">Last item - contact</nuxt-link>
<style >
display: block;
width: 40%;
display: block;
color: orangered;
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
and my /about :
<div class="container">
<transition-group name="list">
<nuxt-link to="about" key="about">First item - about</nuxt-link>
<nuxt-link to="projects" key="projects">Second item - projects</nuxt-link>
<nuxt-link to="contact" key="contact">Last item - contact</nuxt-link>
<style >
display: block;
width: 40%;
display: block;
color: orangered;
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
Do you have any help on how to achieve that? Maybe there is an easier way to do it, but since I'm all new and learning by myself, I would have loved some clues or a little help.
I read about transition-group and this css, but somehow, I can't manage to make it work...
.list-leave-active {
transition: all 0.5s ease;
.list-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(30px);
because actually this :
does exactly what i would like to do : move elements down in an animation, but I would like this to happen on a page transition in order to have to url updated.
Maybe I should look for ?

Is there a property that styles margins and positions on the background (vm--overlay) of vue-js-modal?

When vue-js-modal is set to modal Open, the DOM shown below is inserted.
<div class='modal'>
<div class='vm--overlay'></div>
<div class='modal-content'></div>
Since the header exists on the screen where the modal is inserted,
I want to implement it so that it does not cover the header.
Or No need for it(vm--overlay).
The structure of the DOM is as follows.
<div class='modal'>
<div class='vm--overlay'></div>
<div class='modal-content'></div>
I was able to apply styles to modal-content,
just like that below
.modal-content {
// same value as header height
margin-top: 50px;
But I couldn't apply the style against vm--overlay.
The following didn't work.
.vm--overlay {
// same value as header height
margin-top: 50px;
Is there way to remove the vm--overlay or apply the style?
it is a link of properties of vue-js-modal.

How to resize vs-popup in the context of vuejs

Im using vs-popup in order to display the contents when ever the button is clicked, but the size of vs-popup is fixed, and my contents looks clumsy, so I want someone to tell me how I can change width of the popup as per my requirement.
<vs-button class="btn" #click=" showModal=true" color="#7367F0" > Click me</vs-button>
<vs-popup class="helundo" title="How will i resize popup" :active.sync="showModal">
<div class="vx-row">
<div class="vx-col w-full md:w-1/2 mb-base">
<p> I want this content in the left</p>
<div class="vx-col w-full md:w-1/2 mb-base">
<p> I want this content in the right</p>
export default {
data () {
return {
showModal: false
<!-- what should I add in order to resize the popup -->
And the output I'm obtaining is sent below:
I want the popup bigger and it should be flexible such that what ever content I add must fit accordingly.
Please do help me, as I am unable to change the width of the popup, what ever I do it is same, but if I add too many contents the width increases for a extend and it becomes scrollable.
I found out the answer myself, i am posting so that it can help others. If you are using vuesax library you might find out _fixesVuesax.scss
so just place this code there:
.con-vs-popup {
z-index: 53000;
.vs-popup {
width: 200px !important; //You can change the width according to your content
height: auto;
.vs-popup--content {
width: auto !important;
padding: 1rem;
font-size: 1rem;

*ngIf Hide and show the div slowly and move a div slowly to right/left in angular2+

<div id="abc">
<div id="bac" ngIf="show">
<!-- Content -->
<div id="cde">cds</div>
I have a div want to add or remove from DOM slowly(show and hide) using *ngIf and likewise adding or removing of ="bac" should cause'cde' to move left or right slowly like it is animating.
*ngIf probably is not he best thing you are looking for, instead of this, use ngClass and define the css transitions and positions for these animations.
*ngIf fully hides/shows a node from/in DOM, it's like display: none/block which is not able to be animated through css-transitions
here is an example
<div class="animated" [ngClass]=" { 'show': show, 'hide': !show }">
then in the css
.animated {
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 80px;
background: gray;
transition: 1.5s linear margin-left;
} {
margin-left: 0;
.animated.hide {
margin-left: -120vw;
Height also can be changed, depends on which effect you expect.
Here is stackblitz with working code

How to implement Collapsible side bar in Angular2?

I'm learning angular2 and looking to implement a collapsible sidebar, similar to, in Angular 2? I tried looking up examples but couldn't find any. Can you provide examples or documentation for it?
You could use ng2-bootstrap:
You can also check in the source code how it's implemented:
Since you want to do it with Bootstrap, you can do it with Bootstrap collapse.
The idea behind this solution is the following:
Have your collapsible content inside a specific class, we called it collapseMenu. We also need a class that will indicate whether it is hidden or not. Bootstrap already provides it for us collapse.
<li>Icon <span class="collapse collapseMenu">Home</span></li>
Next we need the toggler, the hamburger icon that is. It requires a data-toggle to indicate the class that it has to toggle on each click and a data-target to know the element(s) that has to target, collapseMenu.
<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".collapseMenu">Hamburger icon</button>
The CSS part is not a big deal, and you can do it in various ways. I like the CSS3 flexbox approach.
Our page (specifically .container), will be a flex with direction row.
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
Then we'll set the right panel to take as much space as it can, so as when the content is toggled, it shrinks:
.main {
flex: 1;
Complete working version:
<div class="container">
<div class="left-panel">
<li>Icon <span class="collapse collapseMenu">Home</span></li>
<li>Icon <span class="collapse collapseMenu">Contact</span></li>
<div class="main">
<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".collapseMenu">Hamburger icon</button>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
ul > li {
display: block;
} {
display: inline-block;
.container {
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
padding: 0;
.left-panel {
background-color: grey;
.main {
background-color: black;
flex: 1;