Azure SQL DB Serverless won't auto pause - azure-sql-database

Looking at Query Performance Insight I found this query running 3-4 times/hr (my autopause setting is 1hr):
i.object_id, i.unique_index_id, i.is_enabled, i.change_tracking_state_desc, i.has_crawl_completed,
i.crawl_type_desc, i.crawl_start_date, crawl_end_date,
i.incremental_timestamp, i.stoplist_id, i.data_space_id, i.property_list_id,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFullTextMergeStatus') as int) as merge_status,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextDocsProcessed') as int) as docs_processed,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextFailCount') as int) as fail_count,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextItemCount') as int) as item_count,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextKeyColumn') as int) as key_column,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextPendingChanges') as int) as pending_changes,
cast(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(i.object_id, 'TableFulltextPopulateStatus') as int) as populate_status
FROM [46e881b7-c5f1-41cb-8eee-7c92a89cba41].sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs c
JOIN [46e881b7-c5f1-41cb-8eee-7c92a89cba41].sys.fulltext_indexes i on c.catalog_id = i.fulltext_catalog_id
Any thoughts on what might be going on? Is there a way to detect the origin of the query? I only have one VM hooked up to the db, and I have services turned off, so not sure what is causing this periodic call.

I found the issue using Query Performance Insight, where I was able to view actual activity including query text. Even though I had configured the service's own scheduler to make it go to sleep, the service was still querying the DB. Once I actually turned the service off using the Task Scheduler, the DB paused after an hour of inactivity.
Query Performance Insight is a great tool for determining exactly what is going on with your database. One thing to remember though, if the database is paused and you navigate to Query Performance Insight, the database will be brought online.

Unfortunately this is a system query that is fired on Azure SQL Database when your databases use Full-Text indexes. You are seeing this running almost every hour, but you may see it running every 5 minutes sometimes. This is happening since early this year.
Full-text Search is considered an external service on Azure Serverless that explains that query coming regularly to execute on the database. Please read below:
Excerpt: "The resources of a serverless database are encapsulated by app package, SQL instance, and user resource pool entities.
The app package is the outer most resource management boundary for a database, regardless of whether the database is in a serverless or provisioned compute tier. The app package contains the SQL instance and external services that together scope all user and system resources used by a database in SQL Database. Examples of external services include R and full-text search." Source here.

This may not be completely related to the OP's issue but seems like a good place to add this info as it may be of help to others running into this issue. I recently ran into an issue with Azure not auto-pausing as well. I was struggling to figure out the source of it as all of my connections were closed every evening and I ran a script to kill all active connections from the server side as well. Sometimes 3rd party software can keep the connection alive - in my case Redgate Sql Search tool. After removing the 3rd party tool, it now works as intended again.


How do I perform a nightly production to test database copy between Azure SQL Servers

We’re trying to migrate to Azure SQL, and have built a prod and test SQL server (using Azure Devops, Bicep and Powershell). We have a requirement for a manual process in an Azure Devops pipeline (this needs to be manual as we need a steady state in test when getting ready for a release) to copy the prod databases over the top of the test ones when we need to refresh the data. As the prod databases may not be consistent in the day, when this is triggered, the database we want to restore is as at 4am this morning.
We originally attempted this with a nightly pipeline that ran New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy to copy the prod databases to a serverless backup copy (I couldn’t use the elastic pool the test databases are sat in, as its at the limit of the number of databases it can hold) on the test server, we could then drop the test database and do a create as copy of to create the test database as needed. This worked really nicely in performance but resulted in us running up a massive bill (think six times the bill for the whole company), we’re still trying to understand why that is with the support team, but I suspect it’s to do with the interplay of the retention period of Azure deleted databases, and us doing a delete and restore every night.
Ideally, I’d like to do a restore from a point in time of the prod database, over the top of the existing database on the test server, but combinations of New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy and Restore-AzSqlDatabase don’t seem to be able to get me there. I’d also need to be sure that this approach wouldn’t slow down the prod databases or cost an excessive amount, and would be reasonably performant.
I’d be comfortable with detaching the backup from the restore, and running the backup step early every morning as a fallback, again as long as it didn’t cost an excessive amount.
In terms of speed, I’m not too fussed about how long the backup step costs as long as it’s detached from the restore, but ideally the restore step needs to be efficient as possible, as it puts our test instance out of action for the time it runs for.
Has anyone got to such a solution that works effectively and efficiently, any help greatfully recieved!
Sort of is the honest answer! We never worked out a way of doing it across two servers and Microsoft support ended up saying they didn't think it was feasible, but we got to a nice compromise.
We created a single server for both sets of databases, but placed them in two elastic pools. As the server is just a logical arrangement and the thing we wanted to protect against was overwhelming of compute, the elastic pools ring fenced the live compute nicely.
We could then do point in time restores from live into test using powershell to restore live from last night without the need to backup. This approach does mean that secrets are shared between the two, but it covered off our needs well.

Single user mode "missing behavior" on SQL Server

I run a script provided by one of Microsoft employee to find out about which indexes need to Rebuild/Reorganize depending on the average fragmentation. I got back a reasonable list but while trying to rebuild some of them on a specific database I kept receiving errors :
The first idea I got is to set the database in single user mode, rebuild the indexes and then bring it back to life. Well that did not help because the database is being populated by a Windows service that ironically uses the same user I am connected with and the only available to me with enough permissions to do so. I am working on a corporate environment so the moon is a bit closer than getting another user credentials. I also cannot stop the service while executing my tasks because it is used for many other things.
My question is simple: How can I force single-user mode to force single connection source? In other words how to hide the database or eventually the SQL server from the service? It will correctly handle the absence as a network issue so I don't have to worry about that part.
I found a good solution to use that might help others. I start by getting the list of transactions with locks on the current table using :
USE [Your DB Name]
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
The REQUEST_SESSION_ID is the ID of the session which has the lock set on the table. Then I run EXEC sp_who2 to make sure that the SPID is the one for the expected service. All I needed to do at the end was KILL <SPID> and rebuild the index. You might need to do it multiple time if you are building more than one index as the lock could be set again.
There is an ONLINE = ON/OFF option available when rebuilding indexes in SQL Server 2005 and above which controls how users can access underlying table which may solve your problem.
your problem is that the interface will only wait a certain amount of time before deciding to fail. I run into this all of the time.
You can try scripting the change and then running it manually, this will allow you to just wait until all of the locks are released by the users currently using the index. You will have to be careful though, an index rebuild locks the index for the time that it is running (unless of course you have enterprise edition, where rebuilds are online, and everything is made of money)

Performance questions for SQL Cache Dependency

I'm working on a project where we are thinking of using SQLCacheDependency with SQL Server 2005/2008 and we are wondering how this will affect the performance of the system.
So we are wondering about the following questions
Can the number of SQLCacheDependency objects (query notifications) have negative effect on SQL Server performance i.e. on insert, update and delete operations on affected tables ?
What effect (performance wise) would for example 50000 different query notifications on a single table have in SQL Server 2005/2008 on insertion and deletion on that table.
Are there any recommendations of how to use SQLCacheDependencies? Any official do‘s and don‘ts? We have found some information on the internet but haven‘t found information on performance implications.
If there is anyone here that has some answers to these questions that would be great.
The SQL Cache dependency using the polling mechanism should not be a load on the sql server or the application server.
Lets see what all steps are there for sqlcachedependency to work and analyze them:
Database is enabled for sqlcachedependency.
A table say 'Employee' is enabled for sqlcachedependency. (can be any number of tables)
Web.config is updated to enable sqlcachedependency.
The Page where u r using sql cache dependency is configured.
thats it.
step 1. creates a table 'ASPnet_sqlcachetablesforchangenotification' in database which will store the 'Employee' table name for which sqlcachedependency is enabled. and add some stored procedures aswell.
step 2. inserts a 'Employee' table entry in the 'ASPnet_sqlcachetablesforchangenotification' table. Also creates an insert update delete trigger on this 'Employee' table.
step 3. enables application for sqlcachedependency by providing the connectionstring and polltime.
whenever there is a change in 'Employee' table, trigger is fired which inturn updates the 'ASPnet_sqlcachetablesforchangenotification' table.
Now application polls the database say every 5000ms and checks for any changes to the 'ASPnet_sqlcachetablesforchangenotification' table. if there r any changes the respective caches is removed from memory.
The great benefit of caching combined with freshness of data ( atmost data can be 5 seconds stale). The polling is taken care by a background process with should not be a performance hurdle. because as u see from above list the task are least CPU demanding.
SQLCacheDependency is implemented as an indexed view and every time the table is modified this views index gets changed. so many views (SQLCacheDependency objects) on the same table mean quite a perf hit for modifications. however if you have 1 view (SQLCacheDependency object) per table you should have no problems.
the cache changed notification is async and is triggered when the server has resources.
You're right, not much information on this is provided but there's a phrase related to your question in this page
"The database operations associated with SQL cache dependency are simple and therefore do not incur a heavy processing cost on the server."
Hope this helps you although your question is a little bit old already.
This page appears to have some good info on setup which technique to use well (granted I did just skim it).
All I can provide is anecdotal evidence for performance, but we use SqlCacheDependency as a sort of "messaging solution" for a large enterprise application that processes on the order of ten thousand messages per hour.
The basic architecture is that our company uses Perforce for source control and we have a "subscription service" that receives messages from a trigger webservice call than gets called on every p4 commit and inserts a record into a SQL database. Our application has the dependency setup to send subscription notifications for every changeliest that affects a branch or path that you are monitoring.
The performance is fine. Trigger runs on the order of 200ms and we have never had a complaint about the latency of relaying the messages to end users.
As always, your mileage may vary.

MSMQ v Database Table

An existing process changes the status field of a booking record in a table, in response to user input.
I have another process to write, that will run asynchronously for records with a particular status. It will read the table record, perform some operations (including calls to third party web services), and update the record's status field to indicate that processing is completed (or In Error, with an error count).
This operation sounds very similar to a queue. What are the benefits and tradeoffs of using MSMQ over a SQL Table in this situation, and why should I choose one over the other?
It is our software that is adding and updating records in the table.
It is a new piece of work (a Windows Service) that will be performing the asynchronous processing. This needs to be "always up".
There are several reasons, which were discussed on the Fog Creek forum here:
The main benefit is that MSMQ can still be used when there is intermittant connectivity between computers (using a store and forward mechanism on the local machine). As far as the application is concerned it delivered the message to MSMQ, even though MSMQ will possibly deliver the message later.
You can only insert a record to a table when you can connect to the database.
A table approach is better when a workflow approach is required, and the process will move through various stages, and these stages need persisting in the DB.
If the rate at which booking records is created is low I would have the second process periodically check the table for new bookings.
Unless you are already using MSMQ, introducing it just gives you an extra platform component to support.
If the database is heavily loaded, or you get a lot of lock contention with two process reading and writing to the same region of the bookings table, then consider introducing MSMQ.
I also like this answer from le dorfier in the previous discussion:
I've used tables first, then refactor
to a full-fledged msg queue when (and
if) there's reason - which is trivial
if your design is reasonable.
Thanks, folks, for all the answers. Most helpful.
With MSMQ you can also offload the work to another server very easy by changing the location of the queue to another machine rather then the db server.
By the way, as of SQL Server 2005 there is built in queue in the DB. Its called SQL server Service Broker.
See :
Also see previous discussion.
If you have MSMQ expertise, it's a good option. If you know databases but not MSMQ, ask yourself if you want to become expert in another technology; whether your application is a critical one; and which you'd rather debug when there's a problem.
I have recently been investigating this myself so wanted to mention my findings. The location of the Database in comparison to your application is a big factor on deciding which option is faster.
I tested inserting the time it took to insert 100 database entries versus logging the exact same data into a local MSMQ message. I then took the average of the results of performing this test several times.
What I found was that when the database is on the local network, inserting a row was up to 4 times faster than logging to an MSMQ.
When the database was being accessed over a decent internet connection, inserting a row into the database was up to 6 times slower than logging to an MSMQ.
Local database - DB is faster, otherwise MSMQ is.
Instead of making raw MSMQ calls, it might be easier if you implement your sevice as a queued COM+ component and make queued function calls from your client application. In the end, the asynchronous service still uses MSMQ in the background, but your code will be much clearer and easier to use.
I would probably go with MSMQ, or ActiveMQ myself. I would suggest (presuming that you are considering MSMQ you are using windows, with MS technology) looking into WCF, or if you are using MS-SQL 2005+ having a trigger that calls into .net code to run your processing.
Service Broker was introduced in SQL 2005 and it is designed to be very quick at handling messages as the process is relatively simple (I believe its roots were in triggers). If you are concerned about scalability, in SQL 2008 they have released an independant processing executable to separate the processing from SQL Server (in standard Service Broker, everything is controlled by the SQL Server instances).
I would definitely consider using Service Broker over MSMQ but this is dependant on your SQL Development/DBA resources and their knowledge.
Besides of Mitch's answer, some other scenarios:
1. each of your message have its own due date to trigger the action, this can be done through MQ as well, but in this case I prefer to store it into db as it is more controllable;
2. subscriber needs to filter message and then process a portion of it, this can be done by LINQ too, depends on how complex the filter is, the db approach is better because I can use linq to EF do complex query easily;
3. For deployment, i want fully automated deployment process so that DB is a better choice for me. I am not a big fan of manual configurations.

SQL Server Express Idle Mode Partial Data Returns?

I'm attempting to help our network engineers troubleshoot a situation for one of our clients. This client purchased a point-of-sale system from quite literally a "mom-and-pop" vendor, and said vendor recommended SQL Server Express 2005 as the back-end database to save the client from having to incur extra licensing fees. (Please don't get me started on that!)
We didn't write the app, and because it's a commercial app, we have no source code available. (Not that it would help us if we did; the thing was built in PowerBuilder, so we don't have tooling for it.) The app does none of its own logging, that we can ascertain. All we have to go on is SQL Server Express's own logging.
In the application, an end user swipes a membership card. Occasionally (a few times a day), the swipe will not return data from the database. The message on screen will say, "Member 123 not found." (The member numbers are actually six digits, "000123.") A rescan immediately afterward returns the member data correctly.
We've eliminated the scanner itself as a source of issues -- it routinely scans the full six-digit number. A scan of SQL Server Express's log indicates that it is coming back online from being idle, often at the point of the scan (but also at several other times per day). (Idle mode is explained here.)
I understand that allocating/deallocating RAM the way SQL Express does is a time-consuming process, especially if we're talking about hundreds of megabytes at a time -- which appears to be the case.
What we're not sure of is whether or not we're getting back partial data, or if the app is simply failing to connect to the database and displaying a generic error message. Since everything is so opaque, and the client is (for obvious reasons) unwilling to pay us to sit in their facility for 8 hours or so to physically see it happen (perhaps with network monitoring/packet sniffing tools), we're kind of at a loss.
At this point, our recommendation is that the client upgrade to SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition, with 5 CALs. But that doesn't completely sit well with me as the solution to this issue, because I'm reasonably certain that no SQL Server ever returns partial data -- if you can't connect, you can't connect. (That said, I still recommend it because it's a solution to a number of their other issues!)
I don't have much experience with Express. (I never use it for anything but local development, and there only at home; I certainly never recommend it to my clients.)
My question to those who might have experience with Express is, have you ever seen an instance of SQL Express return partial data, without the app itself being the cause of it? Specifically, have you seen this behavior when returning from idle mode?
(For what it's worth, we're inclined to believe that the app is failing to connect and merely displaying a generic error message, lopping off leading zeroes on the member ID when it does. That seems the most reasonable answer -- a third question might be, do you guys concur with that assessment?)
I've never heard of or experienced SQL Server Express returning partial data. It's essentially the same code base as the full SQL Server.
It is more likely that the application is experiencing a timeout (which defaults to 30 seconds) due to SQL Server Express going idle. The application probably receives a timeout that it does not expect and does not handle it well.
The problem and possible solutions are discussed in this forum thread:
I suspect you have a connection string that looks like this:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=True;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\myDatabase.mdf;User Instance=True
From the referenced thread:
This connection string will cause an
initial connection to the main
instance (.\SQLEXPRESS) and then
instruct the main instance to spawn a
new instance of SQL Server under the
user's context and attach the database
specified to that new User Instance.
The User Instance is a completely
separate running instance of SQL
Server form the main instance that is
unique to the user and that will be
shut down when there are no longer any
connections to it.
This is totally different that
attaching a database to the main
instance, which stays running at all
times, unless you've manually shut it
down. If your question is about the
main instance going into an Idle
state, then your question is not
unique to SQL Express and you should
ask this question in the Database
Engine forum. I believe all Editions
of SQL Server have an Idle state and
the other forum would be where you can
find out how to affect that behavior.