Countif and Sumif in Microsoft Access - sql

I'm coming to you with a problem related to my Access database.
To keep it simple, I have two tables, Products and Customers :
Those tables come from a simple Excel file I created to keep track of sales.
In this file, the fields ItemCount and TotalBill from the Customers table are calculated fields using countif and sumif as follows :
ItemCount : =COUNTIF(Products[Customer],[#Customer])
TotalBill : =SUMIF(Products[Customer],[#Customer],Products[Price])
I've realised with despair that MS Access don't offer those functions in the calculated fields, but there must be a way to do something so basic.
The tables must be kept separated.
If someone could help me to the way I'd be most grateful
Thank you all for reading !

This looks like a join and aggregation:
count(*) itemcount,
sum(p.price) totalbill
from products p
inner join customer c on c.customer = p.customer
group by c.customerid, c.customer
Note that you shouldn't be using the name of the customer to relate the two tables, but instead the customer id, which, presumably, is the primary key of the customers table.

You do not mention either you just want the result or you want to update Customers table columns with calculated value. So, if you want to display all the customer form customers table even if there is no transactions on Products table then use below query
SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.Customer, P.Cnt AS ItemCount, P.Sm AS TotalBill
FROM (SELECT products.customer AS PC, Count(Products.Product) AS Cnt, Sum(Products.Price) AS Sm FROM Products GROUP BY Products.Customer) AS P
RIGHT JOIN Customers ON P.PC = Customers.Customer;
Although MS-Access discourage to store calculated value to tables [Run queries or report as need] but you can do that if you want. So, to update Customers table with values from Products table you can try below UPDATE query.
UPDATE Customers SET Customers.ItemCount =
DCount("Product","Products","Customer= '" & Customers.Customer & "'"), Customers.TotalBill =
DSum("Price","Products","Customer= '" & [Customers].[Customer] & "'");


How do I use the . properly with sql?

I am new to sql and have a question about joining 2 tables. Why is there a . in between customers.custnum in this example. What is its significance and what does it do?
customers.custnum, state, qty
Inner join
sales On customers.custnum = sales.custnum
The . is to specify a column of a table.
Let's use your customer table; we could do:
SELECT c.custnum, c.state, c.qty FROM customers as c INNER JOIN
sales as s ON c.custnum = s.custnum
You don't really need the . unless two tables have columns with the same name.
In the below query, there are two tables being referred. One is CUSTOMERS another is STATE. Since both has same column CUSTNUM, we need a way to tell the database which CUSTNUM are we referring to. Same as there may be many Bob's, if so their last name is used for disambiguation.
I would consider the below style as more clearer. That's opinionated.
cust.custnum, cust.state, s.qty
customers cust -- use alias for meaningful referencing, you may be self-joining, during that time you can use cust1, cust2 as aliases.
Inner join
sales as s On cust.custnum = s.custnum
Think of it as a way to categorize the hierarchical nature of the database. Within a DB, there are tables, and within tables there are columns. It's just a way of keeping track, especially if you are working with multiple tables that may have the same column name.
For example, a table called Sales and a table called Customers might both have a column called Date. You may be writing a query where you only want the date from the Sales table, so you would specify that by writing:
Select *
From Sales
inner join Customers on Sales.ID = Customers.ID
where Sales.Date = '1/1/2019'

My question is about SQL, using a TOP function inside a sub-query in MS Access

Overall what I'm trying to achieve is a query that shows the most ordered item from a customer in a database. To achieve this I've tried making a query showing how many times a customer has ordered an item, and now I am trying to create a sub-query in it using TOP1 to discern the most bought items.
With the SQL from the first query (looking weird because I made it with the Access automatic creator):
COUNT(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) AS CountOfProductCode
FROM (Employees
INNER JOIN (Customers
ON Customers.CustomerCode = Sales.CustomerCode)
ON Employees.EmployeeCode = Sales.EmployeeCode)
INNER JOIN (Products
INNER JOIN SalesQuantity
ON Products.ProductCode = SalesQuantity.ProductCode)
ON Sales.SalesCode = SalesQuantity.SalesCode
COUNT(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) DESC;
I have tried putting in a subquery after FROM line:
(SELECT TOP1 CountOfProduct(s)
FROM (.....)
ORDER by Count(SalesQuantity.ProductCode) DESC)
I'm just not sure what to put in for the "from"-every other tutorial has the data from an already created table, however this is from a query that is being made at the same time. Just messing around I've put "FROM" and then listed every table, as well as
FROM Count(SalesQuantity.ProductCode)
just because I've seen that in the order by from the other code, and assume that the query is discerning from this count. Both tries have ended with an error in the syntax of the "FROM" line.
I'm new to SQL so sorry if it's blatantly obvious, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
As I understand, you want the most purchased product for each customer.
So, begin by building aggregate query that counts product purchases by customer (appears to be done in the posted image). Including customer ID in the query would simplify the next step which is to build another query with TOP N nested query.
Part of what complicates this is unique record identifier is lost because of aggregation. Have to use other fields from the aggregate query to provide unique identifier. Consider:
SELECT * FROM Query1 WHERE CustomerID & ProductName IN
(SELECT TOP 1 CustomerID & ProductName FROM Query1 AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.CustomerID = Query1.CustomerID
ORDER BY Dupe.CustomerID, Dupe.CountOfProductCode DESC);
Overall what I'm trying to achieve is a query that shows the most ordered item from a customer in a database.
This answers your question. It does not modify your query which is only tangentially related.
SELECT s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode, SUM(sq.quantity) as qty
SalesQuantity as sq
ON s.SalesCode = sq.SalesCode
GROUP BY s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode;
To get the most ordered items, you can use this twice:
SELECT s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode, SUM(sq.quantity) as qty
SalesQuantity as sq
ON s.SalesCode = sq.SalesCode
GROUP BY s.CustomerCode, sq.ProductCode
HAVING sq.ProductCode IN (SELECT TOP 1 sq2.ProductCode
SalesQuantity as sq2
ON s2.SalesCode = sq2.SalesCode
WHERE s2.CustomerCode = s.CustomerCode
GROUP BY sq2.ProductCode
In almost any other database, this would be simpler, because you would be able to use window functions.

Two Tables in SQL Database

beginner sql coder. I have an Access database with a customers table and orders table. The headers of the columns have a space (i.e: Shipped Date). I need to return Company Name, Contact Name, and Phone of customers who placed orders in March of 1998. Shipped Dates are formatted as 01-Mar-1998.
How do I do this? Access keeps giving me errors
SELECT Orders.*,Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName, Customers.Phone
FROM Customers, Orders
FROM Orders
JOIN Customers ON Orders.Order ID=Customers.Order ID)
AND Shipped Date BETWEEN #03/01/1998# AND #03/31/1998#;
GROUP BY Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName, Customers.Phone;
New code
FROM Orders INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.Customer=Customers.[Company Name]
WHERE Orders.[Shipped Date] BETWEEN #01-MAR-1998# AND #31-MAR-1998#;
The code runs, but Access prompts me to enter values for the all of the column names...Please help!
Your Query is incorrectly formed. As we should enclose the coloumns with names containing spaces in []
also tour GROUP BY was not relevant.
Now when we use JOIN we should have the query like :
SELECT * FROM Orders JOIN Customers ON Orders.[Order ID]=Customers.[Order ID]
WHERE Orders.[Shipped Date] BETWEEN #03/01/1998# AND #03/31/1998#;

Summing Sales Data Access

I'm just starting out with SQL, I have been playing around with simple select queries and grouping data, now I want to pull some actually useful data out of our database for analysis. The data is organized as follows:
Access 2010 Database
I didn't set it up, I know it isn't set up as it should be
I can't change data, only poll
-Customers are kept in one table
-Closed orders are kept in another table (each line item is listed with invoice #, date closed, Customer ID as well as other info)
-Archived closed orders table keep sales records that are a year + old (table is laid out exactly the same as Closed order table)
I want to start with a simple query, list all the customers from a certain branch and their past year totals. Here's what I have tried:
When I run the query, it asks me to enter a parameter value for CLOSEDORDERS.Quant. What am I doing wrong?
I think this is what you're looking for with an OUTER JOIN:
CUSTOMERS.[Ship City],
If you only want to return matching results from both tables, then use a standard INNER JOIN instead of the LEFT JOIN.

Multiple records joined Access SQL

I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible but if it is possible, it's probably a really easy solution that I just can't figure out. Once things get to a certain complexity though, my head starts spinning. Please forgive my ignorance.
I have a database running in MS Access 2007 for a school which has a plethora of tables joined to each other. I'm trying to create a query in which I get information from several tables. I'm looking up sales and payment information for different customers, pulling info from several different linked tables. Each sale is broken down into one of 4 categories, Course Fee, Registration Fee, Book Fee and Others. Because each customer will have multiple purchases, each one is a separate entry in the Sales table. The payment information is also in its own table.
My SQL currently looks like this:
SELECT StudentContracts.CustomerID, (Customers.CFirstName & " " & Customers.CLastName) AS Name, Customers.Nationality, Courses.CourseTitle, (StudentContracts.ClassesBought + StudentContracts.GiftClasses) AS Weeks, StudentContracts.StartDate, Sales.SaleAmount, SaleType.SaleType, Sales.DueDate, Payments.PaymentAmount
(Customers INNER JOIN StudentContracts ON Customers.CustomerID = StudentContracts.CustomerID)
INNER JOIN Payments ON Customers.CustomerID = Payments.CustomerID)
(SaleType INNER JOIN Sales ON SaleType.SalesForID = Sales.SalesForID)
ON Customers.CustomerID = Sales.CustomerID)
(Courses INNER JOIN Classes ON Courses.CourseID = Classes.CourseID)
INNER JOIN StudentsClasses ON Classes.ClassID = StudentsClasses.ClassID)
ON Customers.CustomerID = StudentsClasses.CustomerID;
This works and brings up the information I need. However, I am getting one record for each sale as in:
CustomerID Name ... SaleAmount SaleType PaymentAmount
1 Bob $600 Course $1000
1 Bob $300 RgnFee $1000
1 Bob $100 Book $1000
What I need is one line for each customer but each sale type in it's own column in the row with the sale amount listed in its value field. As so:
CustomerID Name ... Course RgnFee Book Others PaymentAmount
1 Bob $600 $300 $100 $1000
Can anyone help and possibly explain what I should/need to be doing?
Thanks in advance!
You can create a cross tab from the query you have already created. Add the query to the Query Design Grid, choose Crosstab from query types, and select a Row or rows, Column and Value.
TRANSFORM Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS SumOfSaleAmount
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS Total
FROM TableQuery t
GROUP BY t.ID, t.Name
PIVOT t.SaleType
If you want a certain order, you can edit the property sheet to include column headings, or you can add an In statement to the SQL. Note that if you add column headings, a column will be included for each column, whether or not data is available, and more importantly, a column will not be included that has data, if it is not listed.
TRANSFORM Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS SumOfSaleAmount
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, Sum(t.SaleAmount) AS Total
FROM TableQuery t
GROUP BY t.ID, t.Name
PIVOT t.SaleType In ("Course","RgnFee","Book","Others");